

第11章 被遗忘者的低语(1 / 2)
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霍桑教授的眼睛里闪烁着几十年研究积累的智慧,他向布莱克伍德博士点零头。ans? he as also tricked into entering by one of them, and the chain around ei Jiang's aist as here to handcuff him. It as there.

he approached the young man ith a arm smile and sat don, staring into his steaming cup of tea. I didn't dare to lift or move the cup because I alays felt that it contained ingredients that ould make me sleepy.

Ling Ling smiled and said, \"Sir, you must be the person ho as municating ith me on the Internet the other day and is looking for the missing child.\"

Ling Ling's ords sloly calmed Li Jiahong's confused thoughts. As soon as the child as mentioned, Li Jiahong's thoughts ent back to square one.

Li Jiahong: \"...Yeah, I didn't expect you to be so young.\"

Linlin said ith a smile, ``I'm not young anymore. I just look younger.''

Li Jiahong apologized and said, ``I said you asked me to e, but I don't kno ho you can help me.''

\"First, please tell me your story,\" Linlin said leisurely. he also poured himself a cup of tea, breathed gently into the hot tea, and drank it sloly.

Li Jiahong pursed his dry lips and secretly paid attention to the movement of Ling Ling’s throat as she salloed. After confirming that Lingling had salloed the tea, her tense shoulders sloly relaxed, and she reluctantly picked up the teacup in front of her and tasted it. A small drop of tea.

this is biluochun, the tea is very fragrant, and the soup has just the right moist texture.

\"delicious tea, delicious taste.\" Li Jiahong couldn't help but praise. hen he sa Ling Ling's slightly playful smile, he couldn't help but blush. Knoing that my little thoughts just no couldn't escape Lingling's eyes, from no on, I have a slightly different perspective on Lingling. .

At least the young man in front of me is not as simple as he seems.

Li Jiahong groaned, thought for a hile, and then sloly told Lingling hat he had experienced.

hat he said as a little long, but not messy. ms. Ling Ling as not in a hurry at all and listened carefully to hat happened to Li Jiahong.

“…that’s hat it as.” After Li Jiahong finished speaking, his mouth as a little dry. he noticed that Ling Ling had given him another cup of tea, so he quickly took another drink and drank it all in one go.

Linlin nodded ith intrigued eyes. he sat on the chair and thought for a hile, then got up and alked straight to the shelf facing Li Jiahong's back. he pulled out a piece of hite tape from the second shelf from the bottom. black feather edges.

\"take this.\" Linlin didn't prepare a container to store the pen and handed it directly to the other person.

Li Jiahong as confused and picked up the pen, asking, \"hat is this?\"

\"It's like a bird's feather, you give it to your ife,\" Linlin explains ho to use the pen.

\"Is it for my ife?\" Li Jiahong as confused, \"Is this directly related to finding my child?\"

he as prepared to listen to the nonsense of his young \"false master,\" and had considered hat the other might do, but he did not expect that the other ould do nothing. Instead, he goes further and “sells the product” to the nitty gritty.

\"Yes,\" Ling Ling said ith a laugh, \"have you ever thought about the possibility of him ing back to your ife?\"

pS: I just donloaded this chapter and my netork ent don. I pasted it tice in the middle of pasting, but I undone it.

29 races ere named after ancient peoples

Ling Ling’s ords directly caused Li Jiahong’s heartbeat. After hitting rock bottom for a long time, his heart as half cold. he blinked, and I could see the traces of rinkles in his dull eyes. the man's voice became hoarse as he said: \"he said...he could still do it.\" Go back? \"

\"that's possible,\" Linlin replied more formally.

``he ill definitely e back.'' hen Li Jiahong's emotions rose and fell, ei Jiang's voice suddenly appeared from behind Li Jiahong.

Li Jiahong as startled, suddenly turned around and noticed that at some point a big red man had moved behind him.

Ever since he noticed something strange about this store, he had been very ary. Even during his serious exchanges ith Linlin, he never let the audience relax. As long as he heard the sound of strange feet approaching, he ould react immediately. but no his plan seems to have failed?

bad! this guy has no legs at all!

Li Jiahong began to break out in a cold seat. he did not understand hy ei Jiang's feet ere silent, but it as this misunderstanding that caused panic that made people think deeply. his mind began to remember his previous interaction ith ei Jiang. It as at this time that he gradually realized that hen ei Jiang took the lead earlier, his feet didn't seem to touch the ground.

he didn't kno if it as because his brain as feeding back false memories due to panic, or if it really as. No he thought of running aay immediately.

hoever, considering hat ei Jiang just said and the other party's serious expression at that moment, he had to remain embarrassed and at least listen to the other party's anser.

``didn't I tell you about a normal creature called a pufferfish before?'' mr. ei Jiang said calmly, ith a plicated recollection, ``pufferfish are shy and crazy fact, it is they ho bee small. It's not my preference, but there's a reason to do it. It is said that the pufferfish had an infinite life during their development.'' God opens indos for you and closes doors for you. this race then loses its ability to reproduce itself and its ability to heal itself.

this situation has given rise to creatures like pufferfish, hich have physical abilities that far exceed those of humans, yet still value life. In order to fight for the resources of the universe and allo their race to function normally, they use rituals believed to be called mystical sacrifices to instigate other races in the universe hose civilizations are still eak. I've been groing my nails. . contacting them is the Signal matrix, and the copperpot ceremony makes an \"equivalent exchange\" ith other races in the universe ho are not actually equal.

they give the person ho performs the ritual hat they ant and take aay hat they ant - the child. For them, the best age for adoption among humans seems to be three-year-olds… …they ill train alien children to be spokespeople, ar machines, and orking machines. ”

hearing ei Jiangkou's terrible explanation, Li Jiahong didn't kno for a moment hether he as crazy or hether the man ho spoke so eloquently in front of him as crazy, but the other party's oath made up for it. It didn't seem like it. , it made me think. If this is true, his child's environment is orse than he imagined, and I fear it ill get even orse.

“ho do you kno this?” Li Jiahong felt that his brain as confused and his breathing as not smooth.

ei Jiang said quietly, ``I once municated ith someone ho fled from Fuya.''

“here is he!?” Li Jiahong held the pen tightly and stood up excitedly to ask.

ei Jiang said ith a disappointed look on his face, ``Unfortunately, the last time I had contact ith him as shortly after his death, so no he should be buried in peace.''

ei Jiang kept his gaze serious as he spoke and said: Everyone, including the person I mentioned earlier, enjoyed freedom for only a short period of time, and ultimately could not escape death.

If they realize that someone else itnessed their presence during the ceremony your ife attended and is still alive, they ill definitely e again. ”

Ling Ling listened to ei Jiang's extra knoledge ith interest, and hen she sa Li Jiahong's confusion, she laughed, \"You're right, mr. Li.\"

Li Jiahong looked at the pen in his hand, then looked at Lingling and eijiang. he held a pen and asked Ling Ling, \"hat is the role of this pen? Is it a talisman?\"

“he is truly a talisman,” Linlin said ith a nod and a smile. \"but remember, feathers have life. If you find a second feather, you must return it. Remember, the third pen found All the feathers ere there before he as killed.''

“hasn’t the date been decided yet?”

\"Yes, the usage period varies from person to person.\" Linlin said ith a pained expression.

Seeing Ling Ling’s sad expression, Li Jiahong’s eyelids titched slightly and asked again. \"hat happens if the feathers don't return in time?\"

“my ife and child are separated,” Ling Ling said ord for ord.

Ling Ling’s final arning echoed in Li Jiahong’s ears. After paying the deposit for borroing a pen, he got ready to leave ith a depressed look on his face.

\"mr. Li.\" before Li Jiahong left, ei Jiang stopped him again and handed him a business card ith a red devil's face. ei Jiang said, \"I left an address and a series of numbers. this person is dead, but this is here he used to live. maybe e can find some clues.\" ..If you still ant to kno about pufferfish, you can ask.'' ``I am the oner of this number. If you ask me ho you are, please tell me the name of the store and I ill understand.''

Li Jiahong took the business card and felt an unusual coldness hen he touched ei Jiang's fingertips. he trembled all over. Seeing some orry in ei Jiang's eyes, his mind suddenly became clear and said, \"thank you, mr. ei.\" ”

thinking about all the doubts and doubts he had about ei Jiang, he felt a little guilty and guilty.

ei Jiang smiled and shook his head, atched the guest cut, shook his head slightly, clenched his fist and said, \"please e again next time.\"

After ei Jiang looked at the guests, he turned aay and solemnly apologized to Ling Ling. ``I'm sorry, boss, I did something unnecessary.''

\"oh, hy are you apologizing?\" Linlin, ho had just taken out a pack of pork from the refrigerator, as surprised hen she heard this, and said suspiciously, \"You did a great job. No that you're clean, you're free.\" Asked.

“Um, I mean, I interrupted a fe ords hile you ere chatting ith the guests.” ei Jiang innocently scratched his head.

Ling Ling suddenly realized this, pressed the rinkles on her forehead, and said ith a smile, ``In this case, you don't have to orry. It's part of my job to ele guests, and that's exactly hat I ant to say.'' e ant to kno, and part of that is ansering questions. ” this is our store business range. ”

ei Jiang still felt that something as rong, and said seriously: \"It may be fine ith you, but I still feel that something is rong. I ill do my best to protect myself in the future... After all, I am not.\" he's no a mysterious detective or something. Sometimes things can't be done the ay they used to. '' he said ith deep emotion as he touched his empty stomach.

Ling Ling looked at ei Jiang's expression ith admiration, as if recognizing the other's emotional expression at this moment.

then ei Jiang looked a little confused and said, ``So, boss, a fe days after I started orking, I casually handed over my business 's an obligation ritten in the this okay? Is it a little different?” rong? \"

“this is all your personal choice, and I have no intention of stopping it.” Ling Ling smiled and inked at ei Jiang mysteriously. people deserve your business card. ”

In response, ei Jiang's eyes lit up slightly, and a red light flickered inside the child. these eyes alloed him to clearly see the merits and sins of life.

thirty ives

Li Jiahong returned to the bustling city street ith his business card in hand. It is only hen he accidentally bumps into the restaurant's sign that he realizes that he has safely left the restaurant and entered the strange forest. As he apologized to the restaurant oner, he realized that alking under the scorching sun as not just a seasonal thing.

It still felt a little surreal, but the business card in his hand as a constant reminder that hat he had been through as real.

``here is my child no?'' Li Jiahong greeted and boarded the bus back to her hometon. he looked out the indo at the deep blue sky, but the orld still felt dark and gloomy.

the story he heard at the store as too strange and unusual. Knoing that his ife, ho as still recovering in the hospital, might be in danger, he traveled to four cities in one night and finally returned to her just before midnight. around it.

Li Jiahong didn't even have time to put his things at home, so he came to the hospital to visit his ife.

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