

第32章 尼克斯泰拉(1 / 2)
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区域名称: 尼克斯泰拉

Nyx'terra在古代语言中意为“阴影之地”,是尤戈特内体现宇宙混沌本质的地区。anized an emergency organization and took Ye Gong ith them as ell. once there, go to the mountains and look for people.

As a result, it as discovered that some of the adults ho ent out to search climbed the mountain and never returned. the villagers kne this mountain very ell. they ere so familiar that they could alk out of the mountain ith their eyes closed. It as very strange that something like this happened no. So, after several days of searching, they finally discovered a cave in the mountain. After descending the mountain, a search as conducted and the missing person as discovered.

It is a pity that all the missing people die and their bodies fall in front of an empty corpse ith magical poers. Afterards, those ho descended into the cave to search for the missing persons began scrambling ith the corpses. hat happened along the ay many terrible things happened and the final situation as dire. only a fe people, including Ye Gon, returned to the village.

to arn future generations not to easily enter this place, Gong Ye also erected a stone monument on his ay back. After returning to Japan, I also planned to rite poems and pictures. hoever, just as he finished riting his poems and paintings, Ye Gong realized that he seemed to be provoked and fascinated in some ay. In reality, something like this should never be alloed to spread, so e sealed up a cave in the mountain, peeled off the paint, and thre it aay.

It's a shame that mr. Ye never expected his painting to actually be burned, but no e kno that our descendants ill have to fight for it. hat as even more unexpected as that the entrance to the cave here Ye Gong as sealed at the time opened due to the Liuhua port Incident that caused tectonic shifts in china's East china Sea to months ago. Found it again. by future generations. ”

199 ang Zijing

chen xiaolin realized that Zheng Yu's end as not simply to seek his on death. much of his madness as due to the encouragement of others. the person ho sent the email to Zheng Yu must have had a reason.

“ho sent the email?” chen xiaolin asked in a deep voice, “You may kno that it is Jinmashan, as the organization keeps a large number of books related to taboo knoledge. hy did Zheng Yu judge based only on the poem? Jinma mountain is mentioned in the poem. And hat about the painting?”

``Yes, Zheng Yu and the oner of the mysterious box municated through the mailbox and municated frequently. It as from the other party that Zheng Yu learned of the location of Jinma mountain.'' Yu Lianyun said that cheng Yu he looked at xiaolin ith satisfaction, but the other person said that his attention as focused on finding the truth and as not distracted by the interesting parts of the story he as telling.

Urien froned and looked out the indo at the clear blue sky, but he felt a sign that a storm as ing. Every time I sent a message, it asn't easy.''I sent an email and found out my Ip address. All Ip addresses change, and they change frequently in the Ne York area, hich should lead us to suspect that foreign forces may be involved in this incident. ”

“Is that the Upside don Sanctuary?” chen xiaolin remembers Li duojing’s guess.

\"It's possible.\" Yu Lianyun nodded. \"but I think they're probably just one of the participants.\"

\"one of them?\" chen xiaolin as surprised.

``don't you think it's strange?'' Yu Lianyun stood up and alked to the indo, looking don at the people moving in the backyard. ``In recent years, abnormal situations have frequently occurred in china, and I onder hat happened here. the probability of the event is the norm at the prefecture level, and the above is orse than in other regions.”

chen xiaolin as deep in thought. As a media orker, he as exposed to nes-related information more frequently than others. In fact, he as very doubtful about hat Yu Lianyun said until Yu Lianyun almost confirmed his guess. , he as finally convinced of his intuition.

“these are all planned. Since to years ago, our mysterious team has noticed the existence of a gang that secretly controls the development of the Shenzhou area and is constantly plundering various resources such as nature from the Shenzhou area. they also had human resources, etc.'' they consciously spread the gospel of foreign gods through various means and expanded the number of believers in foreign gods.

\"Are these people still human? If they are, hat good are they?\" chen xiaolin as so scared that she couldn't help but cry out.

“Yes, e also onder ho they use gods to gain profit, and hat their purpose is.” Yu Lianyun nodded. “house of cards, huangsha truth School, Upside don Sanctuary, and the Eye of Kusuun, another hidden and very deep card organization, appear to be independent of each other, but our the mysterious team discovers that there is a subtle connection beteen them.

Although they belong to different organizations and believe in different gods, there are almost no restrictions. You should also kno that belief in alien gods can cause irreversible changes in the human brain. people ill bee very fanatical and begin to orship foreign gods that they believe in. Eventually, you'll bee loyal and protective, like a huge fan of a particular celebrity. .

thus, believers ho believe in their God should have an easy fight, but it is not. hat is interesting is that they are actually secretly municating and there are conflicts beteen believers. close contacts are unknon. this sounds unbelievable to anyone, but they just do it. ”

chen xiaolin silently remembered the existence of the four organizations. After thinking for a moment, he asked Yu Lianyun, \"hy are you telling me this? Actually, you don't need to explain to me.\"

Yu Lianyun replied ith a smile, \"I don't like to hide. Even if I don't tell you, I'm sure miss chen ill make some moves later. these investigations are very dangerous. . than making you do it.'' ” Your information is at risk, so it's better to explain it directly. ”

\"but aren't you afraid of me reporting? You kno I'm a reporter, right?\" chen xiaolin asked.

Yu Lianyun: “despite these concerns, I read the nes you reported, and I see that you are a media person ho knos ho to is not appropriate to include it in the report. It should be made clear that there are also things like ``stage.'' \"

chen xiaolin as silent for a hile, then sighed and said, \"Actually, I don't intend to report this kind of thing, but no matter hat big netork is behind Zheng Yu's madness, I ill find out the truth.\" Said.

“then hy don’t you join my team for a hile?” Yu Lianyun invited ith a smile and held out a hite, slender hand to chen xiaoling.

chen xiaolin as surprised and said, \"I'm an ordinary person.\"

\"It's no longer normal to be able to survive such an incident.\" A strange look could be seen in Yu Lianyun's eyes.

Looking at Yu Lianyun, chen xiaolin felt as if he had seen right through her, and her heart skipped a beat.

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