

第14章 埃尔德拉塔斯\/埃尔德拉斯(2 / 2)
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then Li Jiahong looked a little embarrassed and said: \"teacher hi, I have a daughter and she also likes listening to your music. I don't kno if I can do it...\"

heimofen heard hat Li Jiahong meant, and immediately smiled happily and said, \"of course, no problem. I ill send you to tickets. If you ish, I can also send you all the tickets for the entire local tour. ”. ”

\"oh... no need. Listen to one sho. Are there any shos near Shenzhou city?\"

“Aside from the last sho in Litai city, the closest sho to Shenzhou is the one in Suizhu city.”

\"then, please give me a ticket to this concert.\"

\"Just a little problem. e and enjoy the music ith my daughter.\" heimorphen smiled, his eyes shoing confidence, and he promised that the next concert ould be the best concert in the history of mankind. the music he plays at his concerts is one of humanity's greatest masterpieces.

he experienced countless unknon torments over the years, but this painful experience also alloed him to understand countless \"styles\" of \"exotic music\", and his genius as already he as dissecting and deconstructing many of the syllabaries that he as hearing at the time. and integrates them perfectly into his ne ork.

``mr. hai, I haven't heard the name of your ne ork yet. could you tell me?'' Li Jiahong asked him to ait.

In this regard, heimorphen shoed fanaticism and said ith a smile: \"the name of the ne job is...\"cursed.\"

\"damn it, Secret team!\" the man's eyes idened in anger, hissing, and slamming the table ith both hands, knocking the ine glass and popular ine on the table onto the floor in one sing. .

In the dimly lit room, red candlelight illuminated the three people at the round table. the three men ere distinguished in appearance, ore rich costumes, and ere adorned ith pearls and jade. At first glance, it as obvious that they all came from ealthy families and ere ealthy and talented.

``No e have one less god to orship.'' Next to the man, a beautiful oman in a red one-shoulder dress clapped on the table, holding the cup firmly and shaking a blood-red ine cup, hich as cold. said aloud.

``this is not a good thing,'' said a middle-aged man ith a beard. ``Let's not forget hat our big three corporate consortia relied on to build their ealth.'' A mysterious group is digging into our roots. \"I'm here,\" he said ith a stern expression.

\"then let's cut the roots too,\" said the man ho as banging on the table forcefully. he looked at the to people around him and sa a oman in a red dress and a middle-aged man nodding their heads together.

the story of the temple's 48 profits

``bodhisattva, today I ill be the first to orship you.'' In the hot summer, the old man ith a hunched back smiles beautifully, hiding his chipped teeth. he knelt in front of the faded stone bodhisattva and said, ``more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and this fragrance has been stolen for many decades.''

the Stone bodhisattva has a benevolent smile, loered eyebros, loered eyes, and a solemn appearance. he has a spade in his left hand and a tin cane in his right. he sat on qianye qinglian's platform and listened quietly, as if he could hear the ords of the temple's ancient blessing.

Laomyo Zhu knelt don on the futon ith a smile and spoke to the bodhisattva as usual, as if the bodhisattva of this temple ere his old friend.

After muttering to himself about his business, he stood up ith his hands behind his back and prepared to open the temple. Although he kne that no one ould e to orship today, he still carefully cleaned the temple and opened the door on time.

this is no longer a matter of responsibility for him, but a part of his life.

but hen the door opened today, Lao miao Zhu encountered an unexpected event.

Early in the morning, I sa a middle-aged man standing in front of the temple door holding a girl around 3 or 4 years old. hen Lao miao Zhu sa someone aiting outside the door, the first thing he thought as that the person did not e to pray aiting for it to open, but instead came to ask for help. I as ondering if there as.

Father and daughter did not appear to be ealthy, and the father clearly had unhealed ounds on his face. the more he sa them, the lonelier he felt.

old miao Zhu as stunned for a hile, and then asked ith interest. \"hello, hat's rong?\"

hen the middle-aged father heard this, he immediately expressed his determination: \"my daughter and I came here to burn incense and orship.\"

Lao miao Zhu looked surprised, then eled the father and daughter ith a smile. he as a little surprised, but not too surprised.

hen the father and daughter arrived at the temple, old miao Zhu stood aside and prepared incense sticks for them. by the ay, he briefly mentioned the incense burning and prayer stages, and then basically stood aside and atched ithout saying anything.

hile the pilgrims ere praying, Zhu Lao temple as a little emotional in his heart. he did not expect that there ere people in the orld ho remembered bodhisattvas as he did.

hoever, Zhu Laomio soon noticed that the behavior of the pilgrim father and daughter during the service as a little strange. Generally, hen burning incense and enshrining a buddha, everyone should orship the main deity of the ancestral shrine, and the guardians on either side should either orship or not. hoever, this father and daughter not only orshiped at once, but also hen they orshiped the red-faced general next to the bodhisattva, they orshiped for longer than the bodhisattva, and their eyes ere even more pious than hen I orshiped them. as. . bodhisattva.

old miao Zhu as full of doubts, but he couldn't help but ask for the first time hen the pilgrim father and daughter shoed respect.

In response, a middle-aged man said sincerely, ``e ere all saved by you. e are truly grateful.''

hearing this, Lao miao Zhu as a little surprised and asked, \"do you kno ho this bodhisattva is?\"

the middle-aged man nodded.

“then do you kno the identity of this blushing general?” Lao miao Zhu lightly nodded and asked again.

“All I kno is that his name is General Zeng.” the middle-aged man nodded and asked seriously, “tell me.”

there as silence in the old temple for a hile. I just felt it as strange to travel tens of miles and climb 100 meters high to orship, even though no one kne the name of the god, nor the name of the main god or the minor gods. . It seemed as if hat the middle-aged man had said as true. he really met the gods and as saved. he as grateful.

It’s not scientific… old miaozhu thought for a moment.

In this regard, Zhu Lao temple still quietly told middle-aged men the stories of the gods enshrined in this temple.

he and the green-faced general ere demons ho brought disaster to the orld. they ere convinced by the bodhisattva, took refuge in the bodhisattva, and became the guardians of today's dharma. the bodhisattva then manded them to protect the orld. the to generals ere enlightened by bodhisattvas and possessed mysterious poers. they manded human life because they had eyes to see the merits and sins of all creatures.

Red generals indicate people ho are meritorious and have great deeds, and have a long lifespan. Green generals refer to people hose sins are serious and hose lifespans are shortened. that is, the green general called the loss an overall loss, the red general called the increase an overall increase...\"

``that's it,'' the middle-aged man suddenly realized. ``I guess that's ho I've been able to survive so far.'' he smiled happily.

old miao Zhu looked at the middle-aged man and secretly nodded. You don't kno if the other person is just delusional and ishful thinking.

After getting the anser to his question, the middle-aged man bought a temple peace amulet necklace from Lao miao Zhu. Father and daughter carefully hung one neck each.

For a moment, old miao Zhu felt that father and daughter could be more pious than the bodhisattva.

hoever, hat happened over the next fe days as unexpected for Zhu Laomiao.

A fe days later, a mysterious group dressed in black, ho appear to be members of the organization, appears. Like the father and daughter pilgrims, they came to orship unannounced, although they ere not as sincere as the father and daughter pilgrims. hoever, I thought that he as generally a respectful person, so after visiting the shrine, I asked him about the gods enshrined at the shrine.

old miao Zhu as also orried that this group had e ith malicious intent, and patiently ansered each one one by one.

In the end, the mysterious group of people left ith smiles on their faces and gave tens of thousands of incense sticks to his temple. Along the ay, he found some free time to purchase statues of bodhisattvas, guardians of the generals, and other amulets. product.

atching the people leave, old miao Zhu momentarily felt that his temple had a chance to prosper again.

hoever, after that, no one came and the temple became quiet again.

old miao Zhu sighed in his heart, \"After all, it's still three minutes of heat. It's really not easy.\"

he sat at the red table at the entrance, looked at the Stone bodhisattva, smiled and said: \"After all, I'm the only one acpanying you.\"

Another night, Lao miao Zhu, ho had been sleeping ith her head propped up on the table, suddenly oke up. hen he realized that he as late, he intended to close the store and anted to take an early break.

hoever, just before closing the door, old miao Zhu sa a young man in simple clothes standing in front of the bodhisattva, staring at the stone statue ith a gentle smile, as if he as admiring it or joking. I noticed that

\"Young man, it's time to close the door and thank our guests for today. If you still ant to meet the bodhisattva, please e again tomorro.\" old miao Zhu stepped forard and said ith a smile.

hearing Lao miao Zhu's ords, the young man turned around and asked ith a smile, as if he hadn't heard Lao miao Zhu's ords. ? ”

old man miao Zhu as not angry and explained ith a smile: \"this temple has been here since I as born. According to my master, this temple has a history of 300 to 400 years ago, and I plan to spend the rest of my life here...more than 70 years have passed. ta. ”

“do you believe him?” Lingling asked rudely, pointing at the statue.

\"I believe,\" Lao miaozhu said ith a smile, \"this is also the reason hy I persisted for so many years.\"

\"does faith mean something good ill happen, or does faith mean nothing bad ill happen?\"

“before, I could think of these things hen I believed in God, but no believing in God has bee natural. I believe that God ill help me achieve my desires.” I don't orship God to find out if something is rong or not, and neither am I. I believe in his greatness... this is like eating and sleeping, this is hat I live for. I feel like I should continue as long as I can.”

“I have a conscience.” Ling Ling nodded ith a smile, patted miao Zu on the shoulder, and left quietly.

miao Zhu felt that this young man as very strange, and his actions ere neither big nor small, but someho it felt unexpected and natural, and he did not feel akard. . hen I sloly felt it, I unexpectedly felt a little bit of heat on my shoulder, leaving behind a trace like burning incense. Fireorks smoke makes people feel relaxed, happy and fortable herever they are.

then suddenly he felt frightened, his heart as like electricity, and everything in front of him disappeared like a cloud. he fell into darkness and sa a light at the bottom of the dark ocean. his strong desire to survive had a hard time keeping up ith those ho tried to move aay from him. in the light

“Um,” miao Zu got up and sat don in front of the red table at the entrance of the temple, seating like raindrops. the front door as open and the sun as shining into the house. the autumn breeze invigorated people. he looked at the dust and the table top. the thickness is 1mm.

Suddenly, young miao Zhu kept crying...

Summary at the end of Volume 2

the story in this volume centers on the search for an orphan, and from there a series of stories revolving around mysterious poer and chaos unfold.

to be honest, I personally feel that the portrayal of the alien god Kusun and the extradimensional race of pufferfish in this volume is a little frustrating.

but I kno this has to do ith the fact that my daily routine is not regular and my real life ork takes up too much energy and time. my daily routine is so bad that it's hard for me to rite in a relatively properly relaxed mood, and even if I follo the instructions, my mood inevitably bees a bit impulsive. the plot is still ritten a little too hastily. I am orking hard to improve my thinking in this regard and avoid these mistakes in the next volume.

And this volume continues to tell the story, folloing the format established in the previous volume.

the mysterious poer from the East that appears in the main story is the \"Gufuo bird\". Some people have to guess as they read. his story is mentioned in the main story, so I on't go into details. the image is based on \"momomomo\" created by a Japanese artist, but the bird's curse is that, except for the fact that it has ings, \"its clothes and hair bee that of a bird, and if you pull out your hair, you bee a oman.\" It is based on the setting of a folktale. the bird name ill be added here. If you ait too long, you'll end up ith a pletely ne design of Goofobard.

then there are the first mon additions to the generals, based on the ghosts of southern Fujian popular culture and taoist deities (yes, the former guardian of Jizo bodhisattva, but not buddhist). this is inspired. Ghost Fighting is a horror game from taian.

the first counterattack force on the scene is the pufferfish, an extradimensional race that has accidentally acquired the ability to live forever. hoever, they are shy and live in the dark, afraid of accidents and mishaps. they do not dare to easily develop a civilization based on their race. their personality traits give them a Skaven-like appearance.

Next is dull. Needless to say, the specific image as originally cthulhu, but this one just emerged from underground.

Lastly, this story actually has a very harsh ending. this ending is not for the main character of this volume, but for the supporting characters. but I didn't dare rite it because I felt like it ould make people stupid. I'll put it in the Easter Eggs chapter in the future if you ant to take a look.

the next volume, Encounter, can be easily described as another heaven-defying figure folloing xu xian, Ning caichen, and Luo Shiyi…

You can probably imagine hat kind of story this \"Going to the Sky\" is about.

49 cheongsam dresses

It as Friday again. Suizhu city's subay line 3 as busier than on other days of the eek. xin Junmao finally pressed his body against the train. on the ay, he almost dropped his bag outside the train. It as very dangerous. It took a lot of effort to put the bag back into the gap in the train door before the train departed.

xin Junmao breathed a sigh of relief and stood in the middle of the croded crod, carefully guarding his bag.

Although Suizhu city is a first-class city, the security is very strong, and you rarely see pickpockets or idiots, but there is no problem as long as you are careful.

Standing in the middle of the crod, xin Junmao relaxed his legs. there ere people around me ho ere massaging my shoulders and heels, so I didn't have to stand firm and didn't have to orry about falling.

he has to ride the train for an hour and a half and then another 30 minutes on the bus to get home. currently, you may not be able to get a seat during rush hour. he may have to stand the hole time, so he has to conserve energy.

As I atched the train pass through the underground tunnel, everything outside seemed blurry. xin Junmao's attention seemed to fly aay at high speed, and he gradually lost focus and started alking.

today's intervie as also unsuccessful. this as probably the 33rd pany he had intervieed ith since graduating. Although he could not get a clear rejection from other intervieers, xin Junmao as still confident based on his extensive experience of failed intervies. he as not liked by his opponents.

mr. xin Junmao graduated from an ordinary second-rate university in china ith a degree in Information management (hich is basically a title, ith a major focused on puter programming and management) and a degree in business Administration. obtained. he has a relatively good personality. Reserved and no major activities. After graduating, I just have to ork a normal office job and ait for death. he has no intention of pursuing a professional career. After all, the Internet is too plicated no, and he is also satisfied ith his puter skills. this aspect includes aareness of talent.

hoever, his idea did not e to fruition, as talented people are not rare in this era of great integration of the orld. Even ordinary civil servants have their on specialized talents. Additionally, panies no need to start hiring ne graduates. must have more than 1 year of ork experience.

of course, xin Junmao later learned that ork experience is actually not that important for some positions. the main reason is because the pany ants to find beautiful omen or men, and beautiful omen are more important than beautiful men.

xin Junmao's relationship ith beautiful ords is exactly the same as his relationship ith his girlfriend.

hen the subay car became less croded, xin Junmao didn't intend to look at his cell phone. because hen you look at your phone, you inevitably end up brosing online social platforms and seeing messages from family and friends.

You may be ondering hen your parents ill be home or ho your intervie ent today.

Friends can express their feelings and dissatisfaction about the orking day, after hich they can hold the hand of their lover and eat together in a restaurant.

I don't ant to be the son ho brags about his inappropriate feelings to his parents, and I don't ant to be the kind of friend ho is jealous of his friends.

but he kne he ould end up being someone he didn't ant to be. I never thought that I ould feel as embarrassed as an adult, just as I did hen I as a child. A man ho had the courage to get a perfect score in his first year and to take the Seiboku exam in the future ended up being homeless.

he finally returns home to hours later and has to face his parents' questions. he then vents his inpetence, blames himself hard for his failure, and finally slams the door and returns to his room.

then, eventually, in the middle of the night, I end up opening the V message on my cell phone. hen no one pays attention to him or bothers him, he gradually loses the cat's space, secretly jealous, perverse, and ith a plex feeling of underestimating his talent, he leads a group of cats. I'll look at it. In the end, I calmed don, felt guilty, laughed at my mediocrity, and brosed job sites ith no intention of going to sleep.

Every day has no beginning or end...

xin Junmao knos that if things continue like this, he ill eventually fall into anxiety. the only solution to his current situation may be to find the job he ants. A job that his parents ant, a job that his classmates and friends think he can do, a job that your future girlfriend and his parents ill approve of, a job that society considers respectable.

In the blink of an eye, xin Junmao as so frightened that he broke into a cold seat. he iped the cold seat from his neck as he looked out at the empty train cars, then found a quiet corner and sat don.

he has been like this a lot lately and is scared of his on thoughts.

he felt that, for no, there as nothing more frightening in the orld than his on chaotic future.

``e have arrived at toshin Station. the door on the right ill open. If you are getting off the train, please take your luggage ith you and exit through the door on the right...'' Just on time, the in-train announcement rang out. xin Junmao looked at the digital tV above the subay door. please calculate carefully. there are still a fe stops left before you get off.

people ho don't like to play ith their mobile phones ill get a little bored and their eyes ill ander. xin Junmao's eyes immediately noticed a poster advertising the concert of the musical genius hai morphen posted on the all of the hanging platform. he heard this in today's intervie as ell. the guys at the pany's office told me that this effeminate violinist as going to perform a great ne piece at a concert. celebrities from all over the orld came to support them, and the concert as sold out.

So xin Junmao started thinking hard again. hen he as in elementary school, he felt that learning to play the guitar required a certain amount of patience. maybe even if you can't bee a singer no, you might be able to bee the star of your school like so-and-so in middle school. the music teacher is also very good.

he as thinking about things that he kne ere impossible, but for him it as more \"realistic\" and a better experience than being the protagonist of Shuangen.

xin Junmao, ho as deep in thought, suddenly smelled a drop of orchid scent. hen I smelled it, I felt a little dizzy and my heart beat faster. hen he subconsciously folloed the scent, he found a beautiful oman ho looked like a celebrity from the 1920s and 1930s. he stepped out of history earing a plum blossom cheongsam and rode a horse-dran carriage ith an elegant look on his face.

Seeing this inparable beauty, xin Junmao as a little surprised. It as a beauty he had never seen before. he could not imagine that there as such an amazing beauty in the orld, perfect ith jade bones and ice skin.

he felt in this oman the greatness of the creator and the gift of the orld.

perhaps God had arranged such an encounter for him. hen he as at his most depressed and frustrated, seeing the beauty of such a beautiful oman and looking at her as his ay of forting his long-suffering heart.

It as only hen the oman in the chinese dress noticed his expression and smiled at him that he ithdre his eyes in fear and sat there nervously, looking somehere else in the carriage in a panic.

At that moment, xin Junmao realized that the car he as riding in as actually empty, including the to cars nearby. the hole train as silent, as if there as no one there except for him and the beautiful oman in a chinese dress in front of him. there's no one else.

because he didn't have that opportunity, he rarely stayed in the same room as a oman. xin Junmao as a little nervous, but especially the beauty of the other oman made him feel even more stressed.

I don't kno if the oman in the cheongsam noticed his akard attitude and deliberately chose to sit across from him, as if he as secretly causing trouble. this made xin Junmao loer his head even more unfortable.

hile aiting for the train to arrive at the station, xin Junmao alays refused to raise his head. At best, I could sneak a glimpse of her long legs in high bamboo heels. he seemed to see and hear the oman in front of him as his younger brother Zhu. Laugh quietly after such actions.

hen xin Junmao finally arrived at the station, he jumped out of the train to escape. hen he as about to go don the stairs, he couldn't help but turn around and take another look at the beauty of the oman in the cheongsam. hoever, he as disappointed hen he realized that the oman had disappeared. .

xin Junmao alked out of the station in a shameful manner and accidentally bumped into someone hile alking to the bus stop.

Smelling the refreshing scent of incense smoke, xin Junmao suddenly trembled, as if an invisible chain had been loosened. he stood up and quickly apologized to the young man in front of him. \"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!\"

\"It's okay.\" hearing the young man's gentle voice, xin Junmao relaxed. he sloly looked up and sa that the young man as handsome, ith a friendly, friendly smile and deep, dark eyes.

50 Lost and Found (2-in-1)

xin Junmao looked at the young man in front of him, ho looked younger than himself, and felt a little irritated in his heart. he didn't understand hy you ould be so reserved about someone younger than you, and his apology as a bit akard.

Indeed, being homeless alays makes you feel inferior.

Ling Ling looked at the reckless young man in front of her, and his eyes sloly shoed a different kind of interest, but he didn't say anything, just smiled, nodded, and left.

xin Junmao scratched his face and forgot about this episode. As he aited at the bus stop for the bus to arrive, he folded his arms and reminisced. So he ondered, \"No that I think about it, hy isn't the beauty of this cheongsam so breathtaking?\"

Ling Ling arrived at the station platform and stood there quietly, motionless. the people around me didn't seem to notice. they never looked at the handsome young man as if he ere just an ordinary guy back home. In the state. he atched people getting on and off the train ith great interest, carefully recording their expressions and actions in his mind. No one kne hat he anted to do.

It asn't until the last subay train arrived in front of him at 10:56 that Ling Ling finally made his move, voluntarily boarding the train and casually sitting in one of the empty seats.

there ere only a fe people in the car, including a sleepy orking orker ho had just finished orking overtime, a college student atching a tV drama ith a tablet in hand, a kind couple orking in the garden, and a oman ho as also in the quiet darkness. . A virgin and a fugitive psychopath ith little presence.

Six people crammed into one vehicle, hich as also the only vehicle occupied.

the oman in black sat upright, clutching a slightly larger, spotless luggage bag in the corner of the carriage. hen he heard the announcement of the next station, he sloly opened his eyes.

they ere cold, merciless gray eyes. he silently looked at everyone present ith ide eyes and counted in a lo voice, \"1, 2, 3, 4.\" In his eyes, all these people appeared to be his lambs to be slaughtered.

\"Five.\" A seet voice came at regular intervals, folloed closely. hen the black oman heard this, she stopped and trembled all over. his eyes idened and he turned around ith a surprised expression on his face.

I never thought I ould be able to sit next to him ithout anyone noticing, and even though e ere so close, it as only no that I noticed the young man's presence and smelled his faint scent. .

the oman clutched her bag tightly, her eyes turning sinister and sinister.

Ling Ling seemed oblivious to the other's ariness and ferocity, and said to herself, \"have you ever heard the urban legend on the train?\"

Ling Ling's voice as obviously not strong, but someho he had an inexplicable magic that made everyone in the carriage stare at him in unison, looking at him like he as having a good time ith his girlfriend or on tV. Even the couples atching their favorite stars turn their heads to look at him. tv set. series. After having sex in the office for to consecutive days, the female students suddenly couldn't sleep, feeling confused and curious.

``hat kind of urban legend?'' asked a female college student ith interest. he as a little scared and a little excited.

``there are legends about people ho die on trains. If they leave their belongings in the corner of the train before they die, and they are not picked up at night, their belongings are destined to go unclaimed.'' the person ho collected it ill do something mysterious to return it to its oner, and ill not be able to part ith it until he dies, repeating the oner's property has returned to its oner. only then ill the strange curse end,” Linlin said.

hen the to lovers heard this, they couldn't help but smile at each other. the man in the couple said ith a smile, ``It's not scary at all.''

\"that's true.\" Linlin looked at the other person in surprise, but suddenly smiled. Everyone's heart skipped a beat at his sudden exaggerated smile. he pointed to the couple's feet and said ith a smile, ``Next to you, at your feet, is a necklace ith a diamond on looks like it as made to order and is orth a lot of 'm interested.'' told. it is? \"?\"

hen everyone heard this, they looked at the man's feet. Sure enough, I sa a silver and diamond necklace behind the man's heels. hoever, the color of the collar as too close to the color of the metal chair. hard to notice.

the couple just looked at the necklace and the couple in love immediately looked into each other's eyes and understood.

the couple suddenly yelled and scolded, \"Look, isn't this the necklace I gave you? this is something I gave you ith all my heart, so hy are you being so careless about it?\" hile saying that, he accepted it honestly. my eyes lit up hen I sa the necklace, the sparkling jeelry.

the couple's necks ere curled, their mouths flat, and their eyes ere dran to the collars as they said, \"I didn't mean to do that, but I'm sorry, husband.\"

then the man in the couple aved his hand and said, ``oh, ah, it's no big deal. It just fell by accident. Little brother, don't talk nonsense and scare people.'' said.

Everyone looked at this shameless couple ith disdain, and naturally it as clearly seen that the oner of the necklace as definitely theirs, and it as a lost item as Linlin said.

this female student has a sense of justice and says, \"don't pretend. this necklace looks expensive. the only ay to find it is to find it yourself and research it. be careful of lasuits. No it's everyhere. there’s a camera.”

As he said this, he looked at the camera hole in the corner of the vehicle and above the vehicle door. he couldn't help but be surprised. hy is there no red dot? It seems like the camera is not turned on?

the others seemed to have noticed this as ell, and the couple, ho had been a little repulsed by the sight of this \"surveillance,\" suddenly shouted confidently and angrily.

\"Sister, look at the school emblem on your bag. You must be a student at Shosui University. After reading so many books, do you kno that everything requires proof?\" the couple said ith a laugh. I said, \"ait, maybe you don't have a boyfriend, or are you jealous because your boyfriend can't afford such trivial things?\"

\"You!\" the college girl's face as full of embarrassment, but seeing the couple's arrogant faces and the slight threat in the male couple's eyes, the others stopped talking about others. It seemed that she did not ant to e out and chose silence, she suddenly felt that he felt very bad, clenched his fists and did not have the courage to speak anymore.

\"Get out of the car,\" Linlin said ith a smile. before heading to the next stop, he made sure to ink at the oman in black ho as still staring at him. his meaningful eyes seemed to kno the other person. Also about hat to do next.

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