

第35章 黑暗中的窃窃私语(1 / 2)
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在Nyx'terra的编年史中,第8章讲述了伊丽莎白·布莱克伍德博士和她的团队面对即将到来的难以想象的宇宙恐怖时发生的高潮事件。 heless.

She is about meters tall, ears a maid outfit, and has a fat and beautiful face. he is convinced that it as hera's cook, not millaire, ho as sexually abused by count bluebeard at the table.

Little hears the sound of heels moving in the hallay and immediately deduces, \"this is the dining car. Is it delivering dinner to count bluebeard?\"

this probability is very high. After all, considering count bluebeard's exaggerated physique, there's a good chance that count bluebeard definitely has an irregular diet and is dissolute.

thinking about that, clark had an idea. he folloed the candlelight upstairs, just in time to discover here count bluebeard's master bedroom as.

clark folloed hela and found her standing in front of large hite double doors and he stopped as ell.

I sa hera knocking on the door. then the excited voice of count beard blue came from the room. \"hey, e in, e in...\"

In the darkness, the candlelight as so eak that clarke couldn't clearly see hela's expression at that moment. All I kne as that hen the door opened, the light from the room hit my face, and that smile as delicate and beautiful, pressing my face ith a gentle smile. Enter the count's room and dining car.

he didn't say anything, just smiled.

clark could imagine hat as going to happen in the next room, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything to help. his eyes ere immediately fixed on a small door near the count's room. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see clearly ithout the use of light. Something, he alked to the door of a small room and sa a sign on the door that read ``Study''.

\"Study? If my guess is correct, e should think of it as a side door to the study. that front door actually leads to the Earl's bedroom.\" clark guessed based on his knoledge of the structure of the house. did.

hen I tried to turn the doorknob, it as locked, and I couldn't sneak into the counting room from here.

clark as speechless, but he heard the sound of a food truck ing from Earl's room. he had no choice but to give up on sneaking into the count's room tonight, and immediately ent donstairs and ran all the ay back to his room.

back in the bedroom, clark finally felt sleepy. he moved the table into the room and placed it near the door. After taking some precautions, he decided to lie don on the bed.

Looking out the indo at the gray orld and hearing the high pitched sound of the cold ind passing through the cracks of the house, he felt dizzy and noisy, but it all seemed hypnotic, and clark I fell asleep immediately. .

clark didn't realize ho much sleep he had, although he didn't kno if it ould be tomorro. he as a very light sleeper. hen I opened the pocket atch I had brought ith me, I found that I had indeed slept until 5 the next day.

this time it's too late for him. I usually ake up around this time, exercise in the morning, clean, do laundry, get dressed, and go to ork...but I may not be able to go back to the regular life I had before.

It's already morning, and the orld's ansers are not clear. the sky outside and the ind and sno are the same as before.

\"Let's get some sleep.\" clark looked at the table and chair blocking the door, feeling a great sense of relief as he continued to close his sleepy eyes.

he as asleep until he as aakened by miriel's screams that pierced through the castle.

count bluebeard died, the stone he touched last night.

180 suspects

miller's sudden scream oke clark. he hurried up and soon found miller and butler Valente, ho had arrived earlier, in shock.

clark smelled blood in the cold air and suddenly felt an unpleasant sensation in his heart. he sloly alked through the open door to count bluebeard's room. the bloody scene that appeared before his eyes as like the Grim Reaper running toards him ith a knife in his hand. , shocking.

Earl bluebeard died tragically in his bed. his entire spirit as shattered beyond recognition. the murder eapon as a stone carved ith a strange and dangerous animal. the handle of the stone carving as directly pierced into count beard's deformed left eye. the drying blood stone is even eirder and crazier.

before he even had time to consider ho the hidden stone that as in Kander's room and atched every shado appeared in this place, clark, mind confused and paralyzed, found himself in the middle of a frightened small animal. I felt nephrite in my arms. . She fell into clark's arms and trembled.

clark as surprised hen the cold ater seeped through the clothes on his chest and touched his skin like the tip of a cold knife. he as a little confused, but eventually reached out and stroked the beautiful maid's back. I can't stop talking and I don't kno ho to fort him.

Afterards, the last resident of the castle, the cook hela, also rushed to count bluebeard's room. After seeing the dead count bluebeard, he as so frightened that his face turned pale and he seemed unsteady on his feet. , he sat don.

the moment clark sa hela, he remembered last night's secret investigation of the castle, and the first thing that came to mind as that hela as probably responsible for count bluebeard's murder.

hoever, clark did not immediately reveal his identity because he had no absolutely strong ay to prove his identity. It is revealed that he is a la enforcement officer ho has snuck into the castle to investigate a crime, much like the opening scene of players changing identities hen playing \"the Killing Game.\" that's stupid.

doing this not only makes him look stupid, it could dra the attention of the real killer ho is most likely to kill him, and definitely puts him at risk.

his identity as a la enforcement officer in this orld is a good one, but the real clark doesn't kno ho to fight. perhaps even the frightened little maid hiding in his arms at this moment may have more fighting ability than him.

clarke couldn't help but feel a little confused as she sa miss hela, the most beautiful maid in the castle, sitting on the floor in fear, oblivious to her on grace.

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