

第19章 阿汉托斯(2 / 2)
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No...I'd rather be a bad person than have the beautiful oman in my heart say such horrible ords.

After much suffering and sadness, xin Junmao finally returned to his hometon.

hoever, hen xin Junmao sa the beautiful and peaceful city in his memory turn into a ruined and ruined city before his eyes, he almost ent crazy. I ran as hard as I could through a ton here I couldn't go back to the past, passing through the ton here the sky lantern used to be. crossing a small river and a stone bridge that no one ever crossed... I finally returned to my hometon, hich I as not used to.

Everything is broken...

the floers he loved, the river he loved, the seets he loved...the people he loved are gone. hile he is aay at ar, a sudden plague engulfs the entire city, including his most cherished family. he died of the plague, and the hereabouts of his favorite girl across the river are unknon.

he anted to be a villain ho ould make him happy, but he unexpectedly ended up being a real sinner.

xin Junmao lost everything and as heartbroken. he almost lost his mind and abandoned love and beauty.

As he as alking through the forest, he encountered a olf ho tried to kill him. he as not afraid of anything and killed hungry animals ith his mouth. he met thieves ho anted to steal his money. Like a madman, he killed helpless people ith his on hands. gang rescue.

before he knos it, he bees a real villain.

hen he got tired of alking, he stole the mountain and became king, and Kusa became a thief. Unknoingly, he gathered a group of evil people ith bags of ine and bags of rice and became an evil gangster ho only knos ho to breathe desire and renounce all emotions .

he thought that if he continued like this, he ould bee a helpless man ho robbed others of their peace and burned their happiness to death. he bees the most evil man in everyone's eyes, but one day a person from his past appears. the person I used to be ill be killed by him someday.

but one day, he encountered an injured oman in the forest at the top of a mountain village.

She as the most perfect oman he had ever seen and the most unforgettable face to him.

his beloved girlfriend, ho he thought had gone aay, is actually back to him!

hoever, even after 20 years, its appearance has not changed at all.

I thought that xin Junmao as not the person I thought he as. he anted to keep this hard-on beauty, even though it might not be as good as he remembered.

only those ho have lost can kno the beauty of possession. because of the hurt girl, the closed and frozen heart sloly and gently melts.

It's certainly not the same person, but in a different ay, but equally unique and beautiful.

he has a brutal and bloody personality and likes to kill people indiscriminately, but he is also innocent and sincere.

one night, hile eating in the village, xin Junmao itnessed a bandit ho as seduced by her beauty. he approached him, broke out delicious food and pampered him like a child ould feed.

the girl still easily accepts him and asks hy he is not afraid of her.

xin Junmao conveyed his feelings to her simply and clearly, but the girl still did not understand hy she loved him so much, but she kne ho to respond to xin Junmao's feelings. I as there. he said: \"I on't eat it from no on.\"

xin Junmao domineeringly raised his face, covered in blood and confusion, and kissed the lips that had salloed so many sins and evil souls. he truly represented the girl: from no on he ill be her executioner. , all his sins ill be borne by him from no on. As long as she bees a caring girl, she no longer has to end other people's lives ith her on hands.

the girl looked at xin Junmao, still having doubts about his so-called love, but she felt great joy... She fell in love to feel loved.

Since then, xin Junmao has bee an even more brutal thug. those ho passed through his territory had no chance of survival, only death. At the same time, ith the girl's help, he gains superhuman strength and his efficiency in hunting \"trees\" also increases significantly.

After leaving behind traces of humanity, xin Junmao pletely lost his humanity and turned into a demon.

then one day, the devil returned to the orld...

one day, xin Junmao robbed a caravan that as passing over the top of a mountain and killed him. A one-armed bhikkhuni suddenly appeared and stood before the survivors of the caravan. the ceremony as interrupted, hich made xin Junmao very angry. alk toards the bhikkhuni ith a knife.

the bhikkhuni chanted buddhist dharma to explain the truth to Al, trying to persuade xin Junmao to put don the butcher knife. but hen his eyes noticed his facial features, he suddenly seemed to lose the ability to move and stared at him in disbelief. the other side.

In this moment of confusion, the slaughter knife of sin descended and killed the bhikkhuni.

before the bhikkhuni died, she had a smile on her pale face. \"You're still alive...it's amazing...\"

As he said this, he used the last of his strength to remove the soapy b from his arm and said, ``I'd like you to b my hair again.''

hearing a familiar voice, seeing an old yello face that as still someho familiar, and seeing him die ith a happy smile, xin Junmao felt great fear and regret gro in his heart. Felt.

hoever, before his emotions could explode, a girl suddenly appeared ho threatened to make him an executioner for the rest of his life. he turned into a giant monster and salloed the girl he had killed ith his on hands, leaving only a b on the grass.

Seeing this scene, xin Junmao pletely collapsed.

he cried out, and his heart and soul fell into the abyss of darkness.

he is in this orld, but he is in hell. he created this hell ith his on hands and plunged himself into the torments of hell.

A fe days later, xin Junmao turned into a decadent alking corpse. he no longer moved or spoke. he as alive, but his heart as gone ith the bhikkhuni.

Facing xin Junmao like this, the girl became very emotional and felt that she as not xin Junmao like this. to cheer up xin Junmao, he told xin Junmao to never be greedy again and to only eat food every year. he ill have a sumptuous meal on his birthday. he's illing to promise her anything as long as he can get better and love himself the ay he used to.

hoever, hat the girl didn't kno as that xin Junmao's heart as already dead. one night, he could no longer bear the pain and took his on life.


As the last to strumming sounds rang out, xin Junmao came back from his shock. Unbeknonst to them, his face as filled ith tears and his clothes ere soaked ith tears.

he seemed to finally understand hy mr. Zhao had been so persistent ith him, and he also finally understood hy the b had e to him.

\"It's better if you don't remember, right? Lord Amitabha,\" the bhikkhuni finally said ith a passionate smile and narroed her eyes at xin Junmao. the fate of reincarnation. ”

“I… I’m sorry…” xin Junmao said in pain.

the bhikkuni smiled a little. \"Everything is legal and everything has a destiny. You have never hurt me or her in this life.\"

\"Reincarnation? destiny? hahaha, I am not like you. ho could I experience something like this? I have never died and I ill never die.\" After hearing the ords, mr. Zhao sneered several times and said:

the bhikkuni looked at the other person ith passion and said in a calm tone:

mr. Zhao's face sank, and his expression sloly changed.

Just hen miss qiao as about to return to her original form, she suddenly found herself falling into a black void. After falling for several tens of seconds, he landed safely.

during the long autumn, mr. Zhao pleted his transformation and pletely transformed into a huge pile of hite flesh ith the hands and feet of countless men and omen tied together. beneath the pile of bodies there seemed to be a large ocean of broken and expensive ounds. blood as gushing out, crushing pustules and blisters that looked like tumors.

At this moment, ms. Zhao's attitude is exactly that of a gluttonous girl, and is so ugly and disgusting that ords cannot accurately describe it.

\"this is mr. Zhao. I'm sorry, but please get off the stage.\" haimofen from the darkness. he held a violin in one hand, and in the other hand controlled five sharp knives by moving five fingers.

At this time, mr. Zhao had returned to his original body, but he seemed to have lost the ability to make human voices. he looked at heimofen darkly and groled something.

hoever, heimorphen seemed to understand hat the other person as saying. he paused, put his hands together ith an expression of loyalty and faith, and said, ``I'm not intentionally looking for trouble, but I just don't ant your presence to ruin this performance. It's going to be ruined.'' In the spirit of boss Lin. ”

Immediately his eyes took on a ferocious look as he held the violin in one hand and held a sharp knife against the strings of the violin ith the other. heimorphen said, ``If you don't cooperate, I don't mind letting you listen to the music I gave to the supernatural gods that day.''

Eighty disguise (2-in-1)

Faced ith heimorphen's threat, Gluttony Girl made an indignant expression. his body as randomly torn in half, and red blood spurted out from his red arms. the head of each tentacle spread out... strange dots of hite light sirled toards the little high morphen.

hymorphin silently closed his eyes, strummed his strings, and alloed the Gooton Garr's ferocious attacks to fall upon him.

hoever, hen the tentacles of the daughter of Gluttony struck her hard, the daughter of Gluttony had no sensation of contact, and it looked as if she had been hit ith air.

chords ere played and melodious sounds ere heard endlessly. the Gourmet turned around and as stunned to find that the landscape around him had changed shockingly. It as dark and dimly lit, surrounded by red curtains. he came to the concert hall again, but this time there as no audience at that time. only high morphin stood in the center of the scene and performed a one-man sho.

the Gluttonous Girl did not kno ho hymorphen managed to avoid his attack, but hen she sa that hymorphen had not disappeared from her sight and still sa a long thread, anger elled up in her heart and she tried to stop him. quickly tisted it again. At the same time as his strange form dre him in, he balanced his body's poer and continued to push aay those around him as he immersed himself in his orld of music.

xin Junmao crossed his hands in front of him and closed his eyes forcefully. hen he sa mr. Zhao's beautiful face crack, he subconsciously became alarmed.

but even after several minutes had passed, the sound of the piano as still in my ears. the audience as constantly immersed in the orld of music, ith the echoes of an unknon presence echoing behind the piano notes and the mysterious poer of the paradoxical melody.

xin Junmao sloly opened his suspicious eyes, sloly loered his blocking arm, and stared at the strange scene in front of him. there as a big bloody hole on mr. Zhao's face, and countless bloody arms gre like a dense blur at the edge of the hole, looking very soft. In the center of the hole as a thick piece of flesh covered ith teeth, and less than six centimeters from the hole, at the top as an inverted sharp black spine.

xin Junmao salloed and looked at mr. Zhao. She felt an indescribable shock as her puter seemed to freeze and bee stuck to the screen.

“that… you did it?” xin Junmao turned around, but realized that the bhikkuni as no longer there, and seemed to return to the cage.

xin Junmao took out a b from his pocket and sloly looked at the soap b. this as a gift that ``he'' gave to the girl to say goodbye to the battlefield. that as also a promise to the girl. Unfortunately, no one could ait for it to end. please e to the happy ending.

As heimofen's third song, \"Rebirth,\" plays, the poer of \"Rebirth\" eakens. xin Junmao sloly forgot the memories that ere ashed aay again, and his sanity sloly returned to the ground. .

After all, it is not \"read\" into his memory. he is xin Junmao, an ordinary person from an ordinary family, a young loser ho has never been loved and has no great future.

A man named Zhong Zhe is just an undead ho temporarily took his place for a hile. Just as he cannot bee again, he ill never e back.

xin Junmao as very calm and asserted his opinion. mr. chao realized that he as just the rong person and put all his hopes on the fateful person ho did not anser.

It is his xu xian and Ning caichen ho are misleading Zhong Zhe, and he is just an ordinary person.

being dependent on and loved by such a useless man as not a happy experience at all, and it put a lot of pressure on me both physically and mentally.

xin Junmao looked at the soap b and muttered. \"It's clear that I'm not 'me' anymore, but I have a question: hy are you in this b?\"

xin Junmao as surprised. If Zhong che can be reborn as him, hy can't he be reborn as the b bhikkhuni?

mr. Koum as silent and did not respond to mr. xin Junmao's ords. he just continued to release his poer, shielding him ith a thin film of light.

Seeing this, xin Junmao stopped asking questions. he just sat quietly, municating ith the orchestra and continuing to atch the faces listening to the music. the scary miss qiao next to her as thought to be a decoration...

heimorphen moved the strings violently, his moving fingers almost disappearing from the screen, and his excited body seemed to be forcefully contracted.

hoever, xin Junmao didn't feel that hai molfen as embarrassed. In fact, I felt a little envious of ho beautiful she as in doing her best for hat she loved.

In over 20 years of life, he has never found anything he truly loves. he is like a headless fly hose confused mind alays covers itself ith mediocrity.

xin Junmao sighed in his heart, looked at the people around him dancing and muttering, and realized that he couldn't even pare ith the people on the spot. At least he asn't able to fully immerse himself in heimofen's music. he just thought the melody as beautiful and the scenery as beautiful. It's majestic, that's all.

It's still impressive...

he just sighs hen he suddenly realizes that the young audience member in front of him, ith a somehat familiar face, is just like him. Although he as unaffected by heimofen's ``Yin'' music, he as a little intoxicated by its appearance. close your eyes and sloly look at the color.

For a hile, xin Junmao couldn't remember here he had seen the young man.

perhaps the other person as too concerned about hat other people thought of him, but the young man kept smiling and said this ithout looking back. \"hy don't e all laugh together?\"

\"I don't kno hy I have to laugh.\" xin Junmao gave a strange anser hen he heard the question.

As soon as he finished speaking, xin Junmao felt a little regretful. hy ould he take the initiative to anser this apparently ordinary person?

hearing this, the young man stroked the sleeping black cat curled up on his lap and said, ``If you orry too much about the reason, you on't be able to do anything good.''

xin Junmao as silent for a hile. I felt as if the young man in front of me had bee familiar to me, as if I had seen him somehere before.

the roar of a train suddenly appeared in my mind, and I finally remembered this memory that I had almost forgotten.

he meets this young man and that night, returning from a failed intervie, he accidentally hits him as he leaves the station.

``Are you the one I met at the station ticket gate that day?'' xin Junmao as a little shocked. he didn't kno hy fate as alays such a coincidence, but he met someone ho actually had a chance encounter.

there as Zhang xiaoxiao ho died on the front line, and no he is among them.

xin Junmao remembered Zhang xiaoxiao and remembered hat Zhang xiaoxiao had said to him. bined ith the usual phenomena exhibited by today's youth, he noticed something else. he as shocked and said, “did you kno that there as another survivor besides Zhang xiaoxiao that night during the last train murder incident?!”

Ling Ling smiled and turned around and said, \"don't be too loud. It's not polite to the people on the stage.\"

xin Junmao as taken aback for a moment, then asked in a lo voice, “ho are you?”

\"my name is Ling Ling. I'm the oner of an ordinary grocery store. I sell a little bit of everything,\" Ling Ling introduced herself.

xin Junmao asked curiously, \"Are you a grocery store oner? hat do you sell?\"

\"I have everything, but I mainly ork in the rental business. oh, by the ay, you borroed the b from me.\" Ling Ling pointed to the soap b that xin Junmao had brought.

“Are you the master of the forest in my dream?” xin Junmao’s expression suddenly changed, and he felt anxious, as if he had seen the second mr. Zhao.

Ling Ling didn't have any attitude and said ith a smile, \"Is the b still useful?\"

\"...he is very kind. he has saved me many times.\" xin Junmao said hesitantly. this time, he faced Linlin again and as nervous. he gritted his teeth and asked, \"hy are you in the b?\" ”

\"this is of his on free ill,\" Linlin ansered ithout thinking.


\"he had someone ho didn't ant to suffer, so he accepted the punishment instead.\"

xin Junmao’s arm holding the b trembled. he couldn't tell if the b as vibrating or if his body and mind ere trembling. he realized ho the \"someone\" Linlin as talking about.

he looked at the b and asked in a dry voice. \"he...then hen ill he no longer be punished again?\"

\"hen he understood that, the punishment as over,\" Linlin replied ith a smile.

Li Zhen atched as the injured u Gaojun got into a car belonging to a mysterious organization in cuizhu city and left. his serious and heavy expression relaxed a little, and he immediately began contacting the mysterious missing ponent leader. , I conveyed to the group leader as smoothly and accurately as possible hat the Snake and tiger groups had discovered underground in Suizhu city.

the leader of the secret team as shocked for a moment hen he heard the nes. After revealing the truth, he said to xie Jian: \"You have the right to immediately take members of Snake team to conduct a special investigation regarding the house of cards consortium. At the same time, I ould like you to send your personnel back.\" back underground. And all the members of the tiger group are back. ”

\"Yes.\" Li Jian nodded seriously.

members of the tiger group have been very successful recently. As mystery detectives, they survived to freak events in the sky in just six months, killing one person in the process. these are all proofs of the abilities of the members of the tiger Group. .

ith a good core team, it is impossible for team leaders to pletely ignore them at their peril.

of course, even if the team leader didn't say anything, She Zian had a plan to bring he Jiann and the others safely back underground.

As a result, after hanging up the phone ith the team leader, Sha Zhen immediately organized and led a small number of subordinate organization members energetically and resolutely, and divided them into to teams to start their respective operations.

the team responsible for rescuing the members of the tiger Group as led by huang Zichao, the third surviving member of the Snake Group. before parting ith huang Zichao and his team, Sha Zhen seriously remembered. “Zi chao, hen e came out of the basement earlier, something happened nearby. there as a very obvious earthquake. It seems that the daughter of Gluttony has bee active again. things are calm no. I can't guarantee he's safe don there no, but I still hope he can bring everyone back to life.\"

“I ill be the captain.” huang Zichao nodded seriously.

huang Zichao led the members of the secret organization back into the hidden underground tunnel and resumed the original route.

there ere 13 people traveling ith huang Zichao, including him.

huang Zichao collects stamina medicine from the members of the loer organization, replenishes his depleted stamina, and guides everyone to a dark underground passage.

``detective huang Zichao, ho long ill it take to leave?'' on the ay, a member of the subordinate organization asked huang Zichao.

huang Zichao tisted her head and said ith a smile. \"It on't take long. I'll be there in a little hile.\"

hen the members of the loer organization heard this, they felt the atmosphere gradually bee stiffer. most of the mysterious detectives in the subordinate organization belonged to class c and d, but this time they decided to follo the members of the main unit to the headquarters and participate in this case. Normal event level.

being able to participate in regular events in the skies at this level means a lot to these undercover secret agents. It's not just about \"promotion and ealth\"; if they can survive the ordinary events of this level of emptiness, no matter hat they bring back, no matter ho much data and intelligence they have, they ill quickly reach that level. It ill go up. A mysterious detective. At the same time, it is an opportunity for children to see real fear ith their on eyes, and their abilities gro.

\"e are here,\" huang Zichao said as he alked through the iron door. hen he opened the iron door, a dark darkness appeared inside.

Staring into the abyss of darkness, the mysterious detectives in the loer organization and the rookies huang Zichao suppress their fears and step into the dark orld beyond the iron gate one after another.

the temporary team alked in a orld of darkness, and as time passed, the panic and disfort in their hearts became more and more intense.

because too much time had passed, they still could not reach the destination that huang Zichao said, that is, the station marked \"paradise\", so someone soon realized that something as rong and began resistance and interrogation. It has started. they hurriedly alked to huang Zichao in front.

“this path is rong, detective huang Zi chaoyi, here do you ant to take us!?” shouted a mysterious female detective from the branch organization.

hearing this, huang Zichao suddenly laughed. And under everyone's night vision glasses, his appearance underent a sudden and strange change.

After the inner turmoil exploded on huang Zichao's face, his loer ja suddenly split open, and several black arms ere spat out from his mouth. At the same time, to bloody arms entered the body and to eyeballs exploded from their sockets. Even after being an adult, the eyes are chained together and floating in the air, but it seems that these to eyes have not yet lost their function, and the holes expand and contract like lenses that adjust the vieing distance. ta.

\"he's not detective huangzi!\" said the mysterious female detective.

Just as he as about to pull out his eapon and shoot, a black arm suddenly shot out from huang Zichao's heart and pierced his ribs. It dug into the chest of a female mystery detective and pulled out the other person's heart from her chest.

A sudden change occurred. After the unexpected transformation that occurred in \"huang Zichao\", the team members present at the scene suddenly noticed that some of the people around them also had severe deformities. they shoed their true colors and municated like ``huang Zichao.'' \"huang Zichao\" began a brutal and inhumane killing spree.

A temporary team of 10 people headed to Suizhu city to rescue the underground, but they ere iped out in less than a second.

80 counter attacks

“xiao Li, are you sure you can do this?” After he Jia’an heard Li Yingqi’s bold plan, he didn’t have any doubts right aay and asked before agreeing.

there must be some connection beteen xin Junmao's sudden a and the girl's sudden death. Li Yingchi guessed that at that moment, the gluttonous girl ould be in the same state as xin Junmao.

If so, the Guton girl is like a sleepy lamb aiting to be slaughtered. Although it is unlikely to kill the Saffron Girl, seriously injuring the god could make the entire human orld more peaceful.

\"ell, I'd like to take a look and try it out,\" Li Yingqi said. She tied her hair up, grabbed a handful of hite silk, and atched her hite hair fly in the ind, as if atching life slip from her fingertips.

Li Yingqi ingested a “death Return Seed” that ould forever exceed her limited life force. the feeling of knoing ith my naked eyes that my death as draing nearer every day as like the Grim Reaper sloly tormenting me ith a sickle. the youth-absorbing knife smoothed out the rinkles and contours of his face, the judge's brush touched his dark hair, the hand of time bit by bit pricked the brutality and scars of his face... I felt that it as the act of

Estimates suggest he could barely live another 10 years ithout getting injured again. hoever, out of the last 10 years, I have been able to move like a normal person for about 3 years at most. As their internal organs and muscles age faster, they ill be eaker than the average elderly person. Five years later, he ill have to spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed. his aking hours are probably shorter than that of a saddled baby, but he akes up to face death. , the letter aakens to a ne life.

\"but there is no ay to really hurt the Gulte girl. Even the green flame can't do much harm to her.\" Yu Lianyun couldn't help but remind her.

“Actually, there has to be a ay,” Li Yingchi said quietly. he quietly unzipped his tactical vest and sloly pulled out a black and hite rimmed pen.

Li Jia’an and Yu Lianyun’s expressions suddenly changed in shock. Li Jia'an looked at Li Yingqi in surprise and said out loud, \"hen did you get this? Is it the reard you applied for to your boss!?\"

hat Li Yingqi no has in his hands is Guhuo's bird feather.

Li Yingqi did not deny it. he smiled. hen he held the pen, it emitted a bright light, as if responding to his soul. \"that's amazing. I don't understand hy I can marry Gufuo.\" Fe people sympathize ith bird feathers, but that's hy I as able to apply to my senior for the right to use them.

Li Yingchi said this and sighed. \"maybe this is my destiny.\"

Research into the bird's feathers by the occult Group's Anomalous object Research division has determined that the feathers may resonate ith the minds of a small number of omen. omen ho respond are often fascinated by them and one day realize the truth. the use of feathers eventually came to birds.

\"being a Guhuoniao and being an anomaly should give you a chance, but I don't kno ho far you can achieve ith just a Guhuoniao,\" Li Yingqi said.

Li Jian remained silent. If he had used an abnormality to deal ith a foreign god, the probability might not be high, but there might be a slight possibility.

``did you really make a decision?'' Li Jia'an took a deep breath in a trembling voice.

\"Yes.\" Li Yingqi nodded firmly.

\"okay, do hat you ant to do.\" Li Jian'an responded to Li Yingqi's determination ith a loud and poerful voice, and carried the unconscious xin Junmao on his back and said to Yu Lianyun, \"xiaoyu, let's go first.\" .

Yu Lianyun hesitated to speak, but finally nodded and folloed he Jiaan’s footsteps.

\"the most important thing is to live. If you have a chance, don't hesitate. I remember that once you use this pen, it ill pletely change you.\" Li Jian'an took a fe steps forard and stopped again. he turned his head slightly and said, \"there's no need to rush to death. At least I ant you to return the 2,000 yuan you oe me.\"

\"I've alays anted the cosmetics in the dormitory. can you promise to give it to me before you die?\" Yu Lianyun asked seriously after hearing this.

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