

第18章 境界的平衡(1 / 2)
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随着每一步穿过迷雾,德雷文和伊莎贝拉都更接近于解开这座城市的真实本质以及他们在宇宙挂毯中的位置。anization in the carriage and started fighting ith them...\" Yu Lianyun shared their speculations . , he couldn't help but be silent.

because, judging by the corpse fragments at the scene, Zhang xiaoxiao had encountered many enemies before dying, including the heads of to blood monsters... Zhang xiaoxiao as in front of him. It is true that a fierce battle as fought ith this mandeath. . , therefore, it seems no exaggeration to call Zhang xiaoxiao the goddess of ar.


At that moment, he Jian and the others heard the sound of an iron door opening on the other side of the platform. they immediately raised their eapons, took aim, and prepared to fire.

hoever, hen he Jian and the others sa them from behind the door, they ere surprised. the people on the other side also stopped in shock hen they sa he Jian and the others.

members of the tiger Group and Snake Group ended their meeting. Li Jiang cheed on the cigarette holder and looked at the unharmed members of the snake group. he gritted his teeth and said ith a smile, \"You're very lucky. as your journey safe?\"

“Um… I came across a mouse around this time, and someone happened to find it.” Li Zi’an seemed to hear he Jia’an’s envy and jealousy. he as happy inardly and had a facade of humility on his face.

\"hahaha, does your team have a lucky star? can I borro it for the next mission?\" Li Jian'an laughed angrily.

Li Jian smiled shyly and said, \"the members of our snake group have alays been relatively lucky. e are all lucky little stars.\"

\"okay, I'll borro it from someone next time.\"

\"Easier said than done...\"

Li Yingqi listened to the conversation beteen the to captains, pursed his lips secretly, and asked Sha Zhen and the others. \"did you meet anyone else there?\"

“others? No.” the snake team members looked at each other, and Zhao Jing ansered everyone’s names and nodded.

Li Yingqi also appeared on stage, pointing to the footprints of a pair of shoes that had been alking from the platform to the road, extending from the door here the members of the Snake Group had exited, and said, ``e also have ne shoes.'' . there's a print here, and it's probably a man. ”

“did someone else e before us? hiss, or… did e just miss him?” Li Jian scratched his head. Seeing everyone's suspicious looks, he said ith a dry smile, ``Actually, I should have arrived is here I came from, but I took a rong turn and came back after about half a lap.'' '' he explained.

Go to bed early on the 71st (first update)

dan rang...

the old-fashioned ind chime hanging by the door chimed distinctly. Li Jiahong entered the hut and turned around in surprise. All he could hear as the octagonal ind, hich sounded like a small bell. A closer look revealed that the material of the bell as not plastic or metal. , there are some indistinct letters and pictures engraved on the bell holder.

mr. eijiang, ho as expressionless, came from behind Li Jiahong and said ith a smile: \"my boss asked me to make a phone call today. he said it as so I could hear someone ing into the store.\"

``president Lin is very considerate.'' As an employee, Li Jiahong heard this and felt his boss's attentiveness.

hearing this, eijiang couldn't help but laugh again and said, \"of course, actually, I think it's better for xiaohei. In the past, hen there ere no ind chimes, xiaohei ould be the first to chime, and customers ould It shoed that it ould reach .''

Li Jiahong as surprised, and after carefully recalling it, he found that president Lin's spiritual black cat seemed to alays play the role of a \"doorbell\".

Li Jiahong, ho suddenly realized that his status as an employee as not as good as a cat, did not feel embarrassed, but rather found it very interesting.

boss Lin didn't care about anything, so hen he learned that Lin Lin ould take care of him and the black cat, he as not only a little happy, but also relieved. At least he kne that boss Lin as nothing. hoever, there are not many emotional people.

“Is the president taking a alk?” Li Jiahong asked curiously. hen I ent inside, I couldn't hear the sound of ater boiling. Usually in this case, Lin Lin es out.

but eijiang shook his head and said, “No, I took xiaohei back to the room and ent to bed.”

Li Jiahong: \"...As I recall, today as professor hai's first concert since his death.\"

\"ell, it's better to go to the concert, so your boss doesn't have to ait until the last concert, so just go listen to it,\" ei Jiang explained.

Li Jiahong said ith deep emotion, ``I hope that mr. hai ill be able to perform the concert ithout any problems this as very orried about the accident on the last stage.''

``ould you like to e over and listen? ill you help out ith the store tonight?'' ei Jiang asked.

\"No.\" Li Jiahong has his on professionalism. hy can't I ork seriously during orking hours? It's not good to catch fish.

ei Jiang smiled and said, \"don't orry, this is hat the boss said. You can choose hether to listen to it or not. After all, the night is long, and the concert is one It only lasts an hour and a half to to hours, so it doesn’t take long.”

Li Jiahong as a little moved hen he heard hat president Lin said, but after thinking for a hile, he still nodded firmly and said, “he hasn’t orked yet. If only I had knon,” he said. She ill be happy if she is alone. ”

“hahaha, it’s up to you, the director ill let you choose.” ei Jiang couldn’t help but laugh, imagining Li Youning plaining to Li Jiahong and crying.

Li Jiahong changed into a staff uniform and sat at the counter. ei Jiang as standing by the counter. the to started arguing again hen no customers ere present.

``mr. Yu didn't e today either.'' Li Jiahong looked at the time and sa that it as already past the time hen Yu Lianyun usually fell asleep.

ei Jiang crossed his arms and speculated, \"maybe he has been on a mission recently? maybe the situation has changed.\" As a member of the mystery team, he kne that no such rules existed for the role of mystery detective. Lifestyle.

Li Jiahong suddenly realized and said: ``If you think about it, it must have something to do ith my younger brother ho just came here a fe days ago. this younger brother hasn't been here for a long time. I don't kno if he came or not.'' I successfully found a job. . ”

``protecting his on life is more important to him no than his job.'' ei Jiang shook his head. \"the child's crimes are not trivial. they are out of this orld, but these crimes are connected to everything he encounters no. ill he survive this calamity? It’s up to him to survive.”

After hearing ei Jiang's ords, Li Jiahong couldn't help but sigh. \"It's hard to repay the debt of love...\"

``hy do the prints on these shoes look familiar?'' Futaka murmured, looking at the footprints on the ground.

Li Yingqi looked at the other party expressionlessly and remembered, \"I just sa it today. this is xin Junmao's shoe print.\"

he Jia'an's special flashlight illuminated the ground, but next to xin Junmao's footprints, no residue of the gluttonous girl as found. Apparently he came alone.

“hey, ho could this happen?” Li Jian said in disbelief, “he as obviously marked by the daughter of Gluttony and fell into a state of bloodless soul. ho can he do it ithout the advice of the daughter of Gluttony or his servants? e here?”

\"he also repaired Zhang xiaoxiao's corpse. Zhao Jing filed plaints from both sides. he looked at the captain ith mysterious eyes, \"captain, have you really read all of Gutong's files? It's true. Isn’t there anyone ho can be freed from the mark of a slut?”

“hmm,” Li Jian as no longer confident and smacked her lips. \"I remember.\"

Li Jia'an slapped a cigarette on his hand, hich had been disfigured by the bite, and said, ``there's no need to dell on it anymore. All e need to kno no is that mr. xin Junmao has been freed from the chain of the brand.'' told. he risked his life to escape here...hich means e have to save him before he puts himself in danger.''

Everyone nodded and the members of the to groups trotted behind him, folloing his footprints on the ground.

the mysterious detectives ho came out of the platform ere a little surprised hen they sa the vast underground space that spread out in front of them. this underground city as lined ith numerous stone pillars, jagged stones, and buildings made from various types of stone. there are still many people alking on the street.

this place is like a small underground city!

Facing a large stone door at the end of the underground city's main street, the stone door is engraved ith ancient characters and draings from the chugoku region, full of calligraphy styles that have been popular for hundreds of years. . basic symbol characters are unique. this model represents the image of a girl ho eats a lot. the mystery detectives found many of them in a magic circle in the last bus driver's house and among the female murderer's belongings, and ere very impressed.

the hieroglyphic runes of the Gurte girl are also idely used in the construction of underground cities. Some are carved into the roofs of buildings, others are pasted on doors, and they are everyhere.

“hey, is this person xin Junmao?” he Jiaan’s eyes ere poisonous. he as not blinded by buildings full of grotesque art forms. he soon spotted a figure ith a group of men dressed in gray. Young people

the other party as earing clothes that had nothing to do ith the members of Evolutionary paradise. It's far aay, but you can spot it if you look carefully.

\"that's it.\" Li Jian narroed his eyes and sa the outline of the young man's face, quickly identifying him.

\"Get ready, save the people!\"

70 maggots (2nd update)

At this moment, xin Junmao's arms ere grabbed back. he clenched his teeth in pain and could not move. out of the corner of his eye, he sa to adults standing on either side and controlling the arms.

ho ould have thought that dry, rinkled hands could actually have amazing strength? As a young man ho had been training for a long time, he could not defeat these to old men.

the members of the gray-clad organization Evolution paradise included men, omen, and children. their faces ere pale, their eyes vacant, and they ere as thin as corpses. hoever, each of them possessed strength and physical abilities that far exceeded those of ordinary people.

they are members of a gospel group living in an underground city, and they seem to have seen a girl ith gout nearby. Among the members of the organization, they are equivalent to aristocrats. because they had lived in the area here the holy girls lived for a long time, their bodies ere apparently unknon. the change is like a true blessing.

overpoered by monsters earing human skin, xin Junmao has no choice but to follo their instructions and head toard a large stone door, acpanied by people in gray robes, in order to avoid breaking his hand. he kne that Gluttony as behind the stone door. daughter's palace

hen xin Junmao as carefully thinking about ho to defuse the situation, he suddenly heard several gunshots from behind. I subconsciously anted to turn around, but the to adults noticed my action and violently pushed me back.

In pain, xin Junmao could only judge hat as happening behind him based on the sounds he could hear.

the sounds of gunshots and stray bullets continued to sirl, mixed ith the loud screams of people. hen xin Junmao heard someone vaguely calling his name, he suddenly jumped up in his heart and said, ``there are people from a mysterious group here. they are finally here. is.\"

xin Junmao felt even more anxious, thinking that there as some hope of being saved.

``alk faster.'' the old man, ho as clutching his right arm, noticed xin Junmao's intention to alk sloly. he immediately said something rong, easily pulled out one of his fingers and bent his right thumb. A strange arc.

xin Junmao gritted his teeth in pain and a large amount of cold seat dripped don his forehead. In order to protect my remaining fingers, I had no choice but to proceed honestly.

At this moment, to figures suddenly jumped over the all and passed beside it. they faintly passed the corner of xin Junmao's eyes. then he felt his hand loosen, and he lost the feeling of being held. my footing also became unstable. hen he fell to the ground, the old men supporting his arms ere badly broken.

hen he got up and turned around, xin Junmao as surprised to see to strong tin brothers standing on either side of him. they ore black vests that exposed their arms and distinct lines. their faces ere resolute and straight. they looked forard ith fiery eyes. people ho came to daughter Guton.

the to brothers clenched their fists, and their fists made a clear sound. they moved forard and collided ith the fans.

their feet ere like thunder and lightning, and their feet ere like the tail of a fierce dragon. All of the brothers' attacks precisely target the eak points of the human body. most people ho ere punched or kicked by their brothers lost the ability to fight again.

tin brothers born to the Snake tribe are masters of martial arts. their physique far exceeds that of an ordinary person. According to them, they can feel and use the ``Ki Sense'' that exists in orld legends, and can easily do things that ordinary people cannot do, such as flying short distances ithout eapons. , pick up leaves and hurt people, etc. their bodies have been trained thousands of times and are their greatest eapon.

Seeing the to arriors descending from the sky, xin Junmao felt relieved and excited from the bottom of his heart. he thought it as safe. he felt suddenly relieved and quickly got up and found a place to hide.

Although Gluttony Girl's folloers undergo physical changes, they are ultimately only slightly stronger than ordinary people. professionally trained and technologically gifted mystery detectives, their backgrounds aren't quite up to snuff.

“to protect the honor of the daughter of Evolution (Fit Fi Guton)!

\"Seeing themselves in decline, the mad folloers shoed their faces even more ferocious. they tore their gray robes to reveal their chests, hich tisted and moved in their hearts. the tank as infected.

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