

第30章 揭幕(2 / 2)
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Facing chen xiaolin's sudden visit, Zheng Yu's parents ere a little surprised. chen xiaolin greeted the to elders naturally and explained his condolences. Suddenly, the to elders very kindly invited chen xiaolin to their house.

obviously, Zheng Yu's parents kno chen xiaolin very ell.

``thank you for ing to see me, xiaolin.'' Zheng's mother couldn't hide the sadness on her face.

“damn, that traitor son…” Father Zheng said in a slightly angry voice, but couldn’t finish his sentence and just stared at chen xiaolin in confusion.

chen xiaolin forted the to elders and said, \"Uncle and aunt, I don't think brother Yu is such a person. to do something like this, he ill definitely encounter some problems.\" told.

\"hat happened has already happened. No matter ho good it is, nothing can undo it.\" Father Zheng nodded. of course, they hope that Zheng Yu did something bad, but he is already dead and did something unforgivable. hat is the truth? they don't mean much anymore.

chen xiaolin did not anser. this as the opinion of the to elders, but it did not apply to him. At the very least, I felt it necessary to investigate hat happened to Zheng Yu during his lifetime.

“Is xiaopeng here?” chen xiaolin asked.

hen Jeong's father and mother heard this, they looked at each other and sighed. Zheng mu took chen xiaolin to the room. hen I sloly opened the door, I sa a small figure sitting in a dimly lit room ith the curtains closed. hen he paints, he lights only a dim desk lamp. he as quiet and devoted, paying no attention to the people ho entered the room.

Zheng's mother hispered. \"Ever since his father's accident, he has been silent. he is trapped in a painting in his room and shos little other reaction. hatever my grandfather and I call him, if e get him... \"If he doesn't use a brush and paper, he freezes in place, motionless, like a sculpture. I think his father's incident had a huge impact on him.\"

\"can I talk to him? Alone.\" chen xiaolin asked.

Zheng's mother nodded. \"that's good. After your mother left, she said she anted you to be more of a mother. She loves you very much. I hope you talk to her a lot and convince her or at least let her do it.\" I hope you eat ell. \"

chen xiaolin: “I ill.”

Afterards, Zheng's mother created a separate space for them and closed the door hen she left the room.

chen xiaolin came to Zheng xiaopeng, looked at Zheng xiaopeng's painting, and said ith a smile, \"xiao xiaolin, I am xiaolin's sister, hat are you draing?\"

“Sister xiaolin? You came to see me.” Zheng xiaopeng made a movement, but there as no noticeable movement in his body. he just moved his eyes strangely, looked out of the corner of his eyes, looked at chen xiaolin, and then turned his eyes back to the picture. on paper, he ansered, ``I'm draing the sky right no,'' and continued draing as if nothing had happened.

“paradise?” chen xiaolin’s smile froze. As he bent don to look at the painting carefully, he noticed that another person as painting in the attic again. Additionally, the painter as a bit too advanced and forceful for a kid his age. the pictures ere not only detailed, but also realistic. , as if the other person had dran all the scenes in his memory in proportion.

hoever, cheng xiaolin noticed that after Zheng xiaopeng finished draing the scene, he added lines and started draing the figures. the photo shoed a man and a oman ho ere his parents.

“ould you like to dra a picture of your father and mother going to heaven together?” chen xiaolin took a deep breath and asked again ith a smile.

Zheng xiaopeng replied, \"I hope so...\"

“but hat?” chen xiaolin asked.

Zheng xiaopeng: \"the day before yesterday, my father told me that I should go back home and live ith my grandparents from no on.\"

“…dad, hat about the future?” chen xiaolin couldn’t believe it, it had been a fe days since your father had died.

Zheng xiaopeng told the truth, \"You told me in a dream.\"

hearing this, chen xiaolin sighed. \"So hat did you say to him?\"

\"dad told me I had failed and told me never to go back into that house again. Even if I did, he ould never open the attic door.\"

\"hat ill happen if I open it?\"

``If you open it, something terrible might be released.'' Zheng xiaopeng said anxiously, ``Anyay, my father doesn't ant to get close to xiaopeng.''

chen xiaolin’s expression as stiff. If that ere the case, the door should have been opened a long time ago. La enforcers and secret agents ho e to investigate the villa must enter. It means something terrible has been released. outside

chen xiaolin anted to kno more about hat happened to Zheng Yu during his lifetime. “xiaopeng, hen your father sent you to your grandparents, did he tell you the reason?”

\"my father told me that he doesn't need to take care of me much because he ants to ork hard, and I actually kno that the reason is true.\" xiaopeng laughed. “my father really ants to spend more time ith my mother. After all, my attic is heaven and our house is very close to heaven. It’s very easy.”

xiao peng recalled this hile draing. \"one night, hen I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, I noticed that the light in my father's study as not turned off. I could still hear my father talking to the man, so I ent to the study.\" Look, I sa my father moving things in the attic, and he said that it as almost done, and that e ould meet again, and that our family of three ould be reunited. I said deaf...”

hen chen xiaolin heard xiao peng's admonition, he opened his eyes and said to himself, \"hat are you talking about, Zheng Yu, hat do you ant?\"

``A ritual to revive and summon the soul.'' Li tajin looked at the results of the overnight translation ith a curious look on his face. he did not expect that the unfinished ritual that Zheng Yu left in the attic ould turn out like this.

the role of this ritual is to summon the soul, call the soul of the dead, put the soul of the dead into a body prepared in advance for the ritual, and the soul of the dead ill use that body to e back to life. . .

the person presiding over this ritual must continuously hunt in a specific location. Killed souls are automatically transferred to the ritual's orking energy, helping to maintain energy reserves until the ritual is successful and the soul is returned. Reborn.

Li duanen further researched the ritual and found that it did e from overseas, but it as located in the inter peninsula, not the Ne York area.

the people of the inter peninsula also use the Khan script and observe these rituals.

As the origin of the design of this ritual, it is also necessary to mention a special unnatural organization called the inverted temple. this unique ritual as devised by the people of the Upside don temple.

Uncle ang 146 people missing

Although there are not many records of temples being turned upside don, all the activities of this organization are astonishing and a sensation orthy of being recorded in history.

the alien god that this organization orships is called the \"Reverse creator.\" the people of this organization believe that the \"Reverse creator\" is a great being ho creates the negative aspects of the orld. She is the embodiment of darkness, the supreme mother goddess, the mother of the black goats, and the fertile land of darkness. God of Fertility... this alien god created all things, is the source of many mon animal ancestors, and is also the mother of most alien gods in the orld.

this alien god is extremely ``corrosive'' to the human ill, and once contaminated, it bees difficult to return the mind to a normal track, and the person bees a crazy believer. therefore, although there are many ordinary organizations in the Upside don Sanctuary ho are not such people, their destructive poer is full of madness.

All organization members of the Upside don Sanctuary desperately try to summon the true form of the ing \"Upside don creator\". Unfortunately, the ``upside-don creators'' they believe in are very difficult to attract. he has an ``arrogant and noble'' personality and has no interest in the Advent Festival. the requirements are very strict. As long as there are small errors in the details, that on't happen. he sends his black goat to the forest of huan, or only his incarnation, to spread the gospel to believers in his name.

hoever, there are so many types of descent rituals in the ``Inverted creator,'' and the number of members of the Upside don Sanctuary organization is too large to be recorded. this allos Li tajin to fully determine hether the rituals taking place in the city are Advent festivals. I only kno hat as summoned during one of the rituals.

Li duojin reported the results to the mysterious team, and the mysterious team seemed very calm. they simply asked him to continue the investigation and report any ne developments. by the ay, he also passed on the \"upside don\" information he as given. Information about \"Sanctuary\" in the internal database of a mysterious group.

Li duanen as not surprised by this. Any clues he can find may be in front of him, apparently discovered by a mysterious team, and the results of the investigation ill no doubt include more details.

Its main role is to plete or pare so that members of the occult team can ensure that the investigation is free of flas or errors.

\"In short, let's go talk to ang Kaishan today.\" After reading the information sent by the mysterious team, Li duojing deepened his understanding of the Upside don temple, but this ordinary incident It as of little use. , and hen he looked at the clock, he sa that it as almost time to make an agreement ith boss Zhang at Jojo Amusement park, so he as ready.

the people sent by boss Zhang took him seriously and arrived at the hotel on time to pick him up as promised.

Li tajin and boss Zhang have already said that the \"ceremony\" at the amusement park ill last at least a eek, and today is only the second day. boss Zhang naturally did not dare to ignore him for the sake of his on business.

Li duojin can use this opportunity to further investigate the serial murders at the amusement park.

hat Li duanen didn't expect as that Uncle ang, the only survivor of the series of murders, as no longer at the amusement park.

``oh, did ang Kaishan go home this morning after pleting the resignation process?'' hen Li duojin heard the nes, his nerves began to beat sensitively. he asked seriously, \"hy did you suddenly quit?\"

\"ell, it's normal ork to adjust the pany's situation.\" boss Zhang expressed his intention to fire the employee, \"but e ill give him time to find a home and a ne place to live.\" , I've arranged for him to resign at the end of the month. I'm expecting him to suddenly say he doesn't ant to be fired. \"I as supposed to ork today, but I ent home ithout receiving this month's salary. oops…\"

After Li duojin heard the ``urgent reason'' for Uncle ang's departure, he stopped listening to boss Zhang's ramblings. No he as a little orried about Uncle ang's condition. If everything is as guessed yesterday, the ritual that Zheng Yu performed as not pleted, and he handed over the ritual to Uncle ang before he died, so the current Uncle ang must be a very dangerous person.

\"do you kno here he is no?\" Li duojin asked.

\"I'm sorry, but I haven't investigated, but I ill contact you.\" boss Zhang sa that Li duojin as orried about Uncle ang, and he also paid attention to it, aiting for nes. hile I as there, I asked the secretary to contact Uncle ang right aay. he asked Li duojin, “Is there a problem?”

Li dujin said ith a smile, ``After all, mr. ang Guishan has e into contact ith dirty an employee involved in an amusement park, I thought it as necessary to do some 'cleaning' separately.''

“that’s right, but since you are no longer an employee of the amusement park, you on’t have any trouble.” boss Zhang suddenly realized and expressed his opinion.

Regarding this point, Li duashin explained ith a smile: \"You don't kno something. the fact that ang Guishan can ork in JoJo amusement park means that he has deep connections ith the amusement park. his property has some connections, It's there.'' Amusement parks. his career may have nothing to do ith amusement parks, but his acplishments ill still be closely tied to them for some time to e, so you better not miss any leaks. Is good. ”

“master is indeed a master and a careful person.” boss Zhang suddenly realized this and shoed his heartfelt admiration.

After the to talked for a hile, the secretary also hung up. the secretary reported ith a disgusted look on her face, ``I couldn't find my seems like I didn't anser it on purpose.''

“this is Lao ang.” boss Zhang froned and quickly said to his secretary, “Send someone to pick you up right aay, and be sure to invite the old king himself to join us as soon as possible.”

“Yes, mr. Zhang.” the secretary nodded, boed, and ran to her side to pick up the phone to make a call and send a message.

\"teacher, hat should e do no?\" boss Zhang as no fool. he also speculates that Uncle ang has some strange problems and that an unusual risk factor may be involved, and asks Li duojin to investigate.

Li tajin thought for a hile. ``I'd like to see here he stayed at the amusement park before.''

boss Zhang stretches out his hand and goes to meet you, \"e on, I'll take you aay no.\"

After a hile, Li tajin arrived at the dormitory here Uncle ang lived. As soon as the door to the dormitory as opened, a strange smell hit the nostrils, making people ant to back aay.

Some people instinctively pinched their noses. the secretary ho acpanied him bravely entered the house and discovered a light sitch in the dormitory. hen the lights came on, the sight of the dormitory as shocking.

I sa rotting carcasses of various insects and reptiles craling in Uncle ang's dormitory, and some of the carcasses ere stuck to the ceiling, oozing and dripping from it.

``Ah!'' president Zhang and his secretary ere stunned by the scene in front of them, and turned pale. they run out of the room and vomit hile holding on to the railing.

Although Li duanen as so disgusted, he still suppressed his inner resistance and ent inside the house to investigate. then he stood somehere in the room, his expression heavy, because he found something here, ne human eyes.

147 Forest black Goat

Li duanen as sure that it as a human eyeball and thought it as cool. this means that someone in Uncle ang's dormitory had his eyeballs poked out, and this person as most likely killed.

this matter had a big impact. Lee dajin notified the police and secret team officials to e and investigate. After officials arrived at the scene, they investigated and all found a black plastic bag at the amusement park's trash station. the corpse is rapped and hidden.

the bodies, especially the heads, ere so badly broken that they could not be reassembled for some time, making it impossible to kno the identity of the victims. therefore, the broken body as sent to a forensic scientist for autopsy, but the la enforcement officers of the secret team still have to examine the victim.

As a result of the investigation, it as discovered that to employees of the amusement park ere not at ork today. hen they get in touch ith one of them, they find out that they ere hospitalized for alcohol poisoning, and the other person hasn't been heard from for a long time, and everyone's attention is on that person. , I thought he might be the victim.

the legal team also acted quickly. the investigation has just been pleted. they also obtained information on the victim through a dNA database and confirmed that the deceased as an employee ho could not be contacted and that he as a maintenance orker at the amusement park.

but the information the medical examiner provided ent far beyond that. the victim's death certificate as also released.

It is suspected that the victims ere not killed by humans, but by some kind of animal ith a sharp netork structure. It as very poerful. the victim as unprepared and as cut into pieces in an instant. A forensic scientist examines the victim's broken body. Several types of biological slime have been discovered, and plant-like living cells have been found ithin the slime.

\"ang Guishan may not have killed the maintenance orker, and his dormitory as not the first scene. It as some kind of normal animal that killed the maintenance orker.\" A leader dispatched by a mysterious team. synthesized the information collected and came to a conclusion. he turned to the dense forest behind the dormitory, pointed deep into the forest, and said, ``this forest is probably the first site of the eucalyptus ordinary creature that killed the maintenance orker is probably still here.'' \"I'll be there,\" he said seriously. . ”

\"ho can this be!?\" boss Zhang's face turned pale, and he immediately begged the amusement park to help solve this problem.

“team Zhou, hat are you going to do next?” Li duojin asked the team leader. the leader of this middle-aged team, formerly knon as Zhou Shaobo, is the mander of the Zodiac dog Group, and is also the one ho Li duojin is assisting in this mission.

Zhou Shaobo looked at Li duan and said, \"Inspector Li, it ould be better for you to deal ith us from no on. e need your help.\"

Li duanen immediately agreed, saying, ``okay.''

the ooded area behind the hut dormitory as urgently fenced off, as the presence of a very dangerous animal that monly lives in the forest as suspected. A small number of la enforcement officers and most of the xuan secret agents stationed there ere responsible for border security. Later, a dog team led by Zhou Shaobo and Li duoang entered the forest fully armed.

there are three members of the dog team. the leader is Zhou Shaobo, and the other to members are also male. one is called Zhang chi and the other is called huang hua.

“team Zhou, are everyone from the dog team here?” Li duanen as puzzled. there ere too many people.

Zhou Shaobo nodded. \"Yes, e are all members of the current dog team.\"

Zhang qi said ith a cold face: “If it eren't for the mission six months ago, our canine team ould have had more than this.”

“Six months ago?” Li duojin froned. In his impression, there appeared to be no major malignant abnormalities in the Shenzhou area during the period six months ago. It seemed like it as a top secret mission.

Since it as a top secret mission, it as natural that the three members of the dog group did not satisfy Li tao Jin's curiosity, and Li tao Jin did not provide any additional explanation about the mission that destroyed the talent of the dog group.

Li duojin paid attention to the movements around him and casually asked, \"It's been half a year. Isn't the dog team looking for ne partners?\"

``It's not that easy.'' huang hua, a member of the dog team, shook his head ith a ry smile.

Suddenly, the temperature around me seemed to drop several degrees, and the temperature difference changed significantly. It as as if they had suddenly entered another realm, and the four of them immediately became alarmed.

\"Listen!\" huang hua hispered for everyone to listen. he sloly turned his head to find the source of the unnatural sound and said, \"does it sound like a baby's voice?\"

A crying baby?

hearing this, everyone as afraid. they folloed huang hua's advice and listened calmly. Little by little, I began to hear the sounds of babies crying and people alking in the forest.

It is unclear hether the four people's confirmation of the relationship beteen the sounds caused psychological feelings. Gradually, I heard the baby's cries ing closer and closer, and I felt an unknon object moving quickly through the leaves and grass. that's the sound.

Immediately, Zhang qi shouted, \"Stand back!\" and several black gelatinous opaque substances burst out of the darkness in all directions.

Everyone quickly retreated in time to avoid being attacked by the black gelatinous substance.

Upon closer observation, Li duanen found that the black colloid as a type of colloid ith a rough surface. hen shot, it turned into something like tentacles. but obviously you can't treat something like this as a tentacle. he crossed. hen the ground and the plants came into contact, fallen leaves ere scattered, and some of the flying plants shoed signs of being cut ith sharp objects, creating holes directly in the ground.

``Is that the one ho killed the mechanic?'' Li duanen guessed, cold seat forming on his forehead.

these black gelatinous soft substances make it nearly impossible for humans to survive hile ing into contact ith them.

Shortly after, several more black gelatinous objects appeared from the darkness, and the four of them akardly fled into the forest. they hide as they run toards the baby's cries ing from the forest.

the closer it gets to the source of the baby's cries, the more violent the attacks of this black gelatinous substance bee, and the baby's cries bee louder and louder, as if something evil lurking in the forest is being encouraged to go ild. to go. .

Li tajin suddenly stopped, hid behind a large tree, and stopped breathing. his eyes idened and he sloly poked his head out. his vision gradually focused on the hollo beneath the bushes. he sa a beast-like creature. the foot structure is actually a rhizome of a plant that resembles a sheep's hoof.

other members of the dog team, ho had hidden elsehere in the forest to avoid attack, also discover a strange creature hiding near the bushes.

Although there as only one, everyone's heart pounded and their brains trembled at the sight of such an ordinary animal.

\"black Goat of the Forest\". Zhou Shaobo secretly gritted his teeth and said, \"this is the descendant of the 'reverse creator' and the 'supporting image' of his alking reality.\"

this incident is probably related to the ritual of the advent of the ``Reverse creator''. the soul summoning ritual performed by Zheng Yu also had a summoning function, and this time the ritual summoned the black goat in the forest. ”

1483 bait

the black forest goat's eyes are located all over its body, so humans cannot look directly at the black forest goat. Seeing directly means seeing each other. the result of staring at each other is the corruption of reason and the collapse of the spirit. people change under the influence of the black goat of the forest. being evil madmen, prone to the madness of Slaanesh and the fanatical orship of the \"Reverse creator,\" the animals indulge in a desire to breed, hether it be any animal or even the head of a black goat.

It is also difficult for humans to kill black Forest goats by traditional means. black Forest Goats are not afraid of high temperatures or flames, have strong bodies, and have normal regenerative abilities. Unless it is a eapon of mass destruction, it is difficult to cause effective damage.

therefore, hen everyone discovered that the rare animal of the forest as a black forest goat, everyone immediately felt difficulties and difficulties.

“Are you retired?” Li tajin loered his voice and opened the munication channel on his headset.

\"No, e have a plan,\" Zhou Shabo responded on the channel, explaining the plan.

It's not a ell thought out plan, much less a great plan. human strategies are ineffective in the face of the poerful and terrifying black forest goat.

Zhou Shaobo sent to people one after another as decoys, and the remaining to ere planning to attack.

If this plan fails, there ill be no chance of survival and it ill be a dead end.

huang hua and Zhang chi ill be in charge of feeding. they collaborated ith Zhou Shaobo many times and ere teammates through life and death. they have a tacit agreement to cooperate. they understand Zhou Shaobo's behavior. Using them as bait allos Zhou Shaobo to perform more fully.

Li duanen remained in place and acted according to the opportunity.

After giving the plan, Zhang Ji suddenly jumped out of the bushes, aiting for an opportunity, thre don the grenade ithout hesitation, and fired at the grenade, causing it to explode in the air.

the black Forest Goat as caught off guard by the explosion. the injured baby continued to scream, and soon several black tumor-like objects ere released, breaking through the smoke screen of the explosion and being dran toards Zhang chi.

Zhang Zhi turned around and ran, leaping again and again beteen the trees in the forest, like an agile leopard quickly dodging the attacks of a black goat in the forest.

Just as black Forest Goat as concentrating on dealing ith Zhang chi, another grenade fell from the sky and exploded again near his face. this time, the explosion seemed to be more poerful, and the black goat-like body of the mountain in the forest as blon aay several meters.

Faced ith a sudden attack on huanghua, the forest black goat immediately tore another black liquid from its body and chased huanghua.

At one point, the black Forest goats began attacking the to mystery detectives at the same time.

Seeing this, Li tajin's palms became seaty. he crouched in the grass, not knoing hen to take action. hat on earth could he do?

Li duojin sa his teammates huang hua and Zhang Zhi being cornered by a black goat in the forest, hile Zhou Shabo, the leader of the dog team, did not leave him for a long time. did. All sustained varying degrees of injury during the evasion and escape.

Seeing that his teammates huang hua and Zhang Zhi couldn't stand it, and Zhou Shabo, ho as hiding somehere, ouldn't sho his face, Li duaren finally couldn't stand it anymore and immediately took action.

he duo Jin pulled out a gun from his aist and suddenly stood up. but hen he as about to shoot, he sa the black slime of the black Forest Goat roaring at him. From his perspective, the black goo solidified, his head split open, and all the black hair-like objects turned into sharp blades. bined ith its quick propulsion, the black goat's octopus-like black slime arms quickly became the strongest. A terrifying eapon.

Seeing this, Li tajin as finally convinced that the culprit ho killed the poor amusement park manager as the black goat in the forest in front of him!

the threat of death hit his brain like an alarm, and Li tajin's heart as beating rapidly, but it felt like the hole orld as sloing don, and only he as accelerating tice as fast. It looked like it as.

Li duanen, ho as in a hopeless situation, blushed and anted to run aay, but didn't kno hat to do. Zhou Shaobo, ho had been hiding in the darkness, took action again. he jumped don from the grass and put a drop of floating ater in the bottle. hen the transparent bottle as removed, the ater droplets suspended inside ere released.

the moment the ater droplets ere released, the stricken black goat immediately began to scream in pain. the dripping ater droplets ere so mesmerizing, like a crystal ball, that they almost pushed the brand ne Jeep out of its place.

hoever, hen the ater droplets fell on the black forest goat, its body began to hurt. the ater droplets looked like cannonballs. Unaffected by the resistance, he sloly fle forard, pushing the black forest goat forard.

the black Forest Goat tried to hit the ater drops, but the drops easily entered the blocked parts of his body and tore them.

In this ay, the immobile black Forest Goat is like a live target pushed by ater droplets, his body is constantly pressed by ater droplets, and finally the ater drops press the black Forest Goat's body into a state like a meat pie. ta. . Eventually, small droplets of ater spouted out from its supple and strong body, and a large hole opened.

Seizing this opportunity, huang hua and Zhang chi ran back and thre the grenades they each had. After a hile, the forest as filled ith flames, huge smoke and flames, and a terrible blast.

hen the thick smoke cleared, the black Forest Goat as reduced to a puddle of mud, ith the slurry and pieces of flesh that made up its body splattered everyhere.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Shabo thre a high-performance grenade ithout hesitation, directly detonating the black Forest Goat and turning it into a piece of rotten flesh. his body, hich regenerated at high speed, as blon to pieces, and he had lost almost all of his physical strength. Activities.

Li duanen came to his senses. he looked at Zhou Shaobo and said calmly: “team Zhou, if you ant to use me as a decoy, I on’t plain.”

\"I'm sorry, but this is the only effective ay.\" Zhou Shabo said apologetically and admitted that he had taken Li duaren as a bait.

Li duanen as expressionless and didn't say anything.

In the previous action, it seems that huang hua and Zhang chi are being used as decoys. In fact, judging by the circumstances, it certainly as at first. but don't ignore the isdom of the black goat of the forest. that's also very clear. Since huang hua and Zhang chi's surprise attack as just an illusion, they secretly sent the remaining bodies to search for those hiding nearby.

Li tajin's location as very close to the black Goat Forest. of course, the black goat in the forest notices him and makes him a target for attack.

precisely because Li duashen discovered it, the black goat in the forest suddenly changed its usual behavior, surrounded the enemy ith all sorts of attacks, and directly tried to kill Li duashen.

Zhou Shaobo took advantage of this opportunity and launched a deadly attack on the black Forest Goat. hen the black Forest Goth as about to lose its fighting ability, huang hua and Zhang chi took advantage of the opportunity to take a detour and launch a final attack on the black Forest Goth.

It can be said that the three members of the dog team had planned to use it as bait from an early stage.

149th chaya conference

Li duojin glanced at the three, smiled gently, took off his equipment, and turned to leave. Good luck dog team. ”

Regarding Li tajin's departure, the three members of the dog group did not say anything and looked at each other quietly.

After Li duanen left the forest, he planned to investigate ang Guishan's hereabouts according to his on ideas, but suddenly received a call from chen xiaolin requesting a meeting.

hearing the slightly solemn tone on the other end of the phone, Li duanen realized that chen xiaolin might find out something, so he agreed to keep his promise and the to decided to meet at a teahouse.

\"I am sure that Zheng Yu's daughter, Zheng xiaopeng, has eyes similar to the legendary 'eyes of Yin and Yang.' She can see dead souls and has very high spiritual poers. .I learned some things from her about hat said that chen xiaolin arrived late after sitting don and drinking tea.

\"ell, I'll be sure of it from the moment you appear in front of me again.\" Li duojin nodded, not surprised by the nes. hen he looked at chen xiaolin, he sa that there as dark black energy in the other party's body. It rises sloly like a flame, indicating that chen xiaolin has been involved ith unclean things for a long time, or has been in contact ith people ith excellent physical inspiration.

chen xiaolin as stunned for a hile, and then said, \"I'll tell you hat I kno and hat I first guessed. the reason hy Zheng Yu became such a fool is that he didn't kno from xiao peng that his ife's soul had appeared for the first time. because I found out.'' In the attic, he begins to investigate things related to the souls of the dead, half-hearted, and accidentally es into contact ith an ordinary organization.

the sanctuary is upside don. Li duanen thought in his heart, but on the surface he did not anser immediately, but simply looked into the other person's eyes and nodded, signaling the other person to continue speaking.

chen xiaolin: \"the origins of this organization are unknon, but Zheng Yu came into contact ith this ordinary organization at some point and someho became deeply involved. Eventually he became involved in a mysterious taboo. I got a ritual. It's very old school in this organization. I don't kno hat the specific ritual is, but I think it must be some kind of psychic art to bring my ife back to life in a different ay.

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