

第11章 被遗忘者的低语(2 / 2)
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hen Li Jiahong arrived at the bed ith the name \"Egu\" ritten next to the bed number, he gasped hen he sa his ife still sitting on the bed looking at a photo album.

Seeing her husband suddenly return ith a tired and longing look on his face, Jiang Gu as a little surprised, \"hy did you e at this time? hen did you e back?\"

No, every time Aunt Jiang looks at the old man's eathered and ithered face, she can't help but feel sad. her husband as once a young, promising and handsome man, but no he has bee like this because of her. Li Jiahong alays said that he didn't care, but he couldn't help but feel it and as often ashamed of it.

She raised her eak hand to touch her husband's cheek. Li Jiahong lovingly held her hand and alloed her to touch her face.

\"I just came back. I as a little orried, so I came to see you right aay.\" Li Jiahong's voice as soft, and he gently stroked Gu Jiang's forehead.

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt my ife's hand get a little stiff and I stopped.

Seeing Jiang Gu's expression rong, he quickly asked again, \"has nothing happened recently since I left?\"

he grabbed Aunt Jiang's cheeks, made her look at him, and said seriously, \"No matter hat happens this time, e have to deal ith it together, right? I said I ould protect you, and I lost my chance. could you please give me another chance?\"

Aunt Jiang looked into Li Jiahong’s eyes, as loving and resolute as ever. She fell in love ith her husband at that time because he alays kept his vos.

\"don't orry, I already kno a lot about this, there's no need to lie.\" Li Jiahong sa Jiang Jiu hesitate and added quietly. \"So you don't have to orry about me in this muddy ater. I'm already in the muddy ater, so hat the oute.\"

``hy are you so stupid?'' hen Aunt Jiang heard this, her eyes suddenly clouded ith tears and she couldn't stop crying. the couple hugged each other, but they ere so restrained that Aunt Jiang didn't cry. \"hy are you so stupid?\"

``otherise, hy are e a couple?'' Li Jiahong smiled and gently rubbed his ife's slender back.

Jiang Gu didn't anser, just cried a fe times, then stood up and quietly told her husband hat had happened since Li Jiahong left.

Jiang Gu, ho had been in a a for 15 years, suffered from the torture of evil spirits hile dreaming day and night, repeating the entire process of stealing a child and falling from a high-rise building in his memory.

In this memory, he ould still see the image of an eight-foot-tall man dressed in black robes. beneath his flat gray-black hat, he had red eyes that looked like the fires of hell, staring at him and the mass of bodies. It as surrounded by distorted and deformed people. Under the shado of the brim of my hat, I could vaguely see the movements of lips that spoke a language I had never heard before, mixed ith human impossibility. A rhythm of syllables is created.

In this language, only the frequently pronounced \"haog\" made a deep impression on him. these to sounds immediately brought back memories from my excruciating college days. I also realized that the group of people in front of me ere monsters crafting evil. the tisted space-time tunnel is a group of creditors ing to collect debts.

they violently abducted the child and attempted to kill him ith the sharpest stick-like eapon ever seen. hile evading an assassination, he accidentally falls from a high-rise building and sustains a near-fatal injury.

perhaps due to the tisted leadership of the group, the man in the boler hat felt that falling from such a height ould surely kill him. he atched from the edge of the roof as he fell into despair and took her ith him. the child and the group of strange creatures disappeared ithout a trace in an instant.

but hat no one expected as that he not only survived his fall over the course of a dozen fanfictions, but also got back up 15 years later.

hat no one expected as that he actually sa the face hidden under the hat at the moment of his fall, and the impression of that face became even more profound in his repeated dreams. . And it as clear, every detail of his face as like the most original tattoo, carved deep ithin his soul.

hat does this lover look like? e don't need blessings of hatred or sadness. Anyone ould be horrified just by looking at him and ould eep and plain about God and the creator. hy did he make such an ugly face?

At first glance, it looks like the face of a rat ith cold eyes, but if you look closely, you ill see that all facial hair is not hair, but living biological channels such as capillaries exposed on the surface of the body. . , fooled by vision, he formed the illusion that it as a pile of hair. the body fluids floing inside ere floing through each plex \"capillary.\" there as no mouse in his mouth, but there as an auxiliary opening that could be opened and closed, and it as deeply buried in blood. the tip of its tongue inside its mouth is a sharp black barb, leading people to speculate that it feeds like a bloodless mosquito and has a tongue that can be thron like a chameleon. ..

this is not a human and cannot be a species on Earth.

trapped by the evil spirit of periodic dreams, Jiang Gu feels very sorry that he as ignorant and frivolous, and regrets that he did not respect the orld, and even feels that he should not participate in this ritual ithout them. I'm disappointed that it asn't. Escape for temporary reasons. obsession

After being released from the vegetative state, Jiang Gu as unable to sleep peacefully for several nights each day. At first it as because she had a feeling of guilt in her heart, but after her husband left, she began to notice strange things happening out of nohere. the eyes that had e ere staring at him, and he felt that they must have been those bright red eyes.

he realized his failure and returned. And no it's time to eliminate his mistakes, and this time he ill never fail again.

From the day he first felt vision, he had alays been extremely sensitive to red. I ould cry like crazy hen I sa the red floers that the patient's family brought to the bed next to me, and I ould be horrified hen I sa the droplets of blood left by the needles and the pain of the sutures. that's hat it means.

Every night he doesn't have the courage to turn off the light and go to sleep. If the hospital had no choice but to force him to do so, he ould cover himself in bed. Even if he had suffocated, he ould not have exhaled before dan because he as in a hospital bed. Near him, medical equipment monitoring his vital signs flashed red arning lights in the darkness.

therefore, she could only look at the photo album before going to bed, find the courage and strength to survive the happy time ith her family, and ait for her husband to return soon.

Fortunately, that night, her husband suddenly returned. her sight eased the tension of the past fe days, and he felt the long-lost armth and calm in her seaty arms.

``please accept this. this is the amulet I asked you to keep. please keep it safe.'' Li Jiahong as silent for a hile hen he heard hat happened to his ife. he felt pain and fear. Fortunately, he returned in time. he reached into his bag. Inside, hite feathers ith black edges ere removed through the slits. It as nearly 30 cm long. It had soft capillaries and strong silk feathers. he didn't kno hat kind of bird it came from.

``hat kind of feathers does this bird have?'' Jiang Gu as surprised and picked up the pen. this is the first time I've heard of such a simple amulet.

the moment she got the pen, Aunt Jean felt that it had magical poers and anted to hold it tightly in her hand. he couldn't stop it.

Li Jiahong laughed a fe times and said he didn’t kno. he hoped in his heart that this pen ould have the miraculous effect of protecting his master, just as boss Lin had said.

31 birds chirping

Li Jiahong had a strange dream last night. he sa a bird he had never seen before in his dream. I couldn't see the bird clearly, maybe because it as a little far aay, or maybe my dream as still a reality. this bird has a distinctive appearance, but hat is certain is that this bird appears to have a human-like torso and a very long face.

Although he seems a little cautious, Li Jiahong has an indescribable sense of trust in him and alays feels that he ill never hurt him.

Just as he as about to stretch out his arms and embrace the nameless bird, he suddenly oke up.

“Is it already morning?” Li Jiahong got up from his ife’s bedside. the sunlight that hit my eyes stung a little. As I rubbed my eyes, the image of my ife sitting leaning against the head of the bed gradually became clearer.

\"You kno, it's very fortable to sleep like that. Really... you can push me together.\" Seeing her husband rubbing his loer back ith a pained expression on his face, chiyatani couldn't help but smile. Floated. Looks angry.

Li Jiahong stood up, stretched his muscles, and said ith a smile: \"It's not because I didn't shoer last night. It's because I as orried that my dirty smell ould taint you too.\"

“e are an old couple. hen did I stop loving you?” Jiang Gu looked up slightly.

Li Jiahong couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing Jiang Gu's girlish appearance at that time, he couldn't help but think back to hen he and his ife ere young and dating. Even if the appearance of the other person has changed, people are still excited.

Li Jiahong stroked Jiang Gu's face, \"You look better today.\"

\"ell, maybe it's because the charm orked and you ere by my side. I slept ell last night, so I feel better than before.\" Aunt Jiang took the initiative to hold Li Jiahong's hand and hold the other person's hand. he gently pressed his face into his chapped palm. caress

hen she felt tender, Aunt Jiang heard the sound of her husband's stomach groling ith hunger. he immediately laughed out loud, then turned around and tried to get out of bed, \"You must be hungry, I'll go get you some food.\"

\"ait, I'm not ready yet, so please lie don first. It's okay.\" Seeing this, Li Jiahong as orried that she might accidentally fall, so she stopped her ife ho as about to get up from the bed. I supported her right aay.

hearing her husband's ords, Jiang Gu as stunned for a moment, and her expression froze for a moment. After that, she obediently lay don on the bed and looked at her husband tenderly. \"Yes, I'm in too much of a hurry right no, and I'm alays thinking about the past.\"

``please ait until I e back.'' Li Jiahong rapped a blanket over Jiang Gu, stroked his ife's hair, and left the hospital room in a fe steps.

hen he came don, Li Jiahong's eyes lit up and he muttered to himself. \"maybe this feather amulet ill be really useful...\"

Li Jiahong bought breakfast in the ard and ate it ith his ife, then rented the ard's bathroom and took a bath. After Jiang Gu's parents came ith him, he dared to leave ith peace of mind. before leaving, he did not forget to tell his ife, ``I on't be leaving Shenzhou for a parents are elderly, and it's tiring to be ith them at night, so I'll e stay ith them every night.''

Under the passive and sensitive gaze of his ife, Li Jiahong left the ard. hen I got off the elevator and as about to leave the inpatient department, the elevator stopped on the third floor and a mother and child got on board. .

the oman held her child tightly. he looked normal, but didn't dare make eye contact ith the people in the elevator and as doing his best to avoid them. there as still a lingering streak in his eye.

“xiao Nan, ait!” Just before the elevator door closed, a young man dragged her luggage and ran after her. he also had a bag of baby supplies in his hand. he gets into the elevator, gasping for breath and saying to the helpless oman: \"this is sudden for you. the doctor said it is best for mr. xiaobao to stay in the hospital for one day for observation.\"

hen the oman heard this, she suddenly said in shock and anger: \"Are you going to stay at the hospital? I don't plan on staying here all day!\"

Seeing his ife's excited expression, the man raised his hand in surrender and apologized to Li Jiahong in the elevator. Li Jiahong replied ith an understanding smile.

the man loered his voice and said, \"It's just a nightmare. can't xiao bao stay by your side?\"

``It's not a dream!'' the oman knon as xiaonan probably kne that it as a bad idea to speak out loud in public. After shouting, he immediately gritted his teeth and hispered: \"You don't kno ho scared I as last night, xiaobao. he suddenly disappeared for half an hour, and I as looking everyhere...\"

As he spoke, the oman began to cry silently, and the child in her arms laughed ignorantly and played ith his mother's hair.

the man sighed and hugged his ife and child.

Li Jiahong looked at all this ith some kind of emotion in his heart.

\"I don't ant to hear the birds chirping anymore, it's too scary...\" the oman plained, gradually calming don in her husband's arms.

maybe he as too sensitive, but hen Li Jiahong heard the \"bird cry\", he as momentarily surprised and raised his voice: \"bird cry, hat kind of bird cry is it?\"

hearing Li Jiahong's confused voice, the oman turned around and shoed a slightly puzzled expression. \"don't orry, brother. maybe you ere too nervous at the time and misheard.\"

the man explained, ``my ife said it sounded like the oman as imitating the sound of a strange bird. She as singing, ``Guo guo guo.'' It sounded strange...''

Li Jiahong came out of the hospital and looked around the hospital all in the inpatient department, feeling breathless and having difficulty calming don.

he still felt that the tallest tree in front of the inpatient department looked very similar to the one he had seen in his dream...

to further investigate the matter of Fugu and the missing child, Li Jiahong ent to the address given to him by ei Jiang. he anted to kno if the person ho as said to have escaped from a strange life like Fu Gu had left behind any useful clues.

If you can escape, there must be a ay back, right?

If the child as alive in the puffer fish's roost, I ould help him no matter hat.

If...if I die, I can just bring back someone else's child.

It can be said that Li Jiahong as already prepared for the orst hen he learned that the entity that took his child aay as not a human being, but a strange creature that he had never seen before.

the address mr. ei Jiang gave me as not in Shenzhou, but in the neighboring city of huigang. It as less than a to-hour drive from here he as no.

After arriving at his destination, Li Jiahong found himself in a village.

Apparently there is only one road in this village that goes up and don the mountain. the villagers built their houses on top of the mountain and on top of the mountain. Each home is very nicely decorated and feels like a private holiday home.

there are many people living here, some of hom are farmers, and the scenery is peaceful.

Li Jiahong intentionally ore neat and clean clothes today. After all, he might have to visit, so he had to dress appropriately. he folloed the house numbers and searched each house. Gradually, he realized that he seemed to have moved aay from the crod and entered a house on the pavement. the asphalt road goes into the forest.

he thought he as looking for a bad house, but he quickly looked up and noticed, not far aay among the lush trees, a dilapidated three-story flat.

Approaching a small dilapidated building that gave off an eerie atmosphere, Li Jiahong checked the house number and confirmed that this as the address ei Jiang had given him.

32 chances

After plucking up the courage to enter a house that appeared to have been unoccupied for a long time, Li Jiahong searched the cobebs and dust-covered space for useful clues.

the house as basically empty, ith only a fe large and damaged pieces of furniture remaining. therefore, it didn't take long for Li Jiahong to scavenge for furniture.

From the bedroom to the kitchen, Li Jiahong finally found hat appeared to be a utility room.

the utility room is not large, about 10 square meters, and has four shelves placed around the alls.

And here, Li Jiahong finally made a breakthrough in discovery.

perhaps due to damaged or expired adhesive, Li Jiahong noticed that the third layer of plyood on the shelf opposite the door had strange protrusions and a cavity in the middle. this plyood as actually made by gluing to thin ooden frames together.

After peeling off to layers of ood that could no longer be glued together, Li Jiahong found a yello letter inside.

the header read:

I don't kno ho is reading this letter. hen you see this letter, no matter ho you receive it, I just hope it's of interest. After reading this sentence, please do not continue reading. It is remended to burn the milk directly. Even if you are casually accused of selfishness, it is better than knoing the cruel truth and losing your confidence and courage to live.

If you're here to kno my secret, and perhaps you're obsessed ith these damn rats, then boldly read on. I hope hat I have recorded here ill help you find the anser you ant...

Li Jiahong continued reading. the first half of the book as about the author's life in a blofish hideout. those captured by pufferfish spent most of their time submerged in ``aquariums,'' leaving only those at the loest level in charge of managing those ho hibernated in ``aquariums.'' Even during hibernation, they lead a restless life. many people find that their organs and physiological structures undergo startling changes after they close or open their eyes. variety.

most children brought to the blofish's lair first undergo brain removal surgery related to emotional regulation, so children raised by the blofish rarely ake up like the author does. the author is no exception, but he is lucky. Also, one day, he suddenly regained his lost emotions due to a special occasion, gradually regained his sense of reason, and began to ant to escape from Fu Gu.

during a certain operation given to him by Fu Gu, he seized the opportunity to escape, left his hideout, ran aay from his rades at the time, and then remained on the ground.

At that time, he as just careless, and he no longer looks like an ordinary person. hen it suddenly invaded the donton area, it looked like a man-eating beast craling out of hell, and immediately attracted the attention of the locals. people are panicking and screaming.

At that moment, from the day he regained his memories, he finally understood that he as an outsider in both orlds, and that there as no place for him in the vast universe.

he accepts the eak but best cooperation of a human organization called a mysterious group, and struggles to survive in the human orld against the \"children\" sent by Fugu to deliver the final blo. I also had high hopes. orld. before his life ends, he must find his destination in life ith his parents. No matter hat, he should at least leave them a letter.

Unfortunately, he could not ait until then and his life sloly came to an end due to the loss of the drugs that kept his modified body active.

before he died, he rote a letter telling him ho to escape from the interdimensional knot and some secrets about the pufferfish. he hoped that unrelated people ho sa this letter ould keep it a secret until he as buried in the tomb. I hope it helps those in the same situation and ho can live a good life if they e back. If you are looking for the parents of a child abducted due to a disaster, e ill not support you in continuing the search for the child, but e hope that they ill find a ne half and live a normal life. life

After reading the letter, Li Jiahong fell into a long silence. In his tisted ords, I could feel the image of a child yearning to be loved and saved. Sometimes I felt it in the ords of the author's letters. he understood the distorted vies of others ho gre up ith an inhuman upbringing, but once he stepped into the role of another and thought that his on child could also be like the author, he understood the change very ell. he felt sorry for this strange child. I am sorry.

``the shado under Fu Gu's feet is connected to another orld.'' Li Jiahong kept this most important information in his heart, believing that it ould be useful someday.

Looking at the back of the letter, there ere some secrets about Fu Gu ritten don.

1. Fugu as not a Fugu from the beginning, but changed from a ne child.

2. pufferfish are very shy and afraid of getting hurt, hich is hy civilization is stagnant.

3. pufferfish only feel safe at night and only dare to act hen children are nearby.

4. this land as once the graveyard of ancient disasters, and perhaps other entrances may be found.

hen Li Jiahong sa these four sharp secrets summarized, her brain felt a huge amount of information and couldn't help but get excited.

“Actually, there are other passages in and out of Fu Gu’s hideout.” Li Jiahong clenched his fist and said, “If Fu Gu’s shado is really an interdimensional knot, then e ill definitely find Fu Gu’s body on the ground.” I sore it ould be.

he hurriedly received the letter, hurried out of the abandoned house in the forest, and hurried back to the hospital in his hometon of Shenzhou just before 8

hen he finally had a chance to be alone after returning to his ife and orking ith her parents, he couldn't ait to share hat he had found ith her. he held her hand tightly and said excitedly: \"e'll have sex right aay. No is your chance to get xiao qing back. Fifteen years of hard ork has paid off.\"

\"I'm very happy too.\" Aunt Jiang also cried as she told Li Jiahong the ne good nes.

She sloly got out of bed in front of her husband. Under Li Jiahong's orried and shocked gaze, Jiang Jiu, ho had been bedridden for many years and had almost lost all of his limbs, actually reluctantly stood up.

\"It on't be long until I can go...I can look for the child ith you.\" Aunt Jiang seemed to have done something big, and her face selled up. I blushed and smiled.

Li Jiahong immediately became excited and hugged his ife, her soft and delicate body gradually tightened, as if she felt a aakened vitality.

Everything is going in the right direction. ill his bad luck, hich has been dormant for 15 years, finally begin to reverse?

happy events happened one after another. Li Jiahong and his ife looked very happy. After settling don, they quickly felt tired and exhausted. they lie on the bed, hug each other and fall asleep.

that night as a rare sleep for Li Jiahong, but in his dream tonight, he dreamed of that strange hen again, and absurdly held the strange hen in his arms...

hen Li Jiahong oke up the next day, he sa his ife sleeping soundly in his arms. he looked at his cell phone on the bed and made a bold decision.

he clicked on his letter \"V\" and posted an appeal in the chat group.

me: I ould like to talk to you directly about children. If you have free time, please meet us at xincha Road Restaurant in Shenzhou at 3pm.

33 Lives (to in one)

``ell, it ould be perfect to put it next to the balcony. photosynthesis ill be active. oh, I almost forgot there's no sun here.'' Linlin placed a pot of bright red licorice on the balcony. ta. he looked at the sky outside the indo and felt angry. Ran brought the floer back to the table and said, \"Forget it, let's put it on the stand. It'll be pretty too.\"

Ling Ling teased the tigs and petals. the touch as as delicate as a girl's skin. the scent as dark and lingered on her fingers. this bright floer seemed to have a mind of its on. Faced ith the shopkeeper's frivolity, he became eak and scared. , don't dare to resist.

ei Jiang stood on the side, not daring to e forard, and secretly atched from a distance, staring at Ling Ling, the floer pot on the table.

“oh, don’t orry, he on’t bite anymore.” Ling Ling noticed ei Jiang’s frightened expression and immediately smiled and aved.

\"Yes.\" After hearing Lingling's ords, ei Jiang dared to approach sloly, but still kept a certain distance and did not try to touch like Lingling.

ei Jiang then looked to the other side of the hut and sa a huge black shado that looked like a lake, but the outline of a oman as vaguely visible. In his eyes, an unfathomable sin still remained as a dark shado. he as the only one ho carried that baggage, and it as concentrated ithin his body.

my partner suddenly appeared today. As soon as he appeared, he as carrying a pot of floers that ere harmless to humans and animals. Linlin, ho had just oken up, sa the floer pot in the other person's hand, and immediately started alking aay ith a smile on her face, as if she had just met someone. the delivery man ho delivered the package to my door said, ``thank you for your hard ork. I brought it here early in the morning.'' they seemed to kno each other ell.

After deciding here to place the floerpot, Linlin turned around and continued talking to the shado. ”

the black figure nodded and boed respectfully before spinning around and disappearing.

\"boss, um...let's call him someone, ho is this person?\" ei Jiang asked curiously.

“this is a product that our store has entered into the external market. e are just adding value to it.” Ling Ling thought for a moment and said.

ei Jiang opened his mouth, \"this is truly a blessing.\"

\"It's just an incarnation. It's everyhere.\" Linlin raised her hand, but didn't intend to explain further. he seemed to be having trouble explaining.


the store door as gently pushed open ith bare hands. the oman alking in front of him had a handsome face and short, sassy hair. he as smartly dressed in a suit, straight pants and flat shoes. She seemed like a very polite orking oman.

“xiaoyu” ei Jiang smiled as soon as he sa the visitor.

\"I'm sorry again, boss Lin. this time I just came to see ei Jiang.\" Yu Lianyun first boed to Lin Lin and explained the purpose of her visit.

Ling Ling smiled and nodded and said, \"You're a cat, right?\" then she alked to the Gozu Shrine, brought the innocent black cat out of the deep darkness, and brought it to a lounge chair to rest and calm don. Lie don and pet the cat.

the black cat had a stunned expression on his face the entire time, ith neither joy nor sadness in his eyes. he seems to have gotten used to this kind of life. he immediately accepted and continued to sleep in Linlin's arms, controlled by Linlin's rough techniques. please do something about your body.

``ho do you feel about living here ith boss Lin?'' Yu Lianyun greeted his former colleague, ho as rehired after his death.

ei Jiang smiled happily and said, \"president Lin is a very nice person. Everything is fine.\"

hearing ei Jiang’s evaluation, Yu Lianyun as silent for a moment. hy as your impression of him a little different? didn't he discover the bad side of Limbos' personality?

“I don't seem to be relaxed anymore and I have had to let go of ho I am and cut off contact ith other people in my fact, my job here is very relaxing. At least it's better than the job of a mysterious person.''A detective ho runs around every day, climbs mountains ith a sord, and climbs through seas of fire. no. ” ei Jiang said in a very friendly manner, ``Anyay, I don't have any friends, so basically I don't have anything to orry fact, I'm relieved that I can ork sloly here no.'' ta.

Yu Lianyun looked into ei Jiang’s eyes, sa the other party’s frankness ritten on his face, and sloly felt relieved.

Suddenly, his eyes ere immediately dran to the floer pot on Ling Ling's table, and his eyes suddenly shoed fear. he looked at eijiang excitedly, pointed to the delicate red floers, and said: “this… this is different…”

“I don’t kno either,” ei Jiang eakly spread his hands, “but it looks like the boss has taken control.”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun’s heart trembled. then he sa Ling Ling gently stroking the cat, and felt that the oner of this cabin in the forest as being more and more mysterious.

ho ould have thought that the culprit ho destroyed the headquarters of a mysterious group, iped out hundreds of mysterious agents, and caused a magnitude 6 earthquake in tianfu city ould actually bee a harmless floer? placed here by Ling Ling at the end of the table in the small shop.

ei Jiang changed the topic. \"by the ay, have you received a phone call from someone you don't kno lately?\"

\"Alien?\" Yu Lianyun sloly came to his senses. he reminded her and shook his head, \"No.\"

“Yes…” eijian nodded. It as not knon here the guests had gone in the past fe days, but they ere probably no longer in danger.

Yu Lianyun asked curiously. \"are there any questions?\"

ei Jiang as silent for a hile and said, \"In the future, if someone asks you for help, you can choose based on your on situation and ishes. don't orry about other things.\"

hearing ei Jiang's ords, Yu Lianyun immediately guessed: \"did you give out my mobile number to someone else?\"

\"Yes, e apologize for the inconvenience.\"

Yu Lianyun laughed and shook her head. \"I still ant to stay in the xuanbi Group. of course, I ant to help people like me. of course, I on't be brave enough to lose a fe kilos. You can alays do it.\" please. ”

xin cha Ji is a prestigious restaurant in Shenzhou. Since he is the only one ithout other branches, Li Jiahong as very short hen he reported the agreed address.

Like his ife Jiang Gu, most of the members of his mysterious university circle are dead, and their husbands or ives have all lost important friends and children. In order to investigate the circumstances of the society, Li Jiahong invited as many of his remaining family members in Shenzhou as possible to join a V-shaped chat group to share hat they kne about this mysterious society.

hoever, hen most people in the group learned that the death of a loved one and the disappearance of a child ere related to supernatural events, these families either thought Li Jiahong as crazy or simply they either blocked the group chat or stopped municating ith each member. man. other or suspected or suspected. believe it and be illing to acpany Li Jiahong's investigation.

hoever, this group chat ill never be active. If Li Jiahong doesn't speak, others on't either.

Li Jiahong has not spoken ithin the group for a long time since she ent to Itai city to thoroughly investigate her son's disappearance.

After sending the promised message this morning, Li Jiahong also prepared for the fact that no one ould e.

Sure enough, at the appointed time, a female family member arrived at the scene. After aiting for about 30 minutes, another person sloly came, but hen he came, that person's face as cold and cruel.

``old huang, I'm here!'' Li Jiahong as very happy to see the person ing. his impression as that the six-foot-tall man in front of him as the type of family member in the group ho ould never ant to believe that their child's disappearance had anything to do ith their case. It is. . supernatural event. , but if the other person actually ants to e, maybe they have changed their mind?

hoever, the man that Li Jiahong called Lao Fan directly opened Li Jiahong's hand and said ith cold eyes: ``Li Jiahong, please don't use the child's disappearance to spoil our mood again, and I made that ish today.'' I as just talking about some business nearby, so I ent to take a look. but I never thought there ould be idiots ho ould listen to your nonsense. ”

“old huang, listen, I am...I can't prove everything, but it's true...” Li Jiahong as stunned for a moment, and tried to persuade the other party to listen to the explanation. hoever, he as soon scolded by the big man. It as broken by the sound.

``hat a fart!'' the big man's eyes turned red, he grabbed Li Jiahong's shoulders, and said through gritted teeth: ``hat a fart!''

“Your son has been missing for 15 years, his son has been missing for 12 years, and my daughter has been missing for 19 years! If everything you said is true, it has been so long. do you think they can still be there?” Alive? they had been kidnapped and trafficked. children in the hands of human traffickers on average don't even survive 10 years! our children are 12, 15, 19 years old, ho can they survive? I ish they could, but ho can they survive? Survive? \"the big man grabbed Li Jiahong's arm. Kara suddenly couldn't control his emotions and shouted, \"they're already dead!\"

hearing the big man's ords, everyone in the restaurant became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Li Jiahong and the big man.

``brother tao, brother Jiahon, please don't do this. can you please calm don?'' the first family member to arrive quickly stood up, advised the to, hose faces ere agitated, not to argue and reconciled the situation.

“huang qitao, you must believe in hope...” Li Jiahong as not in a calm mood. hen he heard the other person tell him that his son had died, he felt an anger like never before. I couldn't help myself, but hen I sa the sadness and anger in the other person's eyes, I realized that they ere suffering just like me.

“do you believe in hope?” huang qitao smiled. he let go of Li Jiahong's collar and stepped back, gasping a fe times and barely clinging to the chair to avoid falling. hen he lifted the right leg of his pants, the prosthetic leg hidden inside as revealed, and he said ith a disappointed expression, ``I believed in hope and tried to break one of my legs, but it didn't return to normal...after that.'' I considered myself lucky to find bones. ”

huang qitao sat don, supported by another orphan's family, and said ith regretful eyes: \"I as looking for you at first, and I've been looking for you since then. do you think I've given up?\"

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