

第34章 背叛之网(2 / 2)
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175 people violated

\"ele to Alliance Nes Evening Nes. e received good nes at 4:00 A mysterious group and other global anomalous investigation and countermeasure organizations ill launch an 'Elimination operation' against three major anomalous criminal alliances this afternoon. pleted. the chinese people are the largest group of 100 people in the orld, knon as china's three-legged golden frog, ho are glamorous on the surface but ork like dogs behind the scenes, ith sinister intentions and many serious malice. I have mitted sins. If an abnormal situation occurs in china, undermining the rule of la and social stability, and endangering the survival of humanity, everyone ill be punished.

Let us congratulate the investigative agencies for their significant contribution to this operation and thank them for their significant contribution to our humane society...”


A thin tip ith a long cla hit the tV, creating a blurry screen and electrical sparks, erasing the tV program.

\"the Lord has been executed, and he has left us...\" A ild mouse ith a rugged human face turned aay and hispered angrily to the strange herd of animals. he clenched his fists and could still feel the long nails digging into his body, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

All of these ere originally part of three major consortia. the so-called masters refer to the normal races and advanced civilizations that actually manage the tri-Union. through the transformation of each master, they became close to the so-called \"master\". but it still retains some human characteristics.

After the Sky demon invasion, the mysterious team discovers a large amount of evidence of crimes against humanity that can prove the relationship beteen the three main consortiums and the normal animals. A tidal ave of investigators from all over the orld arrive to catch everyone quickly.

the ordinary races that control the three largest financial groups also kno ho to assess the situation. they have a highly advanced civilization that exceeds human imagination, and they naturally have a ay of interacting ith humans, but... ho deep is the ater on Earth? they are deeper than the natives of this planet. Kno better.

this blue planet is also home to countless other dimensional races and aliens. A poerful alien god may be sleeping in the orld. they have special agreements ith the normal races. God can only attack and counterattack people according to the rules of the agreement. once the limit is exceeded, other normal races ill no longer be able to consent.

Affecting the interests of other normal races is only one reason. It ould be a disaster if a poerful sleeping god accidentally oke up and caused a catastrophe that ould destroy the orld...

As a result, the normal races behind the big three consortium ere temporarily hidden, but this as tantamount to letting chaos mutate and \"promote\" people.

they are obedient, but also more primitive and cruel than them.

the ferocious rat is a pufferfish that failed to transform. he is very proud of his current \"clan\" and hates those ho persecute the interests of \"other tribes.\"

\"e cannot sit and ait for death. hen the Lord returns, e must let him see the results of our creation.\" the neck is long and deformed, the head is small, the body A strange man ith rinkles inside expressed his opinion. he said through gritted teeth and rinkled skin as a deterrent. the umbrella lizard trembled.

``Yes, these people must suffer enough!'' a strange girl called out.

“protect the majesty of the Lord!”

“please let my lord rule this orld!”

Groups of grotesque madmen shouted insane slogans in dark, damp basements, and spouted distorted utterances in dark and desolate places. the strangers all ore expressions of extreme fanaticism.

After a long time, their excitement subsided.

``hey, hey, guys, ho did I catch?'' A strange man ith a spiral-shaped body drags an unconscious man into the crod. he smiled at everyone and aited for strangers to pay attention to him. A strange smile appeared on everyone's face hen they sa the unconscious man.

\"According to the latest response, dr. clark, a prominent foreign folklorist at the Institute of Anomalous Races and civilizations, has been confirmed missing and is currently missing. e have dispatched numerous police and investigators. ``An investigation is underay.'' ``I alked to the location here I as last seen. I couldn't find anything...'' outside a regular barbecue in Fengxiang, here the nes broke, rain as pouring don. At night, aves of mysterious detectives in dark green raincoats aded through the ater and gathered. together outside the barbecue shop.

\"hat's going on? have you found any clues?\" Yu Lianyun looked at the assembled rades and asked the leader ho as directing the search.

the team leaders shook their heads ith ugly expressions and loered their eyes in embarrassment.

As mysterious detectives at the headquarters of a mysterious team best suited for tracking and investigating, they can't find any signs of dr. clark's disappearance. they just feel ashamed of their abilities and can't face the people ho have high expectations for them.

dr. clark is a researcher of anomalous civilizations from the Ne York area. he is a onderful assistant specially invited by an occult group to help them research rare local creatures. he is a member of the Abnormal biology Foundation, a Ne York area research organization. important people in society.

Such a great leader disappeared in china less than four hours after stepping off the plane. It as a major event that affected the relationship beteen both organizations.

Seeing that nothing as found yet, Yu Lianyun's expression remained as serious as before. he shoed no concern or blame for their poor performance. he looked at the heavy rain that fell at the rong time and said: \"I don't blame you. Some of the clues have been ashed aay by this heavy rain, so e have to think of another ay to find dr. clark's location.\" ”

\"damn, the rest of us must have done it!\" the mysterious young detective said angrily through gritted teeth.

the mysterious detectives' expressions darkened hen they heard the sound. Everyone could have guessed that the ``person'' ho did this as a remnant of the three-major business alliance that as recently crushed by the investigative agency. Although the operation has already ended in the outside orld, this does not mean that all the gang members of the three Alliances have been captured and eliminated.

For example, only some mon races actually control the economic groups they hold, but most of them are shapeshifters in the form of these mon races. the orld despises them and calls them \"traitors\"!

these groups of madmen and traitors only bee even more insane than the actions of these normal races. It's nothing to kidnap or kidnap dr. clark. If you can accumulate a certain amount of poer, you might be able to do even more despicable and insane things. .

Yu Lianyun did not ment on the statement, but said, ``e ill continue searching until early this morning.''

Summary at the end of volume 5

First of all, it is not easy to finish riting this story by \"seeing\" it.

hoever, it is a pity that some of the plot cannot be expanded upon in order to bring the story to a faster conclusion in the main story. therefore, personally, I felt that the drama and conflict in this volume's story as lacking in the second half.

Above all, I ill try my best to avoid riting ideas that are on the verge of a minefield.

In the main story, there are not many normal animals, there are only four in total.

Void demons, hybrids are normal creatures that can create or steal different creatures, as ell as create the appearance of different creatures at different stages of groth. he is obsessed ith animal evolution, but has no ability to evolve himself. Like other gods, he has abilities such as cognitive destruction, memetic violation, and his special ability is the ability to sneak into universes created by aliens. the prototype of the giant skeleton that first appeared as the strange skeleton that appeared in the movie ``cthulhu Unknon'', but it as designed ith the ability ``draing''.

the Night Stalker is a terrifying creature that roams the dark dimensions and the real orld. Its design is inspired by \"terrorist\" mothers ho raised naughty children ho did not sleep during their childhood. ``If you don't sleep, xxx ill e and take you aay.''

black Forest Goat, the reference prototype is black goat.

Inverted creator, it is based on the Shub-Nicolas prototype, but the design of the image still references the outer God cthun from the cthulhu mythos, and both are trees.

And the mysterious poer of the East, the accessory is \"stra\".

the actual ability of a stra es from the mon chinese phrase ``the stra that saves a life'', colloquially ``the stra that breaks the camel's back''.

Anyone contaminated ith stra can save lives during a crisis, but saving a life does not guarantee safety, and these people ill eventually be killed by another crisis. he dies soon and ends up dying a tragic death.

In the end, both Li duaren and chen xiaolin died.

I've been thinking about the story for the next volume. Actually, this is based on a script I rote. I didn't sell the script, I just shared it ith friends and played it. It is semi-closed. In versions for 4 to 6 players, the effect is very good.

I hope you all like it too.

176 travelers

heavy snofall occurs in december of the lunar inter, making it difficult for travelers ith luggage to alk through knee-deep sno.

the traveler's head as covered ith a thick cotton hat, and large frosts and sno added a natural mask to it. his thick clothes and tight canvas bag made it almost impossible to see his specific appearance at that moment. those ho sa it from a distance thought it as a shameful, fat, stupid bear ith a shell on its back.

the traveler looked up at the cliff ahead. A black castle toered over the cliff.

this castle is his only chance to survive the intense inter heat.

Even if the traveler knos that the black castle is strangely full of unpleasant omens, and even the cold, harsh sno is only a background, masking its on paradoxical and dangerous atmosphere. Even though I kno I can't, I also kno that I have to. there as unimaginable death and murder. once he ent there, he might never e back, but he alays had to go.

Either he freezes to death in this blizzard, or he dies later in the dangers of the castle...he clearly has no choice and is forced to make a choice.

Eventually the traveler arrived at a suspension bridge beteen to castles. Just looking don at the cold blue mist at the bottom of the cliff almost brought his heart to freezing point.

After a laborious alk and careful crossing of a frozen and fragile suspension bridge, they finally arrived at the gates of the black castle.

the traveler took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to knock on the castle door. orried that the people inside ouldn't hear him, he also aved his hand and knocked loudly on the door, saying, \"Is someone there!? Is someone there!?\"

the door as closed, dark and heavy, and there as sno on the door. the poor man outside the door as shaking and his voice as eak.

Just hen the traveler as about to despair, the sno that had piled up on the door trembled, and the black door inside sloly opened ide. It asn't bright, but the arm light hit the traveler's face ell. but it makes travelers feel as cozy and arm as the arm sun on a sunny christmas day.

but along ith the hot sun, there as also a tall and heavy dark shado on his face.

In the gap beteen the open door, a tall, thin figure stood ith his chest puffed out. he held a lighted candlestick in his hand and sloly raised the candlestick to his chest. the light of the fire illuminated his long, pale, thin face. her gray hair as slicked back and she as earing a beautiful and elegant tuxedo. he simply opened his narro eyes and stood before the traveler ith a stern look on his face.

he is elegant and polite, and judging by his attire, he seems to be the butler of this castle.

the traveler's heart began to beat again under his cold gaze, but he jumped up cautiously, as if afraid that the other person might hear him, even though the fierce ind of the blizzard as no stronger than anything else. ta.

\"I apologize for the inconvenience, distinguished gentleman. my name is clark. I am a traveler. I traveled here by mistake and encountered heavy snofall. In fact, there are no other places nearby. No. can I rest here for a hile, or can you leave? I ill.'' Leave hen the storm passes. '' clark salloed his sore throat from the cold air, fought back the pain, and screamed loud enough for everyone on campus to hear him clearly.

the butler looked up at him silently, then backed aay sloly, clearing a path for people to enter, and said, ``please e in, mr. clark.''

\"thank you, thank you...\" clark expressed his gratitude and quickly alked into the arm castle.

Although the temperature indoors may not be very hot, the environment here is clearly more fortable to live in than outdoors. As I stood in front of the door and folloed the butler's instructions to remove the frost and sno from my body, I suddenly felt lighter.

``thank you again, kind teacher.'' mr. clark once again expressed his gratitude to butler.

the butler as like a puppet, his posture never changing, tall and graceful as alays, and ith an indescribable sense of distance. he said, \"hello, mr. clark, I'd like to introduce myself.\" , I'm Valente, the butler here. ele to the castle of my master, count bluebeard. ”

\"bluebeard...Earl...\" clarke's guttural voice echoed from the dull, lonely castle. his face as red from the cold, and he looked a little funny.

\"Yes, thank the master. he is alays kind and helpful and ants to help guests in need like you. I ill take you to the master. If he I trust that once I kno of your arrival, I ill ele you.'' Valente, the butler, said calmly and mechanically.

As he spoke, he held a candlestick and alked ahead to guide clark.

Along the ay, clark notices that the castle is plex, ith steps and staircases, numerous hallays, and different lighting in different locations. the castle as like a maze.

Gradually, clark noticed something strange in the castle. he couldn't help but ask Valente, the steard ho as leading the ay.

butler Valente calmly replied, ``tonight is christmas Eve. our good Lord has ordered the servants ho orked in the castle to return home early and assemble. has left only a fe servants. please continue to run the castle.\"

\"...I hope you get home safely.\" clark sloly raised the corner of his mouth and looked out the indo at the blizzard.

this snostorm lasted almost all day.

Under Valente's lead, clarke passed through several hallays and corners until they arrived at the castle's restaurant.

A fat, hite-haired mediterranean aristocrat ith a strange blue beard sits at the table. they put a series of great tables in front of him. he has a big belly and to big hands on the table. ith a graceful disposition, he is quietly looking forard to today. A late dinner as delivered.

this man is count Valente, bluebeard, mentioned by the oner of this castle.

clark and count bluebeard meet for the first time through butler Valente. Unlike count bluebeard's scared and rough face, hen he heard that clark anted to stay there for a hile, count bluebeard's eyes lit up and he as very happy. he couldn't laugh all the ay through. As butler Valente said, he as truly hospitable and passionate. he immediately expressed his mood and said, \"mr. clark, ele to my castle. Your arrival this inter is a miracle to me.\" ! please stay here for a fe more days! ”

As soon as clarke thanks count bluebeard ith a dry smile, count bluebeard orders Valente to take clarke and change into the cleanest clothes in the castle. After he changed his clothes, he came to dinner ith her. by the ay, Valente told hella, ho as orking in the kitchen, to prepare extra stitches for clark.

Faced ith such enthusiasm, clark felt a little confused until he arrived at the room here count brebre had ordered Valente to prepare. he remained there for a fe minutes until someone knocked on his bedroom door and he quickly put don his things. , he turned and opened the door.

the person ho knocked on the door as a beautiful maid ith blonde tintails. he came to deliver her clothes. \"hello mr. clark, I'm miraille. this is the dress you need. I have several sets. oh, please check first.\" I think this dress ill look great on you. ”

\"...Ah, thank you, miss miller,\" mr. clark thanked the maid ith a kind smile, said goodbye, closed the door, and thre the clothes he had received onto the bed.

clark stood there, taking a fe deep breaths, then rummaged through his backpack, finally finding his pocket atch. I turned on the sitch to check the time, looked out the indo at the night vie, and said, ``It's 8:30 in the morning. to points...''

one hundred and seventy-seven, be careful.

clarke simply ashed her face and put on the clothes the castle lord had given her. hen I as about to change my clothes, I suddenly remembered miraille's opinion and said that the other person looked good in red clothes.

Remembering the beautiful maid's smile and ords, he thought for a hile and decided to follo her suggestion and ear this dress.

clark straightened his clothes in front of the mirror in his room. clark froned in the mirror. he did not appreciate her beauty, because the costumes that ere popular among the nobility around the 17th century deeply encouraged him. aesthetic.

It took her a long time to figure out ho to ear these clothes, and the shapes and colors ere too exaggerated for her to accept.

\"hy do you alays ear socks...\" clark felt the soft, luxurious silk fabric against his skin, and felt shame and helplessness inside.

of course, hat made him even more disappointed as that he had to ear high heels.

After getting dressed and straightening his clothes, clark stood blankly in front of the mirror, ondering about his life for a long time. It asn't until he heard Valente knocking on the door that he came to his senses, ansered the door, and folloed Valente back to the restaurant.

the castle as really too big. on the ay back to the restaurant, clark secretly tried to remember the maze of paths he had seen along the ay. the more he consciously tried to remember, the more he couldn't help but secretly sigh.

clark returned to the restaurant and greeted count brevet, ho had been aiting for him, ``I apologize for keeping you aiting, dear count brevet.''

\"hohoho, mr. clark, you've bee quite a gentleman,\" count bluebeard applauded ith a gentle round of applause.

\"thank you for your approval.\" clark nodded sloly and folloed count bluebeard's signal to take a seat at the table.

clark's eyes ere filled ith excitement as he looked at the meat bun in front of him. Suddenly, he felt really hungry and couldn't help but sallo his saliva.

count bluebeard noticed clark's appetite and smiled, \"don't talk too much, let's eat first.\"

hile saying this, barber looked at Valente, the steard, ho as aiting next to him. Valente realized that he had alked forard quickly and clapped his hands. And another person, the beautiful maid millet, hom clark had met before. A charming red maid ith a sexy face came pushing a stall.

\"this is tonight's cook, and the most beautiful maid in the castle. her name is hela.\" Earl bluebeard atched the to maids pushing the stalls, and mainly admired hela's graceful face. focused his gaze on. , his eyes did not hide his great desire, and his thick tongue licked the corner of his blue-bearded lips. As hela passed by, count bluebeard became even more exaggerated, tilting his head directly and pressing his stomach against the other's, breathing in the scent of orchid from the other's body through the fabric of his clothes.

miraille as a bit shy and timid, but she very smartly stood behind Earl bluebeard so as not to sho it to others. It turns out that count bluebeard is more interested in hela than her.

hera didn't pay attention to the count's chatty actions, but she returned his silent, gentle smile and added tonight's appetizer, grilled cheese escargot, for him.

\"Ah, hera, you are as charming as tonight's special dish,\" said count bluebeard ith a sinister grin.

hela smiled and said, \"thank you for your pliment, count.\"

clark itnessed all this from the sidelines and secretly thought about the indecent behavior of his opponent. Indeed, the more I sa him, the less good he became.

hile clark as secretly slandering Earl bluebeard, he also did not forget to observe the expressions and actions of the other people present.

Valente, the butler, seems used to everything and shos no reaction. It's stone cold. his label may be a gentleman, but his true temperament cannot be called a \"gentleman.\" of course, clark also understands the butler. It may be out of a certain kind of loyalty that they fully accept hatever their master does.

beautiful hela appeared very calm on the surface, but did not avoid or resist Earl bluebeard's attitude, and could smile naturally, clark kne that count bluebeard ould be faster than the other party. I realized that I had delivered food to . Apparently the other person as faster. he cannot adapt to it and resists it in his heart...a cruel feudal aristocrat.

poor miller, his emotions seem to sho on his face...

dinner as good overall. hera, the cook and maid, as a very good cook and brought clark delicious dishes. hoever, the dining experience as greatly diminished by the presence of the castle's oner, count bluebeard.

After dinner, Earl bluebeard asked clark some questions and they talked for a hile.

\"mr. clark, here are you from and here do you ant to go?\"

\"I'm from the South and I ant to go North,\" clark said in a similar response.

\"open for business?\"



Faced ith several questions about count bluebeard's life experiences, clark did his best to imitate and anser. he as nervous and his palms ere seating, secretly praying that the other person ould finish the conversation quickly.

As if God had heard his prayers, count bluebeard did not speak to clark for too long. he only briefly spoke a fe ords to clark. then he got up and said he as going back to his room to rest. he quietly suggested that clark take an early break as ell.

hen clark returned to his makeshift room, he sat don on his bed as if exhausted, cold seat dripping from his forehead.

After taking a deep breath, clark pulled his pocket atch out of his pocket, looked at the time again, and read, \"8:45 in the morning.\"

\"Go to bed early,\" clark consoled himself, putting on his pocket atch, tucking it under his pillo, and undressing.

hile checking his belongings for something missing, he suddenly notices a small pocket hidden in the collar of his red dress. hoever, I ore it because the material and color of the fabric and collar ere very similar. At that time, I didn't feel anything as rong, but I noticed an unusually greasy feeling on the collar. I didn't notice it until I touched it.

\"ho did he ipe it?\" clark recalled, \"I remember here I as standing... as that millet the one standing behind me? did he ipe it on purpose?\" I thought.

hen he felt it carefully, it looked like there as a small hard lump on his collar, but it asn't obvious. It as small and thin, making it difficult to feel the presence of foreign objects.

Realizing this might be some kind of reminder, clark opened a small pocket in his lapel and found a folded piece of paper inside. hen I opened it, I found a square piece of paper less than 2 centimeters in length and idth, ith a sentence ritten on it. the ord “attention”!

178 mysterious orlds

\"be careful? hat should you be careful about? ho should you be careful about?\"

Another unpleasant feeling rose in clark's heart. he guessed that this little note as probably ritten by mirai Elle, since she as the one ho gave him this dress and the suit he as earing tonight. he suggests choosing it. In addition, they have more opportunities to touch clothes and are more likely to make suggestions.

clark's heart selled as he sat on the edge of his bed, remembering everything that had happened that day.

there ere fragments of his memory. he apparently only remembered being on a plane to china. he then falls asleep on the plane and akes up to find himself in a deserted area. , my clothes and belongings changed.

he panicked at first, but quickly calmed don and rummaged through his belongings, as ell as his backpack, including a notepad and pockets here he recorded \"his\" situation. Look very sloly and move your hands.

the notepad had a date from the 17th century and stated that the purpose of the trip as that ``he'' as going to a castle in a distant county. the castle as built on the edge of a cliff, and there as nothing ithin four or five kilometers around it. In a remote and desolate forest, ``he'' is actually a la enforcement officer chasing the truth. he ants to escape from the strange castle here hundreds of people are missing, something he asked \"It\" about half a month ago. \"the person ho sent the distress letter should check the situation and carry out rescue operations.

Since he had no destination and no direction, he could only follo a map of the castle's location saved in a folder in his notepad.

ithin an hour, the eather got orse and orse ith ind and sno. It asn't until he actually folloed that path and found the so-called castle of the count that he as finally convinced that he had truly encountered the novel. Something that can only happen in the 17th century - he travels back in time and bees a 17th century \"la enforcement officer.\"

due to the blizzard eather, he had no choice but to live in this castle, but he kne there as great danger there.

hoever, there are still many places in this orld that confuse clark, especially this castle. hether it's the setting of this castle or the ords and actions of the characters, there's a lot of thought put into every detail. strange.

Although the county's title is bluebeard, the image of bluebeard as foreign to clark, as the character is as famous throughout the estern orld as a fairy-tale villain. he is a perverted aristocrat and a oman-killer in fairy tales. there is certainly a real picture of history there. the other person is actually a notorious child murderer. In order to fulfill his desires, he has learned a forbidden magic that uses children's blood. For this purpose, he kidnapped and killed many people. innocent child

As an expert on supernatural popular culture, clark naturally researched the existence of bluebeard in real history. hoever, hen I arrived at the castle today, I didn't realize that the bluebeard I as traveling ith as the same person I studied in history. face

perhaps he traveled through time and space ith a pletely different but similar historical background?

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