

第35章 黑暗中的窃窃私语(2 / 2)
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Is he really a murderer? If yes, does it ork too ell?

ell, he's really good at acting...at least in front of count bluebeard, he doesn't sho any expressions or movements that sho any resistance in public.

clark as just beginning to have some doubts about hela, but his suspicion quotient rose again.

butler Valente as the first to recover from the shock. Although his face as still numb, it as difficult to see the other person's true emotions ithout looking into their eyes. his eyes became deeper than usual, and his voice became deeper. bottom: \"No one can enter the room from no on.\"

\"I understand that you ant to protect the site here Eucalyptus as found, but there are only four of us left in the entire castle. do you really think e ill be safe if e leave the site ithout investigating? ?'' mr. clark initially denied it. After listening to Valente's ords, he faced Valente's cold eyes and looked at the other person fiercely, secretly feeling nervous, \"this blizzard ill last for a long time, right?\" do you think you can do it? Are you going to be that cruel? ” ill the murderer, count bluebeard, leave the scene here evidence of the crime may lie until the eather improves and the police arrive?

impossible! And I am sure that this murderer ill face the evidence of his crime in the most extreme ay. If e don't find the real culprit first, there ill be more victims until e're all dead. ”

Valente, the butler, raised his voice angrily and said, \"ho can e think that the murderer ill strike again!\"

clark pointed to the stone statue stuck in the corpse's eye and said, ``do you think the murderer as a sane person after seeing this method of murder? So, butler Valente, I'm sorry, but I cannot ply.'' You too. Yes, and I may not be a \"professional\", but I'm not going to sit around and ait. ”

After mr. clark said this, he took a step back and said, ``of course I kno your concerns, so e ill investigate too. hen someone investigates, the rest of us ill go after him.'' You have to sho us everything he finds. You have to sho it to us.'' hat do you think about ho to prevent this? ”

Valente's face as dark and he stared at clark, but his eyes eren't alays focused on her. It as obvious that he thought so.

At that moment, miller, ho had shrunk in clark's arms, said, \"I...I think hat mr. clark said...makes sense.\"

Valente froned and just stared at millet. mr. hera, ho had been absent for a long time, relaxed and regained some sanity, and said, \"I agree ith mr. clark's proposal. I think it is the right choice, mr. Valente.\"

Seeing that the three people in front of him all rejected his ords, Valente's expression became even more grim, but his evil eyes just stared at their faces for a hile, and then he relaxed. he said this. Etiquette, please follo the advice of our guest, mr. clark. ”

these ords ere a promise beteen the hospitable manners of noble serfs, but clark understood the deeper meaning of Valente's ords.

he emphasized that he as a guest, and that as guests they attended he dared to give orders to others in his home. ho inpetent he as! moreover, he secretly reminded the to maids that he as a stranger and a visitor to the castle. the next day, my husband passed aay at home.

hen clark ignores motives and simply considers his identity, he realizes that he is equally suspicious. After all, in terms of social status, he as not from the Earl's castle, and as the youngest, close to Earl bluebeard.

\"ho ill be first, Agent?\" hela took a deep breath and looked at everyone.

\"mr. Valente, please.\" clark looked at Valente.

Valente snorted and said, \"No, you're a guest, so please invite me first, mr. clark.\"

\"I agree.\" Upon hearing this, mr. clark agreed directly.

Unexpectedly, clark skipped the push and pull phase. his unique \"humility\" gave him an advantage over his opponents, and he suddenly began to feel an inexplicable irritation.

181 is all a big deal

``From the scene of Earl bluebeard's death, e can see that Earl bluebeard's fatal injuries ere not caused by the deposition of this stone.'' the four of them entered the earl's room and first examined the body. clark studied the body for a hile and came to a conclusion. the conclusion is.

miraille stared at him blankly and pointed at the ``murder eapon'' that smashed the earl's pig's head until the brain popped out. Someho, I managed to say in surprise, ``Even if you do that, it on't be a fatal the count ouldn't do that.'' Stubborn vitality. ”

As soon as clark heard this, he explained, pointing to the clean mattress, and said, ``Look at the bed in hich the Earl is no he as beaten to death, one blo ould not kill him.'' No. he as grieving.'' Even if the county doesn't have time to talk to us, he's definitely in pain and his bed ill alays be clean. ”

miller suddenly realized.

\"then should the count be stabbed to death ith this knife?\" hela speculated, looking at the saber that had pierced his heart.

\"that's very likely,\" Valente said. he as the only one ho alays carried gloves and as in charge of checking bodies. he undid the clothes on the count's body and examined every part of his body. only fatal injuries to the head and chest ere found. Since the possibility of head pression injuries has been ruled out, the only remaining speculation is that it may be the true cause of the count's death.

``ho much does the murderer hate the count? After killing him, he mutilated his body like this.'' miraille felt a chill, and her hole body trembled.

the other oman, hela, as also boing her head and secretly trembling.

After hearing miller's ords, clark didn't think so.

In order to kill the count quietly ithout leaving a trace, the murderer must not mit the murder based on passion. Judging from the exact method of murder, it is highly likely that the perpetrator did it premeditatedly. It is hard to imagine that such a murderer ould later kill the Earl. , but unnecessary destruction of corpses is also because more danger ill only remain hidden.

therefore, clark deduced that the person ho killed the Earl and the person ho destroyed his body ere likely not the same person.

thinking of this, clarke couldn't help but sneak a look at hela next to her.

From my current impression, it seems that hela as the main motive for killing the count. After all, judging by the signs observed last night, the count's persecution of hela is not just about sexual harassment, and although hela usually pretends to be very good, she definitely hates the count from the bottom of her heart. masu.

then he looked at Valente and miller.

mr. Valente's actions in trying to prevent people from examining the body ere excusable, but there ere some questionable aspects.

miraille as the first to discover the count's body. he may not be the murderer, but he is suspected of destroying the bodies. After all, he had enough time to destroy his body. he could have crushed the count's head. , and pretends to suddenly discover the scene of death and cries, draing the others in the castle together.

clark felt his heart gro cold. because, according to him, the person ho broke the head of the municator as more dangerous than the person ho killed the municator.

the dry stone as supposed to be placed in Kander's room, ell hidden and sealed, but someone took it and used it to crush the head of the earl's corpse. this means that the man in the dark probably kne that Shi Li touched him, but clark didn't kno if the man in the dark sa his actions last night. If the other person sees it, there is a risk that they ill be blamed.

but being splashed ith dirty ater didn't make clark feel any better. hat he feared as that the dark man had crushed the count's head.

this kind of act of placing a stone that peeks in every shado into the eyes of a corpse is not at all a pure venting of anger, but also the most sinister form of itchcraft.

putting a stone carving into the eyes of a person ho has just died and looking into the shados of all things means using the corpse as eyes to look into the shados of all things, and inducing the person to see the shados of all things here. equal. hen people ho use magic realize this, they pray to him, and he, ho has a \"good heart,\" listens quietly and grants people's ishes.

hoever, God does not exist in this orld, nor does the ordinary God knon to humans. there is a difference in understanding beteen people and them. people's voices may not mean the same thing as people think. You ill achieve it eventually. , perhaps a misunderstood ish.

therefore, the dark man probably itnessed the entire murder of Earl bluebeard, and may have performed magic tricks using Earl bluebeard's body after his death.

clark suddenly felt a deep sense of danger. this castle as certainly an ordinary castle. originally, there ere only four other people in this castle besides me, but no there as a calm and rational murderer and a magician ith evil intentions. count bluebeard's status as a \"sexy aristocrat\" isn't all that annoying.

After examining the body, the four took turns investigating the scene and questioning people about hat appeared at the scene.

Valente: \"there are crumbs on the bedside table. hera, did you feed the count dinner last night?\"

hera: \"Yes, I gave her a midnight snack as usual. She as still in good spirits at that time.\"

hearing Valente's suspicions, he retorted, \"by the ay, mr. Valente, did you report to the count last night as usual about the daily ork at the castle?\"

Valente said softly, ``of course, the count as still reading at that time. I still remember that the book that as on the desk in front of the candlestick as called ``the metamorphosis.''

\"hat book!?\" clark quickly stepped forard and picked up the book. hen he sa the book's title and author, he couldn't hide his shock.

``hy did mr. clark read this book too?'' Valente asked, narroing his eyes.

clark grabbed the novel, closed it, and sloly placed it on the table. he remained calm and said, \"No, I as just curious after hearing such a strange title. to be honest, I'm also a good reader.\" he closed his mouth and secretly gritted his teeth.

Something is rong! Something is rong! Everything here is so unnatural!

clark as going crazy. After seeing the book that the deceased read before his death, his brain and heart rate began to go out of control.

there may be a novel called ``transfiguration'' in this orld, but clark ould never have knon. It should not exist in this orld, and it should not exist in this era.

the orld has big problems!

Valente turned to miller, oblivious to the excitement clark as trying to suppress. \"Let's talk about it, miss miller, because you ere the first to discover that the Earl as dead, so your suspicions are very high.\"

\"but...but that's not the case ith me. I'm a maid in the castle.\" miraille nodded quickly, trying to dispel her doubts, but unfortunately she as a little clumsy.

hen hera heard this, an inexplicable sneer appeared on her face. \"Yes, but you've only been in the castle for less than a month.\"

180 stabilization

three hours have passed since dr. clark carter's disappearance as publicly confirmed, but secret search and rescue teams are still making slo progress. No that the hole orld is atching the secret team, you can imagine the pressure on everyone on the secret team.

\"Let's have a short meeting no. e can't aste any more energy. Let's put together all the clues e've collected so far.\" In the conference room, a classy man in a silver-gray suit appears on the screen. the man said in a calm tone. In the face of this, even in an urgent and high-pressure situation, ei chengye, the top leader of the mysterious team, is able to remain calm and calm, saying, \"the leaders of each team ill report first.\"

this search and rescue mission as divided into three teams led by three special operations teams selected from 12 constellations: team Rat, team Rabbit, and team tiger.

the leader of the rat team is a ruthless oman ith cold eyes. he stepped forard and as the first to report: ``ell, the clues our team has gathered are that a special hair as taken near here dr. clark last disappeared. As a result of verification, it as found that human rebinant dNA as mixed in.'' ``A fragment of an old this, e can infer that rebination occurred at this it cannot be pletely confirmed,'' there is a high possibility that it is the mitomi Ruins.

Sanfu refers to the three major chinese financial groups that have no been eliminated by global poers: house of cards, Lihua, and paradise.

the leader of team Rabbit as a tall, thin man earing glasses and a suit. he as a bit of a good-looking guy, but he had an indescribably businesslike air about him, like an insurance salesman. he folloed the leader of the rat team and said, ``the second team investigated dr. clark's social relationships and found that the Unnatural Life Foundation as not alays clark is highly regarded as a scholar in his field.'' e had it, but there ere a lot of people.” people at the Foundation ere jealous of his talent and tried to replace him.

therefore, e currently suspect that dr. clark's disappearance may be related to these people and are investigating this matter. ”

ei chengye thought for a moment and looked at Yu Lianyun, \"okay, that's the direction. e've been catching them all the time. xiaoyu, hat's the situation here?\"

\"e have not recovered any clues regarding dr. clark.\" Yu Lianyun nodded. As soon as he said this, the hearts of everyone present felt like they sank, but Yu Lianyun said, ``but hat happened in the strange incident that happened in Fengxiang city? e investigated.''

\"hat's rong?\" ei chengye asked curiously, his eyebros loosening slightly.

\"A psychiatric hospital in Fengxiang city as recently destroyed by an unjustified fire. many people ere accidentally killed in the fire, but according to the final statistics, 26 patients and medical staff are still missing.\" Yu Lianyun hile speaking, he ent to the puter in the conference room, operated his mobile phone, and siped the screen to donload the information on the projection screen. At the same time, ei chengye, ho as also present and participating in the meeting remotely, sa a text filled ith xin's confidential information.

the most sensitive information is experimental documentation. the chronicler begins the document by describing it from his first point of vie: \"man lives on a small island called Ignorance in the black Sea. this sea is vast and has endless secrets. \"please, there are infinite unknons. e must embrace them.\" only in this ay ill e have the opportunity to itness the truth of the orld and find great discoveries.

Legend has it that hen people first invented ireless munication and first heard the distant sounds ing from the radio, they heard a sound that sounded like it as ing from the depths of hell.

hen humanity first launched the exploration satellite ``Emma'' and reached the surface of pluto, during its return observation to the Sun, e sa for the first time the great eye of a black hole in space.

hen humans first conquered the poer of the sea and reached the deepest part of the knon ocean, e discovered an eternal temple beneath the ocean...

hen people venture into unknon territory, there are alays great risks and opportunities that e into contact ith taboos. For me, greater risk means greater opportunity, so I decided to focus on hat I as good at. Let's explore this forbidden all!

I ant to learn about the human spirit and touch the depths of the subconscious!

I still remember participating in a research project ith professor ingate at miskatonic University hen I as a student. hen I as researching the effects of special sound aves on the human brain, I happened to discover that special sound aves affected patients ith schizophrenia. due to normal psychological effects, the sound aves reach certain parts of the patient's brain and then suddenly and mysteriously disappear.

these sound aves can penetrate even the ocean floor 5,000 meters deep, let alone the human brain...

Shortly thereafter, professor ingate suddenly disappeared and disappeared from this orld, so it as a pity that this research could not be pleted. hoever, in my heart I had alays anted to plete this experience someday and had been aiting for the opportunity, but I had almost forgotten about it.

Until one day I read an academic paper related to the study of normal civilizations. the academic paper described an extinct race of normal humans ho had mastered the ability to convert their minds and souls into a kind of universal energy. From there, I came to the concept of \"mental barriers\" and learned that they exist primarily in the minds of intelligent beings.

In this unnatural racial civilization, they believe and strongly believe that all spiritual barriers connect them to a realm of poerful unknon beings. As long as one corner of the mental barrier is torn apart, they can find energy floing from unknon realms and control magic. the poer of

hoever, the spiritual barrier is the creator's chain against all rationality, and is also a kind of protection against all. the illful destruction of spiritual barriers has dire consequences. Going insane and dying suddenly is the most likely oute. blocked by a spiritual disorder the most tragic oute is that the poer behind him is eroded aay and he turns into a beast that is constantly frightened.

Later in the paper he explains that spiritual barriers exist primarily in the minds of all these things, but the mental and physical nature of humans cannot control this force, so this normal tribal civilization is said it is not suitable for. the barrier of the human mind is tens of times thicker than theirs. Apart from the fact that trampling spiritual barriers for omen destroys human health, it is simply impossible to break through this thick all.

Furthermore, mental barriers are not barriers in our human concepts. the thicker it is, the more difficult it is to be detected. only those ith eak ills and broken hearts can grasp that existence ith human tools.

Reading this paper reminded me of professor ingate's sonic experiments. only then did I realize that the sudden loss of sound aves during the experiment as due to a mental barrier.

I as very excited to bring in professor ingate's unfinished project, but I thought that if I folloed professor ingate's original ork, it ould be inplete. because both ant people and neither ill turn to evil due to animal desires. Also, if you ant to gain poer, just like climbing dimensions, you also need gears for stability...

clark 184 predictions

After eating a not-so-tasty dinner, the four of them ent back to their room to rest. they did not decide to sleep in the same room. It is needless to say hether they can still rest and quietly kill each other in such an environment. the assassin ho killed count bluebeard must have been very careful. Sleeping in the same room may make it easier for a murderer to kill. the risk factors are really high.

clark returned to his room and reorganized the information about the four people ho originally lived in the castle.

Earl bluebeard (deceased) is the oner of this Earl's castle. he is gluttonous and full of sexual fetish, but he is surprisingly passionate. he entertained strangers like himself and did little to check their identities. or should I say, aren't you ary? Are there other motives? or are you just a really nice and eling person?

butler Valente looks like an aristocratic butler from movies and tV shos. he has a slightly arrogant personality toards people other than Earl bluebeard. his face is slightly numb. At first he as a bit shocked by count bluebeard's death, but soon he reacted ith the calm and skillful attitude of a lover.

hoever, the ay he reacts can't help but make people suspicious. In this lonely castle here the mountains are covered in sno and e don't kno hen the sno ill stop, the murderer is still among the fe people inside the castle. Nothing in such a dangerous situation. If he is not the murderer, the investigation is not alloed, or... could the investigative action in the count's room be harmful to him?

hera, the cook, is good at hiding and disguising her emotions. he is a good actor he's not a psychologist. hat's inside someone's heart is difficult to see from the outside. perhaps his reaction upon seeing the scene of the count's death as also disguised. perhaps the other party, like butler Valente, entered count bluebeard's room before he died.

maid miller is an ordinary girl ho as the first to discover the scene of Earl bluebeard's death. her flirtatious attitude toards count bluebeard during last night's dinner, hile tolerant, as clearly not as natural and hidden as hera's, but it also perfectly matched her status as a ne maid. It as a match. the person on the other end as probably the person ho rote and delivered the memo.

hen clark thought of maid mirel, he couldn't help but imagine the little maid's beautiful smile and all the dependencies on her performance, and felt an indescribable excitement and confidence. of course, he as sure that he did not like this kind of heartbeat. he loved and kne hat it meant to love, so he found it difficult to explain this inexplicable heartbeat.

After some analysis, clark as unable to analyze ho as the murderer or ho put the spell on the corpse, but he did make a guess as to ho as on his side.

clark noticed that he felt a little arm and as seating.

he drank a glass of freshly chilled boiled ater and ent back to bed to continue his thoughts.

No that the murder of Earl bluebeard has been revealed, clark has doubts about this castle and the orld, and even himself.

Is it really clark? popular culture anomalous race researchers orking for the Anomalous creatures Foundation, the largest research organization in the Ne York area on Earth, are orking ith a chinese regional mystical group to assist in the study and analysis of nely discovered anomalous races in china. I accepted your invitation. hoever, along the ay, they suddenly lose consciousness, possibly die, and are someho transported to this orld.

Is that really true?

clark felt as if he as living in a dream. he as no in a dream that as difficult to ake up from. he also felt that the orld of popular culture researchers as a nightmare. After all, this orld as crazier, more dangerous, and full of danger. …

the more clark thought about it, the more confused he became, his bro furroed, and his heart ached.

he began to have doubts about this hen he found a book called ``transformation'' on the desk in count bluebeard's room.

this book is a suspense novel ritten by a best-selling author from Sakurajima, china. this book is equally popular. this is the story of a protagonist hose brain is replaced ith the brain of a murderer due to an accident. his personality, behavior changed and a series of suspenseful events took place.

clark read the beginning of the book, he read it.

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