

第20章 阴影中的背叛(2 / 2)
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Eighty-four considerations

A black shado fle at high speed and lo through the gap in the stone door. A human-like bird as flying at full speed. his eyes ere deep and emotionless, narroed back and outard. the stone door is cracked and sticking out.

Li Yingqi as a little irritated, hy did the other party ake up at this time? If he ere to stand up a second later and move faster, ould he have a chance to crush the supernatural god's head and deliver the finishing blo? take someone else's life.

If not, it's a shame that the opportunity as passed aay from me.

there as a thud, and a large stone door as shattered into pieces by a huge object. A violent and strange roar shook the entire underground space.

don don don...

the great earthquake spread from underground in Suizhu city and rose above ground, shaking buildings and shaking the hearts of the people of Suizhu city.

It's very unusual today. Earthquakes occur several times a day. Suizhu city is naturally not in an area here earthquakes occur frequently, and it seems that Suizhu city is the only city here earthquakes occur. It's difficult to avoid making interested people feel suspicious or unfortable.

this strange earthquake seems to say that something strange exists beneath Suitake city, but ho terrifying is an earthquake so terrifying that it shakes the entire city?

As Suizhu city's railays, underground tunnels, and other transportation facilities and transportation routes ere suspended, more and more people began to realize that unknon danger factors ere hidden beneath Suizhu city.

many questions and discussions regarding this issue have appeared in the nes media and on the Internet. Among them, a recent post on the strange story forum \"hat's happening in cuizhu city these days?\" brought together many ater friends to discuss, and the level of activity as at one point, even more than tieba had ever experienced. I reached incredible heights that I had never reached before.

Netizen from Shinlongcheng: I have family there and they say it feels like the end of the orld is ing [scary].

Netizens in cuizhu city: Go back to the second floor and spread rumors and break the la. that's not an exaggeration. but it's really strange. All the onderful things that have happened in Suizhu city recently are strange.

Shenzhou city Netizen: @xxxx [curious], Let's talk about [eating atermelon].

Netizen from Itai city: Same.

Internet users in Yuzhou city: +1!

Netizen from...: +!

Internet user from Suizhu city: Actually, there ere so many earthquakes today that the underground facilities ere closed. I can explain it somehat using natural science, but the concert of dr. heimofen's ne ork the other day as strange.

overseas netizen: @xxxx, I heard that. people ho attended the ne concert reportedly passed out at the end.

Yuzhou city Netizen: o, is mr. hai the next music king mJ? does classical music also have this destructive poer over its fans? [laughter]

Shenzhou city Netizen: please go back upstairs, I also heard the story. It's not caused by fan excitement. It seems that hi Sensei's ne song is a forbidden song...the recording and live broadcast of this day cannot be found on the internet. Recordings, these forbidden songs have such a profound effect on the human brain and psyche that only those ho heard the music at the concert that day fainted.

other netizens: damn? that's rong.

Netizen from cuizhu city: I'll tell you something more unusual. I've heard this too, so please take it for granted. All of the more than 2,000 spectators that day fell into a vegetative state and ere taken to the hospital.

Needless to say, this place as originally a gathering place for netizens eager to discuss strange and normal occurrences. Everyone heard that there as a shocking and sinister follo-up to this incident, and the motion became even more fun.

Soon, some netizens even began to imagine that the frequent earthquakes in cuizhu city might be related to the hell concert that day.

Netizens enjoyed it to no end, and the ments ere slo, but strangely diluted by the seriousness of the incident.

Until one netizen posted a screenshot on the V blog, all the netizens on the post instantly fell silent, as if the hole orld as suddenly disconnected from the Internet and all humanity disappeared from the orld.

there as a deathly silence, as if a coardly devil as trying to shave off their scalps, and a sense of fear brought about by careful thinking ran through the hearts of the netizens at the ater post.

orld music Association: e ill never forget him, his talent is a treasure to humanity. Reprinted from #UmimorfenStudio [photo].

General content of the photo: hymorphin Studios announces the sudden death of hymorphin and the concert tour for the ne album has been cancelled.

Frequent earthquakes, hymorphen's banned songs, a live broadcast listener's sudden a, over 2,000 live broadcast vieers being taken to the hospital... Nes of hymorphen's sudden death... Is there a connection beteen all of these? ?

If so, hat is it?

Fear of the unknon is like a rash that suddenly crals on a person's skin. hen I don't move, I can't look back and see if it's a strange ind, an unseasonable cold seat, or here the itching is ing from. , you ill find a dangerous and sneaky poisonous spider staring at you ith its deep black eyes...

After Li Yingqi brought the huge meat mountain into the vast underground demon city, she attacked the shapeless meat mountain again in a bird's fighting stance. Its sharp clas scratched the snake's scales, and the ind blades from its ings sliced through the octopus' arm, and it even opened its mouth to bite into a pile of flesh.

As a result of repeated enlargements and enlargements, Goutney's daughter's already plex and hideous body became even more detailed. Images of all the animals he had ever eaten appeared on his body. Some of these characteristics are mixed, and some are chaotically separated. It looks like a masterpiece created by a crazy artist. It's a bination of the darkest and meanest colors, the most exaggerated and morbid graphics, and the craziest imagination. the ultimate art.

In the face of such a huge monster, Li Yingqi finally couldn't resist it. over and over again, he gradually lost to his opponent's playful attacks.

At the top of the meat mountain as the corpse of a humanoid oman ho had appeared in the form of nine birds. Seeing Li Yingqi's attacks being eaker and eaker, the Gluttonous Girl began to mock Li Yingqi and intentionally stripped the Gufuo bird. A female body in the form of a girl bees an avatar and fights against Li Yingqi.

Li Yingqi tried to pete ith the girl's taste avatar, but he as still no match for him.

After being injured many times and healing accelerated many times, Li Yingqi felt that the fire in her life as sloly extinguishing.

Seeing that Li Yingchi as so angry that she couldn't stand up anymore, the gourmet girl got tired of playing. he stretched out a part of his body, and his body appeared to be covered ith his hand over Li Yingchi's body, leaving only Li Yingchi exposed. first

the ``hands'' of the gluttonous girls ere like melted jelly, tightly rapping Li Yingqi's body. Li Yingchi felt his body melt and merge ith the body of the Gurte girl.

Li Yingqi felt his consciousness gradually darkening, but there as no fear of death on his face. Rather, he smiled ith relief and relief.

“dajan, I came to see you.”

Eighty-five aakening

hearing the nameless roars and violent inds ing from behind, he Jian'an and Yu Lianyun, ho had been evacuated from the station, stopped and stared into the deep darkness behind them, as if seeing Li Yingqi's soul. chase after them. After saying goodbye to them, he fled in the opposite direction to the underorld and left far aay.

the to of them surrendered to the scent of the ind, their hair and clothes disheveled, and their cheeks and eyes reddened.

“did you fail…” Yu Lianyun trembled and pursed her lips.

Li Jiaan and Yu Lianyun looked at each other, their sad eyes revealing each other's inner feelings.

ithout hesitation, they boarded the train parked at the side of the platform, placed xin Junmao in the seat of the car full of corpses, then ent to the driver's room and started the tram.

the to of them increased the speed of the tram, heading deep underground and closer to the underorld, not toards the exit, but toards the unknon path opened by the Evolution paradise organization.

they ish to fight the holy daughter in the closest place to hell.

xin Junmao as alking back to the performance venue. he didn't kno ho to navigate this plicated maze, so he alked aimlessly.

the sound of the performance as still echoing around me, and at that moment high morphin's ne song ``Aakening'' as being played.

hile listening to beautiful and unusual music, xin Junmao continued alking, feeling that a paradoxical chord as guiding him to think.

If I reject ms. Zhao's ords, hat ill happen to her next?

he must be very angry.

he may fly out of the ground in a rage and destroy the entire Suizhu city.

but in the end, hy me?

I'm just xin Junmao, not Zhong Zhe. then hy does he need to honor the agreement he made ith Zhong che?

but...that's the entire city of cuitake, ith a population of more than 10 million people. do you really have to abandon your entire city life to survive?

but...but I'm not the brave type.

xin Junmao's face as sometimes confused, sometimes painful, and his heart as also in a ar beteen heaven and man.

he is the most ordinary and ordinary person. No matter hat kind of past life he had, in his perception, xin Junmao is an ordinary person ho can never give the most perfect anser and can only give mediocre results.

but even if he lives a normal life, even if his existence has no value in human society as a hole no, he just ants to live.

he's still in his 20s. he ants to live a normal, ordinary life that he likes. hat happened?

So hy?

xin Junmao finally plained about his miserable fate. In a orld ith over 7 billion people, hy did he choose the most ordinary people to make such a heroic choice?

the sins of his previous life have nothing to do ith him!

he as a little tired from alking, so he sat don on the all in the hallay, took out a b, and asked in a lo voice: \"could you anser my question?\"

b didn't anser at all. thinking that the other person had accepted him, xin Junmao asked, \"If you are here no, if my body is in danger in reality, ill you protect me?\" .

the b lights up a little, as if to say \"yes.\"

xin Junmao smiled a little, hich as the expected anser, but then he asked another question, hich as hat he really anted to ask.

\"I'm going to take you ith me no. Even if my parents are in danger right no, ill you grant my ish and protect them?\"

After hearing this question, the pin stopped gloing.

Silence is already the best anser.

xin Junmao touched his forehead, pressed his lips, cried and laughed at the same time, and then stood up ith a smile, as if thinking of an anser, his back looked a little tense.

If you follo the sound of the music, you'll definitely be able to return to the scene, right? After making the decision, xin Junmao suddenly became enlightened, and his calm mind became more intelligent and rational.

And things turned out exactly as he expected. he folloed the sound, found the entrance door to the performance venue, and returned to his seat.

“did you e back after going to the bathroom?” Seeing xin Junmao e back, Ling Ling asked a little amused.

xin Junmao took a deep breath and said seriously: \"dr. Lin, I ant to go out and return to the real orld.\"

\"If I'm destined to die, at least I on't feel the pain if I stay here,\" Linlin said jokingly.

xin Junmao loered his head, as silent for a hile, and said, \"Nevertheless, I still ant to return to reality.\"

xin Junmao clenched his fist and said, \"I don't ant to run aay anymore. It's pointless anyay. It's better to end it.\"

As he spoke, xin Junmao's Adam's apple moved, and he choked up a little and said: “Actually, I kno everything, but I feel like I have gone too far, hether I am like xin Junmao or I as called Zhong Zhe in my past life.

hen I as a junior high school student, I made promises to to girls, but I couldn't fulfill them. All I did as to make myself feel better, so I became a soldier, ent to ar, and became a soldier again. I became a thug, an executioner, and in the end I mitted suicide out of shame...Every role I played and everything I did as for myself.

And no I am xin Junmao, although I have lived for more than 20 years, I am still an ordinary and somehat useless person. hat I ant to do is for myself. I laugh at myself, pretend to be brave, and try to escape my mediocrity. Even though I had actually merged ith Zhongzhe's personality and memories, I as still running aay from my destiny.

I don't ant to run aay anymore...I ant to at least do something meaningful this time. ”

\"do you really think so?\" Lin Lingxiao asked.

xin Junmao shook his head and said ith an ugly smile, “No, but I ant to do it.”

Ling Ling laughed quietly, as if she as happier than hearing haimofen's amazing piano skills. he also received a very interesting anser and said to xin Junmao ith a smile: \"It's easy to go out. Just tear up your ticket.\"

hearing this, xin Junmao blinked, laughed again, and said to himself, \"I'm such an idiot.\" then he picked up the ticket and tore it in half.

After feeling the pull of the spirit, xin Junmao realized that he had returned to his physical body. before he could pletely escape from the dream orld heimofen had constructed, he said to Ling Ling, \"thank you, boss Ling.\"

Linlin smiled and said nothing, returning her eyes to haimofen in the center of the scene. he clicked his tongue several times and said in his heart: \"humans can alays give unexpected ansers. humans are certainly full of uncertainty.\"Sex. ”

this ninety-six sand

Under the pale autumn moon, floers and plants in Suitake city ere ithering everyhere. As if overnight, the breath of death sept over Suizhu city, robbing Suizhu city of its vitality, and the yello and ithered leaves, rinkled petals, and shriveled branches...all the images of death ere covered in this darkness and fog. I did. night

Suizhu city as strangely quiet tonight. people alking on the street hurried home in silence. Stray cats and dogs in the city have already lost their ildness and are stuck in the shados of the corners of the city.

A series of disasters struck all the people living in this city and all the animals living on this earth. Although the media did its best to appease the public's feelings, many people abandoned the media on this day as ell. desperate and obsessed ith getting home and escaping this busy city.

A loud noise suddenly echoed through the city, a red sun made of fire appeared in the night sky, thick acrid smoke rose, and a strange, high-pitched scream echoed in the sky, and the people gradually settled don. ta. Shock and suspicion. In fear.

Seeing the huge Imperial building in the center of cuizhu city being engulfed by a tremendous explosion, and seeing the \"monument\" that symbolizes the collapse of the house of cards Federation, hich is being circulated today. All the people ho ere brainashed by the ne urban legend fell into it. deeper panic.

hether it as an accident or a freak terrorist attack, no one anted to go near a collapsing building, much less think deeply about the truth behind it.

Some shudder at the sound of a bone-chilling roar, others go blind at the sight of a inged humanoid in the sky, and still others hide in this city. they ere salloed up by the shados and disappeared into an invisible corner of the city ithout having time to scream or scream.

\"Snake team leader xie Jian, fello team members qiao Jing, and members of the cuizhu city branch suddenly became inmunicado, and a strong explosion occurred on the scene.\" Snake team's mobile munication operations the correspondent in charge suddenly met ith mr. Sha Zhen. Shortly after losing contact, he immediately informed the online team leader in a tone of confusion and panic.

After hearing the nes, the leader of the mysterious group thought for a long time. her tightly bound fingers revealed her inner turmoil. Emotions such as disfort, anxiety, anger, and sadness ere not enough to express the feelings of the mysterious group leader at that moment. heart

\"e contacted a mysterious level b or higher detective from a nearby city and immediately headed to Suizhu city. our mission this time is not an investigation, but an attack and rescue.\" the mysterious team leader took a deep breath and said solemnly. ta.

\"Yes,\" the correspondent ansered solemnly, then turned off the signal and immediately began the mission assigned by the team leader.

hen the munication screen as interrupted, the mysterious team leader stood up, slammed the table angrily, gritted his teeth, and said: \"Are these idiots declaring ar on our mysterious team?\"

the leader of the mysterious group, ho lost contact ith the tiger group and the Snake group one after another and lost dozens of valuable mystery detectives, finally deciphers the truth behind the missing information.

the Evolving organization of paradise, the house of cards consortium, and these organizations hidden in the shados of the orld have carefully eaved their ebs for occult groups. currently, there is a shado of these rats in the series of normal events happening in cuizhu city. Similar methods are used to lure members of mysterious groups into traps.

Judging by the actual results, those behind the scenes are succeeding. the to major forces in the organization, the tiger Group and the Snake Group, are in crisis at the same time. their status is currently unknon.

pared to those ho believe in evil, ho indulge in desires and evil thoughts, it is definitely difficult to train a mystery detective, not to mention that it is almost impossible to find key team members such as the tiger team and the Snake team. , rare and expensive. .. hoever, the mysterious team is currently suffering heavy losses, and the leader of the mysterious team can only secretly hate and feel depressed for not being able to see the clues before.

the train as shining brightly and finally stopped at an unknon underground place in Suizhu city. before him as the end of an unfinished road.

Li Jian and Yu Lianyun, hose half of their faces ere paralyzed, got out of the car. they barged into the space ith xin Junmao, ho as still unconscious.

they didn't kno here the divided passageay led, but he Jian'an and Yu Lianyun had no choice but to move on.

Rather than saying they ere running aay, it ould be better to say that the to men, prepared for death, chose the grave site carefully.

he Jiaan and Yu Lianyun then quickly realized that the increasingly narro gap they alked through actually led to a vast space.

he Jia'an and Yu Lianyun, ho ere expelled from this space, looked at the surrounding cosmic environment underground, full of strange styles and shocks. It as like an altar, ith basalt alls everyhere, and the alls ere painted and carved ith shocking and unusual paintings. Each image is imbued ith negative human emotions, giving each image a life-like magical poer. Just looking at it can easily evoke emotional resonance deep ithin the human heart.

there are forbidden paintings here and deviant landscapes everyhere. Every glance has an unforgettable visual impact on them and deeply stimulates their fragile brains.

At that moment, the underground sky layer became empty. he had no folloers or popularity. passages ere ing and going from different parts of the empty layer. It as difficult to kno its origin. hoever, hat mu xu suspected as that there as also a passage at the end of the other passage. to a forbidden place like the underorld.

Yu Lianyun: \"I thought I could kill more of those idiots before I die, but it looks like I on't have a chance.\"

\"You're afraid of the God you believe in, but you still ant to take advantage of God. ho dare you say you're a believer no?\" Li Jian'an injected herself ith painkillers and sneered. did. he no injects himself on average every 30 minutes. this ay, you on't be upset by the pain of your next move.

Li Jia'an carried xin Junmao on his back and alked ith Yu Lianyun to the top of the altar. there as an old book on the stone bookshelf that stood in the center.

the old book as tightly closed. After he Jia'an and Yu Lianyun looked at each other, he Jia'an decided to read the book ith his on hands.

hen he started using it, he Jia'an felt his fingers rubbing the fine sand, and he actually passed through the book that suddenly turned into sand. he as shocked and tried again and again for a hile, then gave up. Yu Lianyun also tried to read the book, but no matter ho hard he tried, he couldn't. ho many times have I failed to open a book?

hoever, Yu Lianyun feels that the texture of the book that he can touch has bee thicker, and as long as he persists, it seems that he can really touch the book.

\"Stop it!\" Li Jia'an stopped Yu Lianyun, ho as being more and more lustful, and slapped him aake before Yu Lianyun lost control.

Yu Lianyun suddenly oke up, remembered hat he had just done, and broke into a cold seat. \"I…hat did I just do?\"

\"If my guess is correct, the book before us is the legendary book of Sand, hich contains prehensive and infinite knoledge. one of its mysterious features is that humans ant to read it. It ill sloly stimulate your desire.'' Li Jian'an said solemnly.

Yu Lianyun as so frightened that she took a step back from the book and tied her hands and fingers together, as if to alleviate the fear in her heart, and as if to put a chain of self-control on herself.

Li Jia'an loered his eyes and said, \"the sand book has another characteristic. that is, once you touch the book, the content you read ill be like bad sand. If you go to the next page, No problem, it is impossible to go back or go back to the previously read page, that's exactly here the dream begins. ”

87 magic books (updated)

As Yu Lianyun listened to he Jian's explanation of the book of Sand, hei tong asked sternly. \"hat is the origin of this book of Sand?\"

``Just like e don't kno here humans came from, e can't talk about this book, but there is a theory circulating internally.'' Li Jia'an looked at the book coldly and said, ``this is actually an alien planet.'' he is the incarnation of a god, and this alien god must be extremely omniscient.\"

“Is it the Lord of all things?” Yu Lianyun’s eyes suddenly changed.

“I don’t dare to say it,” Li Jian’an hispered.

``Since he is infinitely omniscient and possesses infinite knoledge, could you please tell us his origins?'' Yu Lianyun asked.

``do you think no one thought of that?'' Li Jian'an froned ith a serious expression, ``but everyone ho has seen the truth is, ithout exception, crazy.''

Yu Lianyun looked puzzled and said, \"doesn't this book provide any concrete knoledge?\"

Li Jian shook his head. \"this book is not very kind. It is impossible to drop just one page of innocuous content, conscious or not. moreover, carefully recall the state you ere in right no. You have not done anything yet. \"please read hat's inside. It's easy to lose control, but after reading the ords inside, do you really think you can still control yourself?\"

Yu Lianyun as speechless and ondered, \"hy did the book of Sand appear here?\"

“hat e kno so far is that the last time the book of Sand appeared to the orld as at the battle of bering in orld ar 300 years ago. , after the death of the last oner, douglas. Since then, the Sands have not knon.\" Li Jian is also not sure. to start

“douglas, is that a famous general in Ne York history?” Yu Lianyun as a little surprised. It as a name I asn't used to hearing.

Li Ka'an lightly nodded and said, \"hen I received this book, it is said that he scouted the battle situation and on all the battles. but as for hat happened after that, there is no need to say more. No. It's clearly ritten in history. bye-bye, he ent crazy during a fight, picked up a grenade, put it in his mouth and got mad.

I think that's hat drove me crazy. Yu Lianyun suddenly realized that the book also said that she suffered from ptSd.

After saying that, Yu Lianyun as silent for a hile, then stepped forard and flipped through the book.

\"hat do you ant?\" Li Jian stopped Yu Lianyun again.

``I'm illing to bet. ith the book of Sand, e should be able to find a ay out of the situation, right?'' Yu Lianyun spoke honestly about hat he thought, looked at the forbidden book on the altar, and said, ``hahaha. Suddenly, for a moment, I think I understand hy this book as put here. It doesn't matter ho put it here, hat matters is hy it's put here.

Someone ants us to open it and use it.

the series of strange phenomena that occurred in Suizhu city this time may have been carefully planned from the beginning. Its purpose as to attract a mysterious group of us, target us and ant us to die in these normal events. ”

\"As you can see, it's best not to open this book.\" Li Jian'an gently pushed Yu Lianyun, ho as standing in front of the \"book of Sand,\" aay, and said plicatedly, \"If you ant to read it, I'll read it.\" he said ith a look in his eyes.

\"captain Li, your existence is more important than mine.\" Yu Lianyun grabbed he Jia'an's hand as he as about to turn the book, looked at him seriously, and begged, \"You should take a look.\" he said it in a tone of voice.

“this is an order.” Li Jia’an nodded and pushed Yu Lianyun harder this time, then held his breath and concentrated on grabbing the forbidden book like bad sand.

miraculously, he Jia'an as different from Yu Lianyun. this time, I actually grabbed the book of sand that I had never been able to grab.

hen he Jia'an received the book, Yu Lianyun tried to pick it up again, but to no avail. the book of Sand could only be read by one person at a time, hich as the same as temporarily recognizing he Jia'an as its master. before he Jia'an finished reading, no one could read the contents of the book anymore.

the moment Li Jia'an received the sand book, he felt the secret ords hidden on the cover of the book. they ere hidden beneath the recessed lines. It is difficult to understand hat is ritten on the cover of a book unless you touch it.

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