

第14章 埃尔德拉塔斯\/埃尔德拉斯(1 / 2)
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在克苏鲁神话的阴暗深处,有一个被称为Eldrathath的禁地。ot to feed the ne cutie, or he'll starve...\" I did.

Ling Ling stretched out her arms and alked toards the counter. Yu Lianyun gritted her teeth and folloed. he as also curious about hat the \"ne cutie\" as, and it looked more like a pet.

hoever, he remembered that Ling Ling already had a cat, and Ling Ling seemed to love this cat very much. the cat never left his hand, so Linlin felt like a cat lover and immediately thought of a ne pet. that must be a cat too.

hoever, upon follo-up, Yu Lianyun discovered that at some point a large section of the display shelves behind the store's counter had been cleaned and replaced ith a large rectangular aquarium containing clear, clean ater. I discovered that it as. . Amidst the dark patterns of the ruins, a strange octopus the size of an adult's fist floated in the center of the tank.

the reason octopuses are rare is that they look different from the octopus that everyone is familiar ith. the tentacles are more dense, and even one arm resembles seaeed soaked in ater, covered ith many small hiskers, some of hich are tied together, making it look like a four-legged reptile. It looks like it has a distinct limb structure.

of course, the arms are just part of this strange octopus. the most attractive thing is its big head. the head is not pletely smooth and plump like the mon octopus, but has some unevenness. there are also folds that look like cracks on the protruding parts, and just looking at it makes you feel like it's there.

Yu Lianyun only felt that the appearance of this octopus and the ecological environment of this aquarium ere too familiar, so she started to think of giving up before seeing the hole octopus, but due to her ignorance, her my curiosity didn't go aay. . Ignoring life and death, he could no longer resist his desire and folloed Ling Ling's back to observe her closely.

I could see the dull eyes of an octopus floating calmly in the ater. hen he sa someone approaching, especially hen he sa Ling Ling's gentle and beaming smile, his stupid eyes sloly released the feeling of fear. they squirmed around excitedly, speing bubbles, and huddled around the edge of the tank as if afraid to reach their natural predators.

After clearly seeing the frightened appearance of the octopus, Yu Lianyun suddenly became as excited as an octopus. he panicked and took a step back, accidentally returning to the counter. his elbo touched the potted plant on the counter. he hurried to stabilize the plant in the pot, but hen he sa that the plant in the pot that he as hugging as the floer on the other side that had given him many nightmares, he 's heart sank even more.

I sa that the bianfa floer suddenly spread out in small chains from the base to the floer, and in the black core of the floer suddenly a bright black eye opened. Yu Lianyun momentarily forgot to breathe, covered her hands, and suffocated. her throat as upside don, but fortunately hymorphen stepped forard and supported her.

\"Are you sick?\" heimorphen asked ith a smile. the cold blade of the glove reflected the cold light, and the back of the blade gently iped aay the tears in her eyes.

Yu Lianyun smiled uglyly. After some parisons, I as more fortable ith haimofen, ho looks like an elegant killer.

See, hen he iped the tears from the frightened girl's eyes, he kne ho to use the back of a knife to scare someone badly. he as so kind and gentle, really... Yu Lianyun anted to cry to death.

“Kusun…” hen Li Jiahong came out of the staff room, he sa everyone gathered in front of the aquarium. hen he noticed a moving object in the tank, his expression changed.

the scene in hich General tseng's magic troops descend from the sky to \"subjugate monsters and monsters\" as impressive, but that doesn't mean it didn't leave a big psychological impact on xuen.

\"oh, don't orry. Just think of this as a mutant octopus hunt from the toyo nuclear aste area. It's nothing.\" Linlin said ith relief. I also used teezers to remove it from the collection box next to the aquarium. on a pile of ordinary black flakes as a note that said, ``I've taken the feathers off, but they can't jump out of the tank.''

“…boss, you are very considerate,” Li Jiahong said ith a stiff smile.

Ling Ling naturally said: ``Lao Liu, my neighbor, used to say that I as a kind and cheerful you can see that, it means that you have a keen eye for recognizing people, just like Lao Liu.'' about it.\"

everyone: \"...\"

After saying this, Ling Ling thre a pair of ings into the tank, picked up the collection box, and poured various spherical objects that emitted an unknon foul smell into the tank.

Seeing the ferocious eyeballs floing into the aquarium for a certain distance one after another, and immediately floating up like a balloon, Yu Lianyun immediately became mentally depressed, and suddenly his face disappeared from the scene.

\"huh?\" haimofen as surprised. I thought I ould have a nice conversation ith a beautiful la lady tonight, but she unexpectedly disappeared.

hen Ling Ling sa this, she couldn't help but sigh. \"oh, are you scared no? It seems like you don't have enough experience ith the mysterious group.\"

then he looked at the confused Li Jiahong ith a smile and said ith emotion: \"xiao Li in our store has done ell. he is the clerk I really like. his psychological qualities are really strong enough.\"

hearing boss Lin’s praise, Li Jiahong smiled even more. then, hen I looked at the aquarium, I sa Kusuen, ho had turned into a small octopus, desperately cheing on the eyeball or something that boss Rin had just poured into the aquarium. , or ings.

If the feathers belonged to Kusun, Kusun ould voluntarily eat the eyeballs.

hen he noticed Kusuen's rinkled head again, he as almost certain that the shriveled and sunken rinkles ere eyes that had lost their eyeballs.

hen Li Jiahong thought that the monster from another dimension that destroyed all the civilized cities in another dimension had bee an unconscious, lo-grade evil beast, not only did he not think that boss Lin's methods ere evil; but he is. I became more and more aare of the abilities of Limbos. dongtian, the respect in my heart is even greater.

At this moment, Ling Ling looked at Li Jiahong. my hair, hich as originally hite, as dyed black. Additionally, during this recovery period, my skin turned pink and appeared plump. his health has made him look even better. his vitality makes him look young. paired ith a bron dress and a dark blue vest, he still maintains the temperament of a successful businessman in modern times.

\"It's very nice. From no on, this ill be the staff's uniform. hat do you think? Are you satisfied?\" Linlin asked ith a smile.

Li Jiahong took her eyes off the aquarium and said heartily: \"It fits very ell. I'm very satisfied. It's like it as custom-made for me.\" he couldn't help but touch his clothes. It looks like it's made of cloth, but it feels different to the touch. It as smoother than a oman's skin and felt as light as if she asn't earing anything.

\"that's great. From no on, please ear this every night and look around the store here.\" Linlin said ith a smile.

Li Jiahong nodded in agreement.

haimofen finally got the chance to speak, stepped forard and said, \"mr. Lin, please listen to me. can I go for a alk freely from no on?\"

\"ell, it's hard to stay in the same place all the time. I'm tired of being an otaku.\" Rin-Rin sighs, as if remembering the past, and says, \"here I live is either dark or dark. It's dark, but I'd like to go outside and take a peek once in a hile.''

heimofen's eyes lit up hen he heard that. he touched my right shoulder ith his left hand, boed, and said, ``then, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you could e and listen to my concert. Your boss might not ant to hear it, though.'' . \"the heavenly and fairy music I rite is beautiful to the ears, but it is also a ork of my heart and soul. please listen to it and give me some advice.\"

\"concert?\" Linlin blinked, then smiled. \"okay, but are you going to have a midnight concert?\"

``Yes, this is a concert that I have prepared especially for you, so the time ill of course be carefully chosen,'' heimorphen said ith a serious face, ``Next time you visit the hut during the day, I'll take the ticket ith me. oh, and by the ay, you can ask the boss hat time you plan on leaving so the driver can pick you up.'

\"there's no need to disturb the driver, and there's no need to bring a special ticket. As long as you leave space for me, I'll naturally arrive on time.\" Ling Ling raised her hand and laughed. I said hile doing so.

haimofen trusts Linlin's ords 100%. Since boss Rin said so, I decided to follo boss Rin's ishes.

After that, mr. hai mofen looked at mr. ei Jiang and mr. Li Jiahong and asked ith a smile, \"If you to are free, please listen to my concert as ell.\"

eijian aved his hand ith a smile and replied, \"there's no need for that. there are so many things in the store, and there are restrictions every time I go out. I don't go out casually.\"

Li Jiahong also said ith a ry smile, ``I don't think I'll have a chance because I have to ork night shifts.''

mr. haimofeng shoed understanding to mr. ei Jiang, smiled at mr. Li Jiahong, and said: \"my concert is a local tour. boss Lin ent to my last concert held in Itai city. I can invite you somehere else.\" Several concerts . ”

\"Really?\" Li Jiahong's eyes lit up. Initially, he liked heimorphen's ork and considered himself a fan of heimorphen. Also, his adopted daughter has the same hobbies as him and likes to listen to heimorphen's orks. Regarding classical music, I as naturally very happy to be able to listen to the masters perform live.

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