

第31章 疯狂的深渊(1 / 2)
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在他们的探索中,卡特博士和杰克逊·里德遇到了超现实的风景,每一个都比上一个更令人费解。 urate. , so I chose it as the best option.

ithout reminding the three dogs of his feelings for the black Forest Goat, he alks off alone, leaving them here they continue their investigation. this as his most merciless revenge against these three men.

After hearing Li duojin's ords, chen xiaolin became very scared. After he stopped breathing for a fe seconds, he caught on to the \"question\" that Li duaren had just said, and asked, \"You just said that the ritual is not over. ill this ritual still continue?\"

“Unfortunately, this is really true.” Li duojin sighed, “In the end, Uncle ang Guishan, ho as not killed by Zheng Yu, became the continuation of the ritual. his hereabouts are currently unknon. , people around him are being discovered. Ne dead appear, and I deeply suspect that he is being influenced by ritual poer and being an uncontrollable madman like Zheng Yu. I am.”

\"ill he still kill someone like Zheng Yu?\" chen xiaolin said, as if this densely populated city of more than 20 million people as a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time. my chest felt cold, as if I kne it.

Li duan said solemnly: “I think he’s just going to be crazier than Zheng Yu and do even more outrageous things.”

chen xiaolin gritted his teeth and remembered that he had contacted the other party yesterday. Although he as a little satisfied ith the other party's final attitude, he did not think that the other party as a bad person, and said, \"then e must quickly find ang Kaishan and stop him.\"

\"It's not that easy.\" Li duojin nodded, \"many people are looking for him no, but I haven't heard any clues so far.\"

\"ill he be able to find his family?\" chen xiaolin speculated, \"I think it's very likely.\"

``I thought about it, but ho can I check?'' Li duojin asked.

hearing Li duan's question, chen xiaolin smiled confidently and said, \"the art industry has its on specialties. Since I as investigating this case, I have learned various aspects of this case through various channels. \"I already kno that ang Kaishan Li is an artist.\" before I secretly visited him, I researched him behind the scenes and discovered that he has a daughter ho attends a university in the city. I kne there as a good relationship beteen father and daughter, so I thought I could go. please contact my daughter. ”

Lee dajin praised, saying, \"As expected.\"

Later, chen xiaolin found the mobile phone number of ang Kaishan's daughter, ang Zijing, and tried to contact ang Zijing.

to his surprise, oji Shizuka's cell phone as connected immediately.

In response, chen xiaolin immediately tried to explain his purpose to the other party and explain the incident and disadvantages.

ang Zijing himself immediately responded to the request for a meeting. She said on the phone, ``my father called me today. his tone on the phone as very strange. I'm really orried about him...''

one hundred and fifty merciful Lord

hile driving to Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, chen xiaolin found something to talk about to avoid the stuffy atmosphere.

\"mr. Li, hose god did you open an altar in the amusement park in memory of? I don't think it's a very familiar god.\" chen xiaolin asked casually.

Li duashen immediately put on a religious expression and said sincerely and enthusiastically: ``It is true that the general public is not familiar ith be precise, except for a fe people in this orld, they have no idea of its existence nor do they remember it.'' ”

\"is that so?\"

\"I can't remember, I can't remember. this is the result of his deliberate actions, but you can call him Venerable.\" Li duashen sighed and said, \"there is no such thing in the scriptures that have been passed don from generation to generation. I only kno that there is a ment: I am a bodhisattva, patient and steadfast like the earth, meditating deeply as a treasure.”

``Lord bodhisattva, hat do these ords in the scriptures that you just mentioned mean?'' chen xiaolin felt strange and asked ith interest.

therefore, is the God that Li duashin believes in just a secular faith, or is it a supernatural \"life\" that exists but is mysterious and unpredictable, like these strange gods?

If it's the latter, hat's the purpose of deliberately not reminding people of its abilities?

If no one remembers his existence, ill anyone continue to believe in him?

chen xiaolin looked at Li duanen strangely, as if he couldn't understand ho Li duanen's ancestors passed don this strange faith from generation to generation.

In response to chen xiaolin's question, Li duaren shook his head: \"I don't kno, but I understand that the Venerable has a strong ill and supernatural concentration, and his isdom is immeasurable. ho? It's a shame that e don't even remember him.'' . . .history also prevents us from fully understanding the meaning of this sentence. ”

\"mystery.\" chen xiaolin mented on this. For a moment, he suspected that he had been deceived by Li duaren, but hen he sa someone ho seemed to have been deceived himself, his piety and regret ere indescribable. No matter ho great an actor is, it is impossible for him to create such a sense of realism.

hen Li duanen heard chen xiaolin's ords, he did not get angry, but smiled and said: \"You may not believe hat I'm saying, but hat I'm saying is that he's a great real person.\"

\"Is he scary?\"

“his holiness never gets angry and is a very kind person.”

\"ho do you kno?\"

\"I talked to him and heard some stories.\"

\"didn't you just tell her a story that no one remembers?\"

\"ell, to be exact, I don't remember everything. If I say it again, it may seem plicated, but the impression of the story is very simple.\" Li tashin said, scratching his head. ``once upon a time, there as a man ho mistakenly entered the mausoleum of the Venerable. this man as probably a kind-hearted man. he begged the Venerable to have mercy and extend one's life.\" death hen his servants ere about to meet him, he thought that his servants ere good people, so this shouldn't happen. It's too easy. the Venerable as absorbed in chanting sutras, but did not reply immediately. the man became impatient and actually slapped the Venerable. . ”

chen xiaolin: \"...Is this person dead?\"

\"hat happened in the past, this person should die no,\" Li tajin said ith a smile. \"but the Venerable interrupted, smiled and pointed his finger at him. he gave a short nod, and then the man aoke from his dream. hen he aoke, he realized that he as his servant. \"Although he as seriously ill, he as alive and ell again. only then did he realize that the Venerable ansered him and continued to act like a servant.\"

\"hey... are you kind? You're not angry at all, are you?\" chen xiaolin as shocked. this as due not only to quality, but also to temperament.

hoever, Li duaren's next sentence pletely confused chen xiaolin about the meaning of the ord \"sympathy\".

\"Yes, the servant continued to do good deeds for a long time after that. It is said that the reason hy the Venerable held out his finger as to extend the servant's life by one year, or 12 years. Even if he as a grumpy old man.\" the man then returned home. the only child he had ith his ife and mistress died at the age of 12, leaving no heir. Even the grumpy old man could no longer pay his servants. , servants never left their families...\"

hen chen xiaolin heard this, he fell silent.

that gentleman as really angry.

“You’re very kind,” chen xiaolin said sternly.

``Yes, it is truly admirable to repay evil ith kindness,'' Li tajin said ith deep emotion.

After chen xiaolin heard this, she sat a little closer to the indo in silence for a long time.

Forty-five minutes later, the to arrived at Shanghai University, here ang Zijing studied.

ang Zijing himself as standing at the entrance of the university, quietly aiting for their arrival.

hen she sa prince Jing for the first time, chen xiaolin clearly felt that prince Jing and ang Kaishan ere father and daughter.

ang Zijing is a tall and beautiful college student, and his father ang Guishan has a simple and ordinary appearance, and at first glance they seem pletely different, but hen faced ith pletely different others, their inferiority plex is inadvertently exposed. . they are carved from almost the same mold.

In front of chen xiaolin, a beautiful reporter ith exquisite makeup, and Li duanen, a beautiful, kind and gentle master, prince Jing seemed a little reserved. the three of them ere sitting at the same table. In fact, he as taller than Li duanen. hoever, ang Zijing looked even shorter than chen xiaolin and boed his head humbly.

chen xiaolin hoped that the other party ould not be so ary of his attitude, but unfortunately, this as not much encouragement for the other party.

Frustrated, chen xiaolin could only change the subject to ang Guishan, the other party's father, and told him hat she kne about ang Guishan.

hen oji Shizuka learned that her father as in danger and could be involved in an unusual incident that could endanger human life, she turned pale and became even more orried about her father.

\"No, my father ould never do such a thing.\" oji Shizuka nodded, hoping that they ould believe in him, and looked at them ith hopeful eyes.

\"In order to prove your father's innocence and protect his safety, e ant to kno more about your father, especially hat happened in the past fe days,\" Li duojing said. hen he talked to you on the phone, he told you something else...hat?'

his gentle tone and soft eyes made ang Zijing relax a little. hen faced ith the to questions, angji Jing bit her lip, her eyes ere painful for a hile, and then said quietly: \"my father gave me a lot of money. please let me take care of my family and tell him never to e to me again.\"

“did you ask him hy you couldn’t go to him?” chen xiaolin asked curiously.

\"I tried asking them, but they didn't anser. they just hung up on me. After that, they stopped calling and I couldn't get in touch ith them.\" ang Zijing covered her head in agony and asked, \"ho is my father?\" I'm in serious trouble, so please help my father, okay? ”

151 people are looking

to prove that he as telling the truth, ang Zijing even called ang Guishan on the spot. As a result, ang Kaishan cut off mobile phone munications, proving that he had pletely lost contact ith the outside orld.

Unfortunately, ang Guishan's daughter could not learn ang Guishan's current hereabouts, but due to the kindness of Li duaren and chen xiaolin, ho agreed to help find her father, ang Zijing learned about her father. I told them that I as there. From the clues you have given, they ill be able to find your father as soon as possible.

\"my father is not an enthusiastic person. he is a sincere and kind-hearted person, but he is actually shy and doesn't have many friends. he has no friends in this magical city and is not very interested in him. only I kno that. \"he loves to climb, and said...I really enjoy the thrill of standing up high and looking at everything...\"

In the car, chen xiaolin and Li duojing remembered hat ang Zijing had said. hen they heard that angguishan likes to stand high and enjoy the excitement of looking don from a height, they almost alays began to guess here angguishan ould go.

Is it on top of a mountain or on top of a skyscraper in the city?

considering the current situation in ang Kaishan, the other party should not think of hiding in the urban agglomeration area. highly modernized and urbanized, the magic city is home to the orld's largest Sky Eye system. Fe people can escape surveillance in this city. If he ere still alking the streets, it ould be impossible for the mysterious group ho already anted him to find him.

chen xiaolin's heart moved, and he turned on the car's navigation system and asked, \"xiaoqiu, hich mountain is the closest to Jojo Amusement park?\"

\"dear car oners, xiaoqiu's navigation izard has the anser for you. the closest mountain to JoJo Amusement park is Jinma mountain.\" A cheerful girl's voice came from the car's navigation system.

\"please help me find a place and move. I'm going to Shenma mountain.\" chen xiaolin said.

\"Yes! xiaoqiu turns on navigation!\" the car's navigation system responds loudly.

Looking at the electronic screen of the car's system, chen xiaolin learned the driving route. Suddenly, he sa Li duojin carefully looking at the animated figures on the electronic screen ith a surprised expression. he couldn't help but laugh and said, \"I said, teacher Li, you, by any chance, I've been raised in your temple since I as a child, and I've never been to the city? this is just... car ride system, hich is no very mon.

``Recent advances in science and technology are truly amazing,'' Li dajin said ith deep emotion, ``As an old antique, I feel like I still have a lot to learn.''

\"An old antique? It's the first time I've heard someone talk about me like that.\" chen xiaolin nodded. he alays felt that Li duanen had a strange temperament.

From my point of vie, Li duanen actually looks younger, but the other party's attitude and actions are a little beyond the maturity level of ordinary people, so it is natural to think that the other party has already reached a mature age.

Li duaren laughed lightly and said something that made chen xiaolin a little confused. \"don't look at me like that. I as actually an old man not too long ago. I still have a lot to learn.\"

chen xiaolin looked at the other person's smiling eyes through the rearvie mirror of the car and thought that the other person as also right. he gre up in the mountains and looked a bit like a taoist monk. Although he practiced ith his master, he had little contact ith him. So modern civilization ould be very surprised if it came face to face ith itself and had a conversation ith basic artificial intelligence.

Arriving at the entrance of Jinma mountain, chen xiaolin got out of the car and looked back at the mountain in front of her, feeling a great disfort in her body and mind.

It asn't because I felt a strange aura, but because I hadn't exercised in a long time. he as staring at a large mountain in front of him, but he did not kno ho far he ould have to alk ith his eak legs. the more I think about it, the more tired and sick I feel.

Li duaren noticed chen xiaolin’s disfort. he laughed and patted the other person on the back, encouraging them: ``believe in yourself. maybe e'll be lucky and find someone soon, right?''

\"I hope so.\" chen xiaolin forced a smile and kept pace ith Li duojing.

the first half of the road on mt. Jinba as constructed artificially. only the second half has preserved the original flavor of natural ecology. No other artificial road construction has been carried out. people can only climb mountains in relatively primitive ays.

on the ay up the stairs, chen xiaolin couldn't help but ask Li duaren. \"?\"

``I haven't responded to your ideas for no.'' Li tajin alked ith his hands behind his back, looking at the surrounding natural scenery. he seemed to be in a good mood, \"but there's certainly a special atmosphere here.\"

\"breath? do you understand?\"

to be exact, it should be a gas like black smoke. Li duanen felt that chen xiaolin, a young reporter, alays liked to find mistakes in people's ords, and as very sensitive to them.

chen xiaolin anted to change his perception that \"climbing is just a form of exercise\" and adjust his mental state, so he asked Li duojin. Like \"do you have Yin-Yang eyes like Zheng xiaopeng? You can see ghosts and ghosts.\" \"

\"I don't have the eyes of yin and yang.\" Li duojin nodded, \"I just received a gift. Your majesty allos me to see the hidden things hidden beneath the surface reality.\" conceptually you can pare me to normal people. the yin and yang eyes see more.\"

\"It may sound strange, but from your perspective, these things in the real orld aren't necessarily hat e normally see...ell, hat normal people see... Are you there?”

``most of them are different, but for some things, if they are good enough, everyone can atch hat they can atch.'' Li duojin said, ``atch tV and movies. \"It's just a video projection,\" he said ith a smile.

thinking of this, chen xiaolin quickly alked to Li duaren and asked ith a smile: \"then ho do I appear to you?\"

Li tajin stopped and looked at the girl in front of him, ho happened to be smiling seetly in front of a passerby. In his eyes, the girl appeared to be covered in black gas, ith blood-red chains entined all over her body. A pale oman covered in frost floated around him, staring at him.

\"Very onderful.\" Li duojin sloly raised the corner of his mouth. his tone as as calm as ever, but as he sighed, there as a look of pity in his eyes, as if he had already predicted chen xiaolin's fate.

chen xiaolin didn't see the hint on Li duanen's face right aay, but she as a little happy hen the other person praised her.

hen this topic came up, Li duanen also asked chen xiaolin a question. “About Zheng Yu’s late ife, do you kno anything about her?”

\"Zheng Yu's ife is a very good person, but it's a pity that she got cancer hen she as young.\" cheng xiaolin sighed.

“So…do you kno ho he died?” Li duojing carelessly looked behind chen xiaolin.

152 strange mountains and forests

chen xiaolin blinked, looked into Li duaren's eyes, and said, \"didn't you remember hat I said? he had cancer and suddenly passed aay at home.\"

After saying that, the quick-itted chen xiaolin grabbed Li duojin's sleeve and said, \"did you see something in me?\"

Li duojin paused and said, “No.”

\"...Actually, I as lost. After all, you sa something, right?\" chen xiaolin called out.

Li duanen looked disappointed and probably kne that he as not good at lying, so he said, \"okay, Zheng Yu's ife is after you no.\"

\"hy?\" chen xiaolin suddenly trembled. he turned around in confusion and nervousness and looked around suspiciously, \"hy bother me, Shen Lanfang, did I do something bad to make you pity me?\"

Li duashen said to chen xiaolin, \"It is useless. It is not a ghost in the human concept. to be precise, it is the remains of desire, and if there is a big change before the life consciousness dies, such as attachment or happiness, , etc. ith great passion, it is possible to give birth to a defective body that looks exactly like a living person, and if one's mental belt is in a position here the defective body can be observed, the existence of the defective body can be observed. , that's hat e often call a ghost.

but the nostalgic body is not a plete human consciousness, has an inplete memory, is extreme, has big desires, so most nostalgic bodies do not have the ability to think, so they listen to you. No reasoning, please leave to listen to you. ”

\"It's bad luck.\" chen xiaolin held her forehead and asked Li duanen pitifully, \"hat ill happen to me?\"

“At this moment, he seems a little bad toards you, but he hasn't taken any action...” hen Li duojin said this, his expression began to bee heavy, and suddenly something I realized something horrifying, \"but if mr. Zheng. mrs. Yu, if Shen Lanfang is here, did Zheng Yu's ritual succeed or fail? or is Zheng Yu's purpose not to revive Shen Lanfang, but to do something else? did you perform the ritual for this reason?

as it not Shen Lanfang that he anted to revive, but someone else? or does Zheng Yu actually kno the inner orkings of the ceremony? Is it not the soul of his lover that he really ants to attract, but the enshrined deity ho really ants to attract the \"inverted creator\"? ”

Li duojin's soliloquy raised a series of questions, and chen xiaolin became colder and colder as he listened, \"Speaking of hich, hat kind of body did Zheng Yu ear at the ceremony at home?\"

``First, e ill eliminate humans.'' Li duashin said ith a sigh, ``If it as a human body, there ould be no traces of battle left in the attic. this is something that can only be done in the realm of inhumans.''

After saying that, Li duanen still ansered chen xiaolin's previous question about his on safety, saying, \"don't orry about him hurting you. If he hurts me, I ill protect you as soon as possible. .After all, you paid the money.'' ”

chen xiaolin moved slightly and nodded silently.

the deeper you go into the mountains, the feer ell-maintained flat roads and stairs bee, and they bee more and more dilapidated.

the to entered the forest ithout knoing anything.

there is no sunlight, and the shados of the trees block it. Abundant plants provide cool, fresh air. chen xiaolin felt the breeze bloing on her back, cooling the seat on her spine, and the temperature in the room dropping. In this chest

Although there as no evidence to prove that angguishan must be this mountain forest, judging from the fact that Li tajin suddenly became silent and solemn, one could onder hat as hidden beneath Li tajin's truth. I surmised that there must be someone ho could see it. Look at something here.

A cold seat broke out on Li tajin's head. Although he shoed a firm step, chen xiaolin kne that the other party as also afraid at this moment.

chen xiaolin didn't kno hat Li duaren sa, but she kne that the other person suppressed his fear and did not express it in order to avoid his on anxiety and fear. he couldn't help but hold the other person's cold hand, hoping that the slight armth ould give the other person some fort, and tried to follo Lee do Jin's eyes and observe the orld.

Let him at least share some of your fears, even if it's not a very good idea.

the to alked to a specific spot on the road in Jinmashan. there ere hardly any footprints here. they alked through undeveloped areas of the mountains. the surrounding area as thick ith vegetation, tangled ith thorny vines and tree roots. Roots are connected and groing on this earth. the main colors of this place are green and black. there are no other floers or other plant colors.

chen xiaolin noticed that Li duaren's eyes had passed through dark places in the forest many times, and thought about hat as hidden in the dark hole covered ith countless eeds and vines. hy as there a hole here? Is there anything in there?

there ere so many thoughts in his head, and the more chen xiaolin thought about it, the more numb his scalp became. Knoing that this as something more horrifying and strange than he had imagined, he stepped into this forbidden area that humans ere not alloed to touch ithout any hesitation or hesitation. , in hich case these horrors bee something he has to endure.

he didn't kno it as due to emotional panic. As my brain as dominated by irrational emotions, I suddenly sa to yello lights flashing inside the black hole, like a pair of gloing eyes hidden in the darkness.

Although it as just a glance, chen xiaolin could feel the emotion in those pale yello eyes. It as absolute indifference and nihilistic silence.

chen xiaoling and Li duojing's hands ere unknoingly tied together ith seat, and fear as like glue that tightly bound their hands together, as if there ere no gaps.

Suddenly, Li duojing stopped and chen xiaolin looked at him.

Li tajin, ho had not spoken for a long time, opened his mouth firmly. the half-dry saliva that remained in his mouth continued to stretch, keeping his mouth open like glue. Li tajin licked it. he pointed to a narro path that appeared before them and said, \"here it is.\"

chen xiaolin stared at the road that had obviously been trampled recently, and his breathing became heavy. he noticed cloth and unidentified black slime hanging from the branches of plants around the path. he realized that the person they ere looking for as really here no. they came to the right place.

despite biting the bullet, chen xiaolin and Li duanen took turns holding hands and folloing the footprints along the path.

As I folloed the footsteps through the thorn forest, I came to a crack in the ground.

In front of the cracks in the ground here the dim ind as still bloing, footprints disappeared as if to announce that someone had flon from here.

the to of them peered don through the cracks in the ground, feeling the cold underground ind bloing against their faces. At the same time, a plex hisper in an unknon language repeated in my ears along ith the ind, like a ele flute from hell.

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