

第20章 阴影中的背叛(1 / 2)
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Assuming that unnatural organizations such as evolutionary paradises that have deeply penetrated human society are no exception, given china's vast land area and huge population ratio, current human society has no human-like structure. ho many normal animals are there? hidden in silence, they each have their on hidden agendas and impure thoughts. It's really hard to evaluate the good and the bad.

``I'm a little orried, but ill Yin qi's plan ork?'' Yu Lianyun thought to herself.

Although he as shocked, heimorphen came back to his senses and looked at the Gluttonous Girl, ho as gradually changing into a chinese dress. \"It seems like my body in the real orld suddenly started hurting, and it seems to have orked. I as pletely relieved,\" he said calmly.

\"damn... damn.\" the gluttonous girl as filled ith dissatisfaction. he felt cheated hen everything he had experienced today as a trap carefully set by humans to control him.

the great thing about Gluttony Girl is that there are still people in this orld ho can harm her body.

high morphin looked at his opponent silently. he as trying not to upset his daughter, but he also had an important concert at that time. he had already made a mistake hen he as distracted by the song of Guton's daughter, the dealer. , If you keep fighting your opponent, your gains ill outeigh your losses.

divine abilities cannot care about honor, but heimorphen does care about honor. For him, perfecting a near-perfect performance is a lifelong pursuit.

\"So you made the choice to die or leave?\" heimorphen asked again.

After hearing heimorphen's ords, the gluttonous girl eighed the advantages and disadvantages, gritted her teeth and said, ``okay, I'll go.''

hymorphin smiled and nodded, closed his eyes and continued playing his violin. the Gurte girl felt a tugging sensation. he no longer resisted and folloed the direction of the pull. my vision ent dark and I quickly lost consciousness. In the hirlpool...

At the same time, xin Junmao, ho as chased by a oman in a cheongsam ho not only had a devilish face but also a \"devil\" face, suddenly turned around and sa miss qiao disappearing onto the field.

xin Junmao stopped in shock and confusion and looked at the empty hallay behind him. he bravely returned, but never sa mr. Zhao again. You really ent...

``did I return to the real orld after leaving this dream orld?'' xin Junmao couldn't help but think, ``If that's the case, ouldn't he be able to control my body at ill?''

xin Junmao just trembled. he too anted to break aay from haimofen's dream and return to reality, but hen he looked around he did not kno here he as. he andered into a maze-like corridor of dreams. road

this is no ordinary dream. xin Junmao tried to ake up in pain and fear of death, but there as no sign of him aking up. Injury or suicide ill ear him don.

\"hat should I do...do I have to ait for hai mofen to finish the concert? In that case, my daylily ill be cold?\" xin Junmao as orried, so he bit the bullet and returned that's all I could do.

If you can't find the exit, please at least let me go back to the performance venue...

Li Yinchi sung his ings and clas and sliced through the giant sara in front of him. he felt like he had cut open the belly of a pregnant oman. hoever, he as not a doctor, but rather a thoughtless and depraved murderer.

this crazy relationship not only did not cause Li Yingqi any disfort, but also made her feel more appropriate and inexplicably calm.

From the torn sara, unknon thin particles of flesh and blood and greasy fat tumble out. Serum from the sara ashed aay the dirt on the floor. A thin, curly-haired female monster slipped out of the sara. there ere many scars on his body. the part of the biological tube that is directly connected to the sara resembles an umbilical cord, hich is likely the female monster's means of absorbing nutrients from the sara.

hen Li Yingqi finally sa the tutor appear, she raised her bird's foot and angrily stomped on the tutor's head.

In the next moment, Li Yingchi only felt pain in her ankle. If you look closely, you can see the female monster's mouth open at one point. his head became huge, as if it could contain everything. his bloody mouth salloed all her sharp clas directly into his mouth. , and the female monster's mouth seemed to hold tens of thousands of teeth, and her sharp teeth bit off all the bird's legs.

Li Yingqi immediately cut off the bird's leg that as attached to the lotus root and fle aay high into the sky. At that moment, the effect of the elixir that brought back death that he had taken took effect. Even if he instantly turns into a bird, his broken limbs regenerate at an astonishing speed.

the female monster stood upright from the ground and cheed on the broken bones and flesh. her thin body gradually became thicker and rounder until her skin protruded so much that it resembled a chinese dress.

the girl in overalls turned her head 180 degrees and looked at the bird that had just attacked her. her beautiful face opened her red lips, revealing to ros of jagged molars like a boar's mouth, and smiled fiercely. I said, ``there is such an animal. I haven't eaten it yet. It's delicious. I delivered it to your door, so don't run aay.''

After saying that, the gluttonous girl's body suddenly undulated and distorted, and fleshy ings sprouted from her body. on its ings, protruding cysts of various sizes gro like grapes, like bamboo shoots after spring rains, after hich the bird dies. the unique hite feathers on the black side that gro from the ``grape'' say like the handles of a ind chime, and the beautiful head transforms into the ary face of a Gufuo bird.

the gluttonous girl looked at Li Yingqi, ho as looking at his sharp legs ith empty big eyes, and let out a long cry, saliva floing from the corner of her mouth as if she as unbearably hungry.

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