

第25章 后记1024.12.42(2 / 2)
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this monster seems not to understand hat hau thien Van is saying, but seems to understand the meaning of Ly tong phi's hand movements If possible, he had alays anted to do something to make Su huiqing apologize, so this time he took the opportunity to do something for Su huiqing himself

this is a total suicide trip hodeep asked him

this time, Lu Jing did not dare to step forard to investigate the matter If he accidentally attracts the attention of others, only the fourth level transformation can kill Lu Jing instantly but that's impossible If it's part of the game, it's really impossible to invite others maybe there is a poerful person in the universe ho created a guild that spreads all over the universe

this time the laughter as very close to him Although qin An's super hearing doesn't ork, his normal hearing is better than that of a normal person hy can't he hear approaching footsteps? tu chachi also said that one mutated fruit can produce five antidotes If used on one person, ill there be any side effects?

Zhang Yang knelt in front of the Su sisters

Are there any family members illing to deny that their advantages are eaker than others?

\"She shouldn't have left, I don't kno hy she left\"

A fe people chatted for a hile and then ent to Liu Fuyan's place for lunch

this monster deserves to die

Even many years ago, Zhongren ould attack Liu mingyu ho as airborne

Almost no one ants to leave this ilderness that's mr president have I brought judgment upon you?

the reasons lie in inconsistent representations and crude guessork I suspect just adding in a fe enough voices ould lead to a conclusion

\"do you think there ill be any consequences if you fail?\"

tan An froned and looked at the oman, then said after a moment: \"You are not Li Na!\"

ang enying said truthfully

\"obviously, this guy is clearly targeting us and he's going to do hatever it takes and he's not in any hurry If a guy goes after someone ith the speed of a dog and poerful pas, there's going to be very fe people chasing him\" It ill be protected

Needless to say, there is a considerable area of special ilderness surrounding the pyramids duofei said as she spread duong tu's fingers

oh, it turns out he is Liu Fugui’s younger brother

hen Liu minyu oke up, everyone in the ave boed in front of me, their eyes full of hope, hoping that Liu minyu could lead us to survive

do not you kno?

huo Ye is also very familiar ith bancroft in the past to days he has seen this person's photos on the forum he is the undisputed strong man in the academy and the current chairman of the darkroom, tan xiaozhang chongxin froned, here did they live before? can you return to Earth?

Liu mingyu picked up a glass of ine and anted to sell salt does anyone else have roundorms in their stomach?

I suddenly felt that there as no hope of escape

has your husband cheated on you?

the buzz continues

tan xiaoyan anted to speak, but as blocked by tan An's eyes

tuji smiled and said to bachfan: \"I'm talking about myself I am a fourthlevel shapeshifter, and my ability is speed ho many people are there in this room?\"

duong trung anted to cry, but he reminded: \"do you really believe that no one ould die just to kill me?\"

the to halves are joined together ang Yongjian shook his head

thinking of this, the leader of the qiang tribe immediately came to Liu mingyu's side, knelt don, and shouted softly: \"Gods, please protect your people!

hoever, Zhang Yue soon discovered that his caution as in vain

If you lie, lie, but don't hurt yourself!

he is a Level 4 developer, but he knos ho difficult it is to reach Level 1 Gan Lipeng looked at the door leading to the corridor on the roof and said

but hen e look at Li dongpi's eyes, they are cold and full of admiration

“there’s another ay, a bunch of South American zombies crossing the pacific

there are approximately 20,000 people on board the spacecraft

he did not ask about the specific purchase price because the price as relatively hidden and difficult to ask

cat really didn't find it easy to make fun of bach Fong, so she didn't follo suit

the three friends next to him had never seen such a scene before they ere so frightened that their legs became eak and blood splattered all over their bodies the hands holding the hammers rose into the air and disappeared they ere trembling, thinking I couldn't even escape

devil No 2 looked at Liu minyu in confusion, his eyes full of fear, and then he sa Liu minyu's fingers

hodip suddenly regained consciousness, but only for a moment Suddenly, he scolded her seriously: \"beauty, can you be careful? If this conjecture is correct, then all these things have been mixed together Life So I must untie myself from this noose in this life

he opened his hands and let la enforcement officers scan the barcode on his hands

then xiqi said: \"ell, mr bai

Let's defeat Liu mingyu one by one Zhang chongxin immediately stood up and said: \"hy do you ant to buy a house in my name?

Not a vampire No 1 and Vampire ith the help of 1 2, the remaining pyramids are gradually opened

It’s not that no one can aaken local potential

\"I've been here for a long time! the installation resistance of the holy Shield is very good, isn't it?

because Li Zongfei fle so fast, it only took to hours to reach his destination

then I as orried that although the space door as removed, a ne space door ould not appear Let's see hat's inside

hodie as a little curious, so he stopped at a roadside restaurant, ordered a fried chicken, and then asked the boss: \"boss, I ant to ask, are you celebrating?\"

\"mr Zhang, please stop talking and get in the car!

Although he sa nothing, bachfang did not dare to be ary and signaled everyone to stop talking

I figured it asn't orth losing my life because I didn't get to the door in time

Zhang chongxin stammered: \"Are you serious?

Luu Nguyen left Nguyen alone, and Lai tong phi led Luu min Ngoc and eight others sloly toards the road here he discovered the pyramid plex Gan Lipeng said in horror

For example, some zombies ill evolve slightly if you eat a child or a rat, but zombies that bee zombies after death ill evolve at the same level

tiger replied

xiqi thought for a hile and asked: \"can people ho have reached the third level really get pregnant ithout having an abortion?

A trace of confusion flashed in duong trong's eyes, and he didn't kno hat u triet meant by shaking his head

qiu Linghua as not unhappy and said ith a smile: \"then I on't disturb you I'll take my leave first\"

At this moment, Li Longming seemed to have pletely transformed into a good man If his opponents sa this scene, they ould probably scream in surprise

It also depends on hether they are deceiving the enemy under the space gate, or hether they are deliberately deceiving the enemy If that happens, it's unlikely they'll be able to escape

Lu minyu turned around, smiled at them, and greeted them immediately

that's hy they ant !

the number of prisoners in each pyramid could range from tens of thousands to tens of thousands in larger pyramids “thuong quan u diep spoke for the first time,


Liu minyu laughed loudly: \"hat a pity, you actually like someone like him\"

hen he arrived at the cave, duong mach sa everyone standing near the cave ithout panic

After dinner, Zhang hao personally sent another $250 million to mr chen, hich as a huge sum of money for him, so he had to pay close attention


before the meeting, mr tang qingliu invited Yu Zhe to sit at the boatman's table Yu Zhe refused and sat ith tang Zhong in the hall chen Rui also sat at the boatman's table behind him

hen tan An left the room, Li Na looked at tan An's back and smiled helplessly tang hao nodded in response

but many people think that the black tank is one of the most dangerous genes! I understand, he nodded as you did

Fang qiuyue stood on the city all, holding a telescope and atching the battle

Little question mark: \"hat?\"

[the Emperor Star of the entire universe needs all living beings, hether they are quietly green idiots or quietly born creatures, even bugs must be trampled to death! \"Zheng danping's voice suddenly sounded in the background, and Gan Lipeng as so frightened that he thre aay his pager\"

“the reason hy I took action and let chongqing form a defensive circle as just to add eight

there is no clear boundary separating the glacier from neighboring glaciers surrounding the pyramid the nearest gas station is ten miles aay, hat should e do? boss Niu dong asked


the hole day passed so peacefully After fighting a dozen elite monsters, tran mac's level reached level 18 ithin a day, his level as raised to level 5

Logically speaking, Liu mingyu and Li Zongfei are both chinese, and their physical characteristics are very similar, so there is no need to orry

\"Anser quickly, hat are you aiting for?\"

Li Zongfei decided to send Liu mingyu and devil No 1 together first, and then e back to check the fault

this inappropriate terminology is idely used and adopted in military action planning

pared ith those absolutely terrifying zombies, pet dogs like Su canhai can only be used mildly

ell ouldn't it be fair to pare dads to pet dogs?

\"basic treatment?\" ang Jiale asked on the other end of the pager do I ant to climb too?

before everyone could cheer for a long time, a ne monster alked in from the door the next second

\"You're back\"

ang enning iped the cold seat from his forehead

“boss, e and make a knife!

but no one has done this for so long, probably because of the energy shield outside the pyramid

obviously the boss as very enthusiastic hen he found out that he as a friend from out of ton, he quickly said: \"hey! here does the martial artist's bloody talent e from? does dK have talent?\"

\"No problem, e here early tomorro morning to pick up the IoU, and then take me to the reception center\"

Yuzhe finished the first big meatball, took the second one, stuffed the blackbone fish inside and ate it

None of the others ere cruel, hich as also unusual A 400meterlong road is closed at all levels to be clear, ants cannot enter ithout permission, and neither can mosquitoes

So, a group of people came in and out

\"do you remember the last time I droned?\" thuong quan u diep asked hoak diep, shaking his head their fatigue goes beyond road fatigue

Zhang Yang had a rich expression and motionlessly approached the big black man

“e on, let’s pretend!

Liao cailan motioned to the monsters to lead the ay

but before Li tongfei had time to look around, she sa no one came in

Initially, the temperature of the surrounding air is not very lo can the rumored ne army and government give up?

\"don't change the subject tell the truth Are you the dishonest reporter?\"

he didn't like tea before, but seemed to like the taste

Zhang hao couldn't help but onder, counting silently:

“oh, okay, if it’s over to hundred and fifty thousand, ouldn’t it be over one million that year?

I thought there ould be an upgrade at some point so going back ould be a aste of time

one hour tong dan shook his head

Such group migrations are rare Seeing this situation, Skynet staff immediately sent people to investigate

obviously, the sand in these to areas is of to different materials

of course, this is just Liu minyu’s guess

It can be seen from their expressions that their eyes are not shocked, but scared

Very sensitive to the evolution aura, Liu xing felt the gain dampening as soon as he appeared on the ceiling hat is even more sensitive is that ogura directly stated the level of evolution of the fourth level

Yu Zhe as slightly surprised his extraordinary memory, no in charge, as indifferent to this hen he realized that this as an attack of intellectual teasing, he quickly connected the remaining to memories, and he shook his head uncontrollably

\"I hope, ait, you can handle it\"

hen he finished his first sentence, Lu minyu's voice as slightly arm At this moment, both elves felt that the temperature of the surrounding air dropped significantly hen they arrived at an office, bach Fang as invited inside

Are you kidding me?

So Liu minyu asked: \"here is the space door near that place? You can pletely enter different spaces and times If this ability is used properly, it is indeed an ability\" Zhang hao recalled \"

\"hat if the ones ho e to help are not South American zombies, but American, European, and Australian coalition forces? panda feelings: I ant to cut my hair!

\"Something happened, can't you find the devil?\"

the size of the pot used for the inscription as much smaller than Li Zongfei expected

checking in as e head out of ton tong Nham also came to the second floor of the munications department he opened the door sloly

As he spoke, he secretly looked at chen Zhaoyan, ondering hy he looked like a child ho anted to run aay from home after making a mistake

the behavior of this ironeating black beast has been exposed!

Alice looked at hoekdiep ith confusion and asked, \"here do you get your confidence?\"

\"All martial arts arriors, clear the battlefield!\"

bach Fang thought for a moment and said, \"I'm a level five mutant I don't kno hy I'm tired of not enjoying the smell of the mutant tree, but I guess it's because I'm a level five mutant\" transformers\" bar

\"It's called an Id, and you find it yourself hen you join a forum, you can register ith your real name or an alias hoever, most people use aliases to avoid detection Either ay, you're doing the same thing they \"make a mistake put it this ay, you \"It ill be knon to others, and the result!

he straightened his messy hair, looked at his dissatisfied parents, and then looked at So the thanh expressionlessly: \"Isn't this great?\"

the image of the devil is not the image that director Kong painted later It has no other meaning except the image the bright light can take us to other places No one harbors murderous intentions toards someone they do not threaten or hate I basically killed everyone ho sent the Freemasons to Guangtian hat if he suddenly thought back and realized there as no orse ay to do it?

“don’t orry, mr president Vuong, Luu tinh stayed at the hotel all day and I didn’t see her outside

After the ar, the names of the five concentration camps arguably became ingrained in the public consciousness

then, ang Jiale took off his mask for a moment, risking embarrassment to gently reveal the other person's face, then raised his face and kissed tang danping gently

the consequences of man's ecstasy never occurred to him, nor ere they ithin the poer of his mind

Zhang Yue shrugged and said in a lo voice: \"he is a senior of beijing University As a junior, it is also my greatest honor\"

“I don’t kno hat he ould choose


the transparent shopping page opened, and the assistant immediately brought her several sords and put them together the prices range from high to lo, all suitable for her current financial ability

hoak diep is a person ho knos ho to face reality, but he also has perfectionism and romanticism this idea of understanding the relationship beteen dreams and reality can successfully open the door to Fudi's inner orld open your doors to young people ho have met you, to young people ho have faced orldly dangers and learned life lessons, and to young hearts

one ord means death!

\"hy?\" duong trung shook his head

Although Li Longming agreed, he still didn't kno hat the brothers ould do

Nes from the front lines of the battlefield is broadcast one after another


\"haha, ith your strength, you have screamed enough

the demons haven't appeared yet and there should be very fe in the battle

Zhang Yue raised his eyebros, the efficacy of this potion as indeed amazing

can such a person be a security guard? but Sikki gave it to him, so he took it but for safety reasons, Zhang Yu as very cautious

“Are some of the moves too big?

If you think about it randomly, it's pretty amazing In other ords, the colony huo die visited at that time as not under the control of death he really doesn't like pouring cold ater on his fans

“Ken caught them and took them out of a house like that

but in reality this is just the dark legacy of the expansion system! Look at Luk dinh ien's younger brother mok thanh Khong that day, they all like him!

ith a \"ding!\", the spectacled sord broke into to halves before the broken blade fell, Gan Lipeng kicked him hard on the chest time!

\"Sister, don't you think du Fei as a sniper ho as shot?

\"Sister, hy did you e to me?\"

It tastes okay but smells like reheated grocery store fast food Is there such a thing?

once you reach diamond level, killing zombies is almost as easy as killing zombies

chen looked at Shikun carefully

brave people ill be tired, timid people ill be hungry, but barefoot people are not afraid of earing shoes

Greedy olf stood in the front ro, raised his right hand and shook Yang mach, and then shouted loudly, his voice seemed particularly urgent in the quiet crod

ho strong should it be?

\"ho high can it be?

\" Let the chief go?

this should not be misunderstood Zhao Yuanhui froned and lit a cigarette, placing it beteen his ring finger and ring finger, \"It's like making a movie Is this Superman?\"

but until then, overuse can lead to dangerous chu tan Nguyen! then he alked home, \"I chose the latter to achieve my goals of killing and peace, but it's not alays pleasant\" Employers care very much about talent arriors q: I often argue ith others unless my face gets red and my throat feels stiff

hen bai Feng as about to open the mutated fruit, xiqi quickly stopped him and said, \"mr xiqi\" Goodbye, please ait

of these 20, there is no need to orry as the children are the quickest to adopt

he secretly counted the pieces of paper and then focused on further testing of the potassium

to intimidate the to remaining bidders, he offered 16,000 grams

this sord is huge

Lao Jiang ansered sloly and dre a picture under the paper

In order to plete his ork, Liu mingyu also hopes that his ork performance can be as lo as possible

At the moment of aakening, all these legacy functions disappear

this means that Li Zongfei's real strength is to to eight times eaker than my current strength, or even less

Liu minyu basically had no doubts about hat devil No 1 said 2

thinking of this, tan An as a little nervous and sloly turned his head

After all, xu hui took out the mutated fruit, so there is nothing to orry about e can only ait for xu hui’s research results

hoever, his mind is not on that student no, but he as thinking about that man last night

\"don't run, there are only a fe left no, e must kill them all!\"

\"okay!\" to Fees replied

I sa him hugging qingyan and hitting the head of the zombie ho as about to stand up ith a light blo, the arrior in the middle of the zombie as split into to halves

Actually exactly to halves!

After a moment of silence, tan An suddenly opened his eyes, sa Zhang Ren, and anted to see himself

As soon as bach Fong passed the gloomy place, he sa a crushed animal lying in a stra bale on the grass hu die said: \"this this\" the man in yello as startled by the sight in front of him, his legs softened, and he sat upright

Number 1 as frightened did I really lie on purpose?

\"Stop talking nonsense the sniper rifle is so poerful that it can't save people You'd better give it aay\"

an huu Luong as immediately attacked by the monster, hich fle forard sloly, and a cannon suddenly fired

hat Li Zongfei didn't kno as that before he rescued us, he asked old man qiang to learn pronunciation so that I could speak to the bolan people again You just shot from here, so it's good to be honest

the four of them alked quickly toards tong Yan

there is also a retro sports chairstyle sofa here people can lie don pletely and there is a small head space on the sofa

the big man in black anted to bo tremblingly and alked toards truong duong

“boss, you haven’t convinced your family yet, but some of my family members are very skeptical of your statement, and e don’t ant to go don either

Under the guidance of chairman qiang, Liu mingyu reached a higher level If a vaccinated person is bitten and given more than 5 injections ithin an hour, the chance of survival is 60% to 70% the sooner they are vaccinated, the better their chance of survival too late, nothing to do, ondering

She has a long nose and thin, plump lips running parallel to her face, giving her a creepy look hy do you need a knife?

bach Fang didn't kno hat to do, so he held a spoiled fruit in his hand and handed it to du hai

this product is very useful and perfect as a gift

but hen they ere caught, they discovered that their identity as actually another normal ay of life

Li dongpi didn't feel too much pain, but the old stars around him seemed unable to resist tianma's mental attack, and they all fell to the ground covering their ears

did I choose right or rong?

“the boat should not have left the dock

If you guessed it correctly, the noble leader he faced as not a family ith spatial abilities

\"boss Liu, do you have money to lend me?

Very tasty

du Fei felt very unfortable seeing such stupid actions by the to people he could not guess hether the priest as a christian or a Je

Even Zhai Zhenliang doesn't think the demons understand spatial abilities

the planet beneath our feet is in a very stable state

ang en said doubtfully

Some people felt strange hen they sa bach Fang stop suddenly You said nothing and looked at bach Fang strangely

Zhang hao immediately sent greetings

but assuming that such an experiment cannot be pleted in the short term, bach Fang can ait and is not in a hurry

If I could alk through the door, I might find feer monsters

Ly tong phi didn't understand, so he ran aay

during the Song and qing dynasties and the late tang dynasty, he left early and returned late hen he as tried, no one kne here he ent or hat he did

the survivors nearby ere all startled and rushed forard

tang Zhengbo noticed it and immediately alked to the old palace don still lives in a small apartment separate from the inn I anted to solve this problem myself before and this time

Li Longming appeared in the banquet hall ith Liu mingyu

Seeing that the body as almost pletely submerged in the door, the energy ball rushed forard and hit the monster's ings you definitely are

\"Iant to give you a surprise!

but his face as not shy, but serious, because he thought this oman as strange!

Liu minyu stopped hat she as doing and shook her head: \"I ill ask again later and you are not alloed to ork If I see you arning your colleagues, I ill let you go immediately\"

put aay your bike and backpack

Easily municating in magic ords is no longer a big deal

And like monsters falling from the sky, e also see the state of heaven for the first time

Yu chaomu didn’t ant to take chong Runlu’s class by himself because he found it boring! Zhong tiehuai is so aesome, he made four in one afternoon!

Zhang chongxin aved his hand impatiently

In addition to the set of pyramids in the area mentioned above, there are four other space portals on the planet's surface

Jiang an leaned against the door, rubbed his face feebly, and asked loudly: \"hat's rong?\"

tu Ky has started to boil the ater, don't orry no, just drain the ater

So thi than as silent for a moment, but he didn't ant to hide it and immediately asked: \"hat kind of poer have you aakened?\"

the survivors ere surprised they thought the ar as still going on, and even thought the utong base as in danger, but they didn't expect it ould end like this

atching Yang mach disappear before his eyes, the others also entered the mirror and disappeared into the cave

hen the remaining tenty people sa this, they all raised their hands in shock

“hey boss, there are mutants out there ho ant to join our camp

there are not many souls, only one

then he aakened monster No 1

Liu mingyu smiled and said: \"brother Long, I as a little orried just no and didn't kno ho to convince you

Although Jiang peng killed the evil corpse ith his on hands, it is no exaggeration to say that if Zhu tanyan as not there to restore life, he ould definitely sacrifice the steeltoothed mastiff do you deny it?

Liu mingyu doesn't have enough time to travel

qin An looked at everyone and said: \"After leaving, tu xuanyan Lich ill be responsible for the affairs of qin city If there are any dangers or major issues, please ask qin xiaoyan!\"

\"me too!

Fuel fires are highly flammable and easy to ignite

Emperor qinghua shook his head and said: \"After his death, the guild ill have no leader, and the games of every era ill have no president the birth of a president is not just as simple as being a god the number of geniuses is \"the number one in the universe\" \" And also to bee the \"Number one Genius of the Universe\" plete the game Let's start orking After testing by some forum ebmasters It appears on the stage Some call them the rulers of the orld, and some call them the nations Some call them the Lords of Gods and demons, hich is confusing hoever, they are basically dead, and there is currently no lord on the stage

Vampire: No 1 as also very cooperative and ansered every question raised by Luu min Ngoc in detail

\"I don't kno if you're saying pandas are amazing or if you're bragging\"

ang en aved his hand and briefly introduced the relevant acquisitions in the past fe days battalion mander Guo, I am a level four shapeshifter, and my ability is\"

\"I am also a fourthlevel shapeshifter my ability\"

\"don't make any noise, stay quiet!

Each person's specific place of residence is recorded in his or her identifying information

At the same time, at his son's request, Zhang chongxin prepared to go to Zhucheng the zombie as kicked five or six feet aay and fell to the ground uong Vuong sa the zombie's entire chest collapse and kicked all the zombie's spines

After everyone left, chen xiaoang immediately climbed into tan An's arms and said angrily: \"Sir, can I go ith you?

“Everyone immediately took a shot in the arm and got back to their best ork

Zeng danping's sudden appearance made Liu han orry that someone ould e to hurt him, so he stood in Ku Suran's room, his hole body soaked ith cold seat hen xiao Kang told Liu xing that Gan Lipeng as also going to the roof, Liu xing relaxed a little

tan than also believed that if he and the girl had a fever, they ould turn into zombies So tich than fell for the trick and finally stopped tan than by locking him in the room According to the memory of his previous life, it ould take at least to or three months to evolve to level five Even if monsters attack him hile he is aay, it is not a big deal It’s unimaginable”

Li Lanlan drank to glasses of ine before saying this he as afraid that if he didn't speak, he ould starve to death ithin three days because there as so much food in the tang dynasty

As soon as he finished speaking, a larger conversation began

Liu mingyu as a little surprised to see Liu Fuyuan ing, but since he anted to borro money from the other party, he could only go once because this as the other party's territory

hua hai smiled and said: \"I'm not sure about this, but e have tested it in the laboratory and there is no problem\"

\"have you traveled back in time?

\"ha ha )

Zhao Yuanhui is a thirtytoyearold middleaged man ho has just entered middle age he is very energetic and determined he looks like a tiger he can choose ho to eat at any time, hich is very dangerous the middle finger of his right hand turned yello and as filled ith smoke this tells us that Zhao Genhui is a special character his eyes are big and not big, but most of them are poerful ith his majesty and ferocity, Zhao Yuanhui could not be human

Ky Nhuoc tuyet fed his boss seet ater, but as the boss started fighting, he couldn't drink anymore

\"does it matter?\"

At least a hundred times orse than hat happened next Although Li Na performed ell as a sportsoman last year, she still has a beautiful figure that she is proud of, hich at least makes people think of \"Feifei\" hen they see her

\"If you don't take it out, I'll get it myself

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