

第37章 影子的牺牲(1 / 2)
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因此,面纱王国的编年史见证了伊桑·德雷克和阿米莉亚·霍桑的大胆功绩。ot to even think. At the same time, the clerk in red, ho had been joking ith the store oner, suddenly turned serious hen they met for the first time. ith this kind of stern look in his eyes, it felt like he could kill someone at any moment.

“hahaha, don’t hold back. All the people ho e to the store are people ho have encountered difficulties.” Li Jiahong smiled and said patiently, “ei Jiang, Lao Li, xiaoting, you all go first. please e don. I’m just looking after the guests here.”

the three clerks, red, black, and hite, nodded and left.

After the three clerks left and he no longer felt surrounded and atched, clark felt a little better and gradually began to think rationally again.

``hat kind of store is this?'' mr. clark said in broken chinese.

Li Jiahong explained ith a smile. \"As you can see, items that are considered taboo in the human orld are sold here. Even though they are taboo, you can ignore the risk hen danger approaches. our store sells these \"anointed accessories.\" doing. Yes, mister. clark must kno hat 'consecration' is. ”

\"You kno my name!?\" clark as shocked.

“mr. clark, you are still very popular.” Li Jiahong smiled. \"I read your academic paper. It's very positive and profound.\"

hearing this, clark's heart suddenly jumped out, and he stepped forard and grabbed one of Li Jiahong's hands, as if he had grabbed a life-saving stra. \"help, help, I don't kno hat's rong. I'm trapped in a cold inter castle... dangerous monsters are chasing me, and... aiting for me to escape. there are people...you kno me, so please take me to this dangerous castle.\"

clark begged, suddenly letting his guard don.

185 red shoes

Even in the face of clark's sudden mental breakdon, Li Jiahong's attitude did not change much. he received too many similar guests, some even more extravagant than clark. clark as still barely decent, at least at a basic level. the reason is alays there.

``don't hold back,'' Li Jiahong patted the other person on the shoulder and forted him, ``No you're safe for the time being.''

clark gradually regained his posure after being consoled by Li Jiahong. Indeed, aside from these taboo things everyhere, it as unexpectedly \"peaceful.\"

\"Are e...somehere in the castle?\" After clark calmed don, he analyzed his situation.

Li Jiahong said that this as a hut in the forest. he didn't exist anyhere. only those ho needed help and observed the existence of the hut could e here.

clark as silent for a moment. After listening to the other party's story, I decided that this as not an old castle. It can be lost in places beyond mon sense.

\"can I still go?\" clark asked.

Li Jiahong laughed and said, \"As long as you don't do anything special here, you can e and go here freely and go herever you like.\"

So...he's going back to that old castle. clark felt heavy inside.

clark said through gritted teeth. “If everything can be sold here, isn’t there something e can do to help out of this situation?”

Li Jiahong had already roughly understood hat happened to the other party from clark. he thought for a hile, but there as no result, so he took out a half-meter-thick book from the counter draer and looked at it as if looking up a dictionary. hile reading the bibliography, he said: \"hold on a moment and I'll help you confirm hich product you selected.\"

clark looked at the ``menu'' that Li Jiahong as flipping through, but realized that he could not read or rite the ords ritten on it. It as as if he suddenly lost this ability. but hen he paid attention, he could read other riting in the store. he understood it, and as before, the ords ere automatically translated into the language he kne and understood best. All he could do as say in disbelief.

Li Jiahong didn't have to look at a thick menu for a long time. he immediately found Li Jiahong's product and said, \"ait a moment, I'll find it for you.\" I pushed the escalator on the mobile shelf to the second shelf from the left and took the red shoes from the second ro don to the top.

clark also knos a thing or to about chinese culture. most often, red represents strength and happiness, and red shoes are often seen in married people. hoever, in the culture clark learned from an early age, red represented blood and bad omen. the concept in china is very different.

maybe that's hy hen clark sa the red shoes, he felt a chill inside them, as if a poisonous snake as craling through his body, and a cold breath hit his body.

\"hat are those?\" clark looked nervously at the red shoes that Li Jiahong as holding. there as no doubt that these shoes ere not edding shoes in the traditional chinese sense. he as lucky enough to attend a chinese edding, and in their party, only the omen ore red shoes, although edding shoes should have more festive elements. , these red shoes ere beautifully decorated ith hite embroidery. chrysanthemum

hite chrysanthemums are a symbol of remembrance for the dead in china. they are ``floers of mourning,'' and they are not gifts for the living or casually embroidered decorations for celebrations.

``these are red shoes.'' Li Jiahong explained ith a smile, ``If you take them ith you, they ill alays protect you.''

\"protect me?\" clark trembled inardly. \"ho should I protect you?\"

``It's difficult to explain, but I hope you understand.'' Li Jiahong didn't seem to kno ho to explain it, and said, ``by the ay, there are some important points. please remember them carefully. ”, he once again seriously talked about the precautions to take hen earing red shoes.

\"the first point is that after kissing a shoe, you bee the oner of that shoe. the shoe ill never be lost, it ill alays follo you like a shado. From no on, no one ill kno. hen I alk alone don the empty street, I hear you.'' the second sound. there are to pairs of legs, but no one can see them. don't orry, that's it. ”Li Jiahong lightly pointed his index finger.

then he sloly held up his middle finger and said ith his scissor hands: \"Second point, hen you think you are in danger, shoes ill protect you in their on ay and guide you aay from the danger until you are safe. You can follo it. ” ith confidence. ” ”

\"third point, don't tell anyone, let alone others. I don't kno hat ill happen, but you ill definitely regret it.\" Li Jiahong pointed to his ring finger.

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