

第36章 暗影之舞(1 / 2)
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在埃尔德拉卡的面纱王国的编年史中,第 3 章讲述了经验丰富的超自然现象调查员伊桑·德雷克和受人尊敬的神秘学者阿米莉亚·霍桑的危险旅程中展开的危险事件。 upancy.

\"oh...\" mirai almost screamed, but quickly covered her mouth and looked around in fear.

this gruesome scene is visually shocking, but still bearable for the savvy clark. hat he is interested in no is a mysterious symbol carved into the vessel in hich the human head as immersed. these are people ho perform magic tricks. A symbol, an inscription of a prayer in the shado that overes everything.

\"hy...does Earl bluebeard use similar magic?\" clark is shocked and confused as count bluebeard, ho used this type of magic, ends up suffering from the same type of magic. did.

\"hat is magic?\" milea couldn't help but ask hen she heard clark plain.

clark didn't explain anything to the other person, but he ent to a desk in this room ith a large candlestick in his hand. he used the candle to light another candlestick on the desk and gave the candlestick to mirai. \"You can go and look around, but don't touch anything indiscriminately. If you ant to touch anything, please let me kno first.\"

miraille obediently nodded and lit the candlestick. I as a little scared and hesitated, but hen I sa clark concentrating on flipping through the notebook on the desk, I gritted my teeth and stepped aay from him, pushing my back and looking at him arily. Look around.

clark opened the notebook on his desk. there as ritten a record of hen count bluebeard performed a magic trick in secret. It contained a lot of heavy material, all of hich revealed count bluebeard's perverted mind. hat makes clark even more depressed is that count bluebeard alays has an assistant ith him hen he performs his magic, and that assistant is none other than mr. Valente's butler.

\"oh, that's it! that's it!\" miraie seemed to have made other discoveries as ell. After plucking up the courage to take a closer look at the bottles and cans, he took a fe steps back in disbelief. my eyes are filled ith tears of ar and fear.

clark clutched the trapped and deformed notebook tightly in his hand, looking confusedly at the severed and deformed heads around him, and solemnly said: Some came from the castle. ” the servants there have either mysteriously disappeared or been brutally murdered by the count and Valente. ”

187 floating corpses

the corresponding name as ritten on the counter in front of each container, and each persecution as recorded in detail in a notebook.

milea as scared, but clark froned.

clark as a little confused about the actual situation. According to previous speculation, it as miss hela ho stole the all-seeing shadostone. It as miss hela ho cast a spell on the dead Earl beard blue.

hoever, current evidence suggests that the person most likely to perform magic ithin the castle is butler Valente.

does hera also kno ho to use this magic?

If hera could do it, here did she learn it?

If hela really knos ho to do it, then three out of the four people in count bluebeard's castle already kno ho to use this magic...clarke's eyes need to look at millet. there as.

clark once again became suspicious of mirael, thinking that he could not take her aay no.

hat if it's rong? bringing in the rong person means that person is actively creating a danger to themselves.

clark couldn't help but feel a chill in his chest at the thought. he suddenly realized that he as rong. hat mistake did he make? hy did he think that the person ho rote the letter asking him to e to the castle to investigate must be a \"nice person\"?

he is probably the only \"good\" person in the castle.

Yes, he should run aay and leave him alone...

\"mr. clark, hat do you have?\" miraie looked at clark ith some fear hen she sa that clark's expression gradually became ugly and his eyes ere still aiting for her.

clark suddenly oke up at the girl's snarky tone. clark looked at mi Lyle ith mixed feelings. the kindness of his heart told him that he could not live alone, and he left. Reason also tells him that he cannot escape alone in such bad times. the only ay to survive is to find those you can unite ith, defeat or directly kill the other to in the castle, ait for the eather to improve, and then leave.

clark secretly took a deep breath, the cool air filling his nose calming his brain.

Yes, there is no point in thinking about it no, both good and bad. Finding teammates you can ork ith is a top priority.

\"Are you sure miss hera isn't in her room right no?\" clark asked again.

\"I'm sure he's not here,\" mirella shook her head, a little confused since clark as alays asking stupid questions. “do you kno ho the bad guy is no?”

\"I'm not entirely sure about that yet.\" clark cradled the notebook in his arms. \"e need to investigate further. Let's investigate miss hela first.\"

As clark spoke, he alked over to a all here various torture instruments and eapons ere hung, from hich he took an ax and, after a moment's hesitation, handed it to millet, hile he himself held the ax and some rusted objects on the surface. I chose spots. hammer

miraille picked up the ax and looked helplessly at clark, \"hy do you have an ax?\"

\"take care of yourself,\" clark said shortly.

hen mirel appeared before him and he heard mirel say that hela had also left the room, clark kne that the night as destined to be unstable. Everyone as in action, including the murderer, count bluebeard. , a madman as also orking behind the scenes to cast a spell on the earl's corpse.

It ould be better if e never met, but if e did, it ould inevitably lead to a dangerous situation.

clark and miriel leave the chamber of Secrets. clark took one look at the ugly, fat pig lying on the floor, decided not to repair it, and left.

Someone has already broken in and taken the supernatural stone from the count's body, so there is no need to repair it. the saber on the all as also broken. Apparently, the person ho came as planning to block the secret passage and separate him from my Lai. he as locked in a secret room and died, but apparently the saber made ith a mechanical key had lost the hardness of a normal knife. the man tried to pull it, but could not. Instead, he sung his saber sideays and broke it.

miraie clearly understood the retched man's intentions and patted his chest happily, saying, \"ho dangerous, hat a blessing.\"

\"did butler Valente do it?\" miller guessed.

\"No.\" clark shook his head. ``the blade that as still in the keyhole had fallen out, indicating that it as a short man ho pulled the knife. Also, butler Valente and count bluebeard have been doing this kind of thing together for many years.'' It's impossible to do it secretly. I didn't kno ho to close the door and I broke my knife.\"

\"Are you hera-san!?\" mirella's eyes idened.

clark didn't anser, it as a question that didn't need to be ansered at all.

there are only four people inside the castle. by the process of elimination, anyone can guess ho is trying to do something bad.

clark rubbed his hand on the handle of the hammer. his choice of eapon as certainly correct. In the end, someone started shoing murderous intent again. At that time, it as a petition beteen the hunter and the prey.

the to of them left Earl bluebeard's room and found themselves in a dark, empty hallay. It as as dark as hen they first arrived, but they ere both so alert that it felt like there ere to eyes atching them in the darkness.

Led by millais, clark arrives at the door of miss hela's room.

clark's eyes manded, and miller understood it. he knocked on the door, but hen there as no anser inside, he turned the doorknob.

the door as unlocked and he gently pushed it open. clark alays paid attention to the different degrees of door opening. If something goes rong again, he can protect millet's safety as soon as possible.

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