

第15章 看不见的力量(2 / 2)
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Zhang xiaoxiao initially thought that he as doomed to not be able to pass this obstacle today. For, in the meticulous spirit of these police officers, they could not explain the strange events that had happened to them. they may not ant to believe them. , la enforcement officials ill definitely look into the details until they find the anser.

therefore, hen Zhang xiaoxiao came out of the police Security bureau, Zhang xiaoxiao felt a sense of relief.

he stood on the street, checked the time on his mobile phone, then looked at the sky. After a moment's hesitation, he gritted his teeth and chose to pay a fe dozen dollars out of his on pocket to pay for his transportation to school.

After all, it has cast a psychological shado over transportation systems such as railays, at least for a long time.

Another person ho casts a psychological shado on transportation systems such as trains is unemployed xin Junmao.

xin Junmao didn't say anything, but his parents heard about the incident through their on channels that day. today they sa their son back in a hopeless state and immediately understood everything.

my son, ho usually hides his anxiety about finding a job and his loneliness over failing to find a job, must have looked so doncast unless something really happened.

\"I've been looking for a job lately. If I'm tired, I'll go home to rest first.\" xin Junmao's father drank a glass of hite ine during dinner, thought for a hile, and then said.

xin Junmao's mother also took advantage of the situation and repeatedly said, \"Yes, my father and I are neither sick nor in pain. e don't need much money. our family has no money problems at the moment.\" I said ith a smile.

xin Junmao remained silent. he kne his parents ere trying to fort him and take care of him, but their ords alone made him even more anxious.

he finished his dinner in silence and ent back to his room.

I locked myself in my room and did nothing, just lay on my bed ith my eyes closed and rested. the images in my head go back and forth beteen a bleak fantasy of an unemployed future and the scene of a female murderer ho had mitted suicide by jumping off a train that morning.

It as like I fell asleep for a hile, lost in my imagination, and during that brief moment, the to scenes that appeared in my mind actually overlapped.

this life is shit... oh, curse of the person ho jumps on the morning train, hy not me?

thinking of this, he imagined himself jumping onto the railroad tracks. In this scene of time and space, his parents and friends behind him, as ell as Zhang xiaoxiao, the female college student he had met that morning, all called out to him, begging him not to die in fear and despair. I sa a glo. . Light from his surroundings. the hite train as approaching at great speed, like a ruthless metal beast.

his vision darkened. he had never even experienced the near-death experience described in the novel. he didn't even have a chance to take a last look at the orld. he passed aay so quickly, as he had not experienced any turmoil for the past 23 years. Life is the same as lifeless...even death is meaningless.

xin Junmao felt a sense of regret, and at the same time, a soul-piercing thrill elled up in the depths of his heart.

xin Junmao suddenly oke up at home in the middle of the night. hen he touched his forehead, hich as covered in cold seat, it selled greatly, and he sloly regained his posure.

this nightmare made his mouth dry. xin Junmao got up from bed and as planning to go to the living room to get a drink of ater.

hoever, hen he pushed open the hall door, xin Junmao as stunned outside.

dressed in pajamas and flip-flops, he looked around in beilderment. At that moment, hat as in front of me as not the hallay of my house. At first glance, I couldn't see the living room of his house. At that time he as in a strange room. At a small shop.

the shelves of the small store ere filled ith all sorts of strange objects and unknon properties. most of the things he sa ere horror movies ith only a passing resemblance. but the difference is, hen I see the \"dazzling array\" of these products, it's as if my sixth sense of survival arns me not to touch, much less try, these products or things. I felt an inexplicable panic inside me, as if I as doing something. Understand them through curiosity.

``ele to your onderful home. Let me help you ith something.'' At that moment, a strong man earing red clothes appeared from behind and said ith a smile.

xin Junmao turned around in surprise, took a fe steps back, and looked at the clerk in a red robe ith a good face, but ho as relieved? After a full minute of patiently aiting for an anser, I finally salloed and asked, \"here am I?\"

“As I said earlier, this is a magical house, and only those ho are destined can e to this store.” ei Jiang introduced himself ith a smile. \"my name is ei Jiang. I'm an office orker here.\"

hearing the store's unconventional name and all the products and decorations around the store ere too hellish, xin Junmao couldn't calm don. because he as no basically convinced that he had truly entered the unknon realm of normality.

54 Gouton's daughter

xin Junmao got up again and sat on the bed. I sa the sun shining outside the indo and kne that this time I as really aake.

he breathed a sigh of relief and thought that he had encountered too many bad things recently that made him really orried and unfortable, so he sa an unpleasant dream shape, like a dream ithin a dream. .

As xin Junmao gradually recovered from the nightmare and gradually regained his senses, he felt as if he as grasping something in his hand. he looked don and suddenly broke into a cold seat, his face turning pale.

I sa that he had a b in his hand. the b as small, handleless, slightly longer than the palm of the hand, about three fingers ide, and had ell-spaced teeth. the entire body as red ith irregular hite spots and irregular bron-black spots. Gradient lines, smooth jade-like texture, and cool touch.

“Soapstone b…” xin Junmao gritted his teeth and trembled as he lifted the b in his hand. he recognized the texture of the b not because he kne about jade, but because he had borroed it from a mysterious shop in a dream. After that, I received an introduction to the b from a sincere and honest seller.

obviously, hat he had last night as no dream, no ordinary dream.

At least, in the past, I couldn't remember the details of my dreams, but no I can remember the details of hat I sa inside the store as if I had experienced it myself.

Everything seems real. A mysterious store ith an entire room filled ith rare items, a clerk earing a red dress dressed as a merchant ho lived in the present day... these various unusual experiences go beyond mon sense and are closely related. Evidence of intimate contact ith normal objects as concentrated in the b in his hand.

xin Junmao looked at the b in his hand and felt an indescribable panic and excitement.

``ill this b really meet my desires?'' hen xin Junmao expressed his ishes at a store, the oner immediately remended this b as something a little more feminine, and said that this b as... I remember you saying it might be helpful.

considering that the b es out of a dream and that something as unscientific as this can bee a reality, it seems possible that the b has the poer to make ishes e true.

It's like Aladdin met the genie Jin, and I feel very happy hen I think that I actually had a chance to go to heaven in one step.

but at the same time, his fear also es out of this b. he distinctly remembered that hen he borroed this b, the store oner and staff arned him, ``once someone else uses this b, you ill be the first to use it.'' For those ho b their hair, if you think of a ish hile bing your hair, the b ill listen to your ish and sloly make your ish e true.

hoever, remember that once you start making a ish, you cannot change it and you cannot stop bing your hair every day until your ish es true. Also, you cannot give the pin to anyone else until your ish es true.

the lease period is the period for performance of the ill. once the first ish es true, the pin must be returned. If you still insist on holding the pin, e have no poer and ill not bear any consequences. No responsibility hatsoever. ”

considering these taboos and precautions, Shin Junmao felt unfortable at the time, but in retrospect, he felt it as better to follo the store's conditions.

he hesitantly sat don at his desk, took the mirror from the table, looked in the mirror, bed his hair, and said, \"I ish you success in your job search this time.\"

there ere no special sensations, but suddenly I felt something stroke my hair, like a mother's gentle caress.

“Is it really possible?” xin Junmao looked at the b in his hand and as stunned.

``this is the house of the driver of the last train on october 17th. I'll leave everything to you.'' huang cheng covered his mouth and said ith a puzzled expression. So did his disciples. they ere each injured.

the to police officers ho had been called out to arrest the suspect ith dignity the previous day ere no unafraid. After hurriedly explaining the situation to he Jia'an, Li Yingqi, and Yu Lianyun, they left ith bitter smiles on their faces.

After atching the to officers leave, he Jian and the others turned their attention to the chaotic but orderly interior of the room.

the scene as green and red, ith light blue and vermilion threads strung throughout. they mixed together inside the house, creating irregular and unusual patterns one after another. Among them, something like a magic circle as placed in the center of the room. the rune that forms the core of the magic circle is an unknon animal that resembles a maggot and bines various characteristics of a co, horse, and sheep.

\"this model... can't be rong.\" Li Yingchi looked at the formation pattern and then looked at his to teammates and seemed to have found the anser.

Li Jian scratched his round head and said, \"It's obvious. my head really hurts.\"

pared to the experienced Li Yingqi and he Jia'an, Yu Lianyun, a neer ho has only been in the industry for less than half a year, seems a little hesitant. he vaguely guessed, \"maybe this photo is the fourth one recorded in the organization's records?\" Are you talking about divine abilities, Guton's daughter? ”

Immediately, Yu Lianyun received affirmative nods from Li Yingqi and he Jiaan.

Upon receiving an affirmative anser, Yu Lianyun not only did not express joy at the correct anser, but also had a heavy expression on his face, as if he had just itnessed an approaching tsunami.

\"daughter of Gluttony, her true form is unknon. According to fans and folloers of this strange god, she is not only the King of Gluttony, but also the daughter of Evolution, mother Earth...all living things ``It is said that the girl ho is a glutton does not usually sho her true face, but she appears in a form that her folloers are happy to see.'' In the eyes of her folloers, she said, It looks different,” he said.

only believers ho are favored by the daughter of Saffron ill have the opportunity to itness the appearance of this strange god, and then gain eternal life ith the strange god. In return, these people ill no have to coexist ith the girl ho is a glutton. together, they bee part of the sacrificial girl's true form. ”

Li Jian'an picked up the cigarette butt and said, \"If this is really the governor's daughter, there is nothing surprising. Seven mysterious detectives are missing, a police investigation team is missing, and to local police officers are missing. people are about to be arrested.” the last driver of the train - an ardent fan of the girl in the saffron suit - as killed on the battlefield in a 1-2. ”

Just yesterday, members of a local occult organization in cuizhu city apparently learned from Zhang xiaoxiao and the police that there is a hidden subay line in cuizhu city. they immediately started investigating to find out. Even if they are armed, they ill not be able to return from underground in Suitake city, and their chances of survival are likely to be zero.

55 magical Sounds high morphen (2-in-1)

xin Junmao used the b as instructed by the cabin attendant, but he didn't notice any strange movements, even though he had been confined to his room all day.

Even if it makes him feel a little eird, that's good.

xin Junmao as a little depressed. Is it really difficult for him to realize his desire to get a job?

After receiving another inexplicable blo, xin Junmao sighed and alked out of the room.

Standing in the dimly lit hallay, he peered into his parents' bedroom and could hear his father snoring as he slept. he couldn't help but think, ``I ish my ish ould e true sooner.''

he changed his shoes and as planning to go for an evening run to relax and ork up a seat.

on days hen I couldn't find a job, I often ent for a run to clear my head and relieve stress. the effects ere very good and it as good exercise. ithout realizing it, I as able to continue doing things that I couldn't do during my four years at university.

xin Junmao left his home in the munity and ent straight to the civic Sports center, hich as 2 kilometers aay. this as his usual running route.

After running one kilometer, xin Junmao gradually realized that there ere many more cars and pedestrians on the road tonight than before. Normally there ould be very fe people on his long route, but at this point in the evening there ere even feer people. see you.

but tonight as a little eird. I ouldn't say there's a lot of traffic or congestion, but it's still a never-ending flo. After running a fe meters, I sa some people.

out of curiosity, he carefully observes the tourists, secretly listens to their interactions, and finally understands hy the number of people passing on the roads today has increased sharply.

today is hai mao Feng's first concert in cuizhu city, and it ill be held at the civic sports center here xin Junmao goes.

hen xin Junmao rushed to the civic sports center, here fe people ere ing and going at night, he could already see long lines of cars and crods. For a moment, he couldn't help but be even more impressed by haimofen's influence.

he had never participated in any activities sponsored by celebrities, such as concerts, autograph sessions, or art exhibitions. Although it as his first time to see a celebrity concert, he immediately realized ho poerful it as. the name is hymorphen.

``Suddenly I anted to listen to his music.'' xin Junmao as impressed by the enthusiasm of haimo Fen's fans and suddenly anted to see the concert, but he kne that he ouldn't be able to enter because he didn't even have a ticket. No, even hen standing. You probably on't hear the notes outside the stadium.

hoever, xin Junmao knos here to find \"free prostitution.\" You can't see the scene, but you can hear it.

that aside, at least the gymnasium at the civic Sports center does have good sound insulation. before heimolen performed here, many singers and bands used to perform here.

hen xin Junmao as in high school, there as a girl he anted to pursue. And hen there as no money to buy tickets, he decided to start his on method of romantic pursuits. this is a song by a female idol ho told the girl she liked that there as a ay to listen to this song ithout going to the venue, and that inter, she took her to this space and listened to a fe songs hile feeling the cold ind.

the girl then left ithout listening to him at all. After that, he quit being an idol, and xin Junmao also stopped smoking. I finally got into a major university in the university entrance exam. At the high school graduation banquet, the drunk girl thanked xin Junmao for bringing her to listen to sex that day, otherise she ould have actually stretched her hips so much on the stage of the idol's concert. I ouldn't have knon it ould happen and it as just a thing. Although a little romantic, love based on material things is not really encouraged.

hen he let go of the troublesome thoughts of adolescence, he finally understood hy he had to study so hard, and after much struggle as able to get into a university he had never considered before.

xin Junmao remembered this seam, and naturally also remembered his first love, and became emotional for a moment.

he avoided crods, alked past surveillance cameras, climbed the stairs outside the stadium, alked all the ay up the ramp, and finally climbed into an empty space on the second floor of the enclosed stadium. steel plate.

No it as empty and that as all there as. As he alked through the empty layers, he sa a light. his eyes suddenly lit up. \"hey, he's still here.\"

he took a fe steps forard until he reached the all here the hole had sunk in and sat don leaning against the all.

Fortunately, it as just fall. there as a ind, but it asn't too strong or cold. he didn't feel any disfort hen he sat don.

At that moment, xin Junmao didn't kno here he as on the scene. he really anted to kno in this space, but unfortunately his visibility as very limited in this small space. I couldn't see half of the people, I could only see in space. From the sounds of the crod, it can be seen that the concert venue is very lively even at this time, and the entire audience is participating in the venue.

“ill there be a live performance?” xin Junmao couldn’t help but think. he thought it as possible and clicked ithout looking for the popular short video broadcasting platform. the most popular concert listed at the top of the homepage as from this concert. Live broadcast.

xin Junmao turned off the sound of the live broadcast, atched the live video, and listened to the live sound through the gap. It as so immersive that it felt like you ere actually there, and it as much more interesting than just atching. I think that in the auditorium, hich as purchased by the people, most of the people present could not clearly see even the main character of the concert, high morphin.

``It ould be great if live shos ere as popular and practical as they are no.'' I felt it.

As soon as e entered the live sho, heimofen appeared. dressed in an elegant and noble black suit, he led the orchestra to the venue that night. he smiled armly and alked toard the base stage, carrying the violin that had acpanied him in countless battles.

“he is so beautiful, he is really more beautiful than omen.” xin Junmao looked at hai mofeng, ho had feminine and charming features on stage, and said, “ho can there be someone so beautiful and beautiful? ?” he said ith great emotion. ho versatile is it? ”

xin Junmao couldn't help but sigh, thinking that he as still an unemployed flop.

\"dear guests, ele to the concert in cuizhu city, the first stage of my local tour...\" hile listening to hai mofen's opening speech, xin Junmao looked at the barrage of live broadcasting halls.

In the dam group, xin Junmao happened to itness a short section of the dam flo, hich suddenly became croded and then suddenly became quiet.

\"Aren't your ears a little strange?\" xin Junmao said after seeing some flashing dams. he couldn't help but notice ith interest haimofen's ears in the video. hen I looked closely, I suddenly noticed something on his eyelids after the jump.

he believed it as no illusion, as heimorphen's left ear fit unnaturally and appeared to be slightly out of place.

Also, perhaps because he as running at the time, hymorphen's skin color is slightly different, and it contrasts ith hymorphen's unusual left ear.

A musical genius lost his left ear and had to ear a prosthetic ear!

Friends ho ere in the live broadcast room also discovered the bomb one after another. As a fan of the genius high morphen, and as a fan and loyalist of them, it is impossible to be indifferent to the health status of the \"brother\" they kno.

Some people dug up old photos of high morphen in the ments section. It as an interesting photo of hai morphen attending his master's concert four years ago and interacting ith him after the concert. In the photo, hymorphen's left ear is high and has an obvious natural elasticity that no artificial ear can imitate.

therefore, everyone is speculating that this is an accident suffered by high morphin during several years of silence.

Some speculate that heimorphen's left ear as cut off as part of a conspiracy by his enemies in his later years. others have speculated that heimorphen became so insane because of his creation that he gradually lost his reason and cut off his ear. .

this kind of deafening behavior is not unmon among artists. A famous painter once did something similar, but during this period he became mentally ill, hich lasted for a long time, but also suddenly. during this time, by some strange coincidence, he cut off his on ear.

It seemed that everyone as thinking about this famous painter, so fans in the live broadcast room began to orry about heimofen's mental state, hoping that the other person as not really suffering from a \"sudden illness\".

heimorphen, ho as present at the time, as unaare of the concerns of the fans ho ere in the live broadcast room at the time. my first greeting as alays ith a gentle smile, and I even said, ``No, let's officially begin the first performance of the concert!''

\"the first song is 'magic Sound', I hope you all like it!\"

heimorphen put don his violin, looked at the conductor, and greeted him. the conductor suddenly understood and entered into that state.

At this moment, the concert audience as filled ith great curiosity and anticipation, and all distracting thoughts ere sept aay.

Although the performance has not yet begun, everyone already feels that heimofen is the leader of the concert, and not the conductor ho controls the hole situation.

buzz -

As Seamorphin rubbed his bo, the first string struck. It as strange and unlike the first sound made by the violin, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Is this the sound a violin should have? as it a mistake?

but ithout aiting for anyone to think about it, heimorphen continued playing as usual. Gradually, everyone realized that this as not a mistake, but a special sound created by hymorphen on purpose, hich surprised everyone. the sound as strange but not unpleasant. , on the contrary, it has mysterious magical poers. the more you listen to it, the more you get addicted to it, and little by little you can't get out of it. It corrupts people deep into the mysterious forest that heimorphen has built for them.

Soon, there ere no barriers in the live broadcast room, and everyone as immersed in the strange music played by heimorphen, trapped in the fantastic musical orld that heimorphen had built for everyone.

the same goes for xin Junmao. I never thought that I ould be fascinated by music like this, even though I had little sense of music. It can be said that from that moment on, he pletely fell in love ith heimofen's music, and especially this song.

As the name suggests, it is truly magical sounds, magical tones, devilish melodies, and enchanting music.

hen listening to heimofen's violin performance, everyone, both in the live audience and in the live broadcast audience, feels a strange emotion elling up in their hearts. this feeling makes your blood rush, seat breaks out, and your hole body gets cold...Isn't it scary? ?

As the music progressed, xin Junmao gradually realized that the melody seemed a little different, and the orld in front of him began to bee a little more real.

hoever, hen he violently shook his head and tried to ake up, xin Junmao realized that the melody did not end strangely, but hy did they say that the melody changed more and more abnormally and sloly did you feel that ay?

\"has the brain changed? has the mental state changed?\" xin Junmao suddenly thought of this, and felt a little ridiculous. ho can small violin music do such strange things?

but soon, the music brought out his energy again, and xin Junmao gradually gave up thinking and thought as follos: Just stay calm and taste carefully, and try not to think about anything else.

Suddenly, xin Junmao realized that the orld he as seeing as being less and less realistic. one moment, the orld as filled ith light and stars, and the next moment, the usual scenery spread out.

\"It's a very beautiful sound...\" xin Junmao as andering in a daze, and hen he felt a little dizzy, the familiar scent of orchids entered his nostrils, and his voice became like poder, and he became conscious. gradually disappeared and spread.

xin Junmao blinked and realized that the orld had stabilized ith this unnatural ghostly appearance. No he can no longer distinguish beteen reality and magic. hen he sa a beautiful girl in a red cheongsam that suddenly appeared in front of him, he actually felt like he as dreaming, I smiled funny and said Sai Guo in a cheongsam. I reached out to touch dongxue’s face.

\"hahaha, hy are you here?\" xin Junmao asked, feeling drunk, \"thu.\"

Even in the face of xin Junmao's frivolity, the oman in the cheongsam did not take it seriously. In fact, it seems that he still remembers xin Junmao, and said ith a smile, \"I came here after hearing the sound. hen I hear that scene no, it's really beautiful.\"

xin Junmao said ith a smile, \"I'm so happy that I can listen to such onderful music and see you again tonight. I can't express it in ords.\"

``Are you sure you ant to see me?'' the oman in the chinese dress pursed her lips and smiled gently, tapping her red loer lip ith her fingertips, making her even more beautiful despite her lack of eyes...

It as like his brain as overloaded ith electricity and the orld peeled aay before his eyes. the bright colors that originally colored the orld gradually took on a disturbing tone.

It as clearly just violin playing, no voices participating in the concert. but for some reason, xin Junmao started hearing the voices of people praying like pilgrims. At first, the sound as very small, and there ere many people, but the voices gradually increased, and hen each person's voice as added, it became deafening, and it hit the soul directly.

It seems like...it's like it's calling out the name of some being...

xin Junmao's breath gradually became heavy, and he sloly looked at the reality hidden beneath the beautiful orld. the misty halo in the air asn't light, but a strange floating ball of flesh and needles. the ground beneath my feet as filled ith flesh and blood, beating like a beating heart. the alls, ceilings, and buildings ere all covered ith food of flesh and blood.

her voice changed and her environment changed, but the only thing that remained the same as the beauty of the chinese dress in front of her. She as as beautiful as he had seen before.

56 strings (to-in-one)

on this night, people from all over the orld gather in china, including hite people from the Ne York area on the other side of the china Sea, the Yomok people from the inter peninsula, and people from the south. people in the Southern hemisphere, or even in the southernmost tip of Antarctica, have spontaneously caused unprovoked mass insanity.

the source of this orld-class change came from a orld-class violinist ho played the sounds of the dead.

No one could have imagined that the music created by this musical genius ould actually cross dimensions, break the chains of real animals, and create a demonic song that sounded like a terrifying plague.

his music is not of earth, but is connected to the underorld, as if the gates of hell have been opened, and countless evil spirits struggle to escape, possessing all the eak humans in reality, and controlling their hard bodies. doing. And tisted. they danced around, tearing out their vocal chords ith their crazy mouths and letting out strangely violent and excited roars.

the concert, hich as broadcast live around the orld, became an epidemic that transcended time and space, and the hole orld seemed to be in chaos.

\"dad, hat happened to those uncles and aunts? hy did they suddenly start dancing and stop listening to music?\" concert scenes of \"enthusiastic carnival\" and \"croded crod\" have people concentrating on playing music. Except for hymorphen, only the ell-dressed father-daughter pair is present. the little girl, ho had just turned four, sat on her father's lap and asked innocently.

Li Jiahong recovered from the shock of the scene and smiled at her daughter. \"that's because they ere so fascinated.\"

\"but I listened carefully.\" hearing this, Li Yuning immediately looked a little convinced and troubled, and said, \"then, shall e dance together?\" I did.

“that’s not necessary.” Li Jiahong quickly nodded and touched Li Youning’s head. \"It's too croded here. e have to learn to be humble and give these uncles and aunts space to dance.\"

“Ah, that’s right, you must be humble.” Li Yuning nodded in understanding, obediently snuggled into Li Jiahong’s arms, and continued to listen carefully to the first major song of this musical feast.

buzz -

Suddenly, a strange bass sound from an unknon instrument entered this perfect performance, and people all over the orld, rapt by the magical sound, froze in place as if their nerves had been severed. Kinetic energy connections. the car sloly stopped there.

this sudden sound seemed to force its ay into the orld, like a rude visitor, ruining hat should have been a perfect prelude to a concert. It made heimofen, the organizer of the concert, very angry, and it made the people ho ere crazy about this concert very angry. those ho did not lose their minds ere full of anger during the concert music.

Almost at the same time as the strange sound broke into the melody, increasingly intense spatial distortions appeared all over the orld. countless distorted cracks bloomed. these distorted spaces disintegrated the colors of the orld into irregular colors and hues. that shape, the musical note, from another dimension came from behind these mysteriously tisted spaces. It seemed like the ork of an arrogant musical genius. hearing heimorphen's poor imitation, the genie let out a merciless laugh, and he himself raised a delicate instrument and began to counterattack heimorphen.

heimoren laughed angrily, laughed quietly, continued to play music, and the first major ork of the concert, ``magic Sound'', sounded like a arrior's roar, shocking the hidden people. the master musician of the dream palace behind the distorted space issues a challenge.

“dad, this line-like thing is very annoying. It’s the same as the picture xiao ming dre in our class. xiao ming didn’t kno hat he anted to dra, so he rote it randomly. that as also dran.'' by Random xiaomin. the things you casually baked are really ugly and annoying. ” Li Yuning covered her ears and jumped onto Li Jiahong’s lap. he stomped his foot in anger and stared ith fiery eyes at the distorted vie of space in the sky.

Li Jiahong nodded in agreement, then stood up and said, \"It's really annoying, so let's go today.

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