

第44章 纳撒尼尔·克罗斯教授(2 / 2)
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Although there is no evidence, it turns out that Naomi Saki kne that she survived, and the Sord of damocles hanging above her head disappeared.

Naomi miisaki cried ith joy. he couldn't ait to get out of bed and look for the not-so-tall figure, but the Korean Alliance investigators guarding the door, ith perfectly rational eyes, doused him ith cold ater. .

he could not go and could only ait here for his uncle's triumphant return.

Li Ka'an suddenly appeared from the sky and jumped onto the bed in Rumi Kaakami's room in the afterlife. he endured dizziness from space travel and could barely stand on his bed.

“Are you done yet?” Li Jiaan shook his head and smelled the scent of blood in the air. he kne a lot about it, but asn't sure about it until he reached the stairs and sa the mutilated and fallen body of the dog. there is a Shiba Inu head in the bottom corner confirming the fact.

\"I exorcised mimiko's curse,\" Gin matsumoto's voice said from donstairs.

Li Jiang stepped on the Shiba Inu's body and reached the first floor. he sa Rumi Kaakami's mother's bones cut into several pieces by the sharp knife in Gin matsumoto's hands. matsumoto Gin picked up a handkerchief and gently iped the silver blade.

``the problem is not over yet.'' Li Ka'an felt that Gin matsumoto's tone had calmed don a little, ``the fight against the culprit ho made Kisaragi high School a gathering place of blessed poer is not over yet. If e don't get rid of that speculation,

\"I kno, there's no need to remind me,\" Gin matsumoto said ith a sigh, \"I just... feel tired all of a sudden.\"

hen matsumoto Yin looked up and mechanically turned his head, he Jian couldn’t help but fron and take a step back. he could see the other person looking at him ith black eyes that ere pletely covered.

“No matter ho e discover, deal ith, expel, and resolve these anomalies, e still cannot prevent them from appearing. or, there are still lives that lost their lives because of us... end a., the truth is that the ay this orld lives is rong, and the nature of this orld is crazy...\" Gin matsumoto is a knife he dropped the handkerchief he had been using to ipe his face, handed him the handkerchief that had fallen on the floor, and then left. Step by step toards he Jia'an.

As I started alking, the magic knife in my hand gloed strangely. After a hile, a cylindrical object as pushed out from the handle of the knife, covering and impaling Gin matsumoto ith a speed and amount he had never seen before. It attacks the opponent ith a strange beast-like figure hose entire body is covered in piping, bined ith an increasingly strange magic sord.

\"matsumoto-san, I think there's something rong ith you,\" Li Jian'an said, stepping back.

he sa the dark energy in the air converging on Jin matsumoto. the closer it got to Gin matsumoto, the stronger the black energy became, until it turned into something like a thorn and penetrated Gin matsumoto's channel-filled body, causing him to groan ithout feeling any pain. And lots of fun.

\"No, mr. Lee, I'm fine,\" said Gin matsumoto, unable to see his face again. the blade seemed to loosen from his hand, but the groove of the strange sord as still firmly connected to Gin matsumoto, resting on the groove on his back. hen put together, it looks like a tail.

Gin matsumoto teeted, ``Suddenly, I started to see the the orld is crazy, as long as e humans accept our insanity and actively accept pollution, e on't be excluded from the orld...''

``I don't object to you anting to be someone else, but I also ant you to respect everyone ho doesn't ant to be degraded.'' Li Jiang retreated to the door and unscreed the door handle. , I opened the door and took it out.

Gin matsumoto's voice as dark, ``If e don't acknoledge corruption, sooner or later e ill be salloed up by this crazy dark that case, those ho don't ant to be tainted by corruption might be better off dead.''...but... You die of pain first! ”

ith that said, Gin matsumoto started running furiously.

Li Jiang turned and ran. As soon as he jumped out of the door, a large tisted rope-like object made of dense tubes fle out of the Kaakami house's door. the impact of the stretched part breaks everything several hundred meters in the stretching direction. object

``Is this guy under the control of a magic sord no?'' Li Jian as in disbelief, thinking that matsumoto Gin couldn't be so fragile, and suddenly he as lost in the enchantment of the magic sord.

considering the dark energy that surrounded matsumoto Gin earlier, it as clearly a cursed poer that had invaded the atmosphere of the other orld, but for some reason, a large amount of it suddenly gathered around matsumoto Gin. Apparently under the poer of a curse, his negative emotions and dark desires ere amplified infinitely, and his spirit as defeated by a magic knife.

``hat happened to mr. matsumoto before I came?'' Li Jian'an couldn't help guessing that matsumoto bank as being set up.

hen Gin matsumoto let out a strange, inhuman roar, the tubes ing out of his body rapidly closed, and suddenly spread out in all directions, as if a solid object had exploded, causing the tubes to shake violently. Everything he goes through. Not a single object has survived.

country! country! country……

A gigantic bird figure suddenly passed over he Jia'an's head and fle across the border, creating an invisible all of ind behind he Jia'an, cutting off all paths that tried to harm he Jia'an. I blocked it.

As expected, it's a bird! Li Jian as shocked. hen he sa the large, deformed bird ith the strange human face again, he not only felt no fear, but even a feeling of nostalgia.

but soon he Jian became confused. because Gufuo bird's characteristic as to steal and protect children. but ho could he, a child in his 30s eighing over 110 pounds, bee the target of his protection?

In that case, there is only one anser. there is still some humanity in this bird, it knos and recognizes itself. he saves and protects himself many times because he doesn't ant to see himself hurt.

to hundred and forty vampires

Gin matsumoto, ho has transformed into a channel monster, lets out a roar that doesn't sound like a human voice, and uses a movement method that is elusive to humans to perform tisting attacks. part of his body channel as rapped around a bird singing in the sky. .

In response, the Gufuo bird just roared, and the pipes it came toards turned into rotting ood one after another, and the coal-like substance as scattered by the ind from the flapping of its ings.

the terrifying magical ind is filled ith mysterious poer. No matter here it passes, all objects appear to be violently chopped into tiny particles that are then scattered by the ind.

``does Gufuo's bird still have that ability?'' Li Jia'an's heart pounded. this Gufuo bird as pletely different from anything I had seen before. It as the strangest and most poerful thing he had ever seen, at least in terms of abilities.

hile Gu huoniao and matsumoto Ying ere fighting, he Jian caught a glimpse of a humanoid figure disappearing on a corner of the street. he immediately shouted \"stop\" and hurried after her.

\"It is impossible for Gin matsumoto to be affected by the poer of blessing for no reason. It must be men ho hide in secret and use the poer of blessing to spread the curse.\" Li Jian chased him don the street. , ran 100 meters to another straight street. , he finally spots a mysterious man alking around the corner.

Li Jian held a paring knife in his arm. It may be a aste of time, but it as someho encouraging. he asked coldly, \"ho are you?\"

the other person didn't anser, just stared at him ith a stiff smile on his face. he sloly opened his eyes to reveal dark green eyes, colder than an iceberg and colder than mud...

No, in he Jiaan's opinion, these ere not ordinary eyes, but rather a group of translucent biological eggs, like dragonfly eggs gathered in a sphere. one eye seemed to hide a thousand intensely staring eyes.

this guy is not human!

Li Jia'an as thinking very clearly, so the gaze that seemed to e from a higher dimension than humans as very familiar to him. Usually, it as the group appearance exhibited by unnatural races and far superior human civilizations. there as no meaning in these eyes. there are no emotions other than impregnable rationality and indifference.

After just staring at it for a fe moments, he Jian felt that the illusion of being atched by countless eyes returned. the hair on my entire body trembled, and my brain imagined that each pore as pumping a heart just like this mysterious person's. Imagine the eyes, those eyes filling his hole body, he turned into a terrible monster.

“have you gathered the poer of blessing?” Li Jiang kept asking ith a smile.

the mysterious man said nothing. he sloly raised his almost hairless arm, flipped his rist, held out his index finger to he Jian, and virtually nodded.

the next moment, he Jia'an felt an unknon voice floing into his head, but miraculously he as able to understand this strange language. he soon realized that it as a mysterious man ho as speaking through principles that ere difficult for soul-like people to understand. municate ith him through induction, brainaves, and other methods.

the other party ansered his questions and admitted hat he and the race behind him had done.

\"hat do you ant to do?\" Li Jia'an said in a deep voice.

Immediately, he Jian received a reply from the other party. Shocked and confused, he repeated in his head hat the other person had just said. \"Invading and occupying this planet requires an adaptable environment that only he can provide.\"

As soon as he finished speaking, he Jian'an felt as if he had been hit hard on the head, and many strange memory images appeared in his head, as if a realistic movie as playing on a loop in his eyes. I as pushed.

these paintings depict a planet ith a harsh living environment, but there are many races on this planet that Earthlings cannot understand. Anything that can barely be translated into human language ould probably be called a vampire.

hoever, this race of vampires is pletely different from the race of vampires in the realm of human literature. Although the vampire race does not require blood to survive, their very existence resembles blood. the blood-like liquid body does not depose and transforms into a structure similar to the eggs of terrestrial animals. but they ere not eyes, but formless fetuses.

Yes, vampires are a group of abnormal races that can reproduce on their on and in great numbers at once. they built their on living civilization on Earth. From the perspective of human technological civilization, this civilization is distorted, primitive, and inprehensible.

on their planet, natural disasters parable to super-large nuclear bombs frequently occur in various parts of the orld, but they have overe these disasters one after another by relying on their unique \"blood and flesh\" bodies. And please develop a onderful civilization.

hoever, even vampires ith strong survival poers cannot survive and achieve the ability to alk in space, and it is even more difficult for their on flesh-and-blood civilization to support their development at this time. Logically speaking, the path of civilization is to plete interstellar travel. It ill be a very long development process.

but everything changes for the better until one day a UFo from outside the sky crashes to Earth. In this strange flying object they found all sorts of strange shapes, hich had certain las. both the physical animals and the dark and tragic animals that lead these strange animals look like a group of standing rats in people's eyes.

Later on, the vampires learn that the rat-men are a race of people called pufferfish from the outside orld. they formed an interstellar fleet equipped ith biological eapons of their on making. they plan to invade the planet, but encounter a terrifying enemy race as they make their ay through space. , the to engaged in an unimaginably fierce battle in space. this spaceship, hich crashed in the territory of Vampire planet, as nothing more than a rescue ship in a large group of ships. In other ords, the puffer fish fought against an eternal enemy. the ship also attacked a rescue ship carrying a large amount of biological eapons and \"pufferfish refugees\", and accidentally fell into vampire territory after an accident.

All of this happened after one vampire as later revered by vampires as a \"great pioneer.\" he as the first vampire to have the courage to try and digest biological eapons and blofish as food. Vampire's strange physiological structure hen digesting food, it is possible to read the genetic information and brain information that they ``ate''.

the puffer rat race has a glorious biotechnological civilization that took years to develop, but is so easily digested, divided, and absorbed by a group of strange lifeforms that it ends up being pletely transformed into something as if they ere making things. I never dreamed that I ould be devoured by. rong She stole someone else's edding dress.

hile the vampires discovered genetic information and civilization information about the pufferfish, they also discovered a mysterious belief in the spaceship called the \"moon of a thousand Illusions.\"

242 families invaded

Not only did the vampires plunder blofish's spaceship, but the spaceship itself became food for the vampires. the knoledge and isdom of the puffer fish has been integrated into the vampire civilization, and the vampire experience of civilization has advanced dramatically. Such an improvement.

As the vampires gre rapidly, they eventually learned that other civilizations and other races existed outside of their planet. It turns out that the planet they ere on as not peaceful. In distant times and spaces, there are more livable living spaces.

the blofish plane that crashed on their planet had location information similar to interstellar coordinates recorded. It as originally a bright star that the puffers ere planning to invade, but it ended up being the bride of the vampires by mistake. clothes

there as an incredible spark beteen the unique flesh-and-blood civilization of vampires and the biotechnology of blofish. the to plemented each other, and after the merger, a ne vampire civilization developed. they further learned to transform their bodies and perfected the blofish transformation. the transformation of the spaceship living on the planet uses a certain substance secreted by itself ith the poer of the spaceship to drive the spaceship and move freely through space.

the vampires, ho finally have the ability to travel through space, can't ait to land on the planet marked by the plane's system.

hen they finally arrive on Earth, the vampires are shocked to discover that hile the planet may be beautiful and colorful, it is clearly unsuitable for habitation. the cold air, stable temperature and mild sunlight here are deadly for them. poison

the vampires ho arrived on Earth ere extremely vulnerable and could only temporarily hide deep underground in the darkness.

the vampires kno that this is all temporary and are already planning ho to quickly turn this planet into their on.

the extradimensional belief \"thousand Fantasy moon\" is an alien belief brought about by the frightening alien god Fugu, ho exists in the dimension of blood and flesh and tries to annex the other dimension orld. I changed it into something that I can see. today. this situation, the tragic state of the afterlife today, is exactly hat Fugu himself had planned for a long time.

the harsh environment of this orld is not suitable for humans to survive for long, but it is an extremely suitable environment for vampires.

So the vampires ant to drag the alien god chen huang Yue from the afterlife to the real Earth. In this ay, qian huan Yue can invade this orld ith all his might, transform this orld, and make Earth the ne home of vampires. here, day and night, there is no danger of a nuclear explosion, and the Earth, like its home planet, is on the verge of collapse. they can survive and reproduce for longer periods of time.

they try to blend into the human orld ith the help of human skin, and then use people to help them pay the price necessary to summon the moon Ritual of a thousand Illusions.

In fact, this has been very successful. humans are very easily fooled. Like these ancient peoples, they have plex beliefs, but some change their minds and are full of servants and strongholds.

For humans, or for this alien species in the starry sky, alien beings like vampires are poerful and irresistible. Vampires demonstrated a small amount of advanced civilization technology that as difficult for people at the time to understand, but it as quite shocking. people he quickly fell into their conspiracy and took the initiative to pay the price for the \"Rite of Arrival at the thousand Fantasy moons.\"

Among them is the person ho as the founder of Kisaragi high School and also served as its first principal. he as a relentless and insensitive enforcer of this ritual. he established schools and used teachers, students, and other staff to plete his Advent.

pleting an Advent ceremony is actually pleting a matrix that spans the dimensions of time and space. hen a vampire injects a large amount of negative emotional extract, hich is an energy similar to bliss extracted from a human's overfloing emotions, into the omb, it essentially behaves like an inert gas. the poer of the total blessing immediately boiled and erupted, pouring into Advent's omb in large quantities, helping Kisaragi high School to open cosmic passages to the inner orld one after another.

After the path to the other orld as opened, the evil and difficult living environment of the other orld attracted vampires. they soon strengthened their belief in the invasion and prayed to the gluttonous and greedy qianhuan Zhiyue, hoping that he ould help them transform the Earth.

thousand Fantasy moon, hich as largely unansered, seemed to have received the prayers of its folloers and actually agreed ith the vampires. Everything they ant is in your hands, as long as they let go of the space passage of this orld and part of his large body and pass through this orld.

hat happened after that could basically be related to hat Li Jian kne.

to ensure the normal progression of each Advent, vampires often hide in darkness, carefully selecting specific sacrifices, and channeling these sacrifices as ra material for ne energy. they don't casually kill animals just to attract more people. , attract more people.

As time passes, the number of spatial channels opened by Kisaragi high School ill increase, hich means that the poer of the collected blessings ill be concentrated. hen the poer of the collected blessing reaches a certain limit, it evolves into the famous curse. .

but vampires don't care about curses. hat they are more concerned about is making the illusion of the moon e a thousand times.

Li Ka'an heard about vampires. It seemed like a long narration, but in reality, it only took a fe seconds for his brain to quickly understand and digest them through this telepathic munication.

\"You are all invaders. I don't understand ho you feel. Let me consider your position. this makes no sense.\" Li Jia'an said quietly, his eyes looking at the other person. became more determined.

No matter hat being is superior to humans, it ill never be given to them.

``And hat happened to that matsumoto man is clearly your doing.'' Li Jian'an loered his eyes and said, ``ho can people ho don't respect life make me respect your ideas?'' ?they're just a herd of animals.''

the vampire as very satisfied ith he Jia’an’s ords. the human skin he as carrying on his back suddenly expanded several times its size, pushing up against his clothes, and then immediately shrunk. A large blood-red mass rapidly erupted from the opening in the skin. the liquid, the liquid is ell covered ith eye-like eggs, and each egg is \"looking\" at he Jia'an.

\"ell, it looks like the person ho gave you the red envelope is scared.\" Li Jian'an received another telepathic message from the vampire and couldn't help but laugh.

oh -

A large blood-red liquid spread inside a large cloth and immediately rapped around he Jia'an, trapping him, and suddenly contracted and rapped the person in a rice ball.

In the next moment, a bright light flashed out, and the red blood surrounding he Jian exploded into an ordinary pool of blood, spilling onto the ground.

\"Looks like you've been recognized as a devil too,\" Li Ka'an muttered as he looked at the red Ne Year's gift, hich had turned black again.

242 fortunes and misfortunes are at stake.

the old man as reading a nespaper in a recliner. Even in his cabin in the oods, boss Lin as alays aare of orld events. he ould sometimes express his opinions to ei Jiang, ho as reading the nespaper the day before yesterday, and discuss hat events interested each opinion.

chen xiaolin, dressed in hite, alks by, and as soon as boss Lin's teacup is empty, he immediately steps forard and pours the tea.

the tea is boslin's special scented tea. black cat in the prank shop. Unless someone is careful, the pot of spider lilies on the table ill lose some of its petals, and the octopus in the aquarium ill lose a leg or an eye.

Relying on boss Lin's grace, his on beauty, and an indescribable sense of intimidation, this little man stormed around the cabin, barely looking at anyone but boss Lin.

the octopus in the tank is missing a leg or part of an eye, hich the little guy must have eaten. hoever, it is pletely different from licorice in that several petals are missing. they ere kids ho ere bored and played to kill time.

Ling Ling as never angry, alays smiling, and alays collecting fallen petals that danced like fish on the table and storing them in a jar.

No, I've been collecting for a hile and the entire jar is almost full of tisted, tisted licorice petals.

Should e say this cat is naughty, or should e say that this licorice floer is really alive? Li dujin sa all this and sighed many times.

After collecting jars of licorice petals, Linlin said she ould use them to make her on unique floer tea. he used licorice petals and tea that he brought from outside, but he did not kno here it came from. 3 boxes of spiced licorice floer tea.

Let's not talk about hether this is dangerous, hether it is safe to drink, hether the licorice floer itself is poisonous. Even if it's not real licorice floer, it may not be poisonous, but is it delicious if it's made through this process? Except for Li duanen, all the staff in the cabin had doubts in their hearts.

Every time they couldn't help but ask, Ling Ling ould smile and invite them to e eat ith her.

pin pin?

the employees of the hut do not have the courage to touch even a drop of this... tasting everything ill only hurt themselves.

As long as the chef likes it, it doesn't matter if it's drinkable or delicious.

Li tajin took ater from the tank ith a ladle, poured it into the sprinkler, and atered the trembling licorice floers every day. he asked boss Lin hile controlling the amount of ater sprayed. “boss, here is mr. Yu going no?”

It as actually a bit strange, since the customers ho came to the store ultimately had their on destinations.

hether it as revenge or a good death, he could not find Yu Lianyun's hereabouts. this as the issue he had been most interested in and concerned about lately. boss Lin seemed to be in a good mood, taking advantage of this relatively relaxing and fortable time. therefore, I ould like to take this opportunity to ask you a question.

Ling Ling replied, \"happiness or misfortune depends on him. he used to enjoy blessings, and no he ants to return the blessings to nature.\"

In other ords, does that mean that e are no enjoying a \"blessing\"? ei Jiang thought so, but there as no trace of concern for his former colleague on his face. to be precise, he asn't actually orried about Yu Lianyun's fate. situation

\"this is probably true.\" Ling Ling thought for a hile, but did not deny ei Jiang's statement.

\"In other ords, herever there is blessing, there is alays blessing.\" chen xiaolin expressed his speculation.

Ling Ling smiled slightly. “blessings are everyhere…”

hearing this, ei Jiang and the others suddenly realized.

Yes, the blessing had already spread all over the orld, and the person ho released it as Yu Lianyun himself.

Li Ka'an ran furiously and finally returned to Kisaragi high School, hich looked like a huge tomb. hoever, his journey home as not easy.

they eren't attacked or harassed by animals from another orld, nor ere they attacked by blood-sucking animals, but there as a large ind belt near Kisaragi high School. that as the last big ind belt he sa. the storm moved over time and enveloped Kisaragi high School.

It as not easy to get through the ind belt and reach the eye of the typhoon. he alked through the seers, narroly avoided various types of rotten animal locks in the Flesh dimension, and escaped through a manhole cover onto the road in the Eye Realm. I ill leave here and safely return to Kisaragi high School in another orld.

\"this is the origin. If the vampire plan is successful, they ill definitely e back to this place and observe the ritual of descent that they have arranged for many years.\" Li Jia'an thought that these vampires must be here.

``ho many more people are there?'' Li Jian put his hand into his pocket and gripped the red envelope tightly.

there is a limited time hen red envelopes for Ne Year's can be used. At this rate, unless he finds the ritual of descent and finds a ay to break it, he may die and the earth may be destroyed.

If a horribly evil and poerful god like qianhuan Zhiyue ere to e to Earth, it ould be nothing short of a catastrophe, a disaster so terrible that most of the living species on Earth ould no longer be able to survive.

Li Jia'an didn't kno ho many times the Ne Year's red envelope ould help him deal ith vampires. All he kne as that after the Ne Year's red envelope as pletely sealed, he ould face an unprecedented nightmare.

Everything you buy at a cabin in the oods has a price. Even though the consumption of ``money'' under the concept of cabin la is already a consideration, obtaining permission to use this ultra-standard capacity is already a regulation.

therefore, there are only negative consequences brought about by using red Ne Year's gift.

Li Ka'an entered the territory of Kisaragi high School. At a glance in the hallay, I spotted traces of vampires. they turned into strange people, strange dogs, etc. her facial expressions and body posture ere extremely graceful, yet inhuman. Strange objects andered around the campus, unconsciously looking at them in disguise, or playing ith their deliberately tisted bodies like toys.

Seeing this, he Jian usually avoids as much as possible and focuses on sneaking onto campus. this time, he must make the descent ceremony of Nagatsuki high School in another orld a success and end everything ith his on hands.

based on my memories of last time at Kisaragi high School and the current situation, I immediately thought that at least one of the existing Advent ceremonies must be in the principal's office.


the bloodorm attacked he Jian again. he as like a fat pig aiting to be cooked in the hallay. but before he could get close enough, the bloodorm that tried to descend from the sky died cleanly.

243 people lost

the death of the vampire flesh insects has aakened other vampires roaming the campus.

these mimic insects sensed the death of their rades and sided ith he Jia'an. they tisted and ran toards he Jia'an's house.

Soon a strange babbling sound could be heard from all sides. there ere too many, and the sound as too plex. Li Jiang could no longer rely on sounds to kno here as the safest place, and could only choose the direction of escape.

hile running aay, he Jian heard a loud sound like a balloon bursting, hich continued to echo throughout the dead campus. Although he hadn't seen it ith his on eyes, he had already guessed that it as countless vampires playing an evil prank. his sollen body burst out of the skin, and he finally ished to lay aside his burdens and hunt rebellious animals in their most primitive and ild forms.

hen he Jia'an entered the second floor of the stairs next to the administration building, he sa a sticky slurry and the smell of blood. the broken human skin that had been forced open as soaked lifelessly inside. A pair of blank faces on human faces. the empty eye sockets ere filled ith the fear and despair of the dead.

Li Jiang, ho felt his blood moving, ignored it and continued up the stairs ithout daring to look back. the only sounds I could hear ere the rushing of the ater and the aves rippling from behind, hich as also the roar of death.

he ran to the top floor, and Li Jiang ent straight to the director's office, but a group of vampires behind him stood at the entrance to the floor. they stood there curiously, staring at the area filled ith the creature's eggs. As he Jia'an fle aay, several blood-sucking insects gathered together to form a strange beauty, like a large princely floer in full bloom.

\"Aren't they chasing me? It seems like they're also afraid of qianhuan Zhiyue,\" Li Jian guessed in his heart.

qianhuanzhiyue appears to be the \"greediest\" god he has ever seen. he alays ants to eat the fat man in one bite, hinting at salloing the hole orld at once. his greed seems both insane and inprehensible. Naturally, a strange god ith such unfathomable desires devours even his on folloers ithout hesitation, groing greatly as his on nourishment.

Li Jian'an sloed don and stood in front of the door of the director's office. he heard the cries and voices of grief filling the room and felt like he as standing just a door aay from hell.

taking a deep breath, he Jian made a decision in his heart. he lifted his foot and roughly thre her off, immediately pushing against the sturdy door panel of the arden's office.

the moment the door as kicked open, Li Jian rushed toards the glass of vampire meat ithout hesitation. behind him there as a terrible landslide. the crack quickly spread don to his feet. the protoplast bulges that fill the bubble spin, branches sprouting from parts of its body that can transform into anything at ill, ready to catch anything that disturbs its haven.

the red bugs seemed to see through he Jia'an's dirty thoughts, but ere unaffected by any emotions. hen they sa he Jian running toards them, they immediately reacted and several red orms gathered together. he transformed into a giant meat mountain monster and charged toards he Jian.

Seeing this, he Jian continued to run forard, even ith cold seat on his forehead, as if he as determined to fight to the end.

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