

第28章 流沙(2 / 2)
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A bright hite light flashed in Li Nuoei's eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his cabin in the forest.

the furniture in the store, the environment in the house, the sleeping black cat, the big brother in red clothes ho alays looked busy, boss Lin ho alays had a fake smile in front of him...I as looking at the panorama. Vie. look...

but in the blink of an eye, he fell to the et floor. before him as a large sea, a violent storm as gathering on the sea, and a frightened fish-man as lying on it ith his mouth full of bloody needles. teeth, a body part that hangs beteen the opponent's teeth.

``Great Son of God, hat are you aiting for? Let's continue the ritual quickly, the meteor shoer is ing!'' ma hongzhong tore half of the man's face off, revealing his terrifying and vivid appearance. Suddenly he stopped biting and screamed. .

the fishman ho bit into Li Nuei's body heard ma hong's ords and looked into Li Nuei's plicated eyes. the fishman only felt a headache. the ferocious fishman's face as distorted as he clutched his head and roared in pain. Ever changing, he is sometimes the face of a drake, sometimes a cruel and ruthless fishman.

Lying on a temporary altar set up near the cape, Li Nuei looked at drake, ho had fallen in agony, and at the confused Anhai Shinkai members. Li Nuoei, ho as almost dying, smiled. stand up

It seems like everything is fake...

his name is Li Nuoei. he is a university student at Rokkako University. Recently, the leader of the mysterious group tiger Group and the mysterious A-level detective Rokkako branch came to the university for a lecture and to investigate the latest anomaly. there are no people.

he once had a tin brother ho died in a traffic accident. he first met drake four days ago at the tunnel entrance. believing in the ton's legend that he can send items to the dead, he sends the treasure he has accumulated since childhood and enters the tunnel, here he happens to meet drake, ho is returning from the beach.

he also did not expect that the fishmen already considered him a sacrifice. After folloing the instructions in the urban legend, he as actually captured by the fishmen ho ere hiding in the darkness.

on the night of the meteor, that prophecy seemed to e true. detective drake turns into a fishman in front of him. In order to plete the sacrificial ritual and send a signal to the meteorite, German, ho as called the \"Son of God\" by the mad Fish Lake people, began to eat him, folloing his instincts.

but hat the current animals didn't expect as that he had a dream earlier that he had e to a mysterious cabin shop in the oods and bought a story, a story that could be repeated forever. as...

he ``told'' this story to the fishman drake, and hen he tasted the fishman's body, he became hypnotized. therefore, God had his characters die and e back again and again so that the listener could continue to \"hear\" the story and regain his or her ill in the process.

the story ends no that drake has oken up.

132 disappearance cases concluded

\"No, no, no!\" mahon looked at drake as he tried to regain his human ill. he as in disbelief and angry. he stepped forard, sa Li Novei lying motionless on the altar, and asked, \"hat have you done!\"

\"I've done everything I anted to do.\" Li Nuoei smiled quietly. he looked up at the dark sky and sa the countless meteors bright and majestic that cut through the night.

In fact, you can tell a story that can be repeated infinitely. In this ay, his life ill alays remain as the moment he sa drake. he is able to enjoy every story he tells, but at the cost of this: in the never-ending cycle of life, he gradually forgets his \"true self\" in the cycle of history. .

hoever, humans are creatures that are greedy for \"pleasure.\" It's not a bad ay to live, forgetting the essence and having fun.

but Li Nuoei felt that as enough. he lived too long in the story orld he built and died too many times. he already had a deeper understanding of life and death. At the same time, he as actually living ithin the story orld he had constructed. he has experienced all kinds of life around the orld. No I feel that even if I go back to the real orld and go back to the real orld era, I ill die ithout regrets.

ma hong read the sarcasm on Li Guoei's face and became furious. Seeing that the Aquirid meteor shoer in the sky is ending, he ill miss the messenger from the stars and delay the recovery of the Great God Anhai. ma hong himself raised his sharp clas and dug into Li Nuoei's chest, digging into his heart.

Li Nuoei looked at ma hong ith disdain, but the vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared, and he murmured quietly, \"Your God is not great, your talent is great.\" .”

Gradually regaining his sense of self, drake sa Li Nuoei die in front of his eyes. he immediately ran like a madman, interrupting ma hong, ho chanted strange and unknon prayers ith a lifted heart. he took out his sharp clas, clenched his fist like a man, and angrily punched mahon in the fake face.

\"hy do you all have the honor of living, so hy do you ignore the lives of others!?\" drake as shouting the purity of filial piety in his heart, but in his mouth he as shouting the voice of a fish. .

mahon seemed to understand drake's point of vie. Even though he as being beaten the hardest, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, saying, ``If you ant to talk about murder, kill me. You have a role too, our child of God.'' Inside, his face quickly distorted as he punched harder and harder.

\"Fuck you, child of God.\" drake clenches his fist, the scales spread and the skin is torn, and he finally slams don ith all his might, shattering ma hong's deformed head, pulverizing blood, flesh, and brain tissue. It broke. the head exploded, the human skin and flesh torn apart, a tangle of hite, green, and red flesh and blood.

the sudden resurrection of human ill by the Son of God and the sudden death of ma hong, the leader of the Ankai divine Society...happened in just a fe minutes, but this as unexpected.

they looked up to the sky. the Aquila meteor shoer has ended, and the approaching storm on the sea has quietly and sloly disappeared.

the messenger from the stars did not arrive, the sea as calm, and the god called Ankai did not revive at the expected time.

they failed and their predictions ere rong.

At that time, the prediction that truth School huangsha told them as rong. his predictions ere not pletely rong, but they ere also inplete.

the god Anhai cannot lead them to rule this orld, and at the same time cannot fulfill the prophecy of aakening. Is the “god” they believe in no more than an overrated exotic fish? !

Unable to bear the reality of hat as happening, some members of the Ankai Shinkai mitted suicide at the scene. he could not ithstand drake's rath and kill his enemies himself. most of them ere about to die alone. hat remained as no different from the dead. they are crazy.

drake as ruthless and personally killed all the crazy ones.

After killing all those damn believers, drake stood on the edge of the promontory, feeling the sea breeze bloing behind him, feeling numb and melancholy.

Everyone is dead, he's dead too, he's not ing back...does he still need to live?


A gunshot rang out from far behind him, and before he could turn, drake felt something fly past his shoulder, leaving a searing ound in his shoulder.

derek turned around and sa a group of mysterious detectives dressed in black, led by Yu Lianyun, running toards him.

In response, drake just stares at them ith a confused look on his face, before finally choosing to jump off the cape ithout looking back, falling into the nearby rocky ater.

hen Yu Lianyun and the others arrived, drake had disappeared. Under the hood, aves ere crashing on the jagged, rock-lined shore. aves continue to crash against the shore due to ocean currents bloing along the shore. In such turbulent conditions, in sea ater, even if the drake did not die, he ould not be able to sim out of such a dangerous place.

\"count the number of victims at the scene and look for useful clues.\" Seeing the only survivor jump into the sea and disappear, Yu Lianyun secretly breathed a sigh of regret and gave the order. I put it don.

he turned and looked at the boy's face on the altar. his body had been bitten and mutilated, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart that a young life had died like this.

this time, the person ho came to Liuhua port and as entrusted ith meeting by the leader as Li Nuei. hoever, he did not municate ith her normally.

A series of mysterious disappearances occurred at Liuhua port, and Yu Lianyun anted to kno the details of Li Nuei, ho as almost taken aay by fishmen, but she never expected Li Nuei to be found. I never expected to be taken aay in the end. pass by the fishman. the fishmen ere sacrificed, but the fishmen's prophecies did not e true one after another.

\"I don't kno hat happened, but I am very grateful for your contribution to protecting humanity.\" Yu Lianyun as quietly thinking about the corpse, but suddenly a man craled out from his shado. I caught a glimpse of the blessings of these to. Incarnates and pulls toards Lee Noay.

Seeing that the to gourmets focused on Li Nuoei, Yu Lianyun immediately scolded him: \"don't eat it, you definitely on't eat it.\"

hearing this, the to blessed incarnations stared at Yu Lianyun ith cold and bitter faces for a hile, but then quietly retreated, as if they had really heard Yu Lianyun's simple appeal.

Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief. he feared that the to men ould gain something important from him and that the gain ould outeigh the loss.

ei Jiang, ho as cleaning the store, suddenly felt a stinging sensation in her ear. he looked back at Lingling in shock, “boss, did he fail?”

on the contrary, it is a great success. Linlin said ith a smile.

133 fortunes e to the bar

Good Luck Liver on the bund in Shanghai is alays a thriving business, and there ere no shortage of customers today.

A group of young men and omen gathered together to go out drinking. there ere indoor and outdoor entertainment parties. For them, there seemed to be no difference beteen getting drunk in a store and getting drunk on the street.

most of the customers are foreign tourists and university students, but there are also many regular drinkers ho live nearby.

the store is not large and there are not many people inside. these steady ines are inseparable from the quality of the ine in the store, as ell as the skill of the bartenders. the ine list has several cocktails. there is only one branch in the magic city ith no other branches, and no other store can imitate this technique. of course, you can also lead the ay to a magical city ith thriving bars.

the most unique and delicious drink at Good Luck Lai bar has to be the Lady Luck.

countless drinking buddies e here just to sample Good Luck Rye bar's magical ines. It is said that those ho are lucky enough to drink it bee addicted.

but \"Lady Luck\" glasses are hard to find. because only one bartender can perfectly prepare the taste of this glass of ine. At Good Luck bar, the only bartender in the orld is ``crystal,'' and crystal is a volunteer bartender ho only orks three days a eek, and each time she orks, she bees the only bartender in a particular group. only a maximum of 3 customers are alloed per night. therefore, hether or not the ine is drinkable depends on the client's on luck and this. Attitude as a bartender.

hoever, in recent years, the trend of bringing good luck to bars has changed, and it is no longer difficult to find a ``Lady of Luck''.

crystal accepted an apprentice, taught him the treasure shop Lady Luck's recipes and recipes in a short period of time, and asked him to serve alcoholic people in her place hile she as aay from ork. e created the ine that our guests ould most like to drink.

of course, that doesn't mean they don't belong to the same family. this apprentice's ``arrogance'' and ``ill'' are the same as crystal's. She can only make up to 3 cups of Lady Luck per day. If I don't do it more, I on't do anything that doesn't suit my tastes, and I'll be in a bad mood. I don't ant to do it anymore, and I don't ant to spend any money on it.

this apprentice has his on arrogant capital, his craftsmanship is not inferior to his master crystal, and he has a beautiful mixed-race face that attracts thousands of omen.

petent and good-looking people can forgive anyone no matter hat.

Since he orks at a bar, the apprentice naturally has his on stage name, ``Shun,'' but pared to his appearance and bartending skills, this stage name is quite ordinary, so his drunken friends often call him ``Shun.'' teased. Let's add earth to the title as ``Fresh Four Seasons.''

brother Shiji is a man of ill. In a sense, you could call me a casual person. he doesn't mind making fun of these guests and happily accepts them.

the Siji brothers are still active today. crystal, the beautiful bartender at the bar, has a talented apprentice, so she has another excuse to \"sho off\" and her appearances are getting shorter and shorter.

``brother Siji, let's have a glass of Lady Luck.'' A young urban hite-collar man ho had just finished a hard day's hard ork smiled kindly at the handsome bartender ho as iping glasses behind the bar.

hen brother Shiji heard this, he raised his head, thre the opponent, shook his head flatly, and said very simply:

on a summer night ith temperatures exceeding 30 degrees, the hite beauty's smile froze, but since this as not the first time she had been rejected, she as not surprised by her reaction. he looked a little angry and grumpy. : \"then, could I have a mojito?\"

\"ait a minute.\" brother Shiji readily agreed this time and ent to prepare the ingredients and mix drinks for the guests.

Seeing this scene, his friends and close friends ho came ith the hite-collar beauty laughed and made fun of the hite-collar beauty. \"Let's just say I can't do it today either.\"

``ould you like to try it then?'' the beauty in the hite collar rolled her eyes angrily.

my best friend smiled and said, \"try it.\"

my best friend immediately ordered Shijige's Lucky Lady and received the same reaction as the hite-collar beauty.

\"stop it.\"

“then give me a margarita.”

this time I received a positive response from brother Shiji.

then my best friend extended his arms to the hite-collar beauty and said, ``congratulations, I can't do it either.''

the hite-collared beauty pursed her lips and quickly asked brother Siji, ho as mixing drinks. \"brother Siji, ho many cups of Lady Luck did you make today? ho many cups of Lady Luck are you planning to make?\"

\"I haven't made any yet. As for ho many cups I'll make tonight, I'm sticking ith the old rules,\" Shiji-nii-san replied ith a laugh.

that means there are still three cups left. the hite-collar beauty ansered the phone ith a smile and said, ``then I ill ask some friends nearby to e and see ho is so lucky that you can make a you can also have a snack.'' I can do it.”

\"please.\" Shiji-hyung as already talking to the hite-collar beauty, laughing, making a mojito, and sending it to the hite-collar beauty. Enjoy your ordered mojito.

``please take a photo, and then I ill call you.'' After the hite-collar beauty sa the delicious mojito in front of her, her eyes suddenly lit up, but she still didn't realize that she as lucky. Not forgetting the goddess, I asked my best friend to help me take pictures. call a friend nearby and head out.

birds of a feather flock together, and so do humans. hile not all of my ine-lover friends may like to drink alcohol, most of them definitely do...

there ere still three seats left on Lady Luck's night hen she heard that her beautiful hite-collar girl friends ere ing to the bar to seek their fortune. At first, these people ere looking for various excuses to avoid drinking that night. Suddenly everyone got excited and immediately said that he ould arrive soon.

hoever, the hite-collar beauty found herself suddenly slipping her hands hile typing and ended up calling a friend she had no intention of calling.

\"oops.\" the hite-collar beauty as about to hang up, but unexpectedly the person on the other end ansered the phone faster.

\"hey, Arlene, hat's rong ith calling you so late?\" brother Sigi as delivering a neborn margarita to his hite-collar girlfriend hen he heard a deep male voice ing from the microphone of the other person's cell phone. I heard. the other person laughed out loud and tried to hide it, but he seemed to be in a bad mood.

\"ell, it's nothing. I as just calling to see if you had time for a drink...of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time. After all, you have to take care of yourself. No, kids. \"the hite-collar beauty said ith a dry smile. this friend of hers is a single father and usually takes care of the child alone. the child is only 8 years old and has just entered the third grade of elementary school. .

hearing this, the man in front of him as silent for a moment, but the beautiful hite oman gave him an unexpected anser.

\"hat? don't you have to take xiao peng ith you?\" the hite-collar beauty as surprised.

the man smiled sadly, laughed a lot at the story, and said: \"xiaopeng sent a letter to my grandmother recently. I...I forgot. Let's talk hen e meet.\"

``okay, okay, I'll be aiting for you, Yuu-niisan.'' hearing this, the hite-clad beauty as a little surprised. he immediately gave the address of the bar and hung up on the caller.

A friend you haven't seen for a long time suddenly es over ith \"drinks\". I'm alays surprised by drunk people ho like to talk and gossip.

Less than 30 minutes later, the friends summoned by the hite-collar beauty began to arrive, including \"brother Yu\" ho came ith a story.

Yu-hyung as a man in his 30s earing a striped polo shirt that looked out of place, but it as obvious to everyone that he had done some preparation for today's trip, including shaving his beard. Although it as a bit sketchy, there ere still a fe \"eeds\" groing ild in the chin that hadn't been cut yet.

Yu-nii is not handsome, but he has a friendly face that makes people feel safe and ant to approach him.

``can I have a glass of Lady Luck?'' brother Yu as sitting next to a beautiful hite oman ho as also one of his friends at the bar. After taking his seat, he gave his orders. I didn't forget the instructions from the hite-collar beauty over the phone, and I asked them as soon as I arrived at the store. handsome mulatto bartender orders Lady Luck.

Everyone ho failed in the Goddess of Luck's mand looked at brother Yu ith hope, and brother Siji also looked at him ith hope, thinking in their hearts, ``I'm sure I'll succeed this time.''

\"Agreed,\" brother Shiji ansered and agreed in his drunken mind.

tonight's first glass of Lady Luck has been successfully ordered!

\"brother Yu, I'm going to go buy you a drink,\" the hite-robed beauty said angrily, then smiled and pinched brother Yu's shoulder, \"but I have to give you a snack later.\"

\"damn you Arlene! I ant to drink too!\" my best friend and her friends ere suddenly summoned and got excited and started fighting over each other.

brother Yu laughed as he looked at the group of drinking friends he used to hang out ith. \"okay, let's all share a drink. Um, Shiji-nii, give me another martini, please.\"

“Yu-nii-san is fair!”

\"Yu-nii-san is beautiful!\"

“Yu-nii-san, I’ll buy you this martini!”


hearing brother Yu generously serve ine, everyone as ecstatic and ble brother Yu's rainbo-colored legs one after another.

Soon, the restaurant's legendary treasure, Lady Luck, came out to dine. then, ith the consideration of the Shiji brothers, small cups ere shared among everyone so that everyone, including the Yu brothers, could drink.

brother Yu stared at the smoky pink ine in front of him, ondering hy everyone as so excited about this glass of ine. No matter ho good it tastes, here does this ine go?

Strangely enough, after drinking a glass of ine, the Yu brothers just felt a refreshing and deep aroma that blossomed from the tip of their tongue, exploding from both the top and bottom at the same time, one in the brain and the other rising. as. It sank into his stomach. he as a little drunk, smelling like ine, and his eyes ere red. he also cupped his cheeks, covered his eyes armly, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

hearing that sigh, the drinkers suddenly perked up as they ere enveloped in the aroma of ine. hile drinking the rest of the ine, I asked brother Yu hy he as sighing and hat troubles he as having lately.

brother Yu stroked his forehead, thre everyone aay, and hesitated to speak. he ent back and forth beteen sighing and opening his mouth for a long time, making people anxious.

After a hile, brother Yu said hesitantly. \"As you kno, my ife died of cancer five years ago.\"

\"Yeah, hat's going on?\" my best friend asked.

``Recently, xiaopeng's art teacher challenged his classmates to dra their on version of paradise.''

\"Very nice.\" the hite-collar beauty didn't do anything rong, but the context felt a little strange hen he said it.

\"Yes.\" brother Yu licked his dry lips, \"but xiao peng is still young, so he doesn't kno some things. he asked me here heaven is, and I said, my mom said that's here she as going, and I explained it to her.''It as hat I had imagined heaven to be like.''

xiaopeng understood the meaning of the sky, but looked at me very confused and didn't say anything. he didn't talk much. then he started painting. After an hour, he said he had finished the painting and shoed it to me. ”

\"hat did he dra?\" Everyone realized that something terrible as approaching.

hen everyone thought that xiao peng ould dra something shocking and terrifying, they didn't expect that brother Yu ould say something that ould make people's hearts tremble.

“he painted my attic…”

and history

there is no better ord to describe everyone's emotions at this moment than ae. the scary part behind the story is like a ray of light on people's backs, as if someone ho doesn't exist is breathing into their ears. , the cold in my heart froze everyone's heartbeat for a moment.

hy does the daughter of the Yu brothers think about heaven in the attic? heaven is the place here the dead go. So in xiao peng's eyes, is there something in the attic that should never appear in the orld again? hat about “people”?

\"So... did you send xiao peng home?\" the hite-robed beauty salloed the air stuck in her throat and asked ith difficulty.

\"Yes.\" brother Yu said ith a ry smile, \"hen I asked him hy he dre the sky in the attic of his house, xiaopeng asked, ``didn't your mother say that the sky is here you go?'' .

\"...Sister-in-la, sister-in-la, in the attic?\" my best friend speculated nervously.

brother Yu shook his head and said ith a plicated expression, \"I don't kno, I can't confirm, but he suddenly died of illness in the attic, and I haven't told anyone about this, including xiao peng. hmm. xiao peng.” Let his grandparents take care of him. ”

hearing this, everyone fell silent again. I couldn't help but believe that there ere indeed strange things in this orld that couldn't be explained using mon sense.

Yuu-nii-san sighed. he has been very orried about this matter lately.

\"martini of the deep sea.\" brother Shiji, the bartender, brought a freshly breed dark blue drink to brother Yu, ith a small smile on his lips, and said, ``this story is good, you deserve a glass of Lady Luck. .\"said.

hearing this, brother Yu stared at brother Shiji in surprise for a hile, then shook his head helplessly and said, \"I hope this is really just a story.\"

\"I'm not saying I'm making this up. I just thought your experience as interesting,\" Shiji-hyung explained ith a smile, realizing that his ords had been misunderstood.

Seeing the Siji brothers, ho are alays quiet and rarely talk to others, the hite-collar beauty suddenly joked. I'll teach you every day from no on. ” It’s a change in circumstances. I could have one more cup, but could you please make me another cup of Lady Luck? ”

\"I don't think so,\" Shiji said calmly, \"I'm only interested in real experiences and the emotions that e ith them. but I don't really feel like a fable, no matter ho scary.\" Nothing ill change, because as long as it is real, everything is empty and is a lie after all.”

\"In this case, brother Shiji, you have mixed many cups of Lady Luck, so you must have heard many of these 'true stories'. You are ele to share them ith us. \"huh?\" the hite-collared beauty bit her red lips, and her heart fluttered as she looked at Siji's strong, straight face and handsome figure. he anted to interact more ith this rare and beautiful man in this orld, and thought about building a deep relationship ith him.

In response, Shiji-hyung said ith a smile, ``I don't talk about guests because it concerns the privacy of other guests, but I have something special to tell you listen to it?'' he said ith a smile. ……hat do you think? ”

hen he smiled, the curve at the corners of his mouth as sharper than a sickle, shoing a slight disfort.

\"hat? I have something to do, so I'll go home first.\" I don't kno if he intentionally created a space for men and omen to chat, or if he felt something strange about the ambiguous atmosphere. A customer in front of the bar suddenly left his seat. they announced their departure one after another.

hoever, the hite collar and the beauty of brother Yu remained until the end. they ere the only ones interested in the stories told by the Siji brothers.

\"by the ay, I haven't introduced myself yet. my name is Linda. You can call me Arlene like everyone else.\" Arlene smiled.

“Zheng Yu” Yu brother honestly said his real name.

\"call it Season.\" brother Shiji nodded and smiled slightly, as if recognizing the identity of these to guests and friends.

Aaryn pursed his lips ith a smile and said, \"brother season, brother season, even if you don't tell me your real name, you can tell me your name.\"

brother Shiji thought for a moment and ansered, \"my surname is u.\"

\"hat did you ant to talk about no? tell me, e just happened to ant to hear it too.\" Arlene put her chin in her hand and said okay.

Siji looked at them carefully and then told them the story he had prepared. \"once upon a time, there as a man named Li Nuoei...\"

I don't kno if it as brother Shiji's charming voice that made people so intoxicated, or if they ere immersed in the ups and dons of brother Shiji's story. Suddenly, their eyes became blank, and they stood there, expressionless, like statues, breathing as if they ere all debilitated, just listening quietly.

before they kne it, it as almost time for them to hang out at the bar. they checked out and left looking deflated. the cold seat running don my back became even colder as I alked outside against the cold night ind. .

``Is hat he told true or false?'' Arlene suddenly asked.

\"...I don't kno.\" Zheng Yu shook his head violently. Stories about fishmen and sea monsters ere so rare that I didn't ant to believe them. but hy did he feel as if he had personally experienced these stories? hat about the feelings?


After Arin and Zhen Yu left, the Siji brothers ere doing the last cleaning before going abroad. Almost every day, he ould stay for a hile and ait until the bar as cleaned before leaving. hoever, there as a hanging hanging in the entrance of the bar. Seeing a sign for foreigners, a young man and a young oman pushed open the door and entered the store.

he is a bination of an ordinary man and an amazing beauty. the man has a plain face, and his clothes are very ordinary, but the beautiful oman around him is earing a deep green chinese dress made of plenty of fabric. the chinese dress as tailored to the aist of the other person. there are many types and styles of floers, and they are very beautiful.

but the amazing thing is that even though there are gulf-like differences beteen them in terms of alk, voice, appearance, etc., hen they stand together, it someho feels mysterious and inexplicable. It's about feeling the perfect fit.

\"drake, let's have a drink.\" xin Junmao sat in front of the bar ith a smile and casually ordered, \"to glasses of the best Lady Luck, please.\"

brother Siji and xin Junmao seemed to kno each other ell. hearing xin Junmao mand him, drake said, \"You are lucky, there are still to glasses of Lady Luck left today.\"

mr. Zhao took a deep breath as if he had smelled something. he loered his eyes and said ith a smile, \"I smell a curse. It seems like you had another grudge talk today?\"

drake as not proactive and said, \"Stabilize the seal and let Re Novi, ho lives ithin the story, breathe.\"

135 narrators

After Li Nuei's death, drake regains consciousness from his fishman state and feels that a mysterious poer resides ithin him. this poer definitely came from Li Nuei.

hen a story is told in an infinite loop, the consciousness of the target animal bees trapped ithin the story. the more a story is told, the deeper the animal's cognitive aareness bees, the harder it bees to detect a \"false\" story, and the more the animal bees deeper and deeper into the fabricated story. So-called narration does not only refer to verbal narration, but as long as it involves ``munication,'' it induces abilities such as language, eyes, and touch.

Note, hoever, that hile this poer also affects storytelling, its influence is a little eaker than that of the listener. the deeper the narrator goes, the more involved he bees, and gradually he forgets that he is telling the story.

If both the narrator and the listener forget the original truth, they ill definitely fall into another orld, and ill actually enter a vegetative state, gradually starving, being old, and dying.

hen drake discovered this poer, he also discovered another characteristic of this poer: a \"legacy of stories.\"

the last story told by an old storyteller before his death is passed on to a listener to hom his abilities have been transferred. hoever, in order to preserve a story, it must be told consistently and ith a certain frequency, otherise the story itself ill disappear.

originally, if drake had acquired this ability, he ould not have inherited Li Nuei's story, but hen he learned that Li Nuei as still alive in the story, he as shocked again. It as a people of sea monsters and a divine being. Anhai ish didn't kno hen he as trapped in Li Nuoei's story.

In other ords, the sea monsters and Ankaijin that humans actually see can only be thought of as normal animals that have only instinctive reactions. their souls and ills are trapped in the unbreakable \"story\" of Ri Novi.

this is a sticker! drake thinks so.

the consciousness of to supernatural gods are trapped in the orld of the story. No one gets hurt unless people actually take the initiative to go into their sleeping areas. they continue to sleep, both their folloers and their volumes...the tribe calls them back, and they too bee trapped in the story.

drake didn't kno ho or hen Re Novi did it.

but in short, if e ant to avoid chaos in the orld and prevent disaster from reaching the hole orld, e as humans must keep this seal. All he can do is carry the seal and tell the story to all ho ill listen. .

but justice is only part of the reason he continues Li Nuoei's story. In fact, for him, this part of the reason is even solid. A bigger part of the reason is actually that e ant Li Nuei to live ell in the orld of the story. At the same time, only by keeping the orld ithin the story ill he be able to avoid the resurrection of God in Ankai, and the fish-man bloodline ill no longer be easily aakened and ill continue to maintain its human identity.

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