

第36章 暗影之舞(2 / 2)
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hoever, clark as thinking too much and there as no one in the room aiting for him.

\"Speaking of hich, ho much do you kno about hera?\" clark asked as he entered the room, closed the door, and placed a small chair behind the door.

miraille thought for a hile and said, \"mr. hera is a very pretty person, very good at dressing up, and very good at municating ith boys. She's not as good as me.\"

\"Is that all?\" clark said, a little embarrassed. these ere superficial perceptions and asked, \"does he have interpersonal relationships, family, friends?\"

miraille blinked and said, ``I don't kno much about her family, but the first time e cooked together, I plimented her hair. She as very happy and casually said, ``She. her mother told her, ``hair is a symbol of hair.''

\"If it asn't christmas, ho many people ould be in the castle every day?\"

\"ell...before I arrived at the castle, butler Valente told me that there ere tenty-six servants in the castle.\"

“tenty-six?” Yu Lianyun froned hen she heard this number. “can you confirm your identity?”

A hile ago, citizens found 26 bodies stuck to a barbed ire fence at the mouth of the heishui River in Fengxiang city. It as very strange and scary.

``As you can imagine, mander,'' the mysterious detective ho made the call said ith a solemn look on his face, ``26 psychiatric patients and medical orkers ere missing in the fire.''

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All 26 corpses had been decapitated. the circumstances of death ere extremely tragic. the identities of each headless corpse have not yet been confirmed, and the missing heads are sure to provide important clues for the mystery investigation team to solve the case. As evidence, if you find the head, it is possible to find out here this group of ordinary criminals is.

Yu Lianyun came to the rescued floating corpse and squatted don to observe it.

After being submerged in ater for a long time, the sollen corpse looked even more hideous than a normal corpse. In addition, the deceased as \"violated\" by normal factors during life, and the internal structure of the corpse as already in disarray. the epidermis, body, and blood organs all appear as oval spheres. this granulation is like a part of human skin covered ith strange sores filled ith oval shaped particles made of different types of flesh and blood organs, hich fill the entire human skin. I am.

Yu Lianyun froned, picked up teezers, took out an oval-shaped particle, probably made of muscle tissue, from the corpse, placed it on the ground, picked up a scalpel, gently rubbed the particle, and found a soft elastic the particles suddenly turned greenish-yello. Fluid gurgled from the incision. Fortunately, Yu Lianyun's technique prevented these strange tissue fluids from splashing out.

Some of the mysterious detectives ho ere atching could no longer stand the strange sight. they started vomiting hile holding on to pillars and alls. their scalps ere numb, and their trembling skin seemed to turn into these unknon oval particles. the more I thought about it, the faster I felt my sanity crumble.

“Is this… an eye?” Yu Lianyun may have felt a chill in his heart. he focused on dissecting an oval-shaped piece of material, and after it as pletely cut open, it turned out to be an eyeball.

Yu Lianyun suppressed the turmoil in his heart as he selected a fe more oval-shaped particles and continued dissecting them, finding that ithout exception, they ere all eyes.

“the hole human being is visibly disintegrating and changing.” Yu Lianyun trembled. this clearly goes far beyond the normal influence that animals have on humans. It is the poer of a foreign god.

Yu Lianyun stood up, iped the seat from his forehead ith the back of his hand, turned around and said to everyone, “please check the Ability God data file shared by the orld Investigation Ability God data that fits the situation. Is there one?” that. ? \"

clark as rummaging through miss hera's room. he had hoped to find another record ritten like a \"magic Usage Record\" notebook, but in reality miss hela as far less poerful than count bluebeard and butler Valente. to of them ere very \"cruel\" and did not keep diaries.


clark opened miss hera's closet. Among the neatly arranged clothes, I found something that asn't supposed to be in my closet. It as a bracelet made of many small hite star-like things. .

``It's very beautiful. hat is this?'' hen miraie sa this bracelet, she couldn't help but raise her eyes and ask a question. ``but hy isn't miss hera earing such a beautiful bracelet?'' ool? ”

\"It's made from brushed cat teeth,\" clark said ith a blank stare, but his ords ere so shocking that miraido as immediately shocked.

``I once sa a primitive, uncivilized people there ould kill a cat during a special festival and take its teeth to make jeelry, saying they ould pray for the tribe.'' did clark explain ho he kne hat the bracelet as made of? \"cat teeth are really special, so hen you see them, you remember them,\" he said.

clark then picked up the bracelet. before I could get a closer look, a sudden electric shock-like sensation ent from his hand directly to my brain. At that moment, his brain became excited and suddenly he sa some incredible sights. .

the crazy oman had a creepy smile on her face. there as a ound on his head, and his hair as as dry and lifeless as a eed, groing ildly in the ound. She as crying as she controlled the suffering girl in the bucket. her hair as as dry as eeds. he held the girl's et hair firmly ith one hand and gently picked up a large pair of scissors.

No matter ho loudly the girl called her mother and begged for mercy, the crazy oman did not listen. She just kept crying and smiling and saying: \"baby, hair is a symbol of omanhood. hair makes a difference.\" It's a oman's heart...don't move to listen to your mother...\"

As he spoke, he opened the scissors, but the blades ere aimed not at her hair, but at the girl's delicate, thin neck.

ith a loud hissing sound, clark's hole body convulsed violently as if he had felt it, and the overhelming feeling of death and destruction almost instantly destroyed his rationality.

the pictures flashed and clark looked at the others. the angry oman broke don in tears as she held her daughter's dismembered body, screaming the heart-renching ords, \"ho could something like this happen? hy could something like this happen!?\" Since you are still moving, all I can do is control your mind and stop it from moving, but hy... hy can't I restore hat as severed? ”

clark as already cursing in his heart as he heard the madoman's crazy ords, but he as too scared to open his mouth and scream.

Suddenly the angry oman seemed to see him in a memory image. he suddenly turned around, looked into his eyes full of sadness, excitement, and despair and arned in a sinister ay, \"Son, don't be like that.\" Your sister is very disobedient...do you kno? hehehe...then you can be my sister from no on, right? ”

clark stared at the angry oman stalking toards him like a rithing reptile. his reason seemed to be the first to leave his body and escape from his soul. his mouth opened ide and he as speechless like a frightened fool.

hen the patient came face to face ith him, clark felt like he had fallen into the depths of hell. the moment his conscience hit rock bottom, he stood up like a droning man, eakened. .

he looked at miraille, ho as undoubtedly losing the battle and blushing right in front of him. her delicate neck as held tightly by him, a fragment of the poor girl's memory. miraille's eyes sloly rolled back. hite

clark shuddered and quickly backed aay, unable to believe he as doing such an unconscionable thing.

\"cough cough cough, cough cough cough!\" milea as frightened and backed aay from clark, coughing frantically until she could finally breathe.

clark as also panicking at this time. \"I'm sorry, mirai, I don't kno hat happened until no, I really don't understand, I suddenly lost consciousness... I'm so sorry...\"

clark as speechless and about to go crazy.

Are the memories that pop into his mind really meant for him?

but this feeling...is too real...

miriam's eyes turned red and she panted heavily. hen clark as out of sight, he first calmed don. clark seemed to notice something hen he sa the cat tooth bracelet in his hand. he cleared his throat and gritted his teeth. taking a bold decision, he quickly approached clark. he grabbed clark's right arm ith both hands and forced a smile. “I… believe it.”

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miraille's ords seemed to be orking, and clark's panic gradually subsided.

taking a deep breath, clark sloly came to his senses. he closed his eyes, meditated for a fe seconds, and began examining the memories that came to mind from a rational and objective point of vie. Suddenly he discovered the details of the memory.

``hair is a symbol of omanhood,'' said the crazy oman.

``Isn't that hat miss hera's mother told her?'' clark as suddenly surprised. he realizes that the memory fragments he sa ere not his on, but miss hela's.

but hat kind of force makes this possible? clark didn't kno he had that ability.

Since it is not your on ability, it can only be caused by other factors.

clark opened his eyes, staring at the cat tooth bracelet he had naturally thron on the ground. For some reason, hen he sa this bracelet again, he felt that this as a little different, and subconsciously became ary.

ith some hesitation, clark picked up the cat's tooth bracelet again. the moment he received it, he closed his eyes tightly again. but this time, he no longer felt the mental influence of familiar memories, but his body felt cold from the touch. maoya trembled and lost consciousness.

maybe you can see these memories only hen you touch the cat's tooth bracelet for the first time.

miraille sa clark's strange behavior and remembered ho clark suddenly became enraged and lost control. he also secretly speculated about the strange ingredients in the cat's tooth bracelet, saying, ``maybe there's something rong ith this bracelet?''

clark apologized to miraille again and told her the truth. \"I'm so sorry, miraille. I don't kno hy, but hen I touched that bracelet, I sa a memory that asn't mine. this memory... as the same.\" I as so scared that I couldn't control myself for a hile. did. ”

Seeing this, miraille sa that clark had regained his posure. he doesn't blame her anymore. After smiling at clark, he said, a little confused. \"there's something so strange...can I touch it?\"

clark felt that perhaps there as something rong ith the cat tooth bracelet. he didn't really ant miraille to touch him, but he thought he needed miraille to experience it in order for him to trust him.

milea became suspicious and accepted the bracelet given to her by clark.

clark immediately became nervous, as if facing a poerful enemy, and his men ere ready to use their strength at any moment. If mirai makes even the slightest movement, she ill immediately control her opponent.

Seeing mi Leil's eyes sloly darken, this silent expression made clark feel a lot of pressure. She looked like a ruthless girl killer, no longer the energetic, cheerful, and considerate girl she as before.

the moment millet shoed any signs of ferocity, clark quickly alked up behind him and hugged him tightly, making him struggle in his arms. A great and mysterious poer as hidden in its petite body. clark almost failed. control the girl.

She called mirai over and over again, trying to calm the girl don hile shaking the cat tooth bracelet from mirai's hand.

After an unknon amount of time, clark finally felt the fighting girl's strength in his arms sloly eaken, and her frantic hols gradually turned into pitiful sobs.

Realizing that miraie as freed from this terrible memory, he immediately released her, held her face in his hands, iped the tears from her beautiful face, and said ith relief: your memory. you're not bad. there's no need to suffer from this memory...\"

hile saying this, clark felt a great nostalgia in his heart, but before he could remember it, clark, ho as alays alert to the outside orld, heard seet footsteps outside the door.

``Someone's ing,'' clark hispered, and millet immediately burst into tears due to the nervousness.

the girl immediately stopped feeling sad and asked nervously: \"hat should e... do? do you ant to hide?\"

clark as a quick thinker and quickly came up ith an idea. he pushes millet into the closet, picks up the ax and hands it to him. before closing the closet door, he arned, ``hide inside first and ait until you have a chance.'' Activities. \"

``but hat should I do?'' miraie asked quickly, stopping the door from closing ith one hand.

\"I'd like to sho you my card.\" clark took a deep breath. this castle as too strange. he no longer anted to seek the truth, no longer anted to analyze ho as good and ho as bad.

In fact, miraille has had the opportunity to mit suicide several times before. hen he lost his mind due to the mysterious poer of the cat-tooth bracelet, he attacked him, but he did not resist. Your opponent alays has an ax in his hand and can raise his knife and drop it at any time. he strangled himself to death, but his partner did not.

For hatever reason or not, clark didn't ant to consider pursuing it again. he put don the hammer and stood there, seat glistening on his face, atching as hela's bedroom door as sloly pushed open. A small chair creaked.

the person pushing the door seemed to have expected this, and the speed at hich he pushed the door as still slo. At this moment, a hite-gloved hand touched the corner of the door, and the cold face of butler Valente took the initiative to peek out from behind the door. outside

clark's hammer came don the moment his opponent's head appeared. It as a shot he fought hard for.

but butler Valente as quick to react. the moment he realized the danger, his other hand moved and grabbed the handle of the hammer that clark had dropped. Gray eyes stared at him coldly, as if they ere very poerful. \"the ay mr. clark greets people is really special,\" clark said in a deep voice.

At the same time, in the corner of clark's eyes, he sa a beautiful face stuck under butler Valente's body, but there as a crazy expression on that face. A cold, sharp light flashed across his vision. mr. clark as shocked and turned pale at the scene. he opened the hammer and took a fe steps back.

there as a sharp sound of ind on clark's ja, and the cold ent aay. I felt a tingling sensation don my chin and felt arm blood floing from the ound.

clark took several steps back and finally stopped. he cupped his chin ith one hand, smelling the blood ing from his chin, the heat running don his palm and fingertips.

\"You!?\" clark stared in surprise at the to ho appeared at the same time. butler Valente, ho looked a little bloated and stuffed, and miss hera, ho looked crazy, opened the door and stood in the dooray ith their backs to the light.

At that moment, their bodies became strangely intertined. miss hella's initially straight and slender legs ere no rapped around butler Valente's legs like a rope. miss hera's back as in contact ith butler Valente. their chests ere pressed tightly together, as if they ere groing together.

they are mixed into one.

Valente's room 190

After seeing such a strange sight, clark couldn't help but look shocked. he as all too aare that humans ere irreversibly changed by the invasion of the dimensional poers of otherorldly gods. butler Valente and miss hera ere obvious. hen clark and millay ere busy investigating the truth of the castle, they once opened a portal to an alien god dimension. hat surprised clark as that they suffered only physical \"scars\" and not mental consciousness. hoever, he as not pletely obsessed ith his illness.

this means either their original conscious beliefs are strong enough or they are murderous and delusional in nature.

From this perspective, mr. clark could not help but override all concerns. the to people in front of me ere the true villains of blizzard castle.

``You just casually alked into the ladies' room. Even though you are a guest of the castle, I on't let you do anything else, mr. clark.'' Valente, the butler, looked at clark ith cold eyes and smiled, pointing his finger. I inserted it. to ros of teeth protrude from its mouth, creating an opening-and-closing mouth part.

miss hera smiled strangely. Although his body as deformed, his voice as still gentle, \"If mr. clark ants to find me, please call me. hy bother contacting me? If possible, I really ant to I ant to bee one ith you first.''

clark secretly rejected miss hela's \"kindness\" and, ith seaty palms, tried his best to remain calm and asked, \"did you use magic again earlier?\"

\"You really kno that...no onder you're acting so strange.\" Valente the butler raised his eyebros, noticed the cat-tooth bracelet on the ground, and looked a little amused. he said ith a smile. that's oK…\"

\"hat riddles are you talking about? hat do you kno?\" clark froned. From the look on Valente's face, he seemed to kno even more.

``If you ant to kno, e ith me.'' miss hera smiled, but then suddenly began to cry. he opened his arms as if to ele her arrival, but held her tightly nonetheless. the knife that cut his cheek.

clark's scalp as numb. I realized that butler Valente and miss hela, ho do not ant to be friends even in death, are fused ith their normal poers, but mainly occupy a dominant position in their bodies. butler Valente as in charge. he grabbed things around him and thre them at butler Valente.

Valente laughed, his neck suddenly elongating strangely and turning purple like a singing rubber band. ith a small elbo to the head, he hit every bench, pillo, and other thing clark thre. then he opened his mouth and let out a strange sound. he roared as he fle toard clark, his mouth ide open as if he had transformed into an unknon beast earing human skin.

mr. clark struggled to avoid it, and as he did so, he accidentally knocked over a lit oil lamp and candle in the room. the flames ignited cloth inside the room, causing the oil fire to spread. Immediately the hole room as lit ith fire and burned hot.

perhaps Valente did not expect the fire accident. hen the fire broke out, he froze in place for to seconds. It as ithin those fe seconds that clark rolled over and craled out of the room.

clark continued running, but more terrifying roars ere heard from behind him. cold seat continued to flo don my back like bamboo shoots. he gritted his teeth and continued running, until he felt the roar sloly fade aay.

``Aren't you catching up?'' clark hides in a strange room in the castle. he put his ear to the door, but couldn't hear any running. he as confused at first, but then his face changed, \"No, you found it? miss miller?\"

clark instinctively anted to run back to save people, but hen he put his hand on the door handle to open the door, his movements suddenly stiffened and stopped moving, and he thought ith a depressed face: If there really is something rong ith miss miller, then so be it. there's no point in running aay no.

he had some pain and sadness, but he kept those emotions in check. At this moment, he needed more calmness and reason to survive.

clark looked at the room he had broken into and searched the room, hoping he might find some useful self-defense supplies there.

the current situation as unexpected for clark. Valente and hera, ho at first thought they didn't get along, not only collude, but also fuse together! hat's even scarier is that under the influence of normal forces, they have turned into an alien species ith supernatural abilities. It's not an opponent that mirael and I can defeat together.

Rather than defeating him, it ould be better to think of a ay to delay reporting to the Grim Reaper.

the room isn't very big, about the same size as clark's temporary room. the furniture inside is extremely clean, perfectly tidy and spotless. Everything inside is pervertedly arranged in a very orderly manner. the bookshelf not only categorizes books, but also is carefully arranged by the oner of the room according to the color, size, and thickness of the books. Nothing on the bed should have any rinkles, everything on the table should be angled correctly... Everything here is the ork of an obsessive-pulsive disorder.

obsessive-pulsive disorder means extreme control. clark notices that the room has changed hands and notices that everything in the room is clean. the ater glass on the table as filled ith hot ater and as clearly occupied by someone.

Aside from the girls' room, clark realizes that this could be butler Valente's room.

clark immediately became alarmed. he carefully turned Valente's desk and finally sa Valente's name neatly ritten in the notebook, confirming that he as the oner of this room.

hen clark opened the notebook, he sa no memories, but deacon Valente's terrifying thoughts.

this notebook is like a laboratory researcher's, recording daily changes in the subjects through daily observation, and butler Valente's observation targets are everyone in the castle, including the master, count bluebeard.

\"huh? hy is that line... Kander's recorded line specifically prohibited?\" clark discovered something strange in his notes. the records there, including his on, are free of any errors or omissions and are meticulously packed ith information. , but mysteriously, the line of data that recorded \"Kander\" is magically undone, hich goes against his ocd personality.

Judging by hat as discovered in the secret room, most of the servants and guests in the castle should be turned into magical substances. Assuming that Kanda's cross means \"feast\", it is not necessary to make Kanda the only cross.

therefore, mr. clark surmised that there must be another reason to match mr. Kander's data.

thinking of this, clark remembered that he had also taken the records of the use of magic from the secret room, so he took out the experiment record book again, examined it, and as able to derive an anser.

\"Kander's name isn't on this record... Kander didn't die by magic,\" ms. clark muttered, another possibility floating in her mind, \"but he asn't alive either. hoever, he died at the hands of others, and his body as never found.\"

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clark as very concerned about Kander's record. Although he had never met Kander, he had a hunch that he had to take the character seriously.

Kander as able to find the stone carvings that Valente and bluebeard used to perform their magic, and also kne ho to seal and hide stone carvings. From this perspective, this person's knoledge and abilities are far from ordinary people's.

Additionally, the to notebooks in front of him contain his records, proving that Kander's death as abnormal.

If count bluebeard and butler Valente kne that Kander as the culprit ho stole the stone, then there should be no abnormality in Kander's death. the magic file in bluebeard's notebook should contain Kander's file. Steard Valente's observation about Kander also doesn't apply.

but if count bluebeard and butler Valente didn't kno that Kander stole the Stone that Sees All Shados, hy did Kander die?

clark felt overhelmed again, thinking that he \"couldn't fully understand\" the puzzle-like ords that deacon Valente had just said. he searched most of Valente's butler's room, but still couldn't figure out hat it as that he didn't \"pletely understand.\"

\"does it have something to do ith Kander's death?\" clark couldn't help but onder. he looked at butler Valente's observation file and observed a cross section.

Suddenly, clark noticed that there as some duplicate riting on the cross-section, but butler Valente's black ink as so heavy and dark that it as difficult to detect it for a hile, so he turned the oil lamp on the table to I turned it on and it lit up. . And the light of the fire. As I turned the pages of the paper, I gradually began to understand hat else as ritten on them.

\"he actually jumped to his death from a cliff... No one can enter the abyss beneath the castle. he is never found. Even if he as found, his body is inplete and cannot be used as material. \"I can't…ho? ho else?\" \"ho else can fill this role? You e to this secluded castle and help us…\" clark said overlapping ords. I read it sloly and learned the cause of Kander's death.

ould you like to jump off a cliff? hy do people jump off cliffs for no reason?

clark feels he is close to touching the edge of truth, but he misses the crucial needle that ould puncture the balloon.

For clark no, living has bee a luxurious hope, so he feels that it is better to understand all the truth before dying and die as an understanding person than to die ithout knoing anything.

clark looked around Valente's room again, looking for other valuable clues.

\"the all-seeing shado, the Eye beteen the Rifts, is included in the Anomalous creatures Foundation's Ability God documentation. I believe this incarnation of this Ability God in the Ne York area circulates a lot in the form of an urban legend. ” If I as obsessed ith looks hen I as younger, I’m sure everyone on the internet has heard of the Slender Ghost. ” the members of the tiger team ho ere in charge of the research finally found the anser after examining a huge amount of material.

“holy Spirit?” Yu Lianyun blinked, a little surprised. \"I have heard urban legends about him. he is said to kidnap children. At the same time, anyone ho senses his presence inadvertently ill be attacked by him. these people ill be harmed by mysterious things, causing psychological damage, sleepless nights, frequent changes in vision, various physical disforts such as dizziness. hen people e into close contact ith other people, they bee more susceptible to their influence. Ability to influence madness. ”

``Yes, that's right, but the kidnapping of the children is a fictional folk tale, but almost everything else is real.'' the tiger team member ho made the report took a deep breath and said ith a solemn look on his face. peeking through everything, I found that it as actually an interpretation of a parallel essay by Kosa Shinji School about the King of Kosa. ”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun couldn’t help but take a step forard, avoid the other party’s hands, and look at the information alone. Shock almost flashed in his eyes.

Yu Lianyun only read a fe lines, closed his eyes, trembled ith restraint, took a deep breath, and said ith a gloomy face: ``taketaka-kun, you have made a onderful discovery, but at the same time, it is also a big problem for us.''

Fu Gaojun nodded and said, \"Yes, the huangsha master of the Shenzhou region is also the embodiment of all these shados. this foreign god has been our enemy for a long time. No I... I seriously doubt that the Yello Sha truthers are really that ay.'' the Shenzhou Zone and the Ne York est coast extremists ho orship the Slender Ghost are united, and dr. clark's disappearance is inseparable from them. . ”

Yu Lianyun and bu Gaojun ere in a helpless state.


hen Yu Lianyun and bu Gaojun ere thinking of countermeasures, members of the second team led by the rabbit group came knocking on the door to report. It's better, e and listen. ”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun and bu Gaojun looked at each other, and ith suspicions folloed the mysterious detective to the second team's temporary office.

captain Rabbit stood in front of a transparent board ith various human figures ritten on it. Yu Lianyun looked at the olf's face, and his heart sank a little, and asked, \"captain You mao, hat do you think you have?\" I noticed that it's here too...

\"there's no need to rush. Let me talk to him first, captain xiaoyu.\" before Yu Lianyun could finish speaking, team Rat captain Leng qiuzi appeared behind him and alked up to him to stop him.

Yu mao sloly turned around, shoing his ugly face, his face as seaty and pale.

Seeing Jade mao like this, the to zodiac team captains couldn’t help but feel their hearts sink.

\"e have just received a report from members of the Anomalous creatures Foundation ho have been assisting the occult team in their investigation. As they investigated dr. clark's relationships and local past, they discovered dr. clark's anomaly. I did.” point…”

Yu Lianyun and Leng qiuzi both quietly concentrated on listening.

\"dr. clark's current parents are not his original family. he lived in an orphanage for a hile, but as soon adopted by a kind couple ho are dr. clark's current parents. e found out that clark as dr. clark's original name, ho as adopted by Enus and lived on the est coast. he as the child of a crazy couple. before being sent to the orphanage, she as sometimes persecuted and beaten by her biological father and mother.

Another night, an angry couple as arguing hen they accidentally started a fire, hich ultimately led to their unfortunate deaths. hoever, the young dr. clark managed to escape... hoever, after passing in front of the Abnormal biology Foundation, he investigated the fire using special means and discovered that the fire as not accidental, but man-made. It turns out it as caused intentionally.

ho do you think started the fire? captain Yumao took off his glasses, rubbed his eyebros ith seat dripping don his throbbing fingers, and said, ``Yes, young dr. clark.'' ”

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the door sloly opened and the hallay outside fell silent. the sky gradually became brighter. there as still ind and sno, but the light as brighter.

clark looked around the room, observing movement outside the room. Relieved to see no one passing by, he sloly closed the bedroom door.

Sitting on the bed in Valente's room, clark took his fingers and boed his head in thought.

he is thinking about hat to do next and trying to survive longer.

hen clark thought about time, he couldn't help but think of the pocket atch he alays carried ith him. he opened his pocket atch and atched the hands sloly turn on the dial. her heart rate also seemed to slo don.

``It's a bit strange that this castle doesn't have a chronometer tool,'' clark said, surprised as he remembered that there ere no clocks in every room in the castle he visited, and even in Earl bluebeard's master bedroom. ho do the people ho live in this castle usually judge time?

If you think about it, even yesterday, hen everyone reported hat Earl bluebeard had done before he died, no one could give an exact time.

this is actually quite reasonable. After all, ithout a more accurate time scale, the orld ould not be able to reach its current level of civilization.

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