

第23章 后记328.32.32(2 / 2)
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\"Elder chen, you are right our interests have been seriously damaged recently, but if e can have the opportunity to integrate the hezhong energy, or pletely control the hezhong energy, it ill be equivalent to alking on to legs\"

tan An looked at everyone and said, \"I have something to tell you!

\"You have captured Nanning and given defenses the defenses of Nanning and Liushou are collapsing the north and south defense lines are deployed at the same time, but Aisha doesn't kno if it can stop the attack the zombies are still attacking No? there are too many people\"

ordinary zombies cannot give him the experience needed to ascend, so he can only hunt elites

“It’s a party song!

hat happened?

there are only a limited number of Shado Stars in the pyramid, so ho can monsters possibly interact ith them?

pared to the to, the methods used by the monsters seem very ancient

ithout Li dongpi, our defense ould not have been broken

hen e sa Khuongs' ork, e immediately kne hat e meant

So ill the food I eat here end up in my stomach?

\"they are just students!

bach Fang nodded sloly, but at this time Kyoya had already boiled the ater

\"you said

An alliance leader named duong sa the tang dynasty fall and eventually attacked the Song emperor

hat happened?

Something happened behind the dimensional gate, the to monsters ran aay, or rather escaped

this is their main concern organizations need this arfighting capability no but if you take the boss ith others, you can't run and you have to fight harder Zhang chongxin froned

hen bai Feng and others alked fifty or sixty meters, they sa the dining area

the oman raised her nose, loered her head, smelled tan An's scent, and a smile appeared on her face, as if she had finally found something she liked

but no, there is a boss ho kills the lemur corpse in a direct confrontation! Zhang chongxin said politely

xiqi casually took the fruit roll from bai Feng's hand and said, \"okay, I'll go no

\"ell, if everyone understands, then there is no need to beat around the bush, I ant to see ith my on eyes the ne life skills discovered by Freemasons\" dolphy said bluntly

In other ords, it only takes ten minutes to plete this giant pyramid

It is ith this kind of insurance that they can move here ith peace of mind

this is hat Liu minyu is orried about he anted to kno ho to convince Li Longming

hen ang Yongkang heard this, he quickly reminded him: \"brother, e cannot trust that others ill not be deceived again\"

the distance spanned by such a spatial portal is virtually infinite

there really is no other ay to spread it

no problem

Gan Lipeng suddenly blushed a little At first he thought ang Jiaya ould love to people this time like last time, but no he doesn't think he only loves one person

perhaps, firing xiang Yanyi immediately is also a ay to seize the opportunity

\"this is crazy\"

\"don't lie, believe in your abilities!\"

the onder is so strong that it alays creates a feeling of appreciation

tan An's eyes ere cold and he said to Li Nan: \"hang on!

For Li Longming, his assets on the surface are hundreds of thousands, but his inner assets are far more than that

\"dad, ho's it going over there?\"

\"hey, is this over?

both Lao Liu and Lao Zhang looked at mike chen

the monster yelled, as if telling him to fight if he couldn't beat it

As the first group of people to be ith Liu mingyu, the qiang clan chief remains unknon to this day, hile the bolanxing clan chief met ith Liu mingyu's representative

depending on the user's strength, the teleportation distance is the same

\"I don't kno yet, but if it's good, then that's good It mainly depends on the final cost of the doublelayer energy crystal ill the success rate suddenly increase to infinity? do you feel unstoppable?\"

God can certainly do anything

No ords ere spoken the hole night, and it as already around five o'clock in the morning

\"Zombie, your death is ing!\"

ang Yongkang nodded seriously

the fire has been put out and the explosion has stopped

master dongfang and his party ere not as quiet as usual people from the loer classes ere ing and going, bustling ith people

An extremely stressful transition

ill he allo us to find a place of closure and restoration of life?

ang Yongkang said helplessly

driver A: “So, I’m in that place, I’m a tree next to it!

the old dollar exchange shos that Liu mingyu is not as bad as imagined

\"So tell me, bye, hat stage of development are you at no? that's roughly here e are\"

ang Jiale took a sip, turned his admiring eyes aay from cam Lap bang, turned to the unconscious blonde, and said calmly: \"Go and clean the stains on the floor, and then close it\" men have eyes \"In the other bed!\"

Li Lanlan spent most of her time in the dormitory, and sometimes ent to other dormitories to chat about the latest nes

\"At first I thought if I didn't in, I ould die this 2m tall monster as similar in size to hat Lu mingyu had seen before It cannot be said to be small in size, and there as not much change in other aspects

Let someone in, she, she, she hy do you call her that?

\"e and see

this aesome video shos the process of killing Ivan in a giant ater tank! ;

chu du held the crystal and stared at the soybeansized object in his hand It's humanity's ticket to evolution or death \"Zhang hao explained patiently

he and an Yuliang made sure that neither of us escaped

Lu minyu thought for a hile, \"hat to do no? the temperature inside is very lo no they ill e temporarily before they find their ay, you tell them again to take them back to the country\"

La enforcement quickly reported the incident to authorities, ho responded ithin to minutes

the ground as covered ith shards of metal and broken glass from vehicles

Li Longming revieed hat he had just done in his mind, and Liu mingyu had no regrets

Finally, Liu mingyu selected to soldiers from each tribe to cooperate

\"congratulations! e experienced to natural disasters in chengdu, and then e had stomach problems in Ne delhi\"

In hindsight, this seems unlikely

hen he said this, Lekatu didn't kno if anyone understood, so he pointed his finger at the ghost that had not yet been solved ang en froned: \"I'm not bragging I'm the only one among us ho has relevant experience If you don't choose me, ho else ill you choose? ith the impact of the huge explosion, all the zombies ere destroyed, and the corpses became invisible Flying dust balls

qiu Linghua blushed slightly ith embarrassment and said ith a smile: \"Sorry, xia du has such a bad temper congratulations on getting first place in this exam\"

beteen rising and falling, hite air aves sloly avered around

this oman, I never kne her love ords ere so touching, I never kne she as such a beautiful person! he is actually our biggest obstacle Zhang hao expressed his support for ang en e should not underestimate this person \"qu qielan asked again\"

Seeing tu qiao's clothes, tu hai nodded and said ith a smile: \"Smart boy, haven't you to finished eating my delicious food?\"

It as still dark at this time, the night as not over yet, there ere fe stars in the sky, a ne moon came from the east to the est, and dan seemed to be approaching

So Yu chaomu did as he pleased, took the sord, paid God's invitation, and displayed the qingyan form!

“e have people in the military, so of course they have to find someone to do it secretly

duong mach sits on the couch, earing a helmet

Shangquan u die as speechless he may not have noticed at all, but huo die as actually not good at putting on airs hodeep must grapple ith his feelings for her

Zhang hao directed this scene

tong Feilai has no regrets I told the director of our base hat he said about human genetics and I'd love to meet you and talk, you can take a look hen you have time and I'll address it

\"brother is so kind!

huo die as a little impatient, knocked on the steering heel tice, and said, \"don't hum, okay?\"

Neither Liu mingyu nor the qiang leaders kne anything about the bolan Star

At this time, three big dogs, three orange and one hite, rushed into the grass there is no doubt about this

After I see the leadership, can you tell me here you found your people?

or do you feel bad?

xiulan said: \"don't think about anything else!\"

\"Release your rist\"


there is nothing rong in calling it a superpoer, but china is used to calling it supernatural poer, hile corrupt countries and other estern countries prefer to call it magic or itchcraft

coughing violently, he put his hands on the ground, stamped his feet hard, stopped, rolled his eyes, and sobbed, \"don't e, don't e, please, I kno I am a man\" eird dad, please, please, I'm sorry, don't e I ant to bee a co or a horse \"the ater under the pants has drained aay

After a hile, the old man picked up the pen and rote on a piece of paper bach Fang didn't pay too much attention to the zombies andering the countryside As long as there ere to or three people around, bach Fang could sloly kill them

Another 30 minutes passed

the process ent smoothly ith Jiang peng's help, he successfully killed to bosses

In other ords, the strength of this monster is unlikely to be only the top level four Let me tell you, these to days are a must!

After saying that, Zeng qiang came to the center of the ring and activated the evolutionary aura in his body in the ay Liu xing said

Zhang chongxin asked again: \"brother ang, hat are you going to do next?

Li dongpi is still the same, and my strength has not reached the peak of the fourth period

but ith so many arrests made, a large number of people are still at large before the oman's

mouth left qin An's throat, she couldn't stand qin An's blood!


Li dongfei gave devil No 1 a halfhearted smile 1 but he said nothing 】

I anted to click to see hy, but as asked to click to register

\"dad, don't be afraid of spending money don't look for those guards Even if there are many people, they can't help If you ant to look for him, just look for the old man\" a soldier or someone ho has actually seen blood

Among the shareholders of United Energy, horsepoer has the strongest economic potential, and the other party is their largest shareholder and their biggest petitor

\"hy are you pale?\"

\"don't orry, this on't happen So, the cruel bachfang used it on Naan'an first, and then on chudu to see hat the result ould be

In the past to hours, a ne group of monsters ould move almost every to minutes, and they ere eventually killed by Liu mingyu

“ell, at least sho me the knife

According to the ritten records left by the Saobolang people, the ancient riting cannot be traced back to the era of the early tribes of the Saobolang people

Liu mingyu made a rough calculation and found that the entire pyramid is divided into four layers

there are some differences beteen the to, but the meaning expressed is basically the same

\"hat does Jiaoyu mean\" qin mingming glanced back and forth beteen xiqing and chu Jiangyun, his eyes narroed slightly, as if he hadn't accepted the fact yet: \"hat kind of hands do you to have

Zhang hao made sincere suggestions

Long xuan said in surprise

Next, tong Yan invited master Zhong to sit don and atch the cleaning team

\"Guo haoyu, chen hao, Lu cai, Fan bang, you four are here!

Everything must have been guessed by Li dongpi himself

Although it is still far aay from the monster 1 must have mentioned 150,000 kilometers, hich as the data Liu man obtained before the double change

on ednesday, tran mak split zombies ith a long ax and slaughtered them on the north side of the city east of the city the shado of Nanzhou University appeared in front of tran mak's eyes but ith ang qing’s current strength, I don’t kno if I’m not even afraid of death, so hat else should I be afraid of? please help me, bach Fang

So tich than opened a fiveminute call and oke up So than hai, ho as alays on track

Zhao Li as convinced that the obvious goal of our group as not to destroy the monsters lurking behind

Liu minyu immediately asked: \"ho many people ill there be hen you enter their planet this time?

hearing the thumping sound ing from the glasses chest, he immediately jumped back and fell to the ground to meters high, losing consciousness in pain the priest turned around and picked up the cross from his chest and handed it to Shu Yamei

Zhang hao nodded: \"take a quick look, as long as there are no major flas, it's fine\"

\"I've been going there for a hile and I don't kno hat to expect hen I get there I don't even kno ho to leave that orld If so, do you still ant to go in? \"

After a hile, an Yuliang also arrived

bach Fong sa Vuong than protecting several people and ran for more than a hundred meters, then stopped, turned around and folloed them

the animal's lo grol continues from its mouth, conveying the message of hunger

In that pyramid group, Li Zongfei did not let the bolan people go

the value of the number 005 is increasing and reaches 16,500 grams

\"hat about your third sister?\"

the monster pointed in the air, as if explaining something

does Liu mingyu kno hat the devil looks like and hat the devil's poer is like?

Still, I loved the scene here the monster as killed

\"hen you enter the territory of the empire, you can travel the universe In the early days of mythology, space arriors came to the earth and invited saints to participate in the Forum of All Nations on Earth\" \"e understand the universe I have been to the Ne delhi colony tice in my life, almost destruction, my lasting impression of this place is that it's hey dangerous, full of danger No Attack the Rules, metal Frenzy is a righteye and patchick release that's great for dealing ith extreme enemies, but lacks lifesaving tools

hat Zhao Yuanhui ants is a loyal and smart subordinate, not an employee ho only knos ho to bully others It can be seen from this that after the betrayal and murder of the first Li Fangran, Zhao Yuanhui did not sho any anger, pity or pity Zhao Yuanhui doesn't like Li Fangran, so he must be very smart and bold to make Zhao Yuanhui like and promote him one hundred and fifty thousand kilometers to be honest, this distance did not exceed Liu mingyu's expectations, but it seemed reasonable

So hen people kill people, it's a crime against humanity Although the la is sloly being broken, society ill harshly condemn those ho dare to kill the zombies first

Liu mingyu prayed silently, he didn't have much money, he didn't care, if he produced gold, he ould still be rich

It is a form of transmission used by many different civilizations in the interstellar age \"du Fei is interested he discovered in the morning that this old man's vitality is fluctuating he is obviously an aakened person and cannot be loer than level four, but he doesn't kno hat his vitality is\"

Sometimes that's true

qiuxue rose into the air very sloly

chu Shiqing forted chu's father and chu's mother, ho both thought their son had turned into a zombie during this halfday buffer, the rest of the orld learned that there ere zombie monsters andering around looking to eat humans, usually in a massacre, and the internet predicted a fe zombie incidents

Just as I as thinking about ho to plete the task, my thoughts ere suddenly interrupted by the hispers of the talang people She also likes to read so you can talk together

Zhang Yue shrugged and said sarcastically: \"Look at your body, you run so fast and there are about three pieces of fat on your belly

Zhang Yang ran to meet the giant hen the to approached, the machete in the blackrobed giant's hand stabbed Zhang Yang Zhang Yang raised his leg, grabbed it from his stomach, and hit him on his leg Go donstairs and get out

From this aspect, Lu qing's style can be said to have influenced the mythology of an era

Eventually, the boss sloly calmed don, his muscles sloly recovered, and he finally fell back on the bed

\"that's a good thing, I think I can agree ith that\"

an Yuliang slammed into the inner all of the pyramid ho much profit can be made?

\"No look at it

In the previous life, do Fei ent crazy ith Au duong Lang Fong and fought ith Vuong Sinh hen Au duong Lang phong ent crazy, many energy chains fle out of his body these energy chains are somehat similar to the theory, but not exactly the same this is it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

\"Actually!\" Liu Fuan opened a bottle of red ine and poured a glass for Liu minyu bai Feng as a little surprised hen he sa these dogs Although these dogs ere not as big as the black dogs he had seen before, they ere much faster

Li Longming aved to everyone, pointed at Liu mingyu and said: \"this is brother Yu, my name is brother Yu

the next day, duong mach led more than 20 people from the garbage dump to a secret tunnel

“As long as I can still ork, I ill not retire voluntarily

Yes, sorry

Liu mingyu as right next to him the seven of us sa Li Zongfei in the sky and hurried up to meet him

before I had time to think, I fell into a again

As soon as everyone entered the village, they found more than a dozen zombies, but this time bai Feng refused to let ang qing protect him

\"brother bao? building 5 has opened base registration If you ant to enter, you can go to the south gate of baoku ton!\"

Kichlan as silent for a long time before he said, \"Let's not talk about this for no Let's talk about do phi first\"

hen Li Zongfei left the prison, he also brought some strength potions and healing potions

So tran hae and tan than looked at each other, feeling that they didn't quite understand the orld of teenagers, but looking at So than oo ith a smile, they quickly realized: \"Isn't this a super poer?\"

his brothers are not simple either From the cars they have seen, they kno that cars like Leopard and tiger are orth millions

of course this is just a joke

Neither of them spoke ang Jiale as busy in front of the experimental bed, doing various experiments on the blonde tang danping drank hite ine hile silently defending ang Jiale this as their business many years Secretly understanding is also a habit that tang danping cannot change there as a girl of about seven or eight years old in her arms on the bed!

but hen they sa the scene in front of them, everyone could see that these zombies ere suffering

For example, ords such as \"lost the city around the ater\" and \"attracts all living beings\" are too general to express her beauty!

I believe hat e said is correct and invalid Liu mingyu ants to save some people from the ave Star, and maybe he can bring the people from the Resource Star back to our village

If it is close to blood, it ill be red; if it is close to ink, it ill be black to resist and live under ang xiao's hands is to die If you don’t resist, you must learn ang xiao’s ay of life

Li Zongfei hopes to save little bolanxing

None of this is possible

Zhang hao tightened his coat and opened the car door: \"It's so cold outside, please go home quickly\" If necessary, e ill talk on the phone Among them, the xijiang defense Line is the most important , and establish defensive positions in depth

\"this has nothing to do ith you but if you don't sleep ith me, I ill never pay you, simple as that!\"

\"It's impossible there are police on the street Even if the robbery is successful, you can't escape besides, robbery is a crime and can be punished by death\"

Zhang hao immediately interrupted him: \"Father, those people risked their lives and shot fearlessly besides, robbing an antique store is easier than robbing a bank, right?\"

I asn't pletely full and didn't absorb sugar easily hen I as out looking for dinner

mr quinn couldn't breathe


bai Fang asked the to sisters to sit don, and he also sat beside Lai Fangfang's bed, looking at Lai Fangfang ho as still sleeping


du Fei denied that Zeng danping, ho as obsessed ith research and development, liked Gan Lipeng very much because of ang Jiale's beautiful face and cold demeanor

\"Iyou're here\"

once you die, you can heal once

According to the information provided by daemon 1 and daemon 2, the space gate in this area has been destroyed, and the remaining monsters under the space battleship ill find ays to reopen the space gate

If possible, minimize the difficulty of pleting the task

Li Zongfei is ready to activate the plete state at any time I suddenly made no move and asked Liu mingyu to retreat to the pyramid above ang Yongjian paused and changed the topic: \"but Zhang hao helped me e up ith an idea Let's discuss it together and see if it's okay\"

obviously, in the eyes of everyone, tong Yan's status is quite high no! Should e go all out to secure mining rights in tasmania?

\"Father, I bought the villa from chu dan I ant to put it in your name\"

Zhang hao ansered truthfully

both methods took me 30 minutes to start

In other ords, the devil does not exist at all the four bolan stars gathered together and talked as if they ere in a vegetable market

Arriving at the bottom of the pyramid, en Yuluan did not take any sudden action, but he as alays aare of the situation at the top and hat might happen around him \"bachfang thought about it for a moment,\" hoak diep said enthusiastically

If you can normalize this eak defense, it ill help you and your zombie army a lot

Liu minyu asked orriedly

the open door never disappears

people are saved by poer and restored by poer

Liu minyu looked at the sky, and there as only one thread hanging in the sky

obviously, Liu minyu's knife brought him too much pressure, and he didn't ant to experience this feeling again Unlike me ho only plays ith bags all day long, the symbols I recognize are all chemical equations Give me some blood and you'll find out!

I'm afraid there is no other ay to acplish the mission

hen the lemur's body as pulled aay from the black iron hunter, Jiang peng kne that it could still survive and quickly used [Stone Armor] on it

“dear gods, please save your people!

they couldn't have caused us so much trouble and killed us if they had no motive for us

he spent the night ith the inspector last night, and everything turned out to be as he said this man spent more than 300 million just to buy the land, and the possibility of lying as almost zero

So it seems to make sense to change the state of the planet It looks like they have been in a relationship for a long time! As for Lin Jiyin, if the to did not have a relationship, huo could not give Lin Jiyin a clear anser so far

tang danping as surprised to see ang Jiale's eyes ang Jiale's eyes ere very familiar to him, just like the first time he sa her, full of love and longing No, fighting zombies is fun, but our car is out of gas thank you, leader!

the aistline of the loer body and the slender legs form a perfect arch ith slight curves

taking a deep breath, xiaoru sloly sat up from the bed, then lifted the sheets covering her body and looked up at the bed under the moonlight, hich shoed a brilliant red

ithout any future experience, Luu min Ngoc sloly dug up the pyramid again

but the problem is that users have to stop paying attention to human interests hen using the technology

but this can only be encouraged through intention

having said this, hodip's expression softened slightly, but his expression as still vague After a hile, he said: \"Very ell, dear, thank you\"

After a hile, Liu mingyu's pronunciation as exactly the same as that of the local bolanxing

Finally he spoke first: \"tieu Ngoc, ould you like to explain something to me?\"

I mean \"Vuong Vinh Kien\"?

After a night of torture, Su Jiangen no looked in pain, his hair as messy, and he smelled of alcohol and seat then the than pursed his lips in disgust: \"You give me a bath first! It as orse than today\" \"the enemy is at the door,\" \"Isn't your father's escape route the same as mine?\"

\"hat's up, guys?\"

After explaining the facts, the la enforcement officers drove aay ithout even anting to stay for a second

\"Son, do you think I'm an idiot?\"

It's just that each of these three settlements has its on geographical environment characteristics For example, the land area of the Sora settlement is much larger, the longitude is much smaller than its dimensions, and the map is smaller horizontal and vertical , like a big tree

Speaking of his precious grandson, Zhang chongxin immediately lost his temper: \"I on't talk about it anymore, just put it in my name\" hen I'm not around, let Kevin help you for a fe more years

or not like I thought cried the king in horror

\"Yes, Senior Sister Zhang Ruan, in short, the students of Nanzhou University are just floers in the greenhouse If they ant to truly gro, they have to turn them upside don\"

No that the zombies outside the city have been eliminated, it ill be difficult for Southeast to deal ith these creatures if they encounter them again

\"hat do you think?\" ell, the boss is alays a pervert don't take this for granted

“I didn’t expect that in the future, ne energy technology ould be successfully applied around the orld, and our country’s technology ould also achieve a qualitative improvement and reach a ne level

“oh, the boss is angry, anyone ho doesn’t ant to be beaten should leave!

Scan the qR code to donload Red Sleeves in a>vas>div>xiaoxianghe div>div>div>, free benefits for ne readers for a limited time

Just as Lu minyu predicted, this monster es from a distant planet

Even if you ant to do research, there are ays to do it duffy said ith a smile

\"I don't need the support and folloers of Nanzhou University, I ant the best talents of course, if you are under my control in the base, as long as you abide by the rules of the base, I ill treat them equally \" \"

the people behind us are the predecessors of bo xing, so the technology e master must be unlimited

Each pyramid has a different duty, and their position changes hen locked in a ave star

\"oh during the prehistoric period, the earth as a hundred times larger than it is no, and the population as a thousand times there ere strong men everyhere, at least three thousand, and six saints but these six saints are still disciples of our lord\" Later, ang Sheng left everyone on the island aiting for rescue \"Go to rescue ouyang xiu, and ouyang Lingfeng himself

hoever, Liu mingyu believes that this possibility is not very high \"chen Rui also looked at the small bouquet of floers left in his hand, just like looking at a storage room full of rice

\"oh, the invitation e gave you before is still valid If you have any questions, just ask

the rinkles under Liu mingyu's eyes ere like chinese characters carved on bones No matter if one is too much or too little, set up one as an experiment and then put the other one into the lab!

ang enning took out his mobile phone from the scene: \"I ill call him no henever I get the right to vote, I can allo more money than the purchase price\"

do you kno hat happened to the people inside?

Eight minutes later, the old man carefully pushed the paper behind Guo Guangshan and motioned for Liu minyu to look at it

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