

第31章 疯狂的深渊(2 / 2)
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one hundred and fifty-three people are vacant.

Li duanen felt a dark ind and a roaring sound underground. he looked at chen xiaolin, hose face as covered in blood, and said, \"okay, you have three options. You can ait here for me, you can go back to the car right aay, or you can get off ith me.\"

\"please don't leave me alone.\" ithout hesitation, chen xiaolin chose the third option, ith a pleading look on his face, \"I ant to e ith you.\"

For chen xiaolin, the first to options are like aiting for death. he ill be lonely and ill bring ith him the fear of the unknon. he doesn't ant that feeling. there are many strange things about Li duanen, but at least you can feel armth and security.

“Agreed,” Li duojing nodded and guided chen xiaoling through a crack in the ground to find a ay don.

As a result of his search, Lee tajin could only find a steep slope ith an angle of nearly 70 degrees. If you're not careful, you'll enjoy an almost vertical fall to your death.

Li duojin gre up in Shanmen and has extensive mountaineering experience, but chen xiaolin is different. As a reporter, long-distance running endurance and short-distance sprinting are good tests, but rock climbing is really difficult for him.

hen he discovered the steep and dangerous slope, Li tajin as also a little orried hether the handsome reporter ho tasted the tender meat ould have the courage to go don ith him. If you're too scared to move, you may need to spend more time on it. .

As a matter of fact, Li duaren looked at chen xiaolin ith admiration.

Although chen xiaolin gre up in a privileged family, he did not lack pride and courage. he gritted his teeth and folloed Li duojin's movements don the slope.

the slope gets steeper as you descend, and there are also some sharp stalagmites on the ground and at the top of the cave. If you're not careful, you can get scratched by holes or sharp stones, or impaled by unstable stones overhead. fall and be killed.

Li tajin looked back at the ay he came out. the lighting above the entrance as dim. he looked at chen xiaolin silently. chen xiaolin, ho as resisting the danger, remained calm. he shook his head.

At that moment they all kne there as no ay out.

they eren't sure ho long they ould be on a near-vertical slope, but ere surprised hen they reached a gentle slope and didn't have to orry about their footing. Fantasy of falling to death.

As the to alked along the gentle slope, they felt as stable as if they ere alking on flat ground.

chen xiaolin noticed that the clothes on Li duanen's back ere almost pletely torn, and there ere scratches on her back ith blood and dirt. he as anxious to touch these ounds and said to Li duojin, feeling guilty. \"I'm sorry I hurt you because you had to support me along the ay.\"

“It doesn’t matter, the pain actually calms me don.” Li duaren smiled slightly at chen xiaolin, then rubbed her arm and asked suspiciously, feeling that all the pores ere tightly sollen. \"I feel like the temperature here is a little cold.\"

“ell, it’s very cold.” chen xiaolin nodded and sighed. hite vapor as visible to the naked eye.

the maximum temperature here is only around 10 degrees.

continuing to advance, Li duaren and chen xiaolin felt more and more strange spatial structures in this underground area. Along the ay, the gravity and magnetic fields seemed to change, and at times they ere unsure hether they ere alking on flat ground. on normal vertical slopes, it is still difficult to descend on flat ground.

the eirdness goes far beyond that, and the environments are pretty eird too.

As they alked behind them, their feet actually touched the sno. Is there still sno in this place?

Li duan and chen xiaolin braved the cold as they moved on a slope covered in sno that didn't reach the soles of their feet. the cold entered their bodies from their feet and reached their brains.

Although his body as freezing due to the cold, he did not lose his rationality and thinking. Suddenly, I noticed a large, strangely shaped rock standing on a part of the slope. he took out his flashlight and shined it on, only to notice that the black rock as facing him. Under bright light, reflections of letter symbols appeared.

hat is ordinary natural stone here? It's clearly a stone monument!

Li duanen suppressed the shock in his heart, and together ith chen xiaolin approached the black rock to examine it, and carefully read the ritings left on the rock.

they left poems on the large black stone in the center. \"the north ind lights up the tianshan cave at night, searching for a lonely person like the bones of a dead jade man. An empty person is silent, stealing souls, lost.\" himself, and thousands of others. corpses too...\"

“hat a familiar poem,” chen xiaolin grumbled.

``this is a poem from Gong Ye's broken calligraphy and paintings that ere in Zheng Yu's mansion.'' Li duojin recognized at a glance that Gong Ye himself had ritten these poems and carvings. he has been there before and left his footprints on this rock. he said his ords.

chen xiaolin suddenly stood up, immediately sa the strange ords beteen the lines, and said: \"hat on earth did he see here? hat is this empty man? hy did he meet thousands of soulless corpses?\"

Li duanen solemnly said, \"I don't kno no, but I think it is very likely that Zheng Yu's madness is related to this poem. he ill discover it in this plete poem. You can. Something, so try touching something.” taboo. \"

In order to find out the truth, the to of them could only ignore the \"arning\" left by their insane ancestor on a stone monument and go underground.

hen they reached the ground, they sa a bright light overhead. It as the crack in the ground that I had seen before. At that moment he as about 300 meters aay from them.

Even though they ere alking under the sun, their bodies didn't feel cold at all. they noticed that a sunny paved road led into a dimly lit cave. they bravely moved forard and entered a dark cave. Inside the cave.

turning on the lighting mode on their phones, they looked around, their breathing quickened, and their nostrils narroed. they sa a strange skeleton, ithout skin and body, boing its head, clasping its hands on its chest, meditating, as if on a display shelf. Supplies are also scattered inside the cave.

No, these bones are more like believers. they died in a ritual of pious orship before a gigantic corpse at the center of the universe.

the corpse as facing Li duaren and chen xiaolin ith their backs turned. his skeleton as three times that of a normal person, and his bones had gron abnormally. based on the characteristics of normal human bones, the ribs, arm bones, and vertebrae had irregular patterns. other bones gre sharp and thin, like sharp spears.

the giant's corpse as a corpse, just like the corpses of the surrounding believers. they ere in similar meditative positions ith their hands folded in front of their chests. but his fear as surprisingly great. If you don't look closely, you might think they look like feathers. , instead of hands.

“Uh-huh!” chen xiaolin stared at the giant’s corpse, his eyes filled ith fear, and tears streamed don along ith the vomit. he knelt on the ground, almost going crazy ith the horror before him.

At that moment, I sa ang Guishan, ho had disappeared, hugging a huge bone. his body pierced the sharp bones, and his body and blood gradually dissolved into the giant's bones. hen he died, he had a morbid smile on his face. the head is pressed against the ribs of the corpse of a giant, and the brain sells and beats like a heart.

154 people entered the abyss

Living humans sloly transformed into giant corpse bodies and blood tissue, but this as not enough. on the front line of the huge corpse, countless fresh fallen corpses ere aiting for change.

Li duaren and chen xiaolin kne that they had entered unknon territory, but they remembered that there as no exit and they still had a reason to go back the ay they came, so they did not immediately panic. did not. Enemy almost 90 degree vertical ramp.

chen xiaolin felt hopeless. he did not kno ho to get out of such an environment. All he could do as look like he as struggling aimlessly. he looked at Li tajin, but there as no dependence in his eyes.

``there's an exit.'' Li tajin stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction the giant corpse as facing. At the end there as a dark, endless cave ith nohere to go. \"I don't kno if it's an exit or a dead end.\"

having said that, Li duanen looked at chen xiaolin and said, \"Even a dead horse is a living horse. there is no better ay than this. e have to try.\"

chen xiaoling nodded, she didn't have any expectations for this, but she anted to be crazy ith Li duojing once.

they didn't kno if the giant's corpse as still conscious or visible, as if it as repairing itself based on instinct, but they immediately ran up to him like ignorant hite men. ta. andering rabbits in front of hungry olves. , putting yourself at risk.

Li duojin pulled chen xiaolin forard and hispered, \"Follo me carefully.\"

Under chen xiaolin's horrified expression, Li duanen actually led him to the clusters of corpses on both sides. ith one hand, he pushed aay the bones of the deceased, ho ere in a meditative posture, opened a gap in the road, and led chen xiaolin to the body. during that time, he did not forget to arn chen xiaolin not to touch any bones other than those he had touched.

Although chen xiaolin as skeptical, he also kne that Li duaren had super poerful eyes and could see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

there is no doubt that the meditating corpses scattered throughout the cave have an element of ordinary evil in them. mr. ang Guishan may have died due to these unusual factors. but assuming there are \"harmless\" people among these corpses, it doesn't matter if those corpses didn't transform into normal ones, or if these corpses are just as long as expired ones. have they lost their normal abilities over the years? In other ords, Li tajin looked at these \"ordinary\" corpses and calculated a route that could bypass the giant corpse in the center of the cave.

chen xiaolin nervously folloed Li duanen and alked through the space beteen the corpses. Although the space as actually quite ide, it as more dangerous than alking on a veneer bridge or high steel ire. I felt nervous.

but there as no danger. As time passed, chen xiaolin sloly relaxed a little and as able to roughly observe the appearance of the bones ith rational eyes.

If the bones scattered around the giant's corpse are correct, it as probably a normal human hen it as alive. the bones did not undergo the normal groth changes of a giant corpse. but the strange thing is that chen xiaolin as able to learn from these bones. Fear, the last emotion in your life, is felt hen you stand in front of a skull.

this sense of fear ould be interesting if the giant corpse as hat the oners believed it to be hen they ere alive.

A strong fear threatened to overhelm respect in the hearts of the believers. Is it really a faith?

hile he as thinking ildly, chen xiaolin punched Li duojing's solid back. he pressed his lips firmly against hers, trying not to make a sound. he covered his head and looked at Li duojin's beautiful face in confusion. I didn't kno hy the other person suddenly stopped.

After seeing Li duanen, chen xiaolin sa Li duanen staring at the corpse toards them ith a sad expression on his face.

chen xiaolin as stunned for to seconds, and felt frightened hen he realized that the ro of corpses that Li duanen had seen at first had their backs turned, but at this moment, some of the corpses ere facing forard. . point.

hen he thought about it, his fear increased infinitely. he trembled in his heart, his hole body shook, and he stiffened and looked around. only then did almost all the corpses turn their backs toards them, fe ith their heads fully raised, but the faces of the half-exposed skulls ere already sickly. I noticed the expression on his face.

telephone -

A strong ind holed inside the cave, bloing so hard in my face that it as difficult to open my eyes. the sound of the ind as like a roar, like a demon sleeping in a dream and groaning to ake up.

hen chen xiaolin and Li duanen looked up, they sa that the giant corpse that had eroded and deformed ang Guishan's body as also heading toards them at some point. In the place here ang Guishan's head played the role of the corpse's heart, ang Guishan's head selled and throbbed. At that moment, he smiled mysteriously.

Li duojin gritted his teeth and kicked the corpse in front of him, trying to punch him. then he pulled chen xiaolin and ran ildly to escape from the \"eyes\" of these corpses.

hoever, after throing it, Li tajin felt that he had kicked the iron plate. the kicked corpse did not move at all, and suddenly began to tremble, as if a stone had been shaken by a thousand aves. the other bones in the cave ere as stable as taishan and did not move. they too began to tremble, the friction and collision of bones making strange and onderful sounds and forming strange movements.

the better it sounded, the more deadly it as. Li duojin continued to run forard, pulling chen xiaolin along. the bones around him seemed to be chasing ghosts. Suddenly, the green light in the forest lit up one by one, chasing Li duojin and chen xiaolin. my feet are bright.

the excitement of the speed of life and death as so strong that chen xiaolin's brain became paralyzed, and a huge amount of cold air rushed into his lungs, as if he had salloed tens of thousands of needles, and his eak lungs stabbed.

At this critical moment, Li tajin found a skeleton that as not looking back. So this skeleton may not have the same paranormal poers as the other skeletons, so it kicked out and punched it again. the skeleton fell don and took a breath. . chen xiaolin ran frantically toards the entrance of the cave in front of him.

they ere so excited that they could think of nothing else but to pray and beg for God's blessing, hoping that the cave in front of them ould lead to the path of life. they kne this as the only ay out of the cave, but they had no other choice. .

Although the to did not dare to look back, chen xiaolin heard the sound of some large animal running, the sound of heavy muffled footsteps, and the sound of bones rubbing and colliding as they moved. It as so loud and ing so close that I could almost imagine it. , a group of skeletons ith ferocious faces led by a giant corpse constantly chases them, closing the distance beteen them.

chen xiaolin and Li duojing rushed to the pit, both feeling the joy of sprinting across the finish line and the joy of being freed from a heavy burden, but these feelings disappeared the moment the footsteps reached the air. .

No one could have guessed that the exit of the cave as actually a fault cliff. Unable to fight, the to fell into the abyss in the blink of an eye.

155 people missing

chen xiaolin, ho had fallen into the abyss and lost his mind, had a vague feeling that he and Li duanen had fallen into a black underground river. they floated up and fell into underground rivers and torrents.

they ere unable to fight and seemed to bee one ith the river. breathing seemed to be his only vital sign. After repeated suffocation and blos, he gradually loses consciousness in confusion...

“the black Forest Goat has confirmed that they ill be expelled.” the mysterious detective said seriously to the leader of the Zodiac team, but the leader he reported as not Zhou Shabo, the leader of the dog team. She as a beautiful oman ith short hair. In order to control the strange situation in the magic city. ”

hen the short-haired oman turned around, her perfect profile immediately lost its charm. the other half of his face had a scar that looked like a giant centipede entined ith it. the eyes on the other half of her face also appeared to be filled ith red paint. they ere all blood red, ith only their eyes still intact.

Seeing these flas in beauty, everyone around could not help but sigh deeply for the short-haired oman.

Yu Lianyun smiled indifferently and unconsciously scratched the raised mark ith her finger. A fe months ago, he almost died due to an unusual incident that occurred at Ruka port. the hurt on his face stayed in that moment.

because the traces are from ordinary creatures like mermans, mermans have special anti-healing factors built into their bodies. No matter ho hard she tries to maintain her beauty, the scars on her face can only stabilize for no.

I don't kno if there are still factors on my face that prevent healing, or if it's just my on psychological influence. Yu Lianyun still feels itchy from time to time and can't help but touch the mark.

Yu Lianyun nodded to the mysterious detective ho came to report, indicating that he already kne, and looked at the people being carried aay on the bed. Some ere forced into coffins for transporting bodies, hile others ere sent to hospitals. Inside the ambulance.

Yu Lianyun alked toards one of the ambulances. he did not ride in the carriage, but stood outside the carriage door. he looked at Zhou Shaobo, ho as covered in blood, and said, \"You guys are still too dirty. I can understand your dog death squad.\" Although your spirit hasn't changed, I hope you still value your life. ”

Zhou Shaobo's faintly opened eyes stared at Yu Lianyun, but he could not clearly see Yu Lianyun's appearance. he could only imagine Yu Lianyun’s expression at that moment through his voice. he opened his mouth and mumbled a fe times, as if to say something. hoever, no sound came from his throat, and after a hile he could no longer endure it and passed out.

“Get rid of him.” Yu Lianyun nodded. I couldn't understand lip reading, but I could barely guess hat the other person had just said.

three very short ords that say \"I ant you to take care of me.\"

\"I'll take a look at the scene.\" Yu Lianyun said after seeing the ambulance taking Zhou Shabo aay, he turned around and said he as going to see the scene here the black forest goat as \"driven out\".

the so-called scene is actually located near the center of the JoJo amusement park's theme forest. As soon as Yu Lianyun arrived at the scene, he sa human tissues and various unknon black and green biological tissues intertined everyhere. I stepped into thick liquids and meaningless smells until I stood in front of a pool of lifeless balls.

\"black Forest Goth...its life force is really amazing.\" Yu Lianyun looked at the ball ith a sigh, \"It's definitely a product related to the 'creator'. this life force is distorted and overfloing.\" he said.

hearing Yu Lianyun’s ords, the hearts of the people around them trembled. the mysterious detective ho led him asked anxiously, \"captain Yu, do you mean he's not dead yet?\"

“I don’t kno, but my feeling is that it ould be better to burn it pletely.” Yu Lianyun nodded. If he had not had such a developed sense of spirit, he ould probably have felt that the forest as in such a state, as do others. there is no doubt that the black goat must die, but he can feel the disturbing emotions of this large black mass. he has used his poers of inspiration multiple times to avoid life-or-death crises, and is convinced that something is rong ith this group. .

After hearing Yu Lianyun's ords, the mysterious detectives at the scene stopped their ork and searched everyhere for gasoline and gunpoder to prepare for mass incineration.

but Yu Lianyun laughed and said, \"there's no need to orry.\" he then held in his arms a small vial containing an unknon green oily liquid and poured the liquid inside over the mass.

It as like a kind of fungal mass suddenly reacted violently, as if it as in a life-or-death crisis. he suddenly accelerated his crazy groth, and suddenly a soft strip appeared on the hite flesh part of his body, hich tore open. Some sharp teeth bit people around him.

As if he had prepared in advance, Yu Lianyun took a calm step to avoid the group's fierce attack. then a match appeared, sparks fle on the lighting paper, and a pungent smell filled the air. Smoke and a small bonfire flared up in the air and fell to the ground. At that moment, a large green forest flame consumed the mass, and the extended eapon as immediately thron into the sea of fire.

the silent scream did not cause any movement, but it became a vivid nightmare in the eyes of everyone ho sa the scene, automatically generating a synchronized scream in their minds.

the green flame of the forbidden eapon as really poerful. the black Forest Goth, full of vitality, perished in an instant, consumed by green flames that caused untold pain.

“ho many of the dog team are still alive?” Yu Lianyun asked casually, looking at the ithered black goat in the forest.

\"there's probably to...three more left,\" the mysterious explorer ho led the ay thought about it and said vaguely.

Yu Lianyun felt strange and carefully asked the other party hat else he kne and hat questions he had.

hen the mysterious guide heard this, he said, ``I heard from the surviving members of the dog team that there as actually another person ho ent into the forest together at the as sent by the Investigators Union.'' I as an investigator.'' but they are not happy. e broke up and no longer cooperate.

“here is that person no?” Yu Lianyun froned. his intuition told him that he could find the investigator directly and that he might see something in the investigator.

detective Yin Luxuan nodded and said, ``I don't kno, but I heard that he is also a guest master for the oner of Jojo Amusement park, and is also an expert in driving aay ghosts, capturing monsters, and praying for divine protection and exorcism at the amusement park.'' You can probably ask this boss, mr. Zhang. Find out here this investigator is.

hen Yu Lianyun found boss Zhang and asked him about Li duojing, Yu Lianyun tried to call the other party himself, but no one ansered for a long time, so Yu Lianyun thought something as rong. I realized that I as rong and hurriedly asked the technical department. Find Li duojin's cell phone.

156 fantastic dreams?

brilliance, chaos, unknon hispers, mysterious songs...Is it a dream or a reality?

the colors in front of you are classified in order, the lines of order are gradually delineated in the chaotic landscape, the colors gradually bee clearer, and the crazy hispers and high-pitched songs sloly fade aay.

``It's such an unexpected surprise to meet you here,'' a gentle voice said to his ears. chen xiaolin as lying on the ground in the shade of a tree, smelling the earth, floers and plants. Stunned, he regained his strength and picked himself up from the ground.

``can you still stand?'' he sa a delicate skinned hand reach out to him. chen xiaolin's eyes shifted from focusing on the hand to the figure of the oner of the slender hand.

“Season? brother Shiji?” chen xiaolin felt her memory gradually e back and her consciousness gradually bee clearer. he looked at the person in front of him and called out his name in confusion. he couldn't understand hy he shoed up here, hy someone ho asn't special as here. people are used to saying, \"hy am I here?\"

chen xiaolin felt that something as missing, something as forgotten.

Soon, chen xiaolin heard the chirping of insects and birds around him, looked at the foggy forest in all directions, and began to guess the question he had just asked, \"oh, I'm dreaming, right?\" I did.

\"Yes, you're dreaming.\" derek as startled for a moment, then laughed, took the man's offered hand, and helped him up from the ground.

\"It's like I as dreaming.\" chen xiaolin gradually regained his strength. he thanked derek for his help and stood up on his on. he looked around curiously. \"but hy did I have this dream? the scenery here is like nothing I've ever seen before, and if this is a dream, ouldn't it be a bit too real?\"

drake said to chen xiaolin, \"Let's go to the store first. there's a store in front. If you go there, you can understand your current situation.\" he pointed in a direction, and the fog ahead seemed to thin. e came to a lake, a inding illo tree and an old ooden house hidden under a veil of fog.

“huh?” chen xiaolin had no idea about her situation, but she vaguely felt that something as rong. hen he first sa that old ooden house, mystery and the unknon invaded his consciousness like a dark scent. he anted to get closer, but he couldn't. Some people are scared and don't go near them.

chen xiaolin hesitated for a moment, but his professional instinct to seek the truth as a reporter overcame everything else, and he and derek alked toards the strange ooden house.

Facing a pair of evil faces painted on the facade, chen xiaolin pushed open the mahogany door that had been silent for many years and folloed drake into the interior of the mysterious ooden house.

chen xiaolin had a great visual impact hen he sa the ``dazzling products'' displayed in the ooden house. Although he couldn't make out the individual items on the shelves, he noticed strange details in each item that as brought in. An ordinary thing ith mysterious poers.

At this moment, chen xiaolin felt that his heartbeat as about to jump out of his chest. he as almost convinced that he as not dreaming, but that it as truly a mystical and ordinary occurrence.

Suddenly, chen xiaolin felt refreshed and her head as spinning. memories of hat he had experienced before he ent into a a flooded into his mind, including going deep into the underground forest, itnessing expressionless faces and death scenes, and finally falling off a cliff and sinking into an underground river. .

“Li duojing…” chen xiaolin exhaled quickly. he looked at the \"goods\" around him, as if in fear and darkness. he became more and more panicked and began to call out the names of those ho fell into the abyss ith him.

he panicked, but didn't have the courage to scream. his voice trembled ith deep pressure and fear. he simply repeated the ords of the young master ho had protected him.

``Sir, are you okay?'' A cold hand gently tapped her shoulder. his voice as full of energy and I felt it as poerful.

the moment the big hand fell, chen xiaolin felt as if the coldness in his entire body had been blon aay. hen he turned around, he sa a man in red standing behind him.

Red is the color of festivals, but hen it appears on the fair-skinned man in front of her, she feels a strong sense of conflict. this contradictory temperament plements everything around him. chen xiaolin is sure that this is the store in front of her. of employees.

``the guest seems familiar, ho can I help you?'' ei Jiang asked ith a smile.

Seeing the gentle smile on the other side, chen xiaolin regained her posure a little and asked, \"here on earth is this?\"

\"this is boss Lin's magical house. It's a magic shop that sells all kinds of magical tools, exorcism accessories, and exotic knoledge,\" ei Jiang explained, no matter ho many times he explained it to her. there is no shame in mentioning the store's name in a cabin in the forest.

hen chen xiaolin heard this inappropriate name, he as silent for a hile.

“brother ei Jiang, see you again.” hen derek sa the person in front of him, he greeted ith a smile.

\"please e to the office. If you need anything, please tell our boss.\" ei Jiang smiled and stretched out his hand in front of him, asking the to of them to continue alking toards the back of the store.

derek's eyes lit up hen he heard ei Jiang's ords. “does that mean the boss is in the store today?”

\"the boss is still there, but only during the day,\" ei Jiang explained, adding as an afterthought, \"he's only here during the day.\"

\"hey, I'm really lucky today.\" drake as a little excited.

chen xiaolin as curious about ho the mentioned \"boss\" as referring to, and various strange and inhuman appearances appeared in his mind. Although he had not met the real oner, he secretly concluded that the boss as not human.

“Li duojing…here are you?” chen xiaolin said to himself and alked out of the shelf area.

“mr. chen?” chen xiaolin as confused hen he heard a familiar voice again.

hearing the sound, chen xiaolin immediately looked up and looked excited. the person ith a surprised expression as none other than Li duanen.

he as startled and rushed forard, his eyes red and he punched the other person in the arm, saying, \"here did you run aay to? hy did you leave me?\"

\"No, I didn't expect you to e here.\" Li tajin left on the other side of the ind, scratched his face a little embarrassed, and then ent to the help of a young man sitting behind the counter. he looked at me and smiled like a living buddha.

drake and eijiang sa the young man and greeted him respectfully, calling him \"boss.\"

“hahaha, I just happened to e here,” Linlin said ith a smile. he held a hite bone in his hand and thre it into the tank behind him ithout looking back.

Inside the aquarium, a strange octopus felt something fall into the ater, and like a hungry olf smelling a delicious lunch, it pounced on the tank, rapped itself around a large hite bone and inserted it into its body.

Seeing this scene, chen xiaolin stood there stiffly in fear.

If he's reading correctly, the bones just thron into the ater are the strange skeletons he sa in the cave.

157 life-saving stras

After being introduced by Li duaren, chen xiaolin finally understood a little about his current situation.

they have very real dreams. hat they got here is not their real body, but a projection of their mind, a mirror of their soul. their on bodies are still lying in the dark river in unknon condition. they can die, or they can float aay, ride the aves, and escape ith a narro escape.

After learning the truth, chen xiaolin anted to say that she ould return to reality as soon as possible, but she couldn't help but stop hen she thought that after returning to reality, she ould not kno ho to get out of the danger. addicted mouth

hoever, chen xiaolin immediately thought that this as a magic shop and that she could find a ay to solve the problem herself. he immediately told Lingling to ait, \"boss, is there anything that can save us from danger?\" A magical accessory? ”

Seeing Lin boss ith a green face and a harmless smile, coupled ith Lin Lin's unique peaceful temperament, chen xiaolin as not very ary of Lin Lin, but that meant that he pletely trusted Lin Lin. I didn't mean it.

Judging by the respectful demeanor of everyone present except for himself, and Lin Lin's actions in throing the suspiciously normal skeleton into the aquarium cavern, he realized that the \"young man\" in front of him had potential. I as able to understand it from various details. that's a normal existence.

\"Yes.\" Linlin nodded ith a smile and turned around to reach the aquarium.

chen xiaolin’s eyelids ere shocked. he itnessed ith his on eyes a strange octopus eating a live human femur. he couldn't even imagine hat ould happen if a living person put his hand inside it.

miraculously, chen xiaolin said that hen the octopus discovered that Ling Ling had reached the surface,

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