

第45章 埃尔德里埃尔德里奇避风港奇避风港(2 / 2)
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perhaps this voice anted to send him there to die, or maybe it anted to guide him on hat to do here.

And soon, Naomi miizaki heard a roar on the campus, and a strange and loud scream as near her.

he ran to the all of the hallay, looked don, and immediately sa he Jia'an holding a sord and slashing randomly in the air. Regardless of the posture in hich he Jia'an held the sord, the sord seemed to gro on he Jia'an's hand. ho convenient it is to dra a knife. the knife handle is still firmly attached to the hand and the blade is very sharp. It can easily break through alls as thick as 10 cm.

Seeing that it as he Jia'an that she anted to meet, Saki Naomei as happy at first, but then she realized that he Jia'an as in a normal condition and immediately became orried about him.

It can be seen that Saki Naomi did not think much and immediately ran to find he Jian.

perhaps it as because the apocalyptic sights around him made him feel that the end of the orld as near and that there as no chance for humans to escape from the end of death, so he decided to give it a try. probably because he as determined and courageous.

\"Uncle!\" hen Naomi misaki came don, she sa he Jia'an's figure, ith the veins all over his body sticking out. he felt a little scared, but still made the call.

hen Li Jian'an heard the sound, he immediately turned his hite eyes toards her, stared at her ith a fierce face, tisted his body and started running in a strange posture.

Seeing Naomi Sakin's legs trembling, she didn't avoid it, she as confident that she could regain he Jia'an's consciousness, and called he Jian over and over again, her voice being more and more It gre.

Li Ka'an, like a madman, thre Naomi misaki to the ground, raised the knife ith both hands, sung the blade straight up, and stabbed Naomi misaki in the eye.

Naomi misaki's vagina contracted rapidly, and her eyes shoed that he Jia'an as about to kill her.

hoever, the knife stopped less than a centimeter after it fell, and he Jian's ferocious and violent face as full of pain, as if he as fighting a monster that controlled his body.

ith a thud, the ceiling collapsed, and large pieces of debris fell toards the to of them.


he Jia'an's jelly suddenly regained the ability to move. he sung the knife behind his back, breaking the falling piece of ceiling in to. the to halves fell next to each other, causing a large amount of dust to fly up around them.

\"Uncle?\" misaki Naomi's eyes never left he Jia'an for a moment. the moment he Jia'an regained consciousness, he couldn't control his impulse and hugged her directly, saying, \"I thought I as going to die. I'm going to lose.\"

\"...Let's go.\" he Jia'an, ho had barely regained control of his body, felt pity for the girl, but he didn't have time to do anything unnecessary at this time. he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse, trembling voice, as if it ere not his on business. \"e don't have time. e have to get out of the center of this storm.\"

Naomi misaki as not a pretentious girl and immediately helped he Jian, and the to quickly fled from Kisaragi high School to another orld.

Nes about Sakurajima momoki city as urgently canceled after the program's screen content began to cause \"pollution.\" there ere already people around the orld ho became mentally normal through the broadcast screen, so the broadcast content as changed from the screen to ord.

hoever, naturally, after the person in charge of the live broadcast could not be contacted, no trace of the teletext remained.

people on the internet are silent. A quiet fear is spreading rapidly. people feel once again that a hopeless death is very near. Some people start posting self-deprecating ments on the internet. All kinds of dark and tisted ments are posted uncontrollably, and this kind of uncontrollability gradually moves from online to offline.

\"hat else can e do?\" the chosen Alliance investigators observed dark clouds in the sky and a constant gray sound. their hearts ere filled ith despair. they stood, knelt, and sat in ae. the floers and plants around him quickly ithered, and he felt an indescribable panic, as if a ghost as haunting him and eating aay at his sanity.


Suddenly, all the electronic screens in the taom city area emitted strange real sounds and suddenly a strange video played. A beautiful oman in a hite coat, her hair untidy and her face difficult to see, as bing her hair in front of the mirror. , silently bing your hair, covering your face in the mirror, and other acts all reveal the violation and strangeness of the scene for the camera and bring all kinds of psychological disfort. the residents of taom city, hich as invaded by a force from another dimension, regained the ability to think carefully due to the strangeness. Reason sloly returned.

Seeing the oman earing hite clothes in the video being mutilated by a perverted family, everyone as even more horrified as they broke out in a cold seat and sa the distorted humanity recorded behind this video.

people ho ere out of control suddenly became energetic and mental pollution as actually resisted.

248,000 ghosts alk in the night

hen people atched the last scene of the strange recorded video, their hearts trembled as if they had just seen a countdon to death.

Anyone ho looks at this image ill die in 7 days!

true, strange images can temporarily remove mental contamination from people, but it does not free them from danger, but only transfers them from one desperate situation to another .

this is a curse, not a blessing!

hile people ere atching this strange video, another strange sight also appeared in taom city.

A tall oman ho looked like a boy appeared on the foggy street. he as strong and fat, taller than a one-story bungalo, his hands had sharp clas, and under a large sun hat there as a pair of evil eyes that closed off his soul. It's cold.

Everyone ho meets him in the city asks him about a beautiful but ugly oman in a mask holding a large pair of bloody, rusty scissors. there is no anser to his question, and hether he should anser it or not, there is no ay out of disaster. because meeting him is already the beginning of death.

other figures include Yamato Nadeshiko, ho has a demon-like face on the back of her head, a ferocious head that pops out of her body and bites anyone she meets, and a face that jumps around like a fish in a black seer.

the entire city of taom receives a numbing night procession of hundreds of ghosts. they appear out of nohere and are malicious and evil toards humans, bringing a different kind of panic and disaster to the people.

At one time, all kinds of screams and cries appeared in taom city. A series of harroing screams rang out, and the people ere thron into a different kind of panic, as if the sight of the apocalypse in heaven as not orth mentioning.

\"hat's going on in this scene?\" xin Junmao asks a passerby hose mouth is forced open by a oman in slits, forcing her to be as \"beautiful\" as she is. I looked at him and felt a little pity in his eyes.

hearing this, the handsome mixed-race man standing in front of xin Junmao fell silent. After a hile, he said quietly, \"I'm sure I've cleared all the rituals of descent. Logically speaking, there on't be any more curses. Even if they did, they ouldn't be as bad as they are no. Let's go.''

hile saying this, drake turned to xin Junmao and said seriously, \"Someone did this intentionally. No...it can't be someone.\"

Li Jian and misaki Naomi discovered a spatial passage that as not formed during the ritual of descent and returned to the real orld. hen they returned to taom city, the city as filled ith deserters and fugitives and as in even more chaos. horrible eirdos ho ant to hurt people.

\"hat the hell?\" Li Jia'an as also confused. he as convinced that he had destroyed all of Kisaragi high School's descent ceremonies in another orld, but here did the living curse and blasphemy that floed before his eyes e from?

could it be that the vampires lurking in taom city are causing a ne disaster?

Naomi miizaki as even more surprised. After escaping from a dangerous parallel orld, he discovers that the real orld has bee another purgatory. It as not knon hether he and he Jia'an had \"escaped\".

hile the to ere confused, they heard a strange, familiar phone ringtone ing from Naomi miisaki's pocket. Strange and unusual melodies, more deafening than the encouraging horns, made people's hearts beat faster.

Naomi misaki took out her vibrating mobile phone from her pocket. Seeing the numbers from hell, he as convinced that he had encountered mimiko's curse again.

he hasn't gotten rid of mimiko yet, and his luck is only temporary.

Li Jiang also sa an evil figure reflected in a nearby bathroom mirror. hanako, ho as supposed to disappear from this orld forever, has returned.

``Is hat I'm doing in vain?'' Li Jia'an's expression as like a vision, and a sense of helplessness filled his body, making him so eak that it as difficult to breathe.

hen he sa a gigantic, unidentified shado appearing in the clouds saying in the sky and heard a scream from the sky, a flash of isdom occurred to him: ``maybe I should just die like this.'' …”

``It's Jia'an!'' A scream brought he Jia'an back to reality from his fall. hen I looked up, it as my former partner, In matsumoto, ho had arrived. After the members of the Korean Alliance finally found he Jian, they couldn't ait to ask him questions. After learning of matsumoto Gin's hereabouts, he asked, \"Li Ka'an, here have you been? matsumoto-senpai...ait, isn't that knife in your hand your senior?\"

he sa that he Jia'an as holding a matsumoto silver knife in his hand, and the flesh tube created by the magic knife as deeply embedded in he Jia'an's arm, as if it had been used for a long time and as deeply bound. the hearts of all the chosen Alliance members suddenly changed. sank

An evil premonition rose in the hearts of all members of the chosen Alliance. they had already thought of the terrible reality, but luckily they still asked again: \"tell me, here is Gin matsumoto!?\"

\"he's dead.\" Li Jia'an nodded and didn't add anything else.

Everyone as silent, but no one as angry at he Jian.

As Gin matsumoto's close aides, there as no one ho understood Gin matsumoto's situation better than them. Gin matsumoto's death asn't that long ago, but they never expected the day of his death to e so early and so suddenly.

Li Jiang secretly sighed and asked, “ho is the situation no?”

``As you can see, this city ill be destroyed... no, if this continues, the entire Sakurajima and the entire orld ill be destroyed.'' After the Korean Alliance members regained consciousness, they sa the sord in he Jian's hand. I explained that I sa it.

this man apparently did not explain it to he Jian, but did report it to the previous oner of the knife.

Li Ka'an told everyone about his experiences in another orld. ``the birth of the Sakurajima urban legend is something called a blessing. It is believed that the negative emotions of all living things are converted into energy.'' In normal times, it is like air; Although it is a part of our daily life, it rarely acts as a large source of energy and has an impact on people.

hoever, there is no a race called vampires, ho are probably blood-colored liquid-like creatures. In order to change the human orld into a survivable environment, by using the descent ritual of the thousand Fantasy moon, a large amount of blessings unexpectedly gathered on Sakurajima, and the accumulated blessings became a great poer, and became an ``urban legend.'' content appears in the orld as a medium and influences people's lives.

Although the descent ritual at Kisaragi high School has been pleted, the curse still appears, and I strongly suspect that vampires are behind it. ”

“I see, vampires are the ones ho cause supernatural gods ho break reality and try to descend from the sky, and the ``hyakki Yagyo'' hose poer has been increasing all over the place are all their doing. ” A close aide of Gin matsumoto before his death. he nodded, \"If e ant to stop this, the first thing to do is to eradicate vampires from the earth, right?\"

\"No.\" Li Jia'an shook his head, scanned the surrounding chaos ith his eyes, pointed to the sky, and said in a deep voice, \"Instead of dealing ith these curses, e ill actually find a ay to get rid of the thousand phantom moons. \"You should\"... In this orld, such a curse is meaningless...\"

Speaking about this, he Jia'an suddenly felt something in his heart and thought, \"I feel like I've seen this kind of method of using blessings to remove ordinary poer somehere.\"

249 sealing methods

hen this thought occurred to him, he Jia'an suddenly felt like he sa a figure that shouldn't exist in the corner of the collapsed house.

ho could such a coincidence happen?

ho to fight these ordinary creatures in another ay?

Yu Lianyun…

hearing he Jia'an's ords, the members of the Korean Alliance looked at each other, but they also kne that he Jia'an's ords made no sense.

If sacrifice is unavoidable, e should minimize the major problems and erase thousand Fantasy moon from this orld first.

\"but ho can e get rid of him?\" said a member of the Korean Alliance. \"history has ritten very little about the thousand Fantasy moon, and as far as the ancient history of our alliance is knon, there is absolutely nothing about fighting against the thousand Fantasy moon. history of the phantom moon this is material.”

the big reason for this kind of scene is that qian huanzhiyue is not a good believer. this alien god has an almost absolute disdain for life. often he does not respond to the call of life. Even if you do, there ill be no response. maybe he thought he as eating and pressed the bell.

hat do people do ho believe in a strange God ho cannot give miracles or blessings?

he doesn't even kno pUA.

Li Jian’an as also a little surprised. As the mander of the chinese Zodiac Group before the chinese mystery Group, he believed that the top ten supernatural gods had entered his soul. hoever, the organization's data records on thousand Illusion moon ere extremely limited, and there as no record of thousand Illusion moon being expelled.

the only record he knos about qian huan Yue's repulsion is that the sea monster that became part of qian huan Yue's body as once repelled by the alien god An haisheng ho came from outside the sky. as. both ere injured and fell into a long sleep.

Naturally, there are differences in poer among the gods. he can only be pared to the god of Ankai ho defeated sea monsters. Even ith the help of folloers, it is actually much less poerful than the body of thousand Fantasy moon, hich is a sea monster. these thousand fantasy moon bodies that first came to this orld ere much larger and more ferocious than sea monsters. Even if Shin'ankai is not sealed, it ill be impossible to repel thousand Fantasy moon again, and he may have to flee into space ith his tail beteen his legs. .

the god of Anhai is not here no, but even if he as there, no one on the spot ould have the ability to use it to deal ith qianhuanzhiyue, but Li Jia'an believes that the believers of the Anhai god guild are not here. I thought about ho to defeat Zenian Shizuki in cooperation ith the god of Zenia.

It's time! It's a sticker!

this seal can trap sea monsters, so there should be a chance to seal aay the thousand Fantasy moon, hich is invading the universe.

``there as a record that in a port ton called ``Liuhua port'' in china, humans and supernatural gods joined forces to resist and defeat part of books probably contain records of the original history. It must remain.'' he recorded the legend. ho to seal part of qian huanyue's body. ” After thinking for a hile, Li Kaan said to the Korean Alliance investigators:

the Korean Alliance investigators heard this and immediately understood. the investigator said, \"okay. e'll try to contact the outside orld. e hope it's not too late.\"

\"Yes.\" Li Jia'an nodded, still having a glimmer of hope. he did not explain ho vast a difference there is beteen the sea monsters of his time and the fantasy of a thousand moons that invades the orld today.

``At first, another supernatural god helped us, but no e can only rely on you humans,'' said an A-class investigator from the Korean Alliance, ``the situation is still very serious.''

``don't give up hope!'' Naomi misaki, ho as standing next to he Jian, finally mustered up the courage to speak. Suppressing his blush, he said sheepishly, ``If e give up here, it's as if e've given up. All of humanity.''

\"Yes, I'm Naomi miizaki,\" the A-level investigator nodded.

Shortly thereafter, Korean Alliance researchers ho ent to try to make contact ith the outside orld ere filled ith excitement and brought the good nes: ``Great! the magnetic field at the surface is disturbed, but the magnetic field underground is slightly affected.'' I came back. Earth core'' ``munications are still orking normally, and all investigative agencies are on their ay, including the mysterious team from the Shenzhou area ho have contacted and responded to investigative agencies in other regions.

the so-called \"Earth core munication\" is also very easy to understand. this is essentially the same as human \"satellite munications,\" except that a satellite is launched into space and the Earth's core is driven underground using special radio aves that are not lost underground. munication signal.

pared to artificial satellites, the price and maintenance costs of basic earth equipment are higher, but the advantage is that munication is highly secure. As long as people do not leave the surface, they can send messages through the Earth's core to other units receiving signals on the surface.

“did you hear about that old book?” Li Jian’an hurriedly asked.

\"don't orry, I asked.\" the senior agent in charge of contact quickly nodded, and the holographic projection office just found an image of the contents of an old book.

the old book in the image is the original, and the sealing method and accessories are clearly recorded in the master's handriting \"Yegon\".

``the funeral floer, a thousand silkorms...the size of God's heart, A-hai?!'' hen everyone sa the last accessory needed to prepare the seal, the investigators said, ``Anhai's God. \"ho do I find the scale of the heart?\" I ondered.

\"Use me.\" Just as everyone as about to fall into despair again, a deep voice came from beside them, and the sound carried the strong smell of blood.

I sa a mixed man ith his clothes uncovered and his chest filled ith flesh and blood. he suddenly appeared out of the darkness, holding a pair of black scales the size of an old man's palm.

Everyone sa the cold seat running don the mysterious man's forehead and his body trembling uncontrollably, and couldn't help but feel the pain he had endured.

\"ho!?\" the A-class investigators shouted, and other Korean Alliance investigators also stood in front of he Jian'an and the others.

this mysterious half-breed man appears to be quite a man, but he is also very cruel.

If my guess as correct, the scales on my palm had fallen off from my chest.

ho can gro scales on their chest and even promise to \"use me\"? If these scales are related to the god Ankai, hat kind of relationship do the people ho cultivate these scales have to the god Ankai?

“Season, you can call it that,” drake said.

``Son of the sea?'' Li Jia'an directly revealed drake's true identity, ``Son of the sea, you seem to be a descendant of the god of Anhai.''

“humans” born from the gods of another orld! ?

the investigators suddenly felt as if they ere facing another terrifying alien god, as if they ere facing a formidable enemy.

``It doesn't have to be this ay.'' Lee Ka-an motioned for everyone to loer their guard, and ith the protection of the Korean Alliance agents came over to drake and happily picked up the scale.

derek nodded at he Jian. he did not care about the fear or suspicion of others. After handing over these things, he reminded everyone present, \"I ill help you obtain the thousand Fantasy moon. but...you need a life to use the poer of the seal.\" I left ithout forgetting that.

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In accordance ith the Registered Seals Act, the investigators are ready. Each holds a sealed item and stands in a forbidden position.

Li Jian stood in front of the northest indo on the 17th floor of the office building here the most important and important \"scales\" are kept. After listening to the sounds of other investigators aiting for instructions from the breaker, I turned off my headphones for a moment. I turned my head and said quietly to the oman standing behind me. \"Let's evacuate everyone. this place could bee very dangerous in the future...\"

“hey, uncle,” misaki Naomi boed slightly, looked up, her eyes titched, and her little nose immediately turned red, “can I stay ith you?”

\"No.\" Li Jian'an nodded.

``After e make a promise, e'll stay together.'' Naomi miizaki smiled reluctantly.

\"please carry the urn containing my ashes ith you herever you go. I'm afraid to say it.\" Li Jia'an also anted to smile back, but the muscles in his face became stiff due to the erosion of the magic knife. I can only use exaggerated ords. A voice that expresses emotion.

misaki Naomi boed her head and said, \"then I'll go.\"

\"be careful.\" Li Jian'an nodded. he believed that Naomi misaki as not the kind of girl ho ould make ishes e true.

Seeing that Naomi misaki disappeared on the stairs, he Jia'an restarted the munication function of the headset and said in a lo voice: \"Everyone, I apologize for keeping you aiting so long. Let's begin.\"

Everyone started chanting some kind of mantra ithout hesitation. As they continued to sing, large blue lights bloomed from the props in everyone's hands. the light gradually envelops and sallos those holding props. After a hile, each person's light connects people from different alks of life, eventually forming a strange and bizarre pattern.

Life dissolves into a cold blue-black light, as if the soul is separated from the mortal body. An invisible hemorrhagic sara appears on everyone's head, and only the dying can see it.

It must be the organ of evil and blasphemous beings, and it is also the final destination of souls.

Although he Jian and the others ere unfortable ith this strange and frightening sight, everyone remained undaunted and continued chanting dark and strange spells ithout hesitation.

As they ansered drake 30 minutes ago, \"For humanity, they ill stand up, even if they end up bankrupt.\"

this has nothing to do ith kindness. once you bee an investigator, kindness has no meaning.

It's not all about valuing humanity. If investigators rely only on justice, it ill be difficult for investigators to survive the series of bizarre incidents that occur one after another, exceeding the loest level of humanity.

perhaps hidden in the deepest parts of the genes of every biological race is the instinct to reproduce that race...

this is the driving force that drives them to remain investigators until the day they die.

A strange blue light suddenly appeared on the ground, and a torrent of blood craling from the sky and a ghostly scream reacted to it. he instinctively sensed threats to harm him and immediately acted on the pattern before it could form. the earth cascaded don like a green aterfall from the sky, submerging and salloing everything on the ground.

It's dangerous...

At the same time, a building 100 meters above the ground rapidly collapsed, leaving behind a crouching hideous and terrifying animal.

At that moment, the people hiding in the underground air-raid shelter had no idea hat kind of shocking and rare horror scene as happening in the outside orld, but hen they heard a strange roar that seemed to e from deep inside, they ere shocked. I felt that there as something. Fear that there are people hiding in every dark corner. ith his gnaing eyes, the hissing sound of thousands of ghosts penetrated hundreds of meters underground, making the skin and internal organs tremble, as if something inside the body as trying to escape from the skin. ta.

the magical mixture of sounds that made you ant to run aay lasted for a long time, and it as so desperate that the baby, ho as crying instinctively, lost her voice and temporarily forgot ho to cry. Just by looking at them, you can see that at this age they could do absolutely anything. the look of fear on his face.

Apparently the insects and rats underground got excited hen they heard the sound. Immediately after hearing the sound, everyone fell over and died. It's like I've given up on my life. Against such great fear, perhaps they can escape from disaster only by giving their lives.

on earth, these blessed incarnations seemed oblivious to calamity and continued to persecute those ho did not have time to escape. they ere speechless hen a green aterfall falling from the sky engulfed them.

they have no concept of death, and most of the time there is only a temporary suspension. Given enough force and time, it ill e back sooner or later.

As long as fear and malice exist in this orld, they ill never die.

A torrent of green ater runs through taom city. A large fishman ith yello tins stands in the green aves, roaring toards the sky. the sound is so overhelming that the earth shakes and screams. Green torrent controlled by an invisible and mysterious force, great aves rose from the sea above the city and rode the green flood back into the sky.

At this time, a large mysterious pattern connected by blue light appeared in the center of the city. the model formed a large net and fle toards qian huan Yue, hich thre its still liquid body, covered it pletely, and rushed back into the large red thundercloud hole.

It as as if behind qianguan Shiyue, there as a big fisherman in another dimension closing his net and taking aay all his catch.

but...this fish is still too big...

the billions of souls crying inside qianhuanzhiyue's body just let out an even more sad roar, and the burst of sound aves quickly spread, and the hard efforts of more than a dozen investigators ho used forbidden poers such as disgust destroyed the space. From this space blood flos don his liquid body.

the feeling of being pulled back to the original orld just no as as if qian huanyue had been touched by an emotion that as not supposed to exist ithin her. the green liquid that dripped don gradually formed the ferocious face of a oman, and her mouth resembled a balloon. the baby trembled and cried, and after a hile it made a sound, and the millions of indignant souls in its body cried out: \"Son...Son...Son...\"

on the street under a skyscraper, bathed in blue light, Naomi misaki sat on his lap, looking up at his sad and hateful face ith dull eyes, and let go of him, still holding the cell phone connected to her ear. Suddenly a oman appeared in the darkness behind him and craled toards him like a ild animal.

\"She...looks like her mother,\" misaki Naomi grumbled, and a sift figure attacked her.

At this time, boss Lin, ho as resting peacefully in the cabin in the forest, sloly opened his eyes, looked out the indo, and suddenly smiled. \"mom, I almost forgot about you...\"

151 as loered

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