

第18章 境界的平衡(2 / 2)
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Seeing the black arm, the mysterious detective's expression changed, and xin Junmao's hole body trembled.

\"Keep your distance!\" Seeing this, the to manders, he Jia'an and he Shan'an, immediately shouted, and the mysterious detectives heard the order and quickly retreated.

As everyone atched in horror, the fanatical believers pulled the black arm from his chest and tore it out, including his heart.

this group of fools as trembling, and their vitality as visibly draining aay. but they still persevered, standing erect, clutching their hearts ith both hands, as if they had found some kind of fruit imbued ith divine poer. And hunger eats aay at their on souls.

the believers' mouths ere filled ith blood and their eyes ere hite, but their faces ere full of joy. they knelt don and raised their eyes to heaven, as if they had seen a holy light ing. they bathed in the ater, but one by one they lost their life force.

one second, to seconds… After several seconds of silence, a sudden change occurred!

Suddenly, the corpses of the believers selled up like insects emerging from their chrysalises, and the human skin tore aay, revealing bodies made of black glass and blood. they ere tall, large, and scary-looking. .

the hearts of all the mysterious explorers sank as they atched the corpse bee more evil.

Asra moved ith incredible speed and charged toards the mysterious detectives. Its unusually long limbs contained terrifying explosive poer. he as able to destroy stone buildings ith just punches and kicks. At the same time, his body has also been strengthened, and damage from bullets has bee limited. Even if it enters the body, it ill heal immediately.

\"Everyone, stay aay, I'm going to strike you ith lightning!\" Li Ka'an shouted to his teammates nearby. hearing this, Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi left together.

Li Jian took out a grenade, took out a ring, and thre the grenade aay at the right time. It exploded a fe centimeters in front of the maggot.


the fire that broke out quickly spread, and fragments hidden in the grenade fle everyhere and got into the bodies of the evening. the flames immediately ignited the glass body ithin the explosion zone.

Li Yingqi noticed that the bodies in the glasses ere easily ignited by flames, so she shouted: \"they are afraid of fire. Use fire to burn them!\"

\"Are you afraid of fire?\" the eyes of all the mysterious detectives ho ere locked in a fierce battle suddenly lit up.

Futaka-kun came out from a corner and sprayed a mouthful of mud on his face ith an embarrassed look on his face. hearing the pest's eakness, he excitedly pulled out a bottle of oily green liquid from his tactical backpack. transparent bottles and jars.

\"damn, isn't that green olive oil?\" Li Jian'an noticed bu Gao's movements at a glance, and his eyelids jumped violently hen he sa hat bu Gao had taken.

Fo Gao laughed. “I sa captain Lee use it last time, so after the arro and blood incident as over, I replaced the aard I got from that incident ith this aard.”

Seventy-three years old, didn't you say you love me very much? (3rd update)

the difference beteen humans and animals is that humans can use fire, but the reason humans are animals is that both humans and animals are afraid of flames.

As dark green flames erupt and flare up in the heart of the underground city, they engulf everything, good and bad, good and bad, like a flood rushing through the streets and alleys. I burned it don. , all the monsters and people that run through the city, destroying indiscriminately, feel the primal fear hidden deep in the youth, making all animals instinctively afraid.

Faced ith dozens of orms atching them intently, the mysterious detective hesitates after seeing that bu Gaojun has a onderful murder eapon in his hand that can easily solve the problem at hand. ithout directly agreeing to use it, hen bu Gaojun did. thro the green gun. At the same time, as a tacit agreement, the oil bottle turned and ran aay.

hen xin Junmao sa the secret team suddenly running aay, he as not stupid and ran aay ithout hesitation. hen he sa the poer of that little green bottle, he finally kne the poer of man. ho big is the potential?

Full of adrenaline, he ran fast, forgetting his fatigue, and continued to catch up ith his tin brothers from the Snake group, but the impact of the explosion caught up ith him and pushed him into the bungalo.

xin Junmao, ho collapsed inside the house, did not lose consciousness. he atched the hot green flames pour into the room sloly die out, then rose from the ground and sloly looked out the indo.

bang bang bang -

the gunshots ere still there. Apparently, the green flame from earlier didn't burn all the glass.

xin Junmao as leaning against the corner of the house and resting quietly, his heart beating rapidly and his breathing heavy. things in front of my eyes gradually became dark, but I did not lose consciousness.

“Are you hypoglycemic?” xin Junmao smiled bitterly. I had barely slept the past fe days and asn't getting enough nutrition. today he ran very hard and his eak body fought against him.

\"xin Junmao! xin Junmao!\" As xin Junmao closed his eyes and rested quietly on the ground, he heard the tin brother ho had just saved him calling him. both he and the others ere scattered by the impact of the explosion earlier. .

xin Junmao had just opened his mouth to scream and tell them here he as, but he heard his brothers screaming again, folloed by yelling and slashing. the sound progresses gradually and sloly fades aay. , along ith his voice.

xin Junmao sloly closed his legs and curled up in the corner. Every muscle in my body as trembling. hypoglycemic symptoms remained slightly orse. his vision became dark and his hearing gradually eakened. the sound that came to his ears as like ripples on ater.

Reaching into his pocket and grabbing the b, xin Junmao felt a little relieved.

the tapping sound of high-heeled shoes came from far and near and hit his heart like a hammer.

It's close! It's close! he came to see me!

“hahaha, hy are you here?” the soft voice sounded soft and good, but as if a sharp sord had pierced his brain, xin Junmao’s brain seemed to have died and stopped functioning for a fe seconds. as.

the smooth skin of her fingers made xin Junmao's cheeks smell a little orchid, reminding xin Junmao of the day he met her at the gym, and the other party seemed to be imitating himself that day. ta.

he seemed to have read her thoughts, or perhaps subtly resonated ith the moment, and had an unspoken understanding: ``I think e ere in the gym that day, but no there's no violin.'' he said ith a smile. , it's just a loud noise. ”

\"Gluttony... Gluttony girl, you...\" the moment xin Junmao opened his mouth, he felt the other's finger gently pinch his lips, like a toy, but no matter hat he tried, it didn't ork. I couldn't open it, as if there as something in there. A layer of glue seed her lips shut.

``I didn't ant to, but did you forget?'' the oman in the chinese dress said cheekily, ``didn't I say you can call me mr. Zhao?''

xin Junmao felt as if the left side of his face had been lightly scratched by the tip of a sharp knife. he felt a little cold, maybe even a little fortable, but then he started to feel a burning pain and the smell of blood bloomed on his face.

he temporarily lost his eyesight and did not kno hat mr. Zhao looked like no. the other person as laughing, but I felt sad. She seemed like a oman in love, angry that she couldn't remember her promise to the boy she loved. .

Unfortunately or fortunately, his hypoglycemic symptoms lessened, his vision eventually became a color other than black, and his hearing sloly returned to normal.

“this b is so beautiful, is it mine?” Zhao’s fingers roamed her arms, sometimes being sharp clas, sometimes like catkins, and xin Junmao’s skin as full of fear. I enjoyed the softness.

xin Junmao as unable to speak and prayed in his heart for Koum to quickly save him from danger.

bs seemed to sense his thoughts. In the next moment, mr. Zhao suddenly screamed and immediately disappeared, and his tightly pinched lips ere finally released.

more than half of xin Junmao's vision has been restored, and he can finally see things clearly. he nervously iped his flushed cheek, iping aay the copious amounts of blood. hen he ent to his arm, he found that the arm that mr. Zhao had just touched as also full of small and large cuts. only then did he realize the extent of the danger he had just experienced.

xin Junmao struggled to get up from the ground, but as so eak that he stumbled out the door and fell into the dirt. hoever, he ignored the pain of the contaminated ound and alked aay in a random direction.

After climbing several buildings, he bees fully conscious and regains some strength. he could barely stand and keep alking.

As I passed by hat as probably the kitchen of the paradise Evolution organization, I sa to very similar looking figures lying silently on a eucalyptus plank. Some of the bodies had been hanged in the kitchen; ith a sharp iron hook, some ill fall into an iron pot.

xin Junmao just looked at her and quickly looked aay. he couldn't bear to look at her and didn't have the courage to look at her anymore. If it's a monster that even the most poerful mystery detective can't defeat, hat hope can he hope for?

I have no choice but to rely on myself.

Just fight and run. As long as you go back the ay you came, you can get out. that ay I could take my parents and flee the city and be safe.

thinking of unrealistic delusions, xin Junmao continued to drag his eak body.


xin Junmao seemed to hear the sound of ater sloly ing out of the gap in the stream behind him, but he did not look back and silently accelerated his speed.

Suddenly, my left leg seemed to be grabbed by a hand, and I accidentally fell to the ground. only then did he have to look back.

Groups of unknon substances, such as blood plasma and large bubbles, bine to form large irregularly shaped tumors. the tumor vaguely revealed a face I had seen before, mr. Zhao's. .

\"didn't you say you loved me so much?\"

74 house of cards (4th update)

the members of the tiger and Snake groups orked hard and finally eliminated the remaining maggots, and the to surviving groups ere reunited one after another.

\"Are you sick?\" Li Jian'an asked anxiously as he sa u Gaojun jump back on one leg.

``the bone in my left leg as stepped on and broke.'' taketaka turned pale and said ith a forced smile, ``It's just difficult to move.''

members of the tiger group ere generally injured. the most serious problem is that taketaka has lost one of his left legs. others only suffered minor flesh ounds. the ound looked ildly exaggerated, but it asn't too serious.

In the end, the Snake team as left ith only three members. Li Jian looked at qiao Jing and another teammate. they all survived, but the to brothers, chen qifeng and chen qihai, never returned.

\"they have a responsibility to protect xin Junmao. they should be ith xin Junmao,\" Zhao Jing said. he looked at the dirty surroundings and felt a little unfortable. \"Let's find it quickly and make peace.\"

``After the meeting, your Snake team ill evacuate ith xin Junmao and bu Gaojun, and our tiger team ill investigate the situation of the remaining Shimen.'' he Jia'an heard this and told the Snake team members. ta.

Li Jian as stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said, “our snake team still has strength most seriously injured and survivors ill be evacuated first, and the rest ill be together. continue the investigation.'' the rest of the snake team did the same. he nodded in agreement ith a serious look on his face.

he Jia’an and She Zian looked at each other and said, “don’t get me rong, I haven’t seen your snake team’s abilities, but I hope you can plete another mission. ”

“Another mission?” the Snake team members ere a little surprised and sa he Jian taking out a badge ring from his pocket. the ring's pattern is a bination of four elements: a bell pattern often seen on playing cards, a plum blossom, and a diamond. , hearts and spades.

``does this symbol have any meaning?'' he asked Jian, surprised, but the photo looked familiar, like he had seen it somehere before.

u Gaojun dragged his injured leg forard and said, ``don't you think this looks familiar? this is the symbol of the orld-class consortium house of ring is made of a special metal, and only in the frame You can ear it. obviously. he just turned into an asshole. one of the members of the human Evolution paradise organization as from the executive level of house of cards.\"

Zian Li's eyes changed slightly, but he quickly shook his head and said, \"but that doesn't mean there's a card behind Evolution paradise.\"

\"of course.\" u Gao asked solemnly, \"do you kno hich panies the local government and cuizhu city's underground transportation facilities belong to, and hich consortium these panies belong to?\"

hearing that, the members of the Snake Group changed their expressions ithout saying anything.

If this is true, ``house of cards'' ill definitely bee a big cancer for china and even the hole orld.

\"okay.\" Li Zhen realized the gravity of the matter and immediately nodded solemnly and said that he ould follo he Jia'an's instructions and leave before arning his superiors, and began to search the house here the four people lived. ta.

hoever, hen xie Jian and the others finally found brother chen, the Snake Group members stood there in pain and anger. In the end, only the inplete bones of the chen brothers, ho had orked together for more than 10 years, remained. they ere brutally murdered, but xin Junmao, ho as the object of their protection, disappeared.

Even though she as angry, she clenched her fist and endured. he looked at he Jian ith red eyes.

“I kno hat to do, don’t orry.” Li Jian’an looked into the other person’s eyes. before the other person could speak, he mustered up the courage to beat his chest again and again and solemnly promised, ``I ill make you pay for this.''

“then I ill leave it to you.” Li Zhen nodded solemnly and looked at u Gaojun, “then I ill retreat first.”

taketaka-kun didn't say anything and, ith Sachi's help, proceeded in the same direction as the members of the Snake Group.

\"Let's look around again. Even if xin Junmao is captured in a short time, there must be some trace left. If e can't find him, e ill go directly to the stone gate.\" Li Jian'an he didn't say it clearly, but he said it calmly. , but everyone has already heard that he is going to give up on saving xin Junmao.

In the end, xin Junmao as entangled ith a very dangerous god, but it as very different from hen he saved Li Yuning from Fu Gu.

No matter ho poerful the pufferfish are, they are still a class of animals that can at least be understood to some extent, and they can be killed by ordinary people's eapons.

Foreign gods are different. It transcends the realm of living things and possesses amazing vitality and poerful strength. they are supernatural creatures that cannot be resisted, let alone by humans, even by highly advanced and poerful ordinary races like blofish.

It is true that everyone in the mysterious group has an ambition to kill God, but that is not something they can do no.

And even though they had the gods killed, they had no ay of banishing or even sealing the daughter of Guton.

hy is the Evolution paradise organization so rampant, repeatedly banned, and joining an increasingly large and even orld-class consortium that is finding a ay to rid the Earth of the foreign gods they orship? It's not because there isn't one.

After some searching, Yu Lianyun finally found a large amount of tissue fluid residue from the Gluttonous Girl near a ro of sinks nearby. this means that the gluttonous girl as here.

It looks like he has taken it. Li Yingqi speculated, ``If e eat it, e should be able to find xin Junmao's head, but unfortunately e couldn't find it.''

\"I've alays anted to ask, hy don't gourmets eat the head?\" Yu Lianyun asked curiously. “e can rule out the possibility that his preference for recipes and authentic food as the cause.”

\"Let's talk hile e alk,\" Li Jian'an said as he trotted toards the large stone door ith Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi, continuing the topic. the research department also conducted specialized research. ”

\"Just like blood and Gorse that e met before, this is also a member of the huan clan ho as created by absorbing the tissues of various parts of Gluttony Girl's body. they themselves are no longer humans, but ne individuals. A girl from the Guton clan. more or less, she has inherited some of the characteristics of Gutong's daughter.'' hile running, Li Jian'an kept her breathing rate constant and her expression as clear as possible. \"It turns out that these huan clans can eat heads and they like it very much. And these huan clans can read and inherit some memories. ” he killed the dead by eating himself. ”

``Inherit the memories of the deceased?'' Yu Lianyun's eyelids titched, and she said, ``this is...too outrageous.''

\"therefore, our experts speculate that the reason hy the gluttonous girl doesn't ant to eat the head is likely because she doesn't ant to get the memory of the deceased person.\" I narroed my eyes.

Seventy-five executioners (fifth update)

In the field of human cognition, memory is divided into image memory, emotional memory, logical memory, and behavioral memory depending on the content. Emotional memory is a type of memory that is based on feelings and emotions experienced in the past.

Assuming that Gluttony Girl cannot separate the parts of the memory that she chooses to absorb, hen Gluttony Girl eats the brain, emotional memories enter Gluttony Girl's body like a chronic hidden in poison. masu.

Gods are generally large, poerful, instinctive, and rational beings. In order to maintain their ``divinity,'' they are often born ithout much emotion, but some individuals have emotions from the beginning. these gradually fade over time and bee absolutely rational beings.

the daughter of Gluttony is a supernatural being, so naturally she doesn't need such strange things, but she absorbs so much of her past emotions that she bees a special supernatural god ith emotional properties. .

this is research that even occult groups have confirmed that Gluttony's daughter has emotions. Gluttony daughter has mitted many cruel acts in the human orld, but Gluttony daughter has feelings for humans. this is especially important hen he deals ith his folloers. he ill think of his favorite member as a human being. mothers treat their children as if they ere their on heirs.

It is possible that Gluttony's daughter's \"divinity\" as a supernatural god made him aare of the \"mistake\" of his on emotional memory, and therefore his reason began to refuse to eat animal brains. is very high. , fearing that it ill continue to orsen...as an \"emotional\" condition.

If you look at it this ay, you can understand hy the gluttonous girl doesn't eat the heads of living things.

xin Junmao's hand as tightly rapped in a translucent arm filled ith mucus, stopping xin Junmao at a height of about 10 centimeters from the ground.

ms. Zhao, earing a plum blossom cheongsam, sat on a red sofa chair, leaned on the sofa, crossed her slender legs, and her beautiful fake eyes flashed on her face, as if she as looking at something. I as letting it happen. A man ith a bad attitude. he looked at xin Junmao and said, \"You promised to listen to me no matter hat I said, but you actually hurt me.\"

xin Junmao salloed nervously. “I… am I?”

“I said I ant you to be the executioner, and you agreed.” mr. Zhao looked at the other party ith a little resentment, but his pity gaze as very deadly. I thought.

but no, the poer of the b can protect xin Junmao. he asn't \"charmed\" by mr. Zhao like last time and remained sane.

xin Junmao anted to delay time, so he asked ith a smile. \"okay...boyle, hat is this?\"

``he is the executioner you often call him.'' Upon hearing xin Junmao's question, Zhao actually ansered the question ith a smile. \"there is a sacrificial ritual every year. If there ere no executioner, people ouldn't be able to eat on their birthday every year. e have delicious food here.\"

mr. chao let out a quiet sigh. \"my executioner just recently passed aay. he as obviously very loyal to me and said he anted to be my executioner for the rest of his life. I ish he had given me eternal happiness. that made me very happy.”

but...but he actually died just recently, by jumping onto the railroad tracks and mitting suicide. \"hile speaking, mr. chao acted as if he as crying in sadness, as if he as really sad and heartbroken for the girl ho died.

hoever, he quickly changed the subject and his face suddenly became stern, and cracks appeared on various parts of his face and body. these textures turned into pieces of meat that moved like small snakes, staring at the lamb-like xin Junmao ith conviction. , he shouted: \"Liar! big liar! he obviously promised to be ith me forever, but he actually left me ithout saying anything.\"

he then returned to his normal human form and pitifully told xin Junmao, \"You can't lie.\"

“I…hy ould I lie?” xin Junmao smiled dryly.

\"You are my first executioner and alays my favorite person,\" Zhao said ith a smile.

xin Junmao as stunned for a moment, \"the first one, me? didn't you just say that the female assassin is also your executioner?\"

\"he is your fourth executioner after your first, and one of my favorite executioners.\" mr. Zhao proudly folded his arms like a proud peacock.

\"then, in terms of ranking, you're fifth.\" xin Junmao as confused.

“haha.” mr. Zhao smiled gently, took a fe steps forard, placed half of his body on xin Junmao’s chest, held xin Junmao’s face ith both hands, and said, “You first, but I say I forgot that.”

xin Junmao as just a little confused. he already thought he had been accidentally mistaken.

\"ell, let's not talk too much. Let's get straight to the point and continue the ritual at the hangman's facility.\" mr. Zhao touched mr. xin Junmao's head and said, \"don't orry, don't be afraid. \"It'll be over soon,\" he said ith a smile.

having said that, the stunningly beautiful miss qiao did not ait for xin Junmao to say no. he pinched xin Junmao’s cheek and forced him to open his mouth. he then turned one of his fingers into a praying mantis-like hand knife and slashed xin Junmao's mouth ith it.

After realizing that miss Zhao as about to cut his tongue, xin Junmo seemed to panic and resist. hoever, in front of the other party's poer, his resistance as meaningless, and in mr. Zhao's eyes, it as a cute and even naughty act. .

Just as mr. Zhao as riding on mr. xin Junmao's tongue and making fun of mr. xin Junmao, a bare hand ith a rosary in his mouth suddenly passed through the gap and slapped mr. Zhao on the forehead.

ith his head dry, mr. Zhao immediately jumped back and hit the all hard.

due to this perfectly timed attack, xin Junmao's tongue as not cut off, but only suffered a slight scratch.

mr. Zhao as attacked again and could no longer bear it. he got up from here he had fallen. blood floed to his loer body, and a hite tank gradually appeared on his upper body. mr. Zhao stared fiercely from the void. the figure came out, gritted his teeth and said, \"Aren't you already dead? hy do you still sho up? And this time I obviously on. You don't ant to gamble or admit it. but he still on't let me go.'' ”

the shado gradually solidified, sloly turning into a beautiful bhikkhuni in xin Junmao's eyes. he held a buddha rosary and smiled serenely, like a passionate and peaceful bodhisattva.

the nun ho came out of the b didn't say anything, looked at mr. Zhao quietly, and stood in front of xin Junmao, hich made mr. Zhao even more angry.

he seemed to transform and reshape his body again, being a large and innumerable mass of male and female limbs interlocking and intertining, tisted and full of strange perversions.

bhikkhuni is in the seventy-sixth pen.

the appearance of the bhikkhuni seemed to deeply encourage mr. Zhao, and at that moment, mr. Zhao's appearance became even more distorted and distorted. At first glance, xin Junmao felt great fear again, but hen he sa the presence of the b and his true face appeared in front of him for the first time, his fear as pletely suppressed.


Suddenly, xin Junmao remembered the story he had read before, ``the transformation of Small Fish''. bined ith miss chao's angry ords from earlier, he suddenly realizes that the nun ho as blessing him at that moment is the one mentioned in the story ho attacked him using great magical poers. I realized something. A bhikkhuni ho ran aay from Saffron's daughter.

xin Junmao as in high spirits. this bhikkuni might have found a ay to defeat Gurte's girl.

mr. Zhao let out a sharp scream, and the sound seemed to pierce through space, directly hitting xin Junmao's soul. At one moment, his conscience and life ere about to retreat, and he thre himself into the arms of miss qiao's ugly and strange demonic body. .

but at the moment hen xin Junmao accepted death, a slender hand as gentle as jade as still able to quickly grab his shoulder and send his fragile and pitiful spirit back to his humble body. .

the moment xin Junmao regained consciousness, he found himself on the ground, his face pressed against the foul-smelling mucus and deposing corpses everyhere.

Fear seems to have made him more likely again. he didn't kno here the poer came from, but he ran out of mr. Zhao's palace in one breath, ignoring the dirt that almost covered his body.

hen mr. xin Junmao panicked and rushed out of mr. Zhao's room, mr. Zhao let out a sad and angry scream. xin Junmao thought he heard a sad oman criticizing him as a heartless man and a big liar.

hoever, xin Junmao also had a reason to run aay. because he as a yandere, an evil creature that poisoned humanity.

\"It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate...\" xin Junmao just anted to get aay from here.

After escaping from the palace, xin Junmao turned into a magnificent palace corridor, but in xin Junmao's \"eyes\", all the beauty is just a disguise of the all of flesh and blood, and all the delicacy as just a cover for hate and hatred. Filth. the famous mural is a forbidden and blasphemous image, the golden candlesticks are tense intestines, and the eapons of the guards aiting on either side of the hallay are rotting corpses.

Slippery, dim, and green in color, it is surrounded by corrosive fluids and digestive products. this is the digestive tract of mr. Zhao's body. this hole palace is another manifestation inside teacher qiao's body.

ho could he escape hen he as already inside the monster's belly?

xin Junmao didn't kno either. he just ran, passing through the long, narro hallay. Soon, he sees a group of bloody monsters hiding in the darkness and mutilated people ho have long since lost their minds and volunteered to bee miss chao's food. , they sooped in from the darkness from angles that didn't exist, considered themselves their greatest enemy, pursued them tirelessly, and voed to fight to the death.

boom boom boom——

A loud, piercing sound rang out behind him, and the entire living palace trembled. A piece of hite flesh rapped in a torrent and tied up broke through the all and chased after me ithout anger.

ms. Zhao, ho had no trace of her beautiful appearance, had turned into a pletely unknon beast. As I sprinted, light bulbs all over my body and limbs made strange noises. the structure of mr. Zhao's mouth could hardly be seen as he hurried forard. xin Junmao, ho as in front of him, shouted, \"hy are you leaving? didn't you already promise? Are you as crazy about me as you ere before?\"

xin Junmao as rejected in his heart. he definitely didn't ant to bee the executioner mr. Zhao talked about. Even though he as not a skilled and capable son, he did not ant to bee as depraved as the murderer ho mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks. A man has no job, no girlfriend, no good ideas, and still ants to refuse to fall.

Suddenly, a huge plume of dirty blood poured into xin Junmao's side and covered him like an irregular red cloth.

At that moment, the bhikkhuni appeared next to him again and moved an invisible force, like a kind of thought, that stopped him and easily dispersed those around him ho tried to harm him. mr. Zhao as repulsed again, strangely it as floing like ater, and the body as destroyed by an invisible force.

hen all this is done, the bhikkhuni disappears again and returns invisibly to the b in his pocket.

“As expected, you only agreed to bless her, but didn’t you intend to help me repel her pletely?” I understood. the bhikkhuni came out to protect him only hen he as about to get hurt. At the moment, it seems that after repelling the danger, he quickly loosens up and does not ant to give any discount.


As xin Junmao ondered and plained, there as a violent explosion from belo, and the entire palace shook violently. the strong ind from the explosion shattered glass and alls, making it impossible for xin Junmao to be seen as he ran aay. the force caused him to stumble and fall. After the shock subsided a little, he got up and continued running, looking for a place to get off.

A ray of hope lit up in xin Junmao's heart. this explosion as definitely man-made. the best evidence as the smell of poder smoke in the air. A mysterious group of people are already rushing into the palace. they came to save him. he as not injured. Give up!

After alking through several hallays, I finally found a hallay leading don, but the entrance as blocked by a translucent membrane. he tried to break through the membrane, but found it surprisingly sticky. , hao xuan took off his clothes and luckily broke.

there is no road here, so xin Junmao has no choice but to find another ay.

``hat a luxurious and splendid palace!'' the members of the tiger Group ho broke through the stone gate and entered the palace couldn't help but sigh hen they sa the situation inside the stone gate.

Li Yingqi as not attracted to the palace's luxury for too long, but said, ``It has not been long since the explorers disappeared in the hidden tunnel, but I don't kno if there are any survivors no.'' ta.

\"the first task is to find out the secret of Gluttony Girl. there must be some special reason hy she and Evolution heaven chose to establish an underground kingdom here.\" Li Ka'an said. emphasized.

Yu Lianyun touched the back of his cold neck, but he still felt that this palace as spreading terrible danger everyhere, and he as reminded that every inch of his body as careful and his pores ere trembling. .

Noticing Yu Lianyun's attitude, he Jia'an took it for granted and asked, \"hat did you feel again?\"

“there might be something.” Yu Lianyun also kne that this meant that his inspiration antenna as activated again, and pointed in the direction and said.

77 are exactly the same

the odds are 50\/50 hether Yu Lianyun's guidance ill lead them to the danger of death or to the unknon orld they seek. Li Jia'an and the others didn't think too much and immediately decided to follo Yu Lianyun's lead. .

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