

第27章 阿卡姆(1 / 2)
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在阿卡姆的编年史中,记录了在 20 世纪初,该镇附近发生了一起奇特的事件。ot that there ere to disobedient \"evil spirits\" around him.

Yao Zhenzhen moved like a humanoid spider, climbed onto the ceiling, and sloly moved over the fishman's head. Just as Yu Lianyun hid his body behind a cement pillar, he suddenly attacked and pounced on him. under

Even the sloth as surprised by this invisible opponent. he seemed to roar ith anger and difficulty, but could not move. All of his limbs ere tightly grasped by the extremely poerful Yao Zhenzhen. Yao Jensen opened his black body. hu hu's mouth desperately poured an unidentified black liquid into the bloodied mouth of his opponent.

Although the fishman could not see hat as in his mouth, he could feel the horror and evil of this thing.

ithin a moment, the fishman appeared to be dead, his entire body being cold and stiff, his bulbous eyes gradually darkening. hen the light in his eyes disappeared, the fishman as pletely dead.

the dead fish-man gradually turned into black ater, sloly melted, and became one ith Yao Zhenzhen's plants, as if absorbed into the body.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun had itnessed ith his on eyes the hole story of ho a fishman as easily killed by the incarnation of blessing, and kne that the incarnation of blessing as probably more poerful than the fishman. but it as. he as surprised and excited, but hen he heard the sound of evil ing from all directions, after that roar, he heard the last roar of his family members before the fishmen died, and as about to e and kill them. I learned that there as.

Yu Lianyun looked embarrassed. he could only activate his inspiration, roughly sense a safer direction and run toards it ithout hesitation.

Seeing Yu Lianyun suddenly running aay, the to blessed incarnations quickly folloed.

``ho big is this place?'' Yu Lianyun felt herself getting further and further aay from the direction here derek and Li Nuoei had fled. he felt helpless. hen those strong-looking fishmen appeared, I felt even more emotional...sadness.

\"hy aren't the murlocs chasing me anymore?\" drake ondered hy the murloc hordes ere chasing him and hy Li Nuoei suddenly lost almost everything. At that moment, several gunshots and the sound of fish rang out. the cry of a person before death.

Li Nuei also heard this and said, ``It seems that the people of the xuan mei Group are folloing suit.''

\"Are they going to be okay?\" drake looked a little orried. As it turns out, the only mysterious group as humans. ho could they fight against the extremely strong murlocs?

Li Nuei could only say, \"I don't kno. trust them. they can handle it.\"

hile speaking, he tightly held the \"Ankai Ancient book\" and said seriously: \"e can't protect ourselves. e can't reach the samp any further, so get ready.\"

derek nodded and alked silently alongside Li Nuoei, eventually reaching the final corner.

As long as you take a step forard, you ill have thoughts of heaven, thoughts of hell, or both.

At this time, Li Nuei handed over the ``Anhai Ancient book'' that she had carefully kept to drake, and ondered if the Anhai Ancient book could really exert the mysterious poer of suppressing the poer of sea monsters, and that she anted him to make use of her experience and die. I asked.

In response, derek rolled his eyes and said, \"hey, aren't you going?\"

\"I on't go, I'll ait for the results,\" Li Nuoei said ith a smile. \"hen you die, I ill naturally start the orld over.\"

126 jeels are also alive

derek stared blankly at Li Nuoei for a hile, \"You're not polite to me at all.\"

After speaking, he alked around the corner ith Zidong's heartbeat.

A green halo entered his eyes, hitting him directly. derek felt as if his mind as pierced by a green light and his body felt unbearably numb. he felt a little dizzy but did not fall. It had a mysterious poer. Force your body to move forard.

there, there as a filling formed by the souls of those ho died in vain. As drake approached step by step, the sleep he had packed seemed to be revealed by the sudden shrill cries of the undead inside him. In response, he first \"sniffed\" the approach of the animal and instinctively jumped at the drake.

An overhelming demonic elt, full of stench and the sharp hol of dead souls, fell harder than a raging ave toards the blanket-clad drake.

Feeling hopeless in his heart, derek subconsciously closed his eyes tightly and raised his hands to protect her.

but just hen he thought he ould die from hatred, derek did not feel any physical pain or other touching emotions for a long time. hen he opened his eyes, he sa a samp standing before him, rolling like the aves of the ocean. A group of undead floating inside the stuffing looked at him in horror. to be more precise, it as the ``Ankai Ancient book'' in his hands.

\"ell, does that... really help?\" derek as a little confused. he gradually became accustomed to the loud and strange cries ing from the samp, and the fog of consciousness gradually faded. Although the sight in front of me asn't as horrifying as it as, the line beteen reality and reality became clearer. there's nothing like fantasy.

he came to believe in the mysterious poer of \"Ankai Ancient books,\" hich may be the poer of Ankai's god.

the poer of Anhai's ancient book as invisible, but as drake approached the stuffed animal, the extent of its poer gradually became visible. It as as if a spherical shield as protecting him from ithin.

mud avoids him. the mud may not have eyes of its on, but every dead soul in the mud as his eye, and every devil's eye as an angry death stare.

drake felt unfortable. he reached the last step in front of him, raised his foot, and as about to step on a strange bubble in the mud. the mud looked like frightened kittens, actively gathering at drake's feet. the mud as clinging tightly to the protective perimeter of the old book in drake's hands, and he as too scared to let go.

Seeing this, derek suddenly seemed less panicked and nervous.

hen you realize that hat you're afraid of is also scary, you'll naturally startle, tremble much less, and ant to jump in your face to release any remaining fear.

but derek didn't have the courage to mit suicide like that. he tells himself that hat he ants to do is find the green light gem guarded by tuesday, use the poer of the green light gem to exorcise the curse, and at the same time help Li Nuoei. I did. , used to kill the god Anhai ho emerges from the sea.

drake learned the truth that a big fish from another planet could be his biological father, but he said he ould rather play the drama of a loving father and filial son than acknoledge the father. .

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