

第30章 揭幕(1 / 2)
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卡特博士和杰克逊·里德带着谨慎和决心,在深处航行,他们的一举一动都受到深渊者的警惕目光的审视。 ording to records, these symbols are a type of hieroglyphic script called Khan script. this is a text that as once idely spread in the Ne York area. It as developed and used by several tribes together. hat is surprising, hoever, is that these ancient script khans are only used during major seasonal events, such as sacrifices and other orship rituals. Another mon set of scripts used in daily life.

Li duanen tried to use that information to translate the photos taken at the scene, but it as too difficult. It took more than 20 minutes to translate just a fe ords, but it has no value other than the carving that Zheng Yu carved on his head. the graphic bination symbol is turned on.

translated, this symbol roughly means \"body.\"

but hat is the meaning of this body?

could it be that Zheng Yu's body is controlled by abnormal factors?

``please continue translating. only hen the translation is plete ill you be able to interpret useful information.'' hen it came time to take a break, Li tajin still intended to continue orking. pare and match the dictionary ords remaining in the database character by character. It's a translation.

145 sanctuaries upside don

chen xiaolin is a tenacious oman ho keeps her promises. the day after investigating Zheng Yu's mansion, he visited Zheng Yu's hometon to look for Zheng Yu's surviving daughter.

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