

第12章 欺骗之网(1 / 2)
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等待揭开的秘密。 ult branch acted together.

So four hours later, Yu Lianyun sa his to teammates ith gloomy faces.

“ell, I can’t let you act alone for the time being yet,” Li Yingchi folded her arms, shook her head, and sighed. pared to more than a month ago, his appearance has changed somehat obviously, and there are some rinkles on the edges of his face. She's more mature, a little less agile and fairy-like, a little more mature and charming.

there ere also some changes in Li Jian. he as clean-shaven, put an unlit cigarette in his mouth, rubbed his shiny head, and said, ``You deserve to be on my tiger Group's covert exploration radar. You are such an inspirational person.'' \"said. Are there any unusual occurrences that cannot be discovered? ”

Yu Lianyun laughed several times. this as not of his on free ill. Unless too many mon animal carcasses are suddenly discovered, he ill secretly handle the blofish incident by himself. As it turned out, this mysterious poer had something to do ith it. boss Lin, unfortunately his plan failed.

\"Stop joking and tell me about your research.\" Seeing Yu Lianyun's puzzled expression, he Jiaan stopped joking.

Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had been granted amnesty, and reported the progress of the investigation to he Jian'an and Li Yingqi.

``Let's go see mr. Li.'' he Jia'an did not express his opinion after hearing this. Instead, he removed the cigarette from his mouth and put it back in the cigarette case in his pocket. he pocketed it and led the to female team members to the inpatient ing.

hen they arrived at the ard here Li Jiahong and his ife ere, Aunt Jiang as already asleep. Li Jiahong sa several men dressed in black knocking on the door and ent inside. he seemed to understand at once the purpose of their visit. he looked apologetic and remained silent. he gestured for everyone to e outside and talk.

Li Jian'an smiled and nodded, but gestured for her to ait a moment.

he led Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi to the balcony of this ard, and Li Jiahong folloed him suspiciously.

Upon arriving at the balcony, everyone immediately noticed that there ere holes and cracks in the balcony all. the fact that it as also the footprint of a female monster bird means that a female monster bird has appeared in this ard.

“No onder he as so scary.” Seeing this, Li Jiahong looked heavy and felt deeply guilty.

Yu Lianyun looked surprised and said, \"I onder hy this strange bird didn't harm anyone except me, mr. Li, and the monster sent by Fu Gu.\"

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