

第10章 艾尔德里奇统治区(1 / 2)
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埃尔德里奇自治领是一片广阔的土地,永远笼罩在扭曲感知的怪异迷雾郑这是一个梦想和现实之间界限模糊的地方,居住在其中的精灵力量对所有冒险在这里的人施加超自然的影响。 eeded in invading this orld, the great being and immortal god they believed in suddenly exhibited an inprehensible abnormality. the large, regularly coiled floer suddenly trembled, and the strange tremor quickly spread from the floer's core to all the living vines in the area.

the living higanbana suddenly receives mysterious damage from the three-handed ice giant. the three-armed ice giant did not kno here the attack came from or hy it as so poerful. the injured living floers suffered a lot, and lost sight of their surroundings due to their instinctive resistance and survival consciousness. In a matter of moments, he transferred his folloers - those ho transferred their conscious souls and changed human bodies. the three-handed ice giant ate them hole and used them as nourishment to heal his ounds.

At this very moment, the Flesh and blood Floer released a miraculous poer parable to the poer of a god, and removed the terrifying green flame encroachment, devouring all life around it. hoever, he did not realize that even he himself had some things that he could not eat freely. It as like a blessing enshrined in Yu Lianyun's body.

hen the Floer of Flesh and blood devours all life, it not only absorbs all life's vitality, but also digests all life's memories and souls for its on use. In the process, he realized that one of the people he had devoured in his memories had an inprehensible danger.

they can't understand human emotions, and of course they can't understand human fear, hatred, or anger.

ith a long life ahead of him and infinite time, thoughts, feelings, knoledge, and even life and death are meaningless to him. desire is the driving force behind his life. therefore, even though he had previously received their blessings and as in the shelter, hen the to incarnations confronted him head-on, he did not take the to blessed incarnations seriously.

to him, it is at best a collection of negative emotions caused by unknon forces. Although it is ferocious and brutal, it cannot cause any real harm or damage its roots.

but no he finally realizes that he made a mistake and that he really met a \"ghost\"!

there is actually a memory called bliss that exists in the heart of the person named Yu Lianyun. on the surface, happiness is a mixture of human malice and negative emotions. It is something beteen an alien animal and an inanimate object, but it is only hen you experience the poer of people's blessings that you realize that the blessings are actually derived from the most primitive emotion called fear, one You. I understand.

can God be feared?

hen God begins to bleed, you ill naturally understand this simplest emotion.

Just no, the living floer, the incarnation of the god orshiped by the three ice giants on the ground, digested Yu Lianyun's memory recorded in the blessing videotape, and as deeply affected by the blessing in the video. contaminated.

Just as the floer of flesh and blood gives blessings to humans, so too does the floer of flesh and blood give blessings.

the poer of blessing entined him, and an endless curse dragged him into the purgatory of evil on the seventh day of Earth's time, threatening to return his heart and soul to the depths of despair.

because living floers are ``gods,'' they have sharper ``perceptions'' than humans. hen he sa a oman dressed in hite in a video recording the countdon to his life, he really had a premonition of his on death.

cry! ! !

At that moment, bana no hana's body fell into madness and despair. An almost substantial black, evil gas enveloped his incarnation, taking root in the essence of his being like a plague.

``Are the gods mad too?'' A middle-aged man in a black vest and hite shirt stares at a terrifying magical floer that reaks havoc on Earth, relayed from a mysterious group's helicopter, and shos indiscriminate emotions. Released. his mental state as hysterical, like that of a patient ho learns he has an incurable disease.

So-called alien gods, of course, refer to poerful beings ho believe in normal life, hich is short for normal gods.

At this time, the elegant man ho as the leader behind the scenes of the mysterious group and respected as a leader by all the mysterious detectives, seemed surprisingly dull, because at this time he felt human emotions for the first time. supernatural god. From his past experiences, he only felt that ordinary animals lacked human emotions. they ere cosmic, indifferent and dangerous. but no he understood that they ere not pletely emotionless and that people ere too small to reach them. the more my mood goes up and don.

``So...you guys are crazy too!'' the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and leaned angrily against the arm of the sofa. hat caught his eye as the destroyed scene of the secret team's headquarters and the scene of all the mysterious detectives ho had lost their precious lives. corpse, he cursed, getting excited ith his sarcasm.

From that moment on, the leader of the mysterious team makes everyone kno that these terrifying foreign gods are not invincible and that these gods are not perfect, ho can easily trample people under their feet like ants. I decided that I anted to. they also had human emotions.

Look, the gods are afraid!

hen God predicts his on death and considers that ``even death itself ill disappear into eternity,'' to hom is death meaningless?

the Flesh and blood Floer reaked havoc on the Earth all night long, but at dan, as the sky brightened and the blood moon shone, the Flesh and blood Floer stopped moving. he seemed as depressed as a child ho had accepted the cruel fact that ``Ultraman does not exist in this orld.''

big magical floers flashed everyhere and then suddenly disappeared. the corpse of a oman earing a red edding dress fell from a height of more than 50 meters. the bodies disappeared into starry dust in the air, leaving only one thing behind. the red edding dress sayed and finally covered Yu Liangyun’s naked body.

Next to Yu Lianyun, dozens of naked men and omen lay peacefully sleeping on the ground more than 30 feet from the horizon. the members of the secret team hurried back to the headquarters to begin search and rescue operations, and ere shocked by hat they sa.

26 men are orried

“Last night, a magnitude 6 earthquake occurred in tianfu city. this earthquake caused a large-scale collapse in Shunshu Forest. Experts suspect that there is an unknon hole area under Shunshu Forest. to prevent possible aftershocks and the risk of an earthquake, ``Since another collapse occurred, they have no issued a arning around the Shushima Forest and prohibited people from freely entering and exiting the forest.'' …” Yu Lianyun’s eyes ere blank, staring at the tV nes ith a slightly deranged expression.

on the hospital beds to his left and right, Li Yingqi and he Jian'an ere lying ith the same expressions on their faces.

the three lost eyes sloly converged until three nurses entered the room pushing a trolley loaded ith pill bottles and syringes.

``Are all three of you feeling better?'' three fit nurses came in, folloed by an older nurse ith a fat face. he smiled at the three of them. the person asked.

Li Jian'an touched her nose and tested the sunlight shining through the indo ith her hand. At that moment, he felt the armth of the sun, but still felt a little cold. he replied, \"It's like a dream...\"

As he spoke, countless memories of life and death flashed through he Jian's mind, as ell as this frightening experience, hich as the most impressive. he rubbed his forehead in pain.

``I'm sorry, did I hurt you?'' hen the nurse ho as examining he Jia'an's skin sa his troubled expression, she immediately apologized politely.

“No, it has nothing to do ith you.” Li Jian realized that her appearance as misunderstood by the little nurse, and said ith a stiff smile on her pale face, “I’m just a little dizzy. , I said, ``As long as you're asleep, you'll be fine, you'll be fine.''

of course, Li Jian'an kne that she couldn't sleep at all no. As soon as I close my eyes, a shocking and tragic scene flashes into my memory.

on the other hand, Li Yingqi ansered a little bluntly. \"No problem…\"

he as deeply traumatized. itnessing ei Jiang's tragic death as destined to bee an unbearable problem for him. It doesn't matter if ingesting the death Return Seed shortens your lifespan or accelerates aging.

the head nurse nodded and ansered, then turned her gaze to Yu Lianyun.

Yu Lianyun's breathing as not calm, and the electrocardiogram on his side pletely shoed his restless heart. the little nurse raised her left hand to insert the needle, but she stayed put and unconsciously grabbed the little nurse's forearm.

“Ah!” the innocent little nurse screamed in pain, and the confused Yu Lianyun as brought back to reality. he immediately apologized to the little nurse. \"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I...\"

the head nurse looked at the three's performance and secretly nodded, hiding her anxiety in her eyes.

they ere found naked in the hole at the time and taken back to another medical base of the xuanmei Group for emergency treatment and examination. he found that those ho faced the incarnation of an alien god on Earth had essentially no physical problems. there ere no abnormalities, but all of them, ithout exception, had deep psychological shados.

Emotional trauma is often the most difficult to heal.

In the eyes of the head nurse of the occult team's medical office, the people ho could bee occult detectives ere originally those ho had the strongest ability to ithstand mental stress and psychological counseling, and no they can't even do that. After enduring the truth, you can imagine ho aful this experience as. I onder ho long it ill take for these precious and honorable people to e out of their inner fog.

hoever, in reality, among the three people in the ard, excluding he Jian'an and Li Yingqi, Yu Lianyun as not mentally affected by the so-called abnormal situation.

Yu Lianyun's confusion as simply due to sloness of mind and slo reaction, and he as surprised by the soul of a man ho suddenly appeared in front of him just no.

At this moment, no one could see the figure that suddenly appeared in the room, but it as the most familiar member of the tiger group, the recently deceased ei Jiang.

he died \"hemiplegic and uneasy looking\" and no he has returned looking like this. ho can Yu Lianyun not be afraid and not overreact?

ei Jiang also seemed a little confused. he didn't kno hy he shoed up here. he vaguely remembered that he had died, but then his eyes lit up and the next thing he kne, he as here.

but one thing he can say clearly no is that there is no so-called underorld in this orld, so after death people can bee like him, being souls ith no destination, and perhaps even after death there is no existence. I discovered that it doesn't.

Soon, ei Jiang realized that no one in the ard could see him, except for Yu Lianyun. the other person didn't have the courage to look at her even if she anted to, so she continued to avoid his eyes. It as difficult not to attract his attention.

“xiaoyu, can you see me?” ei Jiang asked hesitantly.

hearing the question, Yu Lianyun immediately looked at it and nodded secretly ith a orried expression. he seemed orried about something.

ei Jiang's face suddenly brightened, and he anted to pull forard and drag his loer body.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun panicked and suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped, shouting, \"No!\"

Everyone in the ard as startled by Yu Lianyun’s scream. Everyone looked at him in surprise. the young nurse, ho as unable to give Yu Lianyun the injection because he moved too much, felt pain at this moment. , I said, ``I haven't opened the hole yet. can you... have some faith in me?''

hen Yu Lianyun heard the little nurse's angry ords, she as so sad that she couldn't say anything. All he could say as: \"Sorry, I'm just... a little nervous. I'm really scared of needles, you kno.\"

“You remember graduating from medical school, right?” the head nurse looked at Yu Lianyun curiously.

Yu Lianyun’s face turned red, and she felt embarrassed and depressed.

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