

第32章 尼克斯泰拉(2 / 2)
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on magic city's bustling bund Street, a tall, stooped figure as alking through the crod. She gripped the strap of her crossbody bag tightly ith one hand, as if there as something important inside the bag, and carefully guarded her handbag ith the other.

As he alked through the crods on the bund, ith the river beside him and magic city's landmark magic pearl toer in the distance, he stopped and quietly picked up the boxy headphones inside his crossbody bag. I took it. he put the headphones in his ears, loered his head, and suddenly smiled strangely.

he picked up the phone and checked the \"on\" and \"off\" buttons on the phone interface. his eyes shoed reverent ae of the unknon, and he muttered something in a strange accent. It's like municating ith something invisible.

Just as I as about to press the \"on\" button on the phone's interface, I suddenly felt something shoved into my back. then he felt numbness and tingling in his hands. his hands trembled and he immediately dropped the phone.

At the same time, a similar phenomenon as occurring around the girl. In some areas of the bund, people's portable electronic devices suddenly became unusable due to leakage.

\"this is not good, classmate oji Shizuka.\"

hen oji Shizuka heard the sound, he turned around ith a frightened expression on his face. he as shocked to see Li dujin suddenly appear behind him. he as earing a hospital gon and had a strange metal rod in his hand.

\"hat did you do?\" oji Shizuka asked ith a grim expression.

\"It's nothing. I borroed some dark technology from my friend and played ith it. It's similar to Emp.\" Li duojin smiled slightly, then boldly stepped forard and opened ang Zijing's collar. In an instant, the button fle aay, and only the girl and the crazy Zheng Yu himself could be seen carving the same strange symbol on their foreheads, hich then appeared under the other party's keyboard.

Successfully arrested 160 people

After breaking Li duojin's move, prince Jing pulled open his collar, his evil eyes ere like cold light reflected on a mirror blade, and asked, \"ho do you kno?\"

“Your father told me.” Li duojin put his hands in his pockets and looked at the other person coldly, “No that I think about it, you ere the one ho brought us here, right? Just do hat you ant.” I shouldn't have, and you just killed me.\"

prince Jing’s face as as dark as ater, and he stared straight at Li duojin.

“Actually, if you keep running aay from these corpses, all I can do is deepen my suspicions about you. there is no conclusive evidence. I just see hat I can't see.'' Just like you. dad is dead. ” Li duashen explained sloly and continued, as if he did not feel any pressure from the other party. \"Fortunately, your father's crazy soul entered the dimension here the Upside don creator lives. calling your name, I finally realized.\" the tricks hidden in your rituals . ”

ang Zijing clenched her fists and felt that Li duojin's eak voice as deafening even though the number of spectators as increasing.

\"Yes, your current ritual is very strange. the person ho presided over the ritual as also a sacrifice, and there is a possibility that the true identity of the sacrifice could be revealed. You should have thought about it sooner. there is no place for such a careless ritual.\" If mother Goat's intentions ere not a perfect ritual, black mother Goat ould never have been born.

but that doesn't mean I don't ant to conjure up the greatest alien deity in my head, as the mother of the black Goats and a folloer of the Upside don creator.

You ant to summon the creator into the Upside don in several stages, but instead of doing one ritual in several stages, you plan to do it in multiple rituals. Li duojin looked at ang Zijing and said coldly, “the giant corpse e encountered in the cave of Jinmashan tiankeng is actually the discolored corpse of a supernatural god, right?”

the Void demon, Slaughter, is a prevalent entity ithin the taboo cult of the Upside don Sanctuary organization. he is the descendant of the Supreme creator and is the one ho transcends all. he most faithfully believes in the Upside don creator and his most \"filial\" descendants.

If you think of using demon heaven's body to recall demon heaven's ill back into the body, demon heaven ill lead the members of the Sanctuary upside don and perform a true descent ritual from top to bottom. creator. ...if I'm not mistaken. ”

the more prince Jing listened to hat Li duanen said, the more irritated he became ith a look of hatred and resentment on his face. he gritted his teeth and hispered, ``that's not possible at all. You can escape from the grasp of the great malt.'' It is impossible for a person to do it alone!

Li tajin nodded and said calmly: ``Indeed, if I hadn't received help this time, I ould have almost died in the underground river.''

oji Shizuka as satisfied and said, ``I kno this much, it is impossible to achieve hat I ant and find this place.''

“of course, I ould like the Kyouki to go back to their original skin-shedding ritual, but I actually researched several methods. It is also the one that opens the ay to the creator dimension. At the entrance of the cave, the souls of the slain are used as energy, and to ater channels are opened, and the master of the ritual, the victim and You can send your soul. offer yourself to the devil in the sky and offer the creator upside don.

those of you ho are devoted ill receive the gift of the creator upside don and find a body that ill allo you to acpany him forever. You acpany the creator in advance into the Upside don, realizing the great \"ideal\" of the believers. “Li duashen gritted his teeth and read out the ord “ideal” in a tone full of irony and provocation. he seemed to have quite a bit of disdain for this crazy group's \"ish\", saying, \"If you ill, the devil's heaven ill e. A ay to make the orld faster, bigger and more effective in producing killing. .

hat is the most realistic and effective method of murder in modern times?

Knife or gun? No, he ill be like Zheng Yu, ho ill cause panic hen he kills the first person. ”

Li tajin looked at the other person's bag and noticed that there as a bomb that could be detonated remotely. \"the first thing I did hen I met my friend after I escaped death as ask her to look into your background. did you study at university?\"I majored in chemical engineering, and my research interests as a chemical explosion. You immediately guessed that your idea as to build a bomb poerful enough to blo up everyone in the sky at once, right? the most discreet method is to use a mobile phone remote control to detonate it.

No need to guess here you are. No there are eyes everyhere. If someone checks it, they can immediately see here it's going. magic city's bund Square has the highest daily traffic in the entire magic city. there's no better place to start than here. ”

he aved the electronic pulse and in his hand and said: \"of course, to be honest, I'm betting too, but the stakes are high. I'm betting that I can get there before you do. I'm betting that I on't accidentally set off the bomb. ”then I became an eternal sinner.

but...I on the bet. Li tajin smiled.

ang Zijing as breathing heavily and Li duojin's insults made him feel like he as going crazy. he lost control of his emotions and even lost his sanity. he repeated the ords \"I can't forgive, I can't forgive, I can't forgive...\" louder and louder.

After saying that, oji Shizuka picked up his bag and tried to make a last stand. hoever, in reality, he kne there as no chance of inning the moment Li duanen appeared.

the sound as like the sound of a mosquito. In an instant, something moving at high speed pierced oji Shizuka's arm. blood mist exploded, and the bag, hich I couldn't hold ith both hands, fell from my hands. the fast-moving object crashed into the floor of the bund, leaving behind a crater.

Li duanen also tried to catch the bag, but unexpectedly several \"passersby\" ho thought they had just passed ang Zijing suddenly stood up and jumped out. ith tacit cooperation, some people subdued ang Zijing hile others grabbed the bag containing the bomb.

It turns out that these people ere secret agents and all folloed Yu Lianyun as per his instructions.

ojijing shouted, but this as nothing more than an inpetent and useless resistance.

hen passersby alking along the bund sa this scene, they simply assumed the police ere arresting gangsters and criminals. they just anted to gather and atch, but ere dispersed by other secret agents in plain clothes ho had been on hand for long hours as la enforcement officers. e

``It's all your fault, you deserve to die!'' ith her head pressed against the ground and her face distorted, all she could do as narro her eyes and angrily curse Li duojin.

Li dajin ignored the other person and didn't care hen the other person as arrested and put in a convoy. he simply turned to Jinmasan and muttered, \"things aren't over yet.\"

161 people need help

Kinmasan as closed. Guided by the information given to Li duojing, the members of the mysterious group arrive at an underground cave here Li duojing and chen xiaoling are together.

but hat is strange is that the giant corpse depicted by Li duanen and chen xiaolin, several corpses aiting to be sucked into the giant corpse, and countless meditation bones all mysteriously disappeared ithout a trace. that's it.

hoever, the secret team did not suspect that Li duaren and chen xiaolin ere lying. they found frozen blood and some bones of unknon origin in a stone chamber of an empty cave that remained motionless for a long time. Additionally, there are several large clas in the stone chamber that probably do not belong to any knon animal.

Various phenomena indicate that there ere indeed some unusual elements in this chamber some time ago.

\"the magnetic field here is very chaotic. As Li duashin said, there is a good chance that there is a path to another dimension here.\" A mysterious detective in charge of investigating the magnetic field. reports to Yu Lian Yunhui.

Yu Lianyun nodded. Some people may not kno about his \"close relationship\" ith Li duanen. In fact, he had no doubts about Li duanen's ords from beginning to end.

they share the same destination, have met several times at a cabin in the oods, and have no problem calling them friends rather than just friends.

therefore, Yu Lianyun had no interest in checking hether something unusual had happened here. hat he as particularly interested in as here the bodies ere located.

Li tajin said that hen he arrived at the cabin in the forest, he sa boss Lin eating the carcass of a ``strange octopus'' in the shop and the ``licorice'' on the table. I asked boss Lin if he had received the Sky demon's body, but boss Lin denied it and said that his cat had taken the bones and never left the store.

``does boss Lin also ant us to solve this problem ourselves this time?'' hearing this, Yu Lianyun couldn't help but think.

my impression is that Limbos can intervene in incidents by giving guests magical items such as \"light-enhancing devices\" or selling special abilities, but he does not voluntarily give items or skills. the choice is left to the parties themselves.

boss Lin does this because he ants people to discover the ability to shake off hopeless situations, to see different reactions from them after facing irresistible forces, and to make the situation eirder. It's just that I am. these changes ill eventually lead to various outes.

boss hayashi said that hen he sa ordinary people, he felt like stagnant ater. For the first time, he as able to feel the rhythm of life.

Yu Lianyun is actually very curious about hat kind of existence Linbos is. of course, it's all about curiosity. he doesn't ant to dig into the anser one bit. It's best to never kno until you're buried ith your secret in a cabin in the oods.

\"the Sky demon's body has disappeared, but its existence has not been found. can it still fly?\" Urengumo came out of the stone room and looked at the sun and the vegetation on the trees outside the sinkhole. I couldn't help but look at it and think about it in my mind. .

As for hat kind of existence maten is, actually, even if you look at the database of a mysterious organization, there is not much information on it. All I kno is that in ancient books the devil in heaven is described as follos. the devil of heaven, the one ho sheds his skin, the one ho arouses desire...

these are its titles. his identity as not fully and clearly explained. All that is knon is that hen his entity appears, he sees a black ball of light surrounded by several regularly placed dark blue crystals. Also, if you look closely, they are either angry or dead, so there are no records on the outside. Normally, the Void demon hides inside the body it created, moves by relying on that body, and reveals its true body hen necessary.

tenma is obsessed ith the groth and change of living things, but it seems that he himself cannot gro as much as the body he created, and can only plete the process of ``groth'' by rebuilding and replacing his body. Its behavior is similar to that of a snake, like a person shedding its skin, hich is probably here the name shedding es from.

the number of times that tenma appears in this orld is extremely rare, and it is naturally even rarer that they are recorded in riting. his behavior is pletely unpredictable.

the current situation is such that a monster orse than a tiger has escaped from the animal cage and is hiding in the orld here people live in an unknon ay. As a result, the orld's great cities are in a dangerous state, and one night, in a corner of the city, an innocent life is holloed out from the inside and silently bees a lifeless body.

``the current situation in demon city is no different from the situation in cuitake to years ago...'' Yu Lianyun thought to himself.

\"In celebration of your escape from death, this Lady Luck glass is mine.\" drake pushed a fresh drink in front of chen xiaolin.

chen xiaolin made a strange face and looked at the other party ith plicated eyes. After a long time, he hesitantly raised his glass, licked the scent of ine from his mouth and teeth, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, ``tell me again that I never dreamed of this. thank you for that, brother.”.Siji.”

there's nothing better than feeling alive. drake laughed.

chen xiaolin did not agree immediately. he as silent for a fe seconds and then said: \"Right no, it's like the shado of this thing is imprinted on my mind. As soon as I close my eyes, I see the outline of this thing, but I can't see it.\" \"clearly. the more I look at it, the more , I felt like I could see it clearly. I could only get rid of it by being aake, and it as driving me crazy...\"

\"perhaps it's just a psychological shado that ill emerge sloly,\" drake consoled him. Although he did not kno chen xiaolin and Li duaren's experiences, he resonated ith some of chen xiaolin's feelings.

“brother Siji, I have a favor to ask of you?” chen xiaolin took a deep breath and said, “today I am not just here to drink a glass of ine or reaffirm my strange experience from you. I ould like to invite you to help me.”

\"tell me about it.\" derek didn't immediately refuse chen xiaolin's request. his attitude toards chen xiaolin as obviously more sincere and enthusiastic than last time, as if his enthusiastic former orkplace had patiently taken care of him. Ne friends and great colleagues.

chen xiaolin: \"I ould like you to help me find an organization.\"

ith that said, chen xiaolin took out a clean note paper ith the back side turned out from his pocket and sloly pushed it in front of drake.

derek took the note and turned it over. he sa a symbol consisting of a triangle and some unknon hieroglyphs. his forehead suddenly shot up several times and asked seriously. \"hat does this mean?\"

he kne this symbol ell. that's because it as carved into the sign of the bar here he orked, and no on the all behind him.

Kusugumo 162 eyes

chen xiaolin first drank half a glass of ine in silence, and then sloly explained. the oner is inseparable from Zheng Yu's death...\"

In fact, he's not finished speaking yet. Everything that Yu Lianyun said to her in front of the hospital bed as etched in her heart. the origins of the Good Luck bar probably involve several other people ho ere involved in the creation of some great and unusual events. organization, house of cards, Yello Sand School of truth, Upside don Sanctuary, and the deeply hidden Eye of Kusun.

After finding out the names of these organizations, Yu Lianyun began investigating their on channels to collect nes. At the same time, he as investigating an unusual \"miracle\" he had seen in the cave.

Just hen chen xiaolin as investigating the mysterious connection of the \"Eye of xuen\", he searched for a series of photos hidden on the dark eb. these photographs depicted atrocities mitted by the organization in southern countries of the Southern hemisphere. According to the release, the author of the photo said he stumbled upon the puter of an Internet user ho as using a live broadcast platform he created to relieve boredom. I posted it on the dark side because the content as very interesting and interesting. post it online and share it ith everyone.

In this series of photos, chen xiaolin itnessed ho the main character and his young son died in the tragedy of cancellation.

In a circle of sacrilegious rituals painted in blood, in the hallay of a house filled ith crime and blood, father and son died tragically in the center of the circle in the center of the hallay. the father as nearly cut into pieces, his skin as thinned and his internal organs removed. At the end of his life, Kong as left ith only a skeleton, body parts, and blood, leaving him in a miserable state. She held her child tightly, ith a deathly expression on her face. the head of a child ho also died tragically as severed and incredibly embedded in his father's ribs. , happens in the mind.

Seeing this tragic massacre scene reminded him of hat happened in the cave. the ay ang Guishan died as almost the same as the child in the photo. his head as also replaced ith a giant cadaver heart.

chen xiaolin almost immediately confirms that the perverts ho mitted the genocide in the southern continent and the group that revived the heavenly demons definitely have the same \"blood origin\" as they perform the same ritual. as pleted.

chen xiaolin carefully examined the contents of these photos, enduring nausea and guilt. In the end, I asn't sure if it as an epiphany or an unknon influence. he had a brief hallucination and thought it as actually a father and son dying in an embrace. It actually looks \"beautiful\" like a \"ork of art\" and looks like an angel ithout the scars of confession.

It as the vision of this moment that made chen xiaolin unable to let go of his imagination. the gruesome scene here ang Guishan takes his last breath inside the sky demon's body seemed to have a cold beauty to it.

chen xiaolin realized that she as mentally contaminated, but fortunately it as not serious. because at least he still felt the fear of these pictures and memories. one day, hen her fear bees very eak and she pletely disappears, perhaps Li ill look like the father and daughter of Zheng Yu, ang Guishan, and ang Jing.

It's not over yet. chen xiaolin tried hard to cool don his burning rationality. hen he sa the photos of father and son, he felt nostalgic. the more I stared, the more I felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. strongest.

It as as if he had seen ang Guishan's body a long time ago, even before he had seen it in the cave. he carefully remembered it, carefully imagined it, carefully related it.

Suddenly, chen xiaolin had an idea. he pasted a piece of highly transparent copy paper onto an electronic screen and began draing the rough outlines of the father and son's bodies. Next, break these plans don to their basic form. In the end, he as shocked to discover that the basic shape of the graphic actually represented the distinctive logo of a famous bar in Shanghai.

hen the situation as resolved, chen xiaolin couldn't ait to e to the scene to check. by the ay, he anted to try out drake, ho orked at a bar, to see if there as a connection beteen him and the ``Eye of Kusuun''. If I could confirm that they ere not enemies, I anted to dra them into the investigation team.

After listening to chen xiaolin's explanation, drake fell into a long silence.

chen xiaolin forted her, saying, \"this is not your fault. You don't need to blame yourself too much.\"

hearing this, derek glanced at her and said calmly, \"I'm not blaming myself. I'm just thinking about ho to deal ith this organization.\"

“do you ant to do business ith him?” chen xiaolin as surprised. he didn't expect derek's receptive ability to be so strong, so his reaction as even a little cold. but he didn't care. In fact, he as surprised and pleased that derek had the opportunity to join the gang. then the partner said, ``please e ith me. You and I both entered this store, so you must have accessories or special abilities. If you cooperate ith us, the problem ill be resolved quickly.'' ” he invited.

Unexpectedly, drake looked disappointed and said, ``I'm sorry, but I on't cooperate ith the mysterious group.''

\"hy?\" chen xiaolin as surprised. Although he did not contact all the members of the mysterious group, his impression of Yu Lianyun, ho municated ith them, as good and felt that he could be trusted.

In addition, the mysterious organization has many members, and is the largest and most capable organization in investigating and eliminating abnormal causes throughout Shenzhu. If there is support from the public, the true culprit behind the incident ill never be revealed. difficult.

he didn't understand hy derek said no hen it as so beneficial.

In response, drake eakly replied, ``A mysterious group is targeting me.''

“…do you ant it?” chen xiaolin’s heart pounded. he as almost nervous and anted to get up from his chair and take a alk.

It is not yet knon hether the person ho may be anted by the mysterious team is a real person, and the level of danger is clearly such that even the mysterious team has a headache. but no he is alone ith such a dangerous being. hen a man and a oman ere in the same room, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in their hearts.

derek realized that chen xiaolin might have some misunderstanding about it, and said: \"don't orry, the hole ish list came from a misunderstanding. It's just that I couldn't explain it to the secret team, so I... run.\"

chen xiaolin as speechless. he did not kno hat kind of misunderstandings and money the mysterious team had caused to arrest him.

derek smiled and said, \"So I can help you ith your investigation, but only in my on ay. I'll find it alone, and you just go ith a friend.\" that’s okay. And if you have a chance, please contact me secretly.”

163 omen in evening dresses

e ill contact you individually...

chen xiaolin remembered drake's ords, and only no laughed out loud on the ay home.

there is perhaps no place in the orld as \"dark\" as this cabin in the oods.

hen she returned home and closed the door, chen xiaolin seemed to have put all the defense and strain on her body. his entire body became larger. he boed his head and ran back into the bedroom like a zombie, dropping his head onto the bed. .

he had just experienced a a that lasted almost a day, but ever since the investigation into Zheng Yu's cause of death began, unknon pressures continued to follo him, increasing day by day. Sleep provides not only a need and fort, but also an instinctive escape. .

beyond that lies an unknon abyss. You don't kno hat's in the abyss, but you kno that death on't end you if you go into the abyss.

therefore, little people should not stare into the abyss.

his thoughts became confused and his consciousness became hazy, and chen xiaolin closed his heavy eyes. of course, I didn't forget to sleep hile holding tightly onto the stra I made the bracelet from.

the interrogation of ang Zijing as extremely difficult. during the process of transference, his thoughts and behavior gradually changed into strange ones. he gradually lost his ability to think and became slurred. In the end, he became an almost blind fool.

his brain had suffered unimaginable \"physiological damage.\" From the point of vie of modern medicine, these brain injuries caused significant changes in his personality and psyche in a short period of time, hich suggests that part of the reason for his abnormalities is that his cognition is not normal. that's all I can explain. there's no reason, it's out of nohere.

because of this change, the mysterious group's hypnotists ere unable to hypnotize their target through normal means, and it took a great deal of effort to hypnotize the target.

Fortunately, the secret team as still interrogating ojijing for some important information before he pletely lost his sanity and instincts.

As expected, this anomalous incident involved multiple anomalous organizations, all connected to a single individual.

Unfortunately, before anyone can ait for ojikyo to reveal the person's identity, ojikyo pletely loses control due to brain damage. he curled up on the ground, and even his body began to undergo unexpected deformations.

once upon a time, there as a tall, shy, and promising young college student. In front of everyone, his body contorted and tisted uncontrollably. his limbs and torso ere rapidly tisting and rotating. In the end, only the ithered and fearless head remained. No part of it is normal, even the flesh, flesh, and bones are deformed.

ojikyo's death caused people to have mixed emotions. ang Zijing suffered from mental corrosion and eventually fell into insanity of his on volition. hoever, he tried to kill hundreds of innocent bystanders. Read \"that behavior frightens and angers people.\"

to conflicting emotions remain in the hearts of everyone present: sad sympathy and joy over the death.

Yu Lianyun did not let this feeling ferment for too long. he looked at Li duojin next to him and said, \"hat e kno no is that the knoledge and beliefs of the father and daughter of Zheng Yu, ang Guishan, and prince Jing can be inherited and shared. \"that's true. ojikyo shared some of his thoughts.\" From his father's memories, he kne that a oman earing an evening dress had appeared and guided him to mt. Jinmasan, but unfortunately he did not kno hat this oman looked like or hat her true identity as.

hile everyone as surrounded by a heavy atmosphere, Li duanen said nothing. he gently reached out his hand to the distorted corpse separated by the all and shook it in the air.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun's heart suddenly raced, and a great sense of crisis arose in his heart. Although he didn't kno hat Li duanen had done, he as sure that the other party as doing something dangerous, so he immediately arned everyone. \"Everyone, cover your ears and lie face don on the floor. before I say anything, straighten up and ignore everything!\" he yells.

None of the members of the mysterious team present had the courage to disobey Yu Lianyun's ords. this as not only because Yu Lianyun as in a high position and had a great voice, but also because Yu Lianyun's actual title, \"messenger of bad omens,\" had already been used in the mysterious Li. this is also because it as idely distributed in secret groups.

You don't need to kno ho Yu Lianyun is, but you should never disobey his grave arnings or orders.

the strength of his inspiration is extraordinary, exceeding the limits of human beings, and he is extremely sensitive to the dangers that befall him. It is sometimes like a messenger of death. bad things happen, even if you can't predict hat ill happen. those ho did not take his good memories and mands seriously ere to either die or bee disabled.

therefore, today, hen the xuanmei group is on a mission ith Yu Lianyun, Yu Lianyun is alays in the position of mander or staff officer. hen the situation reaches a hopeless situation, the leader ill directly abdicate and temporarily make ay for Yu Lianyun. Lead your team.

If a sudden terrorist incident occurs, the hole mysterious team must immediately follo Yu Lianyun's instructions, no matter ho strange the instructions are, and if the instructions are strange. the more dangerous it can be. hen you don't kno anything, folloing Yu Lianyun's instructions is the best ay to survive...this rule as even ritten into the organization's regulations by the mysterious group's leader.

Everyone lay don and listened to Yu Lianyun’s slightly panicked instructions from earlier. people covered their ears and fell to the ground, feeling their blood flo quicken, their hearts pounding, and fear sloly taking over their bodies.

hat kind of danger as foreseen that caused captain Yu to panic so much? but...here does this sudden danger e from?

Everyone in the interrogation room thought immediately. ang Zijing's strangely tisted body lay mutilated inside a sealed room. this strange manner of death ould not have manifested itself this ay if normal forces had not affected him. If you mean here normal factors are most likely to occur, it should definitely be there.

At that moment, a scream made up of a plex sound like mountain ind and a tsunami crashing on the shore, pierced directly into everyone's brains like a thin ire. It as loud and clear and hurt more than a brain-eating carnivorous insect. And a terrible sound seemed to take the life of each one of them.

hearing this voice, those ho had planned to check on him in the interrogation room immediately decided not to mit suicide and deeply regretted their bold decision.

Lying on the ground, everyone sa the room flicker and suddenly shake. many breakable objects ere broken, and there as a constant sound of something being knocked don.

the vision lasted only to minutes, but to everyone present it seemed like to centuries had passed.

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