

第34章 背叛之网(1 / 2)
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布莱克伍德博士和她的团队没有被他们周围的巨大危险吓倒,坚定不移地向前迈进。ans and amorphous masses of flesh and blood of unknon position rithe and tear through heaven and earth like moving pillars, and blasphemous and abominable filth rushes toards them like a tornado. ta. .

the frantic hols, desperate screams, and terrifying sights quickly ate aay at the eak human senses. the instincts of self-destruction and failure invade the heights of consciousness. collective madness and collective suicide are occurring in the streets and alleys of the city. It goes on and on.

the city is collapsing...

buzz -

Suddenly, a shockingly loud and sharp sound rang out, the heart-pounding sound of a violin frightening almost everyone in the city back to their senses. before the fragile nerves are again distracted by the strange landscape on the horizon, suddenly a full cycle of violins enchanted by the heart of the itch's medicine seduces everyone's heart \"beyond the sky\" . they ill arrive at a grand concert and find a great violinist in sharp gloves aiting for them to arrive at the center of the stage.

they temporarily forget the despair of reality and no longer have to suffer from the cognitive destruction unittingly propagated by an alien god, but on the other hand, the strange and maddening effects of a mad musician in pursuit of the ultimate musical theory. You also have to listen to the sounds. . .

You have to pay a price to survive.

the earth is torn apart, the sky is tisted, the light is salloed up, and life beneath the dark clouds is rapidly dying.

\"captain Yu... ake up...\" drake looked at the to giant gods fighting together to destroy the orld. he couldn't help but sigh inardly. he as helpless and could only fall to the ground and scream over and over again. Yu Lianyun's name, I hope Yu Lianyun akes up as soon as possible from the cognitive destruction caused by the sky demon.

Yu Lianyun is different from a group of heterogeneous hybrids mixed into the norm, ho can freely abandon the concept of life and death of ordinary people. he is a normal person. they briefly agree to a decoy plan proposed by crazy reporter chen xiaolin, but Yu Lianyun Yun ultimately agrees. If you don't have the confidence to repel the tenmashin's abilities, you ill never agree to it from the perspective of protecting humanity.

therefore, drake is sure that Yu Lianyun has a ay to deal ith this situation.

but no, knoing that the solution lies ith Yu Lianyun, Yu Lianyun took the burden first and fell to the ground.

As if hearing derek's call, Yu Lianyun, ho as still in a state of numbness and madness, suddenly relaxed her titching movements and got up from the ground. he put his hand on his arm and said in a trembling voice, \"I don't belong in this era...\"

drake looked at Yu Lianyun’s actions in surprise. he didn't fully understand it, but he did understand that Yu Lianyun seemed to be chanting some kind of mantra, as if he had summoned something or provoked something. did.

he looked at Yu Lianyun expectantly. If he can do miracles, let him see it!

After the spell that Yu Lianyun cast ended, Yu Lianyun regained his strength and seemed to have regained control of his body. he stood up, his face pale but his eyes steady, and he took the piece of bronze in his arms. A black goat's hoof rapped in a chain: \"It's out of this orld!\"

hen the black goat's foot appeared, the demon in the sky, hich kept revealing itself in the spreading black clouds, seemed to smell something terrifying. the intestines and belly hanging in the sky ere tense and motionless, turning black and rotten. the color of his face became even darker and he seemed to bee smaller.

mr. Zhao shoed his gourmet attitude and seized this opportunity. Suddenly, the hole body split into a large mouth, and the sharp teeth suddenly clenched, cutting through the folded intestines and belly, biting and cheing madly. Grinding, digestion.

the seriously injured Sky demon stood crying miserably, and the part of his body that as exposed outside the black cloud immediately retreated into the black cloud. In the end, all that as left as a stagnant lake hanging upside don in the sky. In the center of the lake ere aves, pain, sadness, anger, and resentment. the screams continued to echo from the dark clouds.

As the black clouds sloly disappeared, the roar from another dimension also gradually disappeared, and the sky turned into a bright blue sky.

the devil of heaven is banished from this orld as a tragic fate that even God cannot escape, as if this is his fate and reincarnation, just like his fate hen he last appeared in the human orld. it as done.

one hundred years ago, on Jinma mountain, a mad bachelor knon as Ye Gong turned the \"hoof\" of the black forest goat, the messenger of the creator, upside don and attached a bronze chain to it. there is no need to transcend all things and set special restrictions. In order to repel the ancient Sky demon Seal, it is possible to pletely expel the Sky demon from the human orld by bining it ith a specific spell.

the miracles created by our ancestors have been inherited by their descendants.

hen Yu Lianyun sa Gong mo cursing and leaving sadly, she laughed ith relief.

“…Are you okay?” Yu Lianyun fell to the ground again. his mind as slo and incapable of plex thinking, but he still did not forget to care about the situation of others.

\"haha.\" the huge pile of meat that rose from the ground disappeared ithout a trace, leaving only a faint sound of laughter, and gradually disappeared. mr. qiao left mr. xin Junmao ith protection on his body.

drake patted the dry ground, making a sound to prove he as still alive. his eyes fell on Li duaren, hose limbs ere formed from blood and flesh, and chen xiaolin, ho as ithered. he as a little surprised and remained silent.

Yu Lianyun also sa this scene, sighed, and quietly closed his sad eyes.

Li duanen and chen xiaolin passed aay.

Yu Lianyun felt that although the heavenly demon as no longer here, it as still a terrifying presence peeking through the invisible crack. he reached out and took aay the precious souls of Li duaren and chen xiaolin. but he had no poer to stop it.

the magic circle as damaged, the sacrifice died, and the sacrifice disappeared. this hole ritual asn't perfect yet. the upside-don, perfectionist creator may never return, but he still stole their souls back. It sos the seeds of evil in the orld, biological evil.

the spores parasitize everything and bee an alien species that roams the human orld...

In the dark, damp space of the dark forest, here ghostly cries echo, a large, thick, tisted tree ith many eyes like the hooves of a black sheep appears in the distance. he as standing in the middle. a. the pair of trees look like vines, but they are long organs covered ith small suckers, cut into small pieces from the main body of the giant tree, and tightly grip the souls of the to men ho have lost their spirituality.

hen a black forest goat ith cheeks similar to Zheng Yu's on its trunk sa the to souls, it suddenly laughed bitterly and said, \"You've e, you've finally e!\"

then, from the ``trees'' of the dark, silent forest, I heard the sound of sheep's hooves and the sound of strange sheep calls one after another.

the giant black tree, the mother of the forest's black goats, and the upside-don creator gazes at the souls of men and omen ith cold yet forgiving eyes, and raps \"vines\" around their bodies.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, to giant red fireflies took to the sky and stared at the trees and vines in the void. the souls of Li duaren and chen xiaolin ere bound by a pair of chains, pulled out of the dark forest in the blink of an eye, and suddenly appeared in the dimensional vortex of the dark forest and disappeared.

the giant tree roared into the black hirlind, and out of the hirlind appeared a young man ith the smile of a buddha ith his hands clasped behind his back. he seemed indifferent to the sounds that could destroy all life, vibrating and shattering space ith just a roar.

\"It's too noisy.\" Linlin punched his hand, and the giant tree and its size ere sent flying to the edge of space, leaving behind a chaotic mist. It turns out that behind him, in the dark forest dimension closest to the center of the universe, as actually a chaotic mist mixed ith purple and black and strange stars.

hmm, hmmm…ah…#¥@#

Inprehensible sounds emerge from the fog of confusion, like the instinctive cries of an aakened baby.

“Shut up and go back to sleep.” Ling Ling smiled softly, but his ords ere indifferent.

hearing that sound, the fog of chaos subsided.

\"hehe, this bald old man ants me to be his successor, let me be his...hehehe, nanny. but I haven't had enough fun yet, so please sleep a little longer.\" smiled kindly and turned to the black hirlpool.

chaotic mist continues to sleep, unconscious.

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