

第9章 遗产揭秘(1 / 2)
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在R'lyeha内发现的海底结构和物种成为深入分析的主题,学者和哲学家仔细研究了它们隐藏的符号和意义。et it, it's not anonymous information.\"

Nanako as surprised at first, but soon her expression turned sad.

It seems that speaking has bee a very difficult task for him.

better not to do such a thankless thing.

he seems to be thinking too, and it es through in his ords.

\"In short, a group of desperate people.\"

Nanako didn't smile, and her voice as very cold.

hoever, the hatred and contempt in his eyes never disappeared.

For Kuro, it as unknon.

because in Kuro's understanding, Noyako is not \"god.\"

She is only a oman and an incredibly eak person.

hy ould such a person not respect a mythical creature and hy ould he be able to manifest such a vision?

It as something Kuro couldn't understand.

Again, this action planted a seed of doubt in the Klan's mind.

doubt the other person's credibility.

I doubt ho I as yesterday.

but there is no ay to explain this question.


to distract him from his thoughts, Kuro continued to question him.

\"Yes, that's anger. You're so simple, aren't you?\"

he didn't seem confident enough to continue the conversation, thinking in his heart that there as no need to explain things like that.

but Kuro decided to anser him, as he kne he didn't understand.

\"For praying to an evil god shos despair.\"

\"Everything seems to be there.\"

\"It doesn't matter if you're a human or a monster.\"

\"the good nes about the evil god is not something they can accept, because the evil god is equal to eternal life, and its magic poer ill destroy the orld and make it a orld ith different las.

\"So they can do anything in front of others, and they are educated and poerful.\"

\"but all this is achieved through fundamental contradictions and distortions. Is this good nes for organisms still in a \"normal\" state?\"

Elle continued to speak as if she could feel her heart.

he as right.

Kuro once had this idea.

hoever, that thought disappeared like a cloud in the next moment.

(If Elle had to go through this, hat ould she be like no?)

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