

第25章 后记1024.12.42(1 / 2)
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the people of Star ave ere not in the desert at the beginning they lived in a dense forest,

It's a pity that Liu minyu is currently in a crazy state, and the quality of all abilities has skyrocketed

Kuo qihaou thre to boxes of eapons into the car, came back ith a red face and a heart attack, and patted his shoulders fortably

It's important to note that if anyone experiences this, they have a real fear of being bored to death by others Anxiety, stress and hesitation are rare emotions in hodeep the last time he sa them as after escaping to natural disasters, hodeep quickly shook off these emotions

the zombie corpses ere burned by the raging fire didn't they burn all the firstlevel zombie skins that Zhang Yu anted to collect?

hidden outside Liu mingyu's treasure is information about bo Lanxing's corrupt riting process

hearing this, Zhang chongxin as heartbroken

both anted to talk the to looked at each other, and cuile said helplessly: \"he is aiting there Go back and talk to the landlord\"

but at this moment, a somehat familiar voice called hakdeep's name danping, is he gone?

bach Fong gets onderful fruit the onderful fruity coconut is not difficult at all for bach Fong

the same is true for health enlightenment medicine

the sky as also shattered

After a hile, all the ater in the teapot as gone

chong Runlu quickly put don the stroller and ran ith xinxin and tiantian in the stroller the to children looked at Yu chaomu eagerly

but its security is very dangerous

the Jade Emperor couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth and said: \"Sit in the cave and look up Although you have failed in the changing orld, you are still an ant in the eyes of the Jade Emperor If you are like me at the peak, I can strangle you to death ith a hair\" You, ho do you think you are?\"? demon No 1 and demon No 2 acted together before they had time to ask Liu mingyu questions

hile speaking, Zhang Yue looked toards the parking lot behind him

there as absolutely no possibility of survival, and no one anted to die

thanks to Liu mingyu, Star bolan has bee a andering super civilization for more than 100 million years our family doesn’t need that much money, right?

In less than half a year, the orld seems to have gron accustomed to the concept of Asian zombie sarms hether in mainstream media or privately, duong trong also knos this, so there is no doubt that Yu Zhe spoke naturally this time Shock

xiqi smiled and said: \"Aunt Su, I think you missed some good things here

the colonies in Southeast Asia are all colonies ith divided territories their territories are land and sea the sea there can be said to be the safest sea in the orld, and it is generally catastrophic the sea never as

Liu minyu fell into deep thought hen she sa the vampire's appearance people here don’t kno it’s me according to their habits, and it ould be embarrassing to mention a fe ords in an article

but he left and never came back, and as never heard from again the day hen the book \"Jackda\" sold more than one million copies in 100 years! ang Jiale said excitedly

\"Indeed, Artha as the first lich in the orld to kill a king

Not counting those three monsters, they are no match for someone like Liu mingyu

So did Song Jing's people turn defeat into victory and treat monsters as pets?

of course, not taking a stand means you have a good idea

one month is really too long for Lu minyu han Sang nodded slightly Zhang chongxin aved his hand and said, \"Someone is deliberately causing trouble, and the police have intervened

After thinking about it, the other end of the pager said: \"okay, next time I ill ask tang danping to take you out of the hotel directly to avoid being discovered by Liu Jing!\"

\"hat kind of person can do something useful for the game?\" \"Good old tan\" duofei patted old tan's rist and inked

hen e left e didn't see Luu min Ngoc so e left together

one method is to use tools to adjust and reconstruct 2d coordinates to move in place

All zombies ill drop potions after death

Li Zhongfei kne that these people could not say that bo Lan as happy

If he had to choose to stay and atch him take aay the crystal core from the zombie's head, Yu chaomu ould definitely choose the much younger xinxin and tiantian Vuong Giai Lak asked as he busied himself ith the sink in his hands

From the name to the value, this heritage is pletely deceptive

duffy stood at the door of the church and looked in Aunt Zhu came in, folloed by the priest

In parison, I think mr ang from Zhengei Group is our biggest petitor he had given up hope of getting the certificate, so the only reason the agency sent an agency to find him as to treat a dead horse as a living doctor

\"this is not an emergency and e ill deal ith it later\"


bach Fang looked at everyone and decided to cook for himself because he as leaving in the afternoon

the monsters ere shocked and surprised by the appearance of us and Liu mingyu

I also kne there ere a lot of monsters in that scene

Although there are still very fe people around Li dongpi, the poer displayed is enough to give us hope of redemption

this time, seeing Li dongpi, I subconsciously thought of the attack he ould face next

but this kind of life made Nua have strong doubts about life, hich made her unable to get rid of her inner demons and eventually fell

Like last time, Gan Lipeng deliberately left the hotel ithout being discovered by Liu xing and others he didn't kno that all these activities ere understandable to ogura, as he as an eyeitness

Zhang hao explained patiently

\"Sir In the long run, I don't ant to be a security guard\"

It affected the master's plan

Emperor qinghua smiled bitterly and continued: \"Nua has been fighting ith everyone on stage for hundreds of years over some trivial matters her opponents are the emperor, patriarch and queen Although to a lesser extent, she is the emperor of that family, but because of her special race he is one of the top 100 stars in the universe As the mistress of one of the top 100 stars, the queen is considered the most beaten person in the universe Especially because of that special race, many universe bosses have relationships ith the queen Some kind of connection, maybe they like the queen, or their ives are from the A family, or celebrities favor them there is nothing in the orld that dares to deceive people

Zhang hao couldn't help but laugh

tentyfive, tentythree, tenty, seventeen!

Su qinghai, ho as sitting in the room, could clearly hear the screams of fear ing from above and belo Su qinghai hispered to fort his frightened ife at home In the bedroom next door, his ife became unrecognizable So thanh u's calm breathing is like a seet dream, acpanied by the groans of exhausted brothers

Lu minyu only felt to strong hands holding her tightly She held it for a moment, then let go

there as an uproar on the battlefield, and all the soldiers cheered only they kne hat ould happen next!

If you see Liu minyu's current situation, you ill truly understand Liu minyu's state

hodip tightened Alice's mouth and gritted his teeth: \"If you dare to expose me, believe it or not, I on't cook for you for a month?\"

Another reason is the lack of funds, e cannot turn a blind eye to huge sums like property taxes, hich ill take three or four years to implement

he appears to have killed the monster ith his on hands on the spot Youare the slay queen!

hen passing the intersection, Zhang Yang accelerated as usual, entered the bicycle lane, and thre some pamphlets on the sidealk

this is a hot eapon! Is this a philosophical question?

After atching mr chen and mr ang leave, Zhang hao led Vice president cao to discuss the next step

Suddenly a voice came out and others shouted

deLay bought an herbal shop that ould instantly cure his health condition

the boss and others are already considered very poerful creatures at the fourth level of aakening, but they are not poerful enough to face demon kinglevel evolutions such as the Red Sea monster third child, e over and talk to the boss

\"Shut up!

then it occurred to him that the monster he had captured could help him

they ere threatened by a heroic attack by soldiers from the Utong battalion

\"No, that's hat I said\"

tran ba Khon asked quickly

It is distributed everyhere

this is his mission

After a hile, they became Zhao Lei study?

then Liu mingyu said that he as here to save us, hich made him unconsciously think that Liu mingyu as sent by God to save us

\"ten million?\" mr Vuong immediately promised: \"You don't have to ait until next month to transfer, I ill transfer you to another school tonight\"

\"In this case, you should take a step back and face the entrance of the cave\" Zhuo Lei said helplessly

Some strangers ere hispering in the background

Indeed, technological progress has finally taken aay human freedom

\"You thought of it!\"

mr quinn readily agreed hat are you doing around here?

he die looked at the girl, then at the long queue in the store, and said, \"e are all descendants of dragons, hy are e in such a hurry?\"

Liu mingyu tried to interrupt him many times, but failed, so he had to ait until Li Longming finished speaking master Zhang said ith a smile

the bolanxing alphabet that Liu mingyu learned as the official alphabet used by bolanxing at that time

but the merger ith United Energy is different, leaving a huge idle coal mine only the forces behind United Energy kno that the development prospects are definitely good and the future is bright ~)

hy is he like this?

\"dad, e don't ant to do anything to save your life e forced these to dad, save our lives, e kno e ere rong, stick, stick, stick,\" cried the big man Zhang Yang, ho had dark skin, came from behind the others apologized one after another, and the three of them knelt on the ground to apologize

\"Sister, daddy said he ill send someone to pick me up tomorro please go home ith me\"

\"mr ang, the chairman is right As they say, there is a mountain beteen us mr ma has never been involved in the energy industry, and he has not peted ith us for control of the pany\"

the treatment is the same except that the medication is not harmful to health

Just as I as thinking about it, the door opened

but one thing is overlooked: the people in this otherorldly dump are not villains, but a simple bunch of poor people

Again, this is just one primary treatment hat dire consequences ould there be if intermediate or primary treatments ere introduced later? \"the auctioneer as so excited that he almost fainted 20,000 grams, ho much is the mission?\"

bai Feng thought for a hile, then took the to mutated fruits and handed them to Ji qi, \"then, miss Si, give these to mutated fruits to mr tu\"

others atched as people scratched their necks ang Yongjian said helplessly

Zhong qiehuai blushed a little Although he enjoyed the cordial atmosphere, he did not blush hen he stood up

of course, this is just a theory

tran mac is currently in a ar zone and has no time to register he can only atch quietly ith other fake nobles Leave something behind?

Lu minyu finished riting and put the paper in front of the old man

She orries that she on't live long enough to see her grandchildren gro up

As for insiders, Liu mingyu secretly supports him

No their minds and bodies relaxed suddenly, and they fell asleep naturally

the ords that brought us pain and the ill to live in the first place suddenly fade from our minds

\"the ord 'can'?

Even though the orld feels real, an illusion is still an illusion, and nothing in it can be taken aay

Everyone as so happy and felt like they ere masters again and no longer crushed by zombies

Five people frightened the devil's face

the terrifying force immediately shattered the inner alls of the pyramid

the first to groups then split up and alk around the pyramid

there is definitely something rong ith these people because they have a negative mindset

\"hat happened?


they took a spaceship to the galaxy here bolan's star is located Father moses continued quietly

In recent times, e have seen these brothers doing an amazing job as security guards hat about xiaoru?

“If only I could rape her and then eat her!


I thought Liao Kailan as not the monster in han Lake, so I convinced him on one hand

\"don't orry, I'm not in a hurry\" ang en said impatiently

After hearing the arrangement report, Zhang duye couldn't help shoing surprise in his eyes

Gan Lipeng replied quickly, shamelessly and ithout a heartbeat: \"I'm going out for a alk to see if there are any poerful zombies around

In the previous life, du Fei, ouyang xiu and others ere besieged by demonlevel sea monsters on a small island in the pacific ouyang used the Force to block all blood vessels and nerve cells, and then died Asked softly: \"hat is tran pham thinking?\"

Are the to monsters behind me real?

this is the la of fate, the strongest person is the boss

the table at duong thanh Luu quickly ran out of food Under the guidance of Lang huyen dang, they entered the study room and sat don

If you keep it in the refrigerator for a short time, leave it for another day and the taste ill be different

on the other side of the city all, Southeast as holding a mobile phone ith a smile on his lips:

\"Yes, I ant them all put your hand in the door on the right and I ill arrange for someone to e don and get it\"

Liu mingyu thre to basketballsized energy balls toards the monster's head In addition to the greatest riters, the past fifty years have also produced musicians, painters, sculptors, architects and others

“I ill go to Nanzhou University, but not no!

At this point, I'm afraid everyone ill choose to save the pyramid first

tan An grabbed xiaoru's body, pointed at the door, then opened the door gently and jumped up like flying!

Not everyone in this orld ants to buy a house, and the government allocates living space according to people's needs

an Yuliang recalled his mission and the information provided by qiang leaders and others

Li Zongfei replied at the bottom of the letter

If you ant to attract these demons, concentrate on breaking the energy shield of the pyramid and attract the demons' attention

It's not fair to Nham An, but everyone follos bach phong for a hile, only Nham Anh and Ngoc thanh follo bach phong

Vuong Vinh Khang suddenly looked helpless: \"brother, do you have a hundredyearold ginseng?\"

“Ask me and I’ll tell you everything I kno

Not only did they change their minds, they also believed that the zombies had transformed into another creature they couldn't understand tang danping replied jokingly

constantly traveling back and forth beteen the to places

but Nhip Anh bang as not prepared for the disease this is also\" Suhaitan thought to himself then everyone looked at Lao San

\"take me to their dormitory to see\"

duong mach sa everyone's resolute and ruthless attitude and immediately made a false impression

Li Longming didn't kno that the brother behind him as talking about Liu mingyu, so he folloed Liu mingyu and alked forard sloly

hen she stood upright in front of tan An, tan An as pletely attracted by her body \" Yang qinglu had no intention of stopping at the magpie Nest, so he naturally ordered: \"In extraordinary times, the island camp must decisively implement the principle of both entry and exit

“our real safe haven may be on the south bank of the est River Looking at it state by state?

the priest stood before Jesus and prayed

Everyone licked their lips, making sister Suvasa Gama's mouth et

he has never been a kind person Although he knos that this is just a fantasy, not a real paradise, and may be very dangerous, he still attracts many people

he as earing an autumn gray coat ith long sleeves that ere disproportionate to his body the round collar caused a hite patch to appear at the base of his neck his chest as uneven and so ugly that it as hard to see hat he as earing underneath hat Go around a little bit

\"You didn't e last time, do you kno ho Abao got injured?

\"this is a syringe gun filled ith ten thousand antizombie virus pills It's integrated and cannot be removed don't try, it ill destroy itself

As they say, if hard ork pays off, hy ould you need more talent?

this time, these people insulted Sister du, and Zhang Yang's anger as about to explode this study tour has been planned for a long time and is expected to depart next eek

\"hat's the prize?\"

As Luu min Ngoc later speculated, bao Lan tinh's home planet seemed to be from another planet than the one they inhabited

this may sho ho high Zhang qiang's management observation ability is

Liu minyu also noticed their actions immediately then he sa them and immediately came to stop them, but did not interfere too much

Satan No 2 also gave his anser but after the zombies left, they naturally became greedy

the people behind sa duong mach floating on the ground and jumped to the ground ithout hesitation

No onder the blanket rapped around her as missing She drank too much, and it as normal for the bed flag to fall hen she alked, but hy as xiaoru not earing any clothes?

\"ait a minute, the enemy has been alive for a long time, and they have brought an antidote developed in the laboratory\"

\"the fourthlevel chu tianlei has the ability to restrain thunder and lightning I used to think of dispelling it and storing it in the relevant area, but no this method is pletely impossible\"

\"hat ill happen if xiao Zhang and the others go ith me?

tan An still remembered Li Na's flat figure, but she sa that the oman during this period had pletely changed pared to Li Na

\"Grandpa Zhang, you can pay in installments, but accept the first condition

\"then I on't aste my time After all, the researchers live here\"

“dad, listen to me explain, I do this mainly to avoid property taxes

Entering the church, you ill see a man earing a red priest's robe behind you

Five yards behind him a naked oman nodded and smiled at him

before he could guess, Lai tongfei rote back: \"You kno they can understand hat you rote they are scared You are here to help them ho is their leader??\"

by the end of the tang dynasty, this really didn't matter If these la enforcers really anted to check their Ids, there as really nothing they could do

the devil's intentions are clear

It as a sunny day on the day of departure duong mach alked to the school gate ith his roommates in sportsear

Lu haipeng and ma Yifeng had a great time eating this lunch

but Gan Lipeng as not as polite to ang Jiale as before Instead, he coldly pulled out the butcher knife, turned his back, and said coldly: \"mr ang\" mr ang, I hope you can develop a vaccine \"Soon Right there aiting for you You have to pay in person\" they e here to die!

Liu mingyu ranks as the devil 1 Not holeheartedly After some questioning, Liu mingyu smiled secretly at devil No 1 If it ere not for the information I received from your panions, you ould have knon your fate long ago

but if he can deal ith the devil behind it no, then there is no need for him to take the devil seriously

Liu min asked the man next to Yubalan Jing: \"can you understand the language of this monster?\" Several dogs jumped up and suddenly appeared Even bach Fang sa only a dark shado, from hich the dog emerged

Zhang chongxin rushed in If the other party disagreed, their family still had a chance

Second, this time there is a spoken script Although hodie is a novelist, screenriting and spoken script are just to ays of using ords hodie is not very good at this, so he orks hard on his on life his first story, he anted to make her more epic ;

hen chu Kai sa the rice in the pot, he as a little hesitant to say goodbye, but as bach Fang said, he ran to everyone ith the rice and the pot in his hand

tang qingliu as consulted for the final design plan, and the conclusion as that the existing all should not be used, but a large vault should be built at the entrance of the undersea tunnel the all should be 3 meters thick and 20 meters high

No if he can't fly, he can't leave this place

\" \" So far

tran maker stood up, crossed his arms, and stood by the indo, looking out at the lonely and noisy orld

hat's the purpose of this?

tan An as shocked hen he sa this oman! there is a lot of dust inside the church, and there are a fe tisted vines climbing on the alls, but the building is intact

If space gates could be summoned so easily, there ould be no need to spend so much energy building ten space gates on to planets to help locals transport and develop ore

“Sir, you patrolled around but couldn’t find the security guard inside

blackbone fish oil dripped from Yu She's fingers Yu She took the third big meatball and spread oil on it

Zhang Yue stepped forard, kicked chen haoren's chair, and cursed ith a smile: \"Fat man, hat are you talking nonsense about? Stop talking nonsense, my sister is so beautiful\"

\"the reason hy e have not been aay from the earth for so long is also because e gather strength from generation to generation, because alking has to bee our ay of life\"

the zombies Li Zongfei recruited ere all fighting zombies, not detection zombies at all

this is a great body

No 005 and no 010 seemed surprised by Liu mingyu's generosity, and no one increased the price

Some people feel a little bad

As for the ne arrivals, please atch them sloly and do not give them eapons the sentry toer ill alays be the protection of our people I believe they ill not be in trouble

After injecting Nham An, bach Fong quickly tested Nham An in hopes that the drug ould ork

Li Zongfei asked an Yuliang to go to the pyramid to find some bolan stars and lead them to chase the demons I started using the top level as system space again this is undeniable in ancient times because it is a historical accumulation of thousands of years

but he happened to meet Liu xing ho as talking to xiaogang, laughing so hard that he almost reached the ceiling Seeing Gan Lipeng ing don from the roof, Liu xing asked doubtfully: \"hat are you doing on the roof?\"

xiao tongxin alked in ith a sad face, as if he had made a big mistake and felt very guilty \"Lu minyu explained

You are such a liar kid the mutated parts of the fifth layer are much better than the fourth layer, and the human body's immune system can bee immune to the virus

or are their people sloly learning the language?

Zhang Luo smiled and said in a lo voice: \"No, I have a ay\"

You kno, there are only telve guards in a factory as big as Laoxinfeng Group u Zhe froned slightly and said, \"I'm not interested anymore I can't stand the old calendar anymore\"

hurry and kill us before it's over

\"Little cEo, get out of the ay I'm from a Fortune 500 pany in teshan city Look at me! If those cats follo me, bai Feng is not sure he can deal ith four of them\" Yi found one, but took to

Jiang peng chose the track option, and hen he planted the silver coins, he had already produced enough materials So cute, the person next to her is definitely a oman!

doffy returns to the city base and begins preparing to head to Air Island

\"honey, do you hear me clearly?\"

today is an important day in the school, and professor tian's experiment has been postponed for this day

“hy do so many people in the orld really hate them?

If Li Zongfei and others can concentrate on dealing ith the pyramid, they ill definitely be able to break through the energy shield of the pyramid

Finally, chen xiaoyan hugged tan An's face and said lovingly: \"Sir! hen I took those to people there yesterday, they ere almost surrounded by zombies!\"

the four people Li Zongfei as carrying regained consciousness and immediately surrounded the demon does he ant to take over Zhengei? did anyone e to your door to see you?

It can be reopened after some cleaning

Shortly thereafter, each bag as loaded individually \"After announcing the success, Liu Fugui smiled and expressed congratulations

Although he is close to special, he is still far from the top ten

It is better to be seen as evil in public, lest God lose his foresight

theoretically, it can deal ith level four eaklings ang en did not curse: \"he openly came to lead, otherise he ould not be so promising\" I have never felt like this before, folloing a large army through the desert and not sleeping for a day or to

Zhang hao couldn't help but laugh

the distance and location of the dimensional gate are different for each monster

then, there are irregular patches of ice around the base of the pyramid, hich are much smaller in area than a single pyramid

during the borroing process of Liu mingyu and Liu Fugui, no 005 and no 010 surpasses each other, increasing the value to 17,000 grams

No the pyramid cannot be considered to have breached the energy conservation shield

At the end of the tang dynasty, he told this story again, perhaps inspired by the loyalty and hope of the people here ;

After hearing bach Fang's ords, many people immediately packed their bags

perhaps this is because chief Jiang and the other balangjing Aboriginals are not orthy of so little effort on our part

Is this a portal?

\"I never thought e ould see true universal prosperity Although the ancients alays said it as a utopian orld, I never thought utopia ould actually bee a reality\"

If you understand hat I'm saying If he could really do it, hoang Nghi couldn't help but teach him a lesson

the colony of the rising sun must be an island nation, an independent territory, and all colonial connections must extend to the bottomless ocean

he as secretly glad that his brothers agreed to follo him, but there as a hint of fear on his face hoever, the sixdimensional puppet as of great use, so ang Shengli used ouyang xiu's special body to turn him into a sixdimensional puppet through the exchange system, so that he could expel the Red Sea monster

\"Fool, can't you see the person next to you?\"

Niu dan is a big man ith a strong backbone he plays the role of tolan arrior in orld of arcraft, so people call him tolan then after the boss found out about tolan NtR, he stopped letting others do it Let's just call him that

If additional gates are confirmed based on information provided by the other party, it ill take some time before you can rely on a specific aircraft

After saying that, he alked toards the city gate hen he turned back this time, he anted to see if anything happened in the base After alking hundreds of miles, I am tired I'm afraid you don't kno the army's plan yet If you kne, you ould send people to cooperate ith those people

hen fighting bravely, young people dreamed of the ultimate enemy hoever, after that night to years ago, the blood of all young people turned into flames, burning all dangerous flames in the orld Lu minyu asked again under the paper

It's almost as fast as the human eye

he is much taller than he as then, his body appears more muscular, and his proportions are more ellproportioned his muscle lines are perfect, and the softness of his hole body reveals a hint of masculinity Kitcheran also leaned tiredly against the all

but hoc diep said: \"Sorry, not happy\"

After about an hour of study, Liu mingyu mastered the devil's language and could municate ith the devil easily

the pyramid is smaller than humans, humans, and even tang xing's monsters

Almost as soon as Liu minyu finished speaking, the devil came out 2 Liu mingyu folloed closely and nodded vigorously

“I donloaded this softare on my mobile phone and it is very easy to use and very convenient

At that time, Yu chaomu ill have to spend a lot of time and energy explaining to chong Runlu, explaining the human evolution process to him in detail from the perspectives of science, humanities, and psychology history, evolution and eschatology

the sand behind me has not yet burned red, but there is red sand all around, so I can't see clearly

the already croded place became even more croded ith the arrival of large numbers of people

Liu mingyu pointed at the sun, \"So, these people's cities are all outside this fireball?\"

the Jade Emperor as very angry he as insulted by chen mark many times he hated chen mark deeply, but he also kne hat to do the situation as not good Even if he as insulted, he had to surrender to save his life

Soon, several men in military uniforms got out of the car

the door as closed as soon as they entered the laboratory the to innocent people immediately itnessed a very bloody and cruel scene their skulls ere immediately chopped off ithout any arning therefore, the empty space ill remain open until the boss falls

\"Empire, Empire! If your mother kne, she ould definitely forgive you\"

being able to find these to relatively older bolan stars, e ere never at a disadvantage

the force of this bite as so strong that it tore the flesh on qin An's neck!

In fact, some people ant to take advantage of the situation and use violence to rob the property and goods in the store Some people also break into the security counter of luxury stores and steal gold, silver and jeelry designer clothes and handbags they never dreamed of the hole as too big for me to escape

the leaves ere a little et, but xiaoru put them in the sun during the day and tried them on the fireplace at night, so he slept ell

\"I don't kno I just heard that the annexation order as sent by brother Long brother Long, didn't you receive the message?

this does not prove that the poer of the space gate behind him is not one step loer than Li Zongfei Isn’t this the time for students to be passionate and bold? Users of dota Face Shoes lose the ability to touch and alk on other people's bodies, but they can stab and attack others ith a knife, hich is an absolute paradox

Zhang chongxin smiled softly

Liu mingyu discovered that these bolan Star people ere pletely different from the bolan Star people he imagined hy does brother Long respect him so much? Uh, he seems a little scared? No matter ho big or small, good or bad, as long as it orks

they rely on organizational support to reach level four

Although everyone in this orld can do everything at home, there are no restrictions on everyone going out

e have been friends ith people like Li Zichuan for some time, and I think they are relatively reliable and trustorthy the only reason they agreed to buy back the coal mines as to prevent us from cheating and peting for exploration rights

duong mach took off his helmet and happily started eating a bol of curry rice he looked at tu qi and asked, \"Is there any nes from mr tu?\" hoever, e are already in their camp no, so it is better not to face them face to face

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