

第17章 植物的低语,疯狂的迷雾(1 / 2)
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德雷文和伊莎贝拉的脑海中充满了新发现的知识,他们认识到了埃尔德拉斯体内植物群的重要性。 rmation that I left in a hurry.

Although xin Junmao did not kno the identities of the to men and omen, he someho remembered that they ere having a serious conversation about the \"saffron girl\", and as seduced by the \"saffron girl\" and inevitably She said she ould bee a \"saffron girl.\" Food of the \"Gluttony Girl\" It as only then that I realized hat kind of animal this elegant, aristocratic oman as handling the carcasses ith relish.

Guton musume as too dangerous. xin Junmao didn't think that ordinary people could resist it. he as only thinking of relying on the poer of the b to protect himself and his family.

but enough is enough. there is a limit to the poer of the b. If the ruler's daughter refuses to let him go, then in the end he ill certainly die, and perhaps his family ill be hurt.

xin Junmao doesn't ant to die and doesn't ant his family to be hurt. he ants to find the men and omen ho came to see him during the day. perhaps they are a mysterious group of chinese urban legends ho specialize in solving these cases and have the poer to save his life. method.

After eating the hardest dinner of his life, xin Junmao regained some energy, changed his clothes, and ent out again. I didn't kno here their temporary home as, but I as planning to start looking for the man and oman. , but he kne here they ere going.

Just ait, they'll sho up!

``do you ant to see captain Fan chen?'' At the entrance of the police security room, Zhang xiaoxiao stopped a high-ranking police officer ith a big face and explained his purpose to the other person. A large-faced la enforcement officer looked at him suspiciously. he looked at her and asked, \"hat do you ant to see it for?\"

“I ant to ask him some very important questions, very urgent matters!” Zhang xiaoxiao said seriously.

the big-faced la enforcement officer froned and looked at Zhang xiaoxiao. on that day, the female train derailment murder case caused such a stir that Zhang xiaoxiao as also taken to the police security room as a suspect. Shortly thereafter, he turned to Zhang xiaoxiao. mr. xiaoxiao as still impressed, so he nodded and said, \"If you are looking for captain Fan, he is not here because he as injured on a mission a fe days ago and is currently recuperating at home.\" I did.

Zhang xiaoxiao as shocked to hear that huang cheng as injured and on vacation, and asked, \"then hen are you ing back? Are you ing back today?\"

the tough-looking la enforcement officer said ith some amusement. \"Girl, it takes 100 days to break a muscle or bone. hen did you hear about a la enforcement officer returning to ork after being injured?\" A fe days later. Are you leaving? ”

After speaking, the tough-looking police officer reconsidered and replied, \"I don't kno hen I'll be back. my boss has told me I've been given a long paid vacation. maybe I'll give it.\" do your ork and read. maybe...”

before the big-faced la enforcement officer finished speaking, Zhang xiaoxiao couldn't help but grabbed the big-faced la enforcement officer's arm and begged, \"please tell me here he lives. I really need to see him urgently.\" did.

``e can't give it to you.'' the tough-looking la enforcement agency heard this and flatly refused. but just hen Zhang xiaoxiao as about to get orried, she changed the subject and said, \"but I ill help you contact him.\"

``then, I'll leave it to you.'' Zhang xiaoxiao as about to kneel on the other side, but the tough-looking la enforcement officer suddenly changed his expression and quickly helped him up.

the big-faced la enforcement officer grimaced. he as a little curious about hat kind of urgency Zhang xiaoxiao had no. he had to contact captain Fan chen. he took out his cell phone and sloly opened the call recording before dialing. It orked and helped Zhang xiaoxiao dial huang cheng's phone number.

thirty minutes after the call, the person on the other end ansered the phone and asked loudly, \"hey, ei, hat's going on? do you ant to see your dad?\"

\"target shooter, don't be afraid to e back and kill me, no matter ho big or small you are.\" hearing this, the la enforcement bigig told huang, ho had been drinking to dron his sorros. he immediately groled at Naru. After hearing huang cheng's big ords, he laughed and said, \"do you still remember the girl you interrogated that day? She said she had something to ask you. chiku. , you bastard, you on’t do anything, isn’t it true?”

``e on, uncle, give the phone to that girl!'' hen huang cheng called, huang cheng's nervous explanation could be heard on the phone, and he seemed to be apologizing to his ife ho heard the dirty ords around him. .

the big-faced la enforcement officer smiled and immediately lent Zhang xiaoxiao his mobile phone, so that he could go to a deserted corner designated by Zhang xiaoxiao and talk to huang cheng freely.

\"hey, is this captain Fan?\" Zhang xiaoxiao asked after arriving at the est corridor of the security bureau building and making sure there ere no people around.

\"It's me.\" hearing the voice that turned out to be Zhang xiaoxiao, huang cheng seemed to remember something terrible. he remained too calm and lost a lot, \"hat's rong?\"

Zhang xiaoxiao looked around again to confirm, and then asked in a lo voice. “captain huang, do you have any means of munication to contact these men in black?”

hearing this, huang cheng's voice became even more solemn and serious, \"hat are you looking for?\"

\"I suddenly remembered that I hadn't finished talking to them about something, something very important,\" Zhang xiaoxiao said.

huang cheng’s voice became heavy. \"hat's rong?\" he alays asked, but never received a positive anser.

Zhang xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and said, \"this is too serious. It's so serious that I don't have the courage to talk on the phone. before I say anything, I have to meet the men in black. ”

huang cheng thought for a moment and said, \"If you don't tell me the truth, I on't be able to decide hether I should introduce these men in black.\"

hen talking about this, Zhang xiaoxiao could only explain patiently. ``I found literature about the forces behind female murderers,'' he explained.

65 cases of forced entry

Zhang xiaoxiao told his secret, but he didn't tell it pletely. he also hoped that hang cheng ould relent and at least be able to municate face-to-face. After thinking for a hile, huang cheng chose to agree.

After making the call, Zhang xiaoxiao returned the phone to the tough-looking la enforcement officer and thanked him, saying, \"thank you. I don't kno hat to say.\"

\"You're ele. my name is qing hai. I'm close friends ith captain Fang. If it's his problem, I'll help him more or less.\" qin hai smiled slightly and checked his mobile phone. I put it back in my pocket and asked ith a smile, \"ho as it?\"

\"ell...e've already talked about it, so I'll go home first. Goodbye, rade qin Enforcer.\" Zhang xiaoxiao nodded, turned and left.

qin hai smiled and aved goodbye. the black eyes ith a firm smile staring at her young and beautiful face sloly disappeared from her sight. he gritted his teeth, turned on his phone, played the recording, and muttered to himself in a strange deep voice. \"hat discovery made it necessary to contact the mysterious team? Lao Fan is the person ho attracts the most attention...\"

hile playing the recording, qin hai nodded as he digested the recorded information.

hen qin hai heard the ords, \"I discovered the literature on the poer behind female murderers,\" qin hai's eyes suddenly became dark and cold. he opened and closed his teeth and made a crackling sound. It's like eating something.

xin Junmao ran to the civic sports center, hich as still far from the road, but had to stop because the road in front of him as blocked by a board. Several la enforcement officers ere on the street guarding the entrance. If anyone tries to get close, la enforcement ill chase them aay.

xin Junmao gritted his teeth and took a step forard. Sure enough, a police officer patrolling the city noticed him early.

\"hat are you doing? I didn't see the ord 'danger'. could you please e closer?\" hen the la enforcement officer sa xin Junmao, he immediately stopped him.

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