

第12章 欺骗之网(2 / 2)
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“A monster sent by Fu Gu?” Li Jiahong cringed and immediately asked in a lo voice hat as going on.

Yu Lianyun told Li Jiahong hat she found in a large tree in the courtyard of the inpatient ard.

Li Jiahong suddenly said to himself in a shocked manner. \"It seems that hat I sa as not a dream...\"

“Let’s find a place to talk later.” Li Jia’an heard Li Jiahong’s ords and didn’t ask for anything. he just turned around and said,

then Yu Lianyun and Li Jiahong came to the rooftop again.

hen the to returned to the roof, the thick iron door on the floor had been easily torn apart and as riddled ith holes. they felt excitement in their hearts. Luckily they ran fast enough last night.

Li Jiaan and Li Yingqi took the opportunity to inspect the roof and then turned back to ask Li Jiahong a fe questions.

the questions ere all simple, but hat surprised Li Jiahong as that Li Jiahong's questions focused on his ife and not on himself, hich Li Jiahong couldn't understand.

\"hy do you alays ask about my ife? do you have any suspicions?\" Li Jiahong asked seriously. hen it came to his ife, his statements back then became a little more difficult.

“I have some doubts.” Li Jian took out the cigarette again, but did not light it yet. “At that time, I think your ife as reluctant to have you join the mysterious society.”

Li Jiahong froned and did not refute, as if he felt the same ay.

``I happen to kno a little about the Fu Gu summoning ritual that's going around.'' Li Jian'an said quietly, cheing on a cigarette butt. \"the so-called summoning ritual is actually an exchange contract ith Fugu, here Fugu grants ishes to Fugu, and Fugu grants ishes to the summoner. Fugu has taken aay children ho ill be born in the future.\"

``mr. Li, I'm sure you're ondering hat kind of ish your ife made at that time, right?'' Li Jian'an said.

Li Jiahong remained silent. of course he as interested, but he avoided the question. In other ords, he already had a clear anser, but didn't ant to dig into it because it could break the hole harmony no.

Li Jia'an also seemed to understand Li Jiahong's heart. he smiled and said, \"ell, it looks like you've already guessed a certain anser.\"

then he changed the question: \"hat did you think about that strange bird last night?\"

Facing he Jia'an's question, Li Yingqi and Yu Lianyun both looked at he Jia'an's ambiguous anser in surprise?

hoever, Li Jiahong gave an unexpected anser: ``I don't think that's rong.''

“Yesterday, he tried to kill you,” Yu Lianyun stressed.

Li Jiahong as silent for a long time, then ansered, \"there's no particular reason. I just had a hunch.\"

Li Jiahong as surprised hen the mysterious group of people released him after just asking him a fe questions. Although he as alays honest, he never believed that the mysterious group ould fully believe him.

Li Jiahong speculated that perhaps the mysterious group of people had other plans.

hen I returned to my ife, she as already aake. her skin as pink and she suddenly said seriously, ``I ant to be discharged from the hospital.''

``hoever, your body has not fully recovered.'' Li Jiahong initially anted to refuse.

hoever, the doctor in charge of his ife entered the ard and handed her a medical certificate. the doctor couldn't help but say, \"this is truly a miracle.\"

It as truly a miracle. Li Jiahong had itnessed too many miracles in recent days, so after calming don, he felt a strange and unpleasant atmosphere inside him.

In the end, Li Jiahong could not resist his ife's request and agreed to be discharged from the hospital.

hen Li Jiahong and his ife left the hospital, they sa he Jian and others standing in the corner of the hospital. they also seemed to be atching him and his ife alk far aay from them, ith no intention of preventing them from going out. means

Li Jiahong took his ife back to his parents' house. the years of costs spent searching for and treating his son have diminished the ealth he had built in his youth, including a arm home for him, his ife, and their children. he could not bear to have his ife live ith him. All they could do as run together into his cold rented house of less than 10 square meters and shamelessly ask their parents for acceptance.

Fortunately, his parents agreed ithout thinking tice. Even before e moved in, he tidied up the house and prepared a sumptuous lunch for us, saying that e anted to get some air to get rid of the dirt.

this meal as very satisfying and memorable.

After lunch, Li Jiahong thought for a hile and decided to make a special call to xue hanlei. Not only because he had just met her yesterday, but also because she had been researching the puffer fish just like he as. he believed that as long as the xuanmi Group people chased him all the time, there as no guarantee that they ould not find xue hanlei.

In his impression, xue hanlei as still a relatively frail oman. From an inprehensible rade, Li Jiahong anted to remind him.

the call as connected immediately, but Li Jiahong as surprised by the voice on the other end.

\"hello, hello, ho are you looking for?\" A cute girl's and child's voice came from the sound hole of the mobile phone.

Just as Li Jiahong as about to anser, he immediately heard xue hanlei's voice on the other end of the phone. According to him, xue hanlei really liked the girl ho ansered the phone.

“Ning Ning, hose phone number is it?”

“I don’t kno, the caller’s name is…Li Jia…Li Jiannio!”

\"...this ord is Nianhong, e on, give the phone to your mother.\"


Li Jiahong couldn't help but laugh hen he heard the sound of bare feet running. It as xue hanlei ho ansered the phone. “hello, Jiahong hyung?”

\"It's me,\" Li Jiahong said ith a smile, and soon a background sound as heard on the other end of the phone.

\"o, mom bought a lot of candles, uh, a lot of pictures and even beautiful stones!\"

``don't touch this thing, be careful not to make a mess!'' At this time, xue hanlei seemed a little nervous, and scolded the girl in a lo voice, and the girl kept her voice lo. I said \"Ah\" out loud.

\"I'm sorry for making you laugh, but my ne partner's daughter on't turn four until tomorro,\" said xue hanley.

\"No, she's a very good girl,\" Li Jiahong said ith a smile. he didn't kno that xue hanlei had remarried, so he as actually a little surprised.

\"hat's your problem?\"

Afterards, Li Jiahong told her that a secret team might e to her. hoever, Li Jiahong did not expect that the reaction from the other party ould be so great after hearing the nes.

the only sound I heard as a knock, the faded sound of a cell phone.

then, I heard xue hanlei's slightly panicked voice on the other end of the phone. \"I understand, thank you for letting me kno.\"

After saying that, xue hanlei hurriedly hung up the phone.

Li Jiahong looked at the hang-up interface displayed on his mobile phone in surprise, but didn't pay much attention. maybe they ere really busy there.

candles, paint… hy not renovate your home and paint the alls? Li Jiahong thought about it, but hat xue hanlei said yesterday came to mind.

“ho much longer?”

36 truths about huang qi-tao

Li Jiahong suddenly rushed out of the house even though it as already past 9 Li Jiahong's family felt strange.

``maybe it's an emergency.'' chiang Gu forted Li's orried father and mother, telling them that he ould ait in the living room for a hile and then take them back to their room to rest if they got tired.

Father Li and mother Li hoped that Aunt Jiang, ho had just recovered from a serious illness, could rest ell. my ife and I ere relieved to hear this.

Jiang Gu sat in the living room for a hile hen he sa Father Li and mother Li e back to the room. only hen he heard the loud snoring of to adults ing from his father's and mother's rooms did he suddenly stand up and return to his room, only to find the room door firmly closed.

he took a deep breath, opened his bag, looked for the toel he had brought from the hospital, and opened the folded square toel to reveal the toel stuffed inside. pen, 1, 2, 3... too many to count.

\"I have been in despair for a long time,\" Jiang Gu said to himself ith a calm face.

then he picked up one of the feathers. It as also the first thing I received, thick hite feathers ith black edges. he held her tightly in his arms and his breathing became even heavier.

Aunt Jiang’s shado as reflected on the desk lamp, and she sa Aunt Jiang holding a pen in both hands, and suddenly stabbed the pen into her chest. then his face suddenly distorted, his head expanded, his arms tisted like broken bones, and membranous ings sprouted. the structure sloly expands and spreads out from the armpit, until the hand disappears and is replaced by a pair of large, thick ings...

inter inter inter!

I knocked on the door and the oner opened it for me. Seeing the three men in black ho appeared outside the door, huang qitao froned and asked, \"ho are you? hat's rong?\"

Li Jian'an smiled and explained the purpose of his visit. Under the influence of Li Yingqi's hypnosis, huang qitao regarded the note presented by he Jia'an as a la enforcement agency certificate, and misidentified he Jia'an's three people as la enforcement agencies. he quickly changed his demeanor and looked a little embarrassed.

\"Is it because of hat happened at the restaurant yesterday that our la enforcement rades came here? I'm sorry, I got a little emotional then. I on't do that next time.\" huang qitao he said ith a dry smile hile touching the back of his head.

Li Jian'an smiled and said, \"mr. huang, please calm don. don't orry. e are not here because of hat happened yesterday. I just ant to ask you a fe questions.\"

hen huang qitao heard this, he immediately relaxed and said suspiciously, \"Isn't it because of hat happened yesterday? then, can I ask hat happened?\"

\"e're investigating an old missing person case involving your late ife and missing daughter...\" Li Jian'an said calmly.

hoever, hen huang qitao heard this, his face suddenly changed greatly, and he as not sure. he clenched his fists, the veins in his forearms ere tense and sollen, and said in a deep voice: \"You are not folloing the la.\"

Li Jia'an raised his eyebros in surprise and said calmly: “but didn’t you just see the Id I shoed you?”

``I don't kno ho you did it, but I can confirm that you ill not enforce the la.'' huang qitao said ith a heavy expression, ``If you ere the local la enforcement agency, you ould not investigate this case at all. this is an agreement beteen me and local la enforcement.\"

``mr. huang, you really kno the truth.'' Li Jian'an just shoed the card, his face became a lazy and ruffian expression, and he took out the unlit cigarette that he had cheed long ago, and again. I took it to my mouth. In your mouth.

huang qitao took a step back, stepped out of the ay, and entered the house: “You are not a la enforcement agency, but I think you should be a special organization in china that specializes in handling special problems. \"said.

After huang qitao as in the living room of the other party's house, he Jia'an and the other three people did not let huang qitao behave. After asking for a fe glasses of ater, they asked huang qitao to share his experience.

“If my guess is correct, you came to me about Li Jiahong, right?” huang qitao asked. Seeing he Jia'an's expression, he immediately understood and nodded, \"I told you not to investigate, but as expected, I alays found problems that I shouldn't have contacted.\"

“You kne before Li Jiahong that the disappearance of your daughter and the death of your ife did not create a human being, right?” Li Yingchi asked ith a hypnotic little hint.

“huh.” huang qitao smiled coldly ith a trace of fear in his eyes, “After seeing ith my on eyes ho a monster from the deep sea could easily kill a la enforcement officer’s car, hy ould I take my daughter aay?” didn't you kno ho took you aay?'' ho crazy and cruel is my ife's killer, and ho vulnerable are you? ”

\"At that time, I lost my leg,\" huang qitao said solemnly.

hile searching through his belongings, I found his laptop, hich had been abandoned since college. I as curious, so I opened it and checked. I happened to find a non-empty document in his trash can. hen I opened it and examined it, I found it full of sordid and arcane cult knoledge.

I could not believe that my ife as involved in the activities of these deviant organizations. curious, I continued to look at the information my ife had left behind on her puter, and finally discovered her unknon secret.

he and members of his university club once performed a ritual to summon an evil animal, similar to ho demons are treated in estern legends. he paid a price in exchange for achieving his ill.

my ife as not a good person before. his face as left ith ugly bruises. As he said, he attributed it to cosmetic surgery ith the help of a qualified doctor. the fla as repaired, but I didn't expect it to actually be the result of a ritual transaction.

his ife's beauty caught his eye, and they developed a romantic relationship, and naturally they got married and had a child.

my ife probably felt that life after the transaction as so smooth that she forgot that it as not a smooth transaction. So hen my daughter as 3 years old, these instigators took her life and my daughter's life.

In order to get my daughter back, I tried to muster up the courage to ask the police for help, but our consciences at the time ere just ignorant and arrogant. e ere no match for these monsters.

hen e collected all the clues and finally discovered the monsters, e accidentally alked into their resting place, angered the monsters and then paid a heavy price.

All police officers ho helped handle the incident died. they manipulated us as easily as insects. our bodies are easily torn apart and our bones are easily broken. he narroly escaped ith the help of a still-rational police officer. Seiten jumped off the cliff beside the road.

I offered my legs in exchange for my life. ”

huang qitao collapsed from the painful memories, held his head, and said: \"that's hy I don't ant to be investigated. It ould just be a aste of my life.\"

hy bother being 37 years old?

Ling Ling poured ater into the atering can and sprinkled licorice on the table. Admiring the ay the licorice shivered in the cold ater, he asked ei Jiang, ho as cleaning the shop, \"Liquorice is also called bianhua, right?\" hat is the corresponding floer? ”

Facing Ling Ling’s sudden question, ei Jiang kne it ell. he thought for a moment and ansered, ``the Sanskrit ord for licorice is manjushaka, and it is a beautiful red ater lily. Although they are on the ay to heaven, they are actually said to be floers that fall from heaven, and are to of the four floers that bring good omens from heaven. ”

\"Looks like you've done your homeork on that,\" Ling Ling said ith a laugh. “then, according to hat you said earlier, do you think the manjushana floer that blooms on Yello quan Road and the datura floer that blooms on Gokuraku Road are different things? Are there any similarities or differences beteen them?” ”

ei Jiang thought for a hile, \"they are both responsible for guiding the souls of the dead and guiding the dead souls to the afterlife. the difference is...\" he couldn't understand and as upset. head

Ling Ling laughed and said, ``hen you see a mandala, you fall into hell, and hen you see a mandala, you ascend to heaven...both have the meaning of death, but the former is biased toard the negative side of death. ”

ei Jiang realized something, and after a hile he exclaimed, \"I learned my lesson.\"

``by the ay, do you kno the meaning of the floer manjusha?'' Linlin stroked the cat's pa that stretched out from the darkness, and tried to break the licorice petals before the cat's pa kicked out. block your opponent.

ei Jiang seemed to have thought of something and sighed, \"please don't meet me again... hopeless love...\"

inter inter inter!

“mr. xue! xue hanlei!” Li Jiahong knocked hard on the door of the apartment here xue hanlei lived and shouted at the door.

Seeing that no one ansered inside, Li Jiahong looked into the cat's eyes again and could barely see a small candle shining inside. I could also vaguely see a human body lying don. Feeling sick, he gritted his teeth and started banging on the door.

the motion caused by Li Jiahong attracted the neighbors around xue hanlei. An old man is seen suddenly appearing in the middle of the night in front of the apartment here an orphan and his idoed mother live. Everyone as suspicious and thought that Li Jiahong had malicious intent.

Fortunately, Li Jiahong explained in time and asked the apartment security guard ho came later to look through the peephole. After confirming that there as no one inside and that there as no response to repeated knocking, all the men gathered in front of the apartment door. his expression became serious.

In this regard, everyone unanimously decided that rescuing people as the most important thing, so together ith Li Jiahong, they knocked on the apartment door and opened it. And hat everyone sa shocked everyone.

the room as dark, ith only a dozen candles placed in the pattern of a magic circle gloing in the darkness. You can vaguely see a fat oman lying on the magic circle, and hen the lights are fully turned on, ho can the oman fall onto the magic circle?

It as a headless corpse of a oman! xue hanlei's body!

onlookers burst into tears as they itnessed the cruel scene for the first time.

\"You're late.\" Li Jiahong stared in disbelief at the scene in front of him. he stopped, sat don ith a disappointed look on his face, and muttered, \"hy can't I ait any longer? I have to use this method...\"

xue hanlei's death immediately caused a sensation among la enforcement officials. hoever, as the matter involved routine office ork, it as quickly handed over to a secret team to handle. Shortly thereafter, Li Jiahong quickly met he Jia'an and three others at the scene of xue hanlei's death.

``It's truly an indescribable sadness.'' Li Jian'an couldn't help but shake her head as she looked at the body lying in a pool of blood. After seeing the scene, he pretty much guessed hat happened.

``She also has a daughter ith her second marriage, but she is currently missing.'' Li Jianhong grabbed mr. he Jian's shoulder as if grasping at a stra, and said, ``mr. Fugu... I think she may have taken my daughter aay, so I have to save her,” he said hurriedly.

Soon, a mysterious detective in charge of reconnaissance at the scene discovers fragments of old documents that prove Li Jiahong's speculations.

Li Jian'an as able to understand it immediately after flipping through a fe pages of the document. he sees a form of ritual left at the scene and says, ``I don't kno here this oman, xue, got the evil ritual process used to summon the blofish, but she really did recreate it herself.'' I succeeded in doing that. the deal as sealed. It as his daughter.\" being almost 4 years old, she as naturally targeted by Fugu, ho forced her to take him. I don't kno hat mrs. xue promised. ”

``but they just killed people. hy did they take xue hanlei's head this time?'' Li Jiahong as full of questions.

Li Jian put a cigarette butt in his mouth and said, \"I don't kno. maybe mr. xue's head as treated and thron aay. of course, there is another possibility. that is xue. this is Fu Gu, han Lei’s special ish.” ”

Li Jiahong thought for a hile and guessed. \"mr. xue's greatest ish is to be reunited ith his missing child. mr. hu Gu also said that his ife's head really took her to the dimension of life, and that she had lost her child for a long time. he agreed to let me meet his biological child. ”

\"It's not impossible,\" Yu Lianyun said, looking at the corpse at the scene and paying attention to the insane head. ``there are countless ays to kill someone, but they chose to decapitate them.'' It's an inconvenient technique, and if it asn't done intentionally, the neck ouldn't be cut so cleanly. ”

\"A brain in a bat?\" Li Yingqi thought about the speculations circulating in the scientific munity. “If the Fugu tribe is a race ith a technological civilization that surpasses humans, it may be possible for humans to survive ith only one head ill continue to survive, and that is hy mr. xue’s head disappeared. It can also be explained. the logic is reasonable.”

Li Jiahong pressed his forehead, “but hy bother…”

``Actually, if I had aited a little longer, I might not have died.'' Li Jia'an cheed on a cigarette butt ith mixed emotions in her eyes, ``I just heard about the old cemetery, but I never expected something like this to happen.'' \"I asn't expecting it. I just missed it.\"

\"Got it?\" Li Jiahong as surprised. I couldn't tell for a moment hether I as sad or happy, and my heart as filled ith conflicting emotions.

Li Jian'an didn't really explain this, just said, \"ma'am, no e have to go to the puffer fish cemetery.\"

“please, let me follo you.” Seeing he Jiaan and Yu Lianyun about to leave, Li Jiahong hurriedly stood in front of the three and said heartily.

\"No.\" Li Jia'an rejected Li Jiahong's proposal ithout thinking, ignored him, and left.

Li Jiahong's fist stiffened for a hile, but soon loosened. he felt great eakness.

After chasing for a hile and getting tired and stopping, he could only stand on one end of the street to catch his breath, atching he Jian'an drive across the street on the other side. the car's taillights disappeared into the darkness.


Suddenly, the sound of flapping ings reached his ears, and a shado blocked the light of the street lamp and enveloped Li Jiahong. before he could raise his head to look, he found himself far off the ground, carefully touched by a pair of sharp bird clas. he grabbed her arm and lifted her into the air.

38 females found the bird

Standing high in the sky, looking at the earth under the endless night sky, marveling at the greatness of the orld and the insignificance of humans as small as dolls, Li Jiahong felt even more panic and despair in his heart at that moment. I felt pleasure. . .

but as time passed, Li Jiahong felt an indescribable sense of peace in those sharp clas. he looked incredulously at the strange, frightening bird's face, \"ill you please take me to my child?\" ”

the to large eyeballs on his expressionless face turned halfay around and looked don at Li Jiahong, and his mouth opened and he let out an inprehensible scream.

Li Jiahong looked at the strange bird. Upon closer inspection, his fear disappeared, but his eyes became sadder. his pain replaced him hen all he sa ere familiar pajamas ith black and hite feathers scattered on the ground like hite sno. he lost all his emotions and couldn't help but scream that he didn't have the courage to face it.


that night, a man's scream echoed in the night sky. Unknon feathers ere scattered along the path of the sound. the feathers fell to the ground and disappeared like frost and sno. only the lucky fe ith pens kne that this night ould be packed ith people. hat fell as a fragment of an unidentified pen.

\"hat is that?\" the lucky ones ere deeply surprised hen they sa a hite feather ith a black edge in their hands, but the omen among them felt the magic of desire and ere captivated by it. I did.

the field of vision gradually expanded, and the incident soon reached the ears of he Jian and to others ho ere driving.

\"Feathers?\" hearing this, Yu Lianyun and Li Yingchi ere surprised, and they all remembered the pen that Li Jiahong had borroed from the cabin in the forest. As they looked back, they sa a bright hite dot in the distance moving sloly across the night sky. fell

Folloing the trajectory of these falling feathers, Yu Lianyun soon found a familiar female strange bird, and sa a figure being grabbed by the strange bird's legs.

\"that bird is strange! did it catch a person too? ait... isn't that person Li Jiahong?\" the more Yu Lianyun looked, the more the person's face that the strange bird as holding high in the sky seemed familiar. I couldn't help but scream.

Li Yingqi looked at he Jian ith a mysterious expression, \"team Li, hat should e do?\"

hoever, he Jia'an didn't seem to feel any danger and said quietly, \"don't do anything. tell the other secret agents to leave this strange bird alone.\"

After hearing he Jianyun's ords, Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi couldn't help but look at each other in confusion, as if they couldn't understand hy the other as so depressed.

\"It seems like this strange bird is folloing us?\" then Yu Lianyun noticed something strange.

\"It doesn't matter.\" Li Jian'an sighed quietly and said, \"Let them follo.\"

Li Yingchi took out the night vision from the passenger box in front of him. hen he sa hat as happening in the sky, his expression quickly changed from shock to a long silence. then he picked up the binoculars and observed Yu Lianyun. As usual.

“captain Li, have you knon about this for a long time?” Yu Lianyun looked at mr. he Jian ho as driving the car ith a plicated expression, gritted his teeth and said, “this is the true appearance of this strange bird.” ta.

“ell, hen I sa the balcony of Jiang Gu’s hospital room, I vaguely guessed something.” Li Jia’an generously admitted, “the footprints left on the balcony all are facing outard, but only outard.” \"Normally, from the outside orld, it's supposed to be facing inard, but the parish balcony is probably trying to say it's a church balcony.\" the origin of the monster bird.

If a strange bird does not have the ability to appear out of nohere, it means that the strange bird has the ability to join the crod. besides, too many \"miracles\" happened to Li Jiahong's ife during this period? So at that time I as ondering if the feather's real ability might not be to summon strange birds, but to transform into strange birds. ”

Li Jian'an immediately took out his cell phone from his pocket and shoed it to his to teammates. \"of course, I as pletely convinced of that guess because headquarters had discovered a record of the strange bird.\"

Yu Lianyun and Li Yingqi met to find out information about the strange bird that he Jian had found.

\"It is an ordinary animal called Jiu hu bird. According to legend, she is the daughter of the Emperor of heaven. It is also said that she is the transformed soul of a pregnant oman's grief. She sheds her ings and turns into a human. It is said that he became a bird ith ings...

because they had lost their on children, they behaved strangely toards other people's children. If I sa someone drying a child's clothes outside the house at night, I ould quietly take the child aay from the family. Li Jian'an said.

he paused as he spoke and continued: \"the last sighting of this rare animal as 500 years ago and it has not been seen for a long time.\"

hen Li Yingqi heard this, she paused for a moment and said, \"Is this the change of a mother ho lost her child? hat is the basis for this ordinary animal to be reborn? As a blessing, it is pletely unpredictable.\"

Feeling that she had been called out, Yu Lianyun felt an indescribable sense of guilt, but at the same time she seemed to understand hy such an abnormal situation could occur.

blessing is born from the most primitive fear, fear is the most primitive emotion, and emotion is a concept born ith life, and life here includes alien gods.

If emotions could be expressed concretely, ouldn't the eight of God's ability, hich is ``God's ability belongs to humans,'' be ``indescribable''?

blessing proved that alien gods are not pletely immune to emotions. the story of banishing foreign gods ith the help of an ancient seal proves that the foreign gods ho unify everything and hold the key to transcendence are also capable of hatred. attitude

these are enough to prove the latent poer of emotions.

If feelings of fear can produce blessings, hy can't feelings of love or resentment produce birds?

Yu Lianyun suddenly felt anxious, probably because he thought that the blessing as very similar to the reason for Gu huoniao's birth. Looking back on his sudden happiness, he finally noticed the details he had inadvertently overlooked, and immediately began a fierce fight. It's a thrill.

\"Are you cold?\" Li Yingqi asked anxiously, and also helped raise the temperature of the air conditioner inside the car.

Yu Lianyun felt frightened and looked up at the to ho did not react for a hile. \"captain Lee said that if the feathers ere not called and transformed...assuming that the feathers ould also be scattered...\"

hen Li Jia'an stopped, her arms and legs trembled. the car served and accelerated, almost hitting the side of the road.

Li Yingqi’s eyes ere bloodshot and she trembled as she said: \"No, that on't happen.\"

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