

第15章 看不见的力量(1 / 2)
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德雷文·布莱克索恩,一位杰出的考古学家和神秘学者,收到了一份暗示埃尔德拉斯存在的古代手稿。 ording to current reasoning, most of the bodies of the murdered people are hidden ithin the subay line, and at this moment only the driver is alloed to enter this subay line.\" mr. chen said, ``Let's leave it to them no and call a driver.''

Fifty-three dream shop

hen you ask Zhang xiaoxiao here the air is cold and seet, Zhang xiaoxiao ill tell everyone that it is the entrance of the police Security bureau ithout hesitation.

If you ere to ask me hen is the coolest time, it ould probably be at night in front of the enforcement officer's security office.

the moon as shining but the stars ere not, insects and frogs ere chirping in the floerbeds and grasses along the streets, and the streets ere as lively as ever. that night, Suizhu city as peaceful. on the ay back to the university dormitory, Zhang xiaoxiao felt an indescribable sense of relief in his heart. .

In addition to last night, a series of plicated, strange and unusual incidents happened during today. In fact, each is not particularly frightening hen taken individually, but hat is chilling is that each may be coincidentally related. together

the key element that connects the to is precisely the response that police officials disagree ith and adamantly resist: the ton legend of ``something left on the train'' as told by this strange young man.

A former female assassin ho as good at killing people kept stabbing people in a horse-dran carriage for unknon reasons, and then mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks early the next morning...no matter ho you think about it, this is impossible.

Furthermore, Zhang xiaoxiao did not have the courage to recall even for a moment the expression on the female murderer's face hen she mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks. hen the scene before the suicide as captured on a surveillance camera, the female murderer as seen smiling eerily as she took her last breath. It as as if he had seen something so exciting that he ould have given his life ithout hesitation.

If he truly kne his conscience, his good intentions ere still intact, and he as illing to die for his past sins, he ould not have made such an expression before mitting suicide.

therefore, Zhang xiaoxiao ants to believe that there are ordinary unknon factors secretly influencing and even controlling this series of events.

Zhang xiaoxiao actually had a ay to prove hether the strange \"urban legend\" as true or not, but during the interrogation process, he did not educate or instruct la enforcement officers or men in black to verify it.

the method is also very simple: see ith your on eyes a diamond necklace hose oner has never been found, and see for yourself hether the horrors of the urban legend e true for yourself.

hoever, Zhang xiaoxiao did not dare to do it and did not ant to do it. he as actually afraid someone ould die from this.

Female murderers deserve hat they deserve, but la enforcement should not.

hen Zhang xiaoxiao felt that he could not bear the pressure, fortunately the men in black appeared in time and believed his ords ithout hesitation.

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