

第19章 阿汉托斯(1 / 2)
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当德雷文和伊莎贝拉冒险进入埃尔德拉斯的花园时,迎接他们的是与众不同的景象。anize another trip, a true concert of my personal soul.”

xin Junmao felt very strange about this. hy as he invited hen he as clearly not in the live audience that day?

heimofen immediately replied, ``this time, I invited not only the audience from last time, but also the audience ho atched my live sho through live broadcasts.''

\"that's it.\" xin Junmao suddenly realized, but shoed a little embarrassment. A free prostitute, she actually received an invitation from high morphen. he couldn't help but secretly admire high morphen as a very generous musical master.

mr. Zhao said ith a smile. \"You are very capable. You can even drag me unconscious.\"

hearing mr. Zhao’s ords, xin Junmao as also suddenly surprised. only then did he realize that this as a very real dream. At the same time, I also noticed something strange about heimofen.

``Let us begin tonight's performance immediately.'' After heimorphen finished speaking, he formally got to the point. his hand sloly transformed, revealing a black knife glove on his hand. Yumi plays the piano again using a knife and says, ``I hope everyone likes the first song, ``magic Sound.''''

hen the conductor, ho as finally able to conduct normally, began to move, heimorphen took the lead and played the first notes, and the magical tone of the entire concert seemed to be set.

After heimorphen played his solo first, the conductor turned to the orchestra and continued to raise his hand, and then the syllables of the instruments played by the orchestra gradually became higher, and then heimorphen's violin solo, and then heimorphen and perfect. e are connected. the unique sound of the morfin piano joins an even more poerful musical force - a true symphony.

hearing hai mofeng's magical music ith strange melodies and strange chords, xin Junmao became a little carried aay. At that moment, he momentarily forgot that there as an unprecedented creature next to him.

before I kne it, the song ended and there as a huge round of applause. only then did everyone realize that hymofen's string actually extended from the knot to the ground, like hair groing.

Seventy-nine reincarnation stories (2-in-1)

heimorphen, ho as already immersed in his on musical orld, as a little surprised hen he sa the strings stretching. he glanced at the audience and asked, \"Are you still here?\"

that thread is human hair, a thread of endless trouble in boss Lin's story. hen the oner of the string exists in this orld and is orried about something, the string ill naturally stretch.

the string is elongating, but just being longer is not a problem for hymorphen.

heimorphen looked in one direction of the auditorium and nodded in that direction, as if to greet someone.

xin Junmao in the audience as stunned for a moment. hen I sa haimofen facing me, I felt like the other person as greeting me, but haimofen and heimofen had not knon each other until then.

\"It's really annoying.\" At one point, mr. Zhao let go of xin Junmao's arm and looked at xin Junmao indifferently.

After listening to mr. qiao's ords, mr. xin Junmao realized that he had been covered in a shallo film of light for a hile. this as the poer of the bhikkhuni of the b.

ith mysterious origins and a benevolent face, the bhikkhuni protects herself once again in obscurity. mr. xin Junmao couldn't help but sigh, but then looked at mr. Zhao seriously, and finally mustered up the courage to say: It's not him, it's not him, please don't dump your feelings for him on me. ”

hoever, ms. chao insisted, \"You are her. You have alays been her, but you have forgotten. As long as you are my executioner, you ill remember everything.\"

hile the to ere talking, heimorphen as already playing the second song he had brought to everyone, \"Re Incarnation.\"

this song is a violin solo. hen hai mofen's onderful piano skills played the first syllable of the movement again, xin Junmao, ho as atching mr. Zhao's qiushui Shengtong, suddenly felt something in his heart. the silk thread sloly teased me, and my consciousness sloly faded aay. the orld before his eyes gradually became like a neon light, drunk, confused, and ecstatic.

consciousness descends and the soul ascends. hen the \"brain\" of consciousness and the soul merge, the orld is like experiencing a cosmic explosion. Some disappear, hile others gradually e back.

As his vision gradually became clearer, xin Junmao forgot ho he as. he as dressed in bat fatigues and holding a simple knife, standing over corpses lying all over the place. Rivers of blood floed everyhere, and he stood at the center of the torrent of blood and rotting corpses, living like a stranger.

he picked up the fallen military flag, alked like a zombie to the hill here countless corpses ere piled up on the battlefield, raised the flag, climbed the pile of corpses and the sea of blood, and finally stood over the corpses of the army. enemy. the general on top of the mountain used his last strength to insert the heavy flag into the chest of the corpse of the enemy general, piercing the enemy's body and keeping the flag and the flag floating in the ind.

After doing all this, xin Junmao collapsed onto the pile of corpses ith satisfaction, and fell on the battlefield ith the other corpses, as if he had melted into a part of the sea of blood.

but hen xin Junmao akes up again, he finds himself trapped in a cold, dank dungeon, living in darkness and fear ith simple, smelly underground animals.

the mice, cunning, cunning, greedy, cunning, crouched in the darkness and atched him, taking him as their prey. they ill ait every minute for him to lose consciousness again, and then some coardly and cunning rat ill see the opportunity and e out and gna him. the meal enjoyed her slim body.

he as captured by enemy generals and subjected to harsh torture day and night. he as alays acpanied by fear, made friends ith the cold and kissed death intimately.

he as released for an unknon number of years.

the battle as over, and his life as in danger, but friendly forces saved him.

After hundreds of trips from hell to hell, he has lost the positive attitude he once had. time and torture prevented him from emerging. he became an ugly looking derelict, a freak ho as despised and feared on the streets.

hoever, it as clearly a ``shield'' to protect them.

did you just thro it aay because the shield as broken and ugly?

hy...hy! ?

xin Junmao staggered don the road in despair. No one paid attention to it. he just anted to return to the place here he once lived as soon as possible and meet the person he had been thinking about day and night.

he ants to apologize to her, he ants to fulfill his promise to be ith her forever... he ants... he hopes he can break the contract then...

he ould not be happy ith someone as ugly, violent, and disabled as he is.

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