

第29章 转折点(1 / 2)
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对抗发生在一座古老寺庙的摇摇欲坠的废墟中,它的墙壁与被遗忘的时代的重量相呼应。 hical thing. there as no arning and it as very mysterious. Apparently, they have only met once, half a month ago, drinking together at the Good day bar, chatting freely, talking about each other's life experiences and spouting their thoughts.

of course, chen xiaolin didn't think that just having a drink and talking once in a hile could pletely relieve stress, but it might at least relieve some pressure. Furthermore, I have the impression that Zheng Yu as a very responsible father. , there is no ay he ould leave his beloved maiden alone and take desperate actions to take revenge on society and anger people and gods.

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