

第28章 流沙(1 / 2)
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在对知识和理解的渴望的驱使下,哈特利博士和阿米莉亚进行了进一步的实验,探索护身符力量的边界。et to remind them, \"No, but they have poerful scales on their bodies. If you can attack, it's best to destroy their eyes. their eyes are.\" he's eak even as a human. ”

As soon as Li Nuoei took a step forard, Yu Lianyun asked, \"didn't you say earlier that there's another survivor? here is he?\"

hen Li Nuei heard this, he as surprised. he thought both boys ere innocent and couldn't help but look at Yu Lianyun because he remembered that it as Yu Lianyun ho first discovered the boys' innocence. As for here the boy had been hiding before, hoever, he had no idea. but hat e can guess is that the missing innocent boy is probably somehere in the spiral staircase. maybe somehere in there is a hidden place, like a hidden tunnel or a stone chamber filled ith treasure.

\"Unfortunately, I don't kno either, but I think I sa him on the ay there. Let's look for him on the ay back.\" Li Nuoei nodded and expressed his suggestion.

Everyone nodded and folloed Li Nuoei.

drake and Li Nuoei alked side by side. he looked at Li Nuoei. After a pause, drake still asked, \"ho many times have you done it?\"

“I don’t remember, I still don’t understand,” Li Nuoei said casually, looking at drake. he didn't really care ho many times he had to die because he found hope in \"beating the level.\"

I hope something like this is good and motivates people. It ill make a shy man reckless and bold, giving him the courage to face even the most desperate situations.

No, Li Nuei feels that he is a reckless man, but he is very happy.

derek as silent for a moment, then casually asked, \"did I die a tragic death in another reincarnation?\"

“At least everything I itnessed ith my on eyes is true,” Li Nuoei said calmly. “do you ant to hear that there are thousands of ays to die?”

derek laughed. \"hat I ant to kno more about is, can I survive? Even if I survive in the ugliest of ays.\"

\"Yes, there as a death ro prisoner. You survived by being a fishman.\" Li Nuoei looked at drake, \"It seems you have also bee a small leader of a group of fishmen.\"

``It sounds very majestic,'' drake said ith a smile, ``but I have no desire to lead a team and bee a leader. Just forget about ``Son of God.''''

Li Nuoei couldn't help but laugh. he did not tell anyone that he as the one ho ended the death ro inmate's life.


Suddenly, the sound of running footsteps and the unique roar of a fish-man echoed from the stairs.

Everyone immediately became alert and stood aside ith their firearms ready. Li Nuoei and drake took the lead, looking ahead.

After a hile, the mad murloc took the lead, but after it broke through the green radiation range of Yinghuan's nest from Li Nuoei, the crod of murlocs chasing the head murloc sloly stopped. .

Seeing a group of heavily armed humans aiting for help, the ise murlocs realize they have been outitted this time.

After heavy gunfire, the attacking murlocs ere shot one after another. Fe survived, all died.

Li Nuoei felt very happy. It as a pleasure to destroy this seemingly amazing, but actually evil and cunning group of murlocs. It as unthinkable that he, drake, and others had died so many times at the hands of murlocs. Even though the opportunity to attack came so smoothly, it ould be better to brush it all aay since the opportunity came.

Just as everyone is climbing up the stairs of the dead merman, a mysterious, sharp-eyed detective notices a black hole, points to it, and says:

hen they all looked up, they sa that there as indeed a hole, and finally discovered another passageay covered in ghosts.

Everyone alked through a dark section and came to another stone room. It as also the attic of the fish people. Seeing the \"remains\" left behind by the fishmen, the members of the mysterious group felt unbearable and cursed in lo voices. the ord \"animal\".

After an innocent boy's unconscious cry for help as he desperately tried to survive, everyone found him hanging in the air by a hook and quickly rescued him.

``Stay strong, kid.'' the mysterious detective looked at the innocent boy ho as confused and eak, and hispered to him to encourage him.

I don't kno if the boy's conscience as still aake, or if his instincts told him he as safe. the boy no longer cried out in pain for help, but calmly lay don and fell asleep in the arms of the mysterious detective.

A mysterious and poerful detective took the boy and at the same time as responsible for keeping him safe.

derek as a little touched hen he sa the boy ho had run aay. Although it asn't his fault, it could have been assumed that the missing boy as found ith his family to avoid the tragedy.

hen they exited the tunnel and returned to the air raid shelter, there as no trace of the fishman anymore. they ere nohere to be found. they could have left, or the gun could have killed them all.

but not everyone has the courage to let their guard don yet. they could not take it lightly until they returned to the surface and the mysterious disappearance of Ruka port as pletely solved.

hoever, all seemed to be over, the seas ere calm, and everyone returned safely to land ithout being attacked. the fishmen ho had plagued Ruka port for centuries seemed to have disappeared from this orld.

As drake and Lee Noray emerge from the dimly lit tunnel, they hear the sound of an airplane's engine hizzing across the sky. they looked up and realized they ere fighters. they ere like black shearaters passing through the rainy night sky, sailing among the dark clouds. , the high-speed journey carved a trajectory in the clouds, and the resolution plunged into the dense fog.

Everyone, dumbfounded, chased the fighter plane to the beach. during the heavy rain and thick fog, I heard several rumblings of thunder in the distance. then the aves on the beach seemed to get bigger and the aves crashed onto the shoreline. , black aves.

they didn't see the fighter planes e back from the fog, but on hat Li Nuei thought as the most hellish day of his life, he didn't see the giant crouching creature emerge from the sea. the earth-shaking tsunami did not engulf this orld. city

Lee Noay didn't kno hat the fighters did, but he kne it as cool that they never came back.

drake feels the same ay.

on the night of the Aquirid meteor shoer, Ryuka port is a port ton covered in fog as usual. Although the atmosphere is gloomy, the people of the city lead a variety of lives and live lively lives.

As a precaution, drake as transported by a mysterious group of people to a central part of the city far aay from Ryuka port. only Li Nuei remained in this ton.

Li Nuoei ent to bed very early that night. he felt that even if today as the end of the orld, it ould be the seetest death for those ho died in their sleep. this time, he ill choose a painless death.

of course, if everything remains normal after today, then the next day e ill still see the sunrise and the fog ill disappear. I told him that I had to live until I died of old age again.

After falling asleep, Li Nuei found himself earing the pajamas he had slept in and reaching the door of the forest hut again.

the atmosphere hen he entered the door this time as pletely different from last time. he pushed open the door, came over to Lingling ho as sitting at the counter ith a smile, and said, “boss, I succeeded.”

Linlin smiled and nodded ithout saying anything. the shrine's black cat opened its gentle golden eyes and stared at him sloly, like a statue.

Li Nuei felt a strange atmosphere, cold hands and feet entering her veins, blood being dran from her body, and heat being drained out little by little. his happy expression gradually turned hard.

Suddenly, Ling Ling smiled and asked something very familiar to Lian oei, and it as like a bell stump that hit him on the head.

\"So, hat's the story that happened to you?\" Linlin folded her hands on the table. he lay lazily ith his chin on the table, hiding most of his face behind his arms. only one cold black eye as exposed.

ait...here did you hear that phrase?

Li Nuoei stared blankly at Ling Ling, feeling inexplicably confused. then he heard a buzzing sound in his ears, felt dizzy and looked a little confused. he kept asking himself here he had heard that phrase before.

the more times I asked myself this question, the faster my heart beat and the closer I got to the terrifying truth.

I can't think anymore! Stop thinking!

no! think quickly!




Give up!

think! think!

drake, fishman, sea monster, Ankaijin... the star returns, the end is ing, the seal, the old ruler, fear, true name, despair, blindness, ignorance, return...

far cry! far cry!

the anser is hidden there!

dark truth!

Suspicious orld!

other people's voices kept appearing in Li Nuoei's mind, roaring and shouting in his heart, and his mind became more and more confused.

one more go, one more go, anser, anser, black, black, suspect, suspect...

No... there's still one anser left, a dark truth and suspicion...



Li Nuoei’s face as red, her eyes ere bloodshot, and she held her head tightly ith both hands. It as as if he anted to escape his soul from this fragile body of flesh and blood, to escape the hispers of fish entering the room. his heart.

Suddenly, the orld before Li Nuoei's eyes as no longer a color, and a great force tugged at his collar, pulling him aay from the tisted orld of paint and dirt.

Suddenly, Li Nuei felt a cold touch, and souls roared from around him. they reached out their hands to him ith fierce looks, and tried to grab him and drag him into the abyss of eternal damnation. Li Nuei he instinctively screamed and anted to run aay. he anted to leave this strange orld.

he stopped until he hit the hard hite sheet of the door, but the figure, distorted by the different colors in the picture, still didn't let go easily and chased after him fiercely.

Li Nuoei had no choice. he stood up again and opened a door that led nohere.

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