

第23章 后记328.32.32(1 / 2)
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but ho did that? ;

Vuong thanh nodded sloly, \"oh\", agreeing ith bach Fong's statement Forget it, you are that kind of person, boss, your sister can't survive After the massacre, Yangjiang as only three days aay from the first ave of zombies Liu xing needs to go to the resistance camp on Li Road to help deploy a series of measures to protect and eliminate Zeng qiang And by

protecting him from peng Linxin, the future zombie resistance army ill take shape

Li Na didn't kno hat her mood as no She as a little surprised, a little angry, a little sad, and a little angry

the road as not long, and Liu mingyu came out in a blink of an eye

\"besides, I screed up your mother even more You don't have to remind me I kno better\"

he can kill countless demons

perhaps the monsters didn't think anyone could break through the pyramid's energy shield Last time I came here it as to sign documents In the past, the protective circle on the south bank of the Yangtze River as full of dangers and as nothing pared to the north bank people on the north bank ere unilling to get close

the ay he looked at me seemed to be full of curiosity!

\"director Zhang, you are very careful\"

\"ho is this gentleman?\"

did Li Zongfei pay attention to the abovementioned bolan Star people, as he later said, e should seek death, Li Zongfei tried to stop them, but Ni Yingpeng also anted to stop them

\"Uh, soldiers? that ay e can do a better job and avoid unnecessary problems

duong mach closed the doors and indos of his bedroom and rarely ent out to exercise or sleep Instead, he sat at his desk in neat clothes \"Although doffy said so, he had other plans in mind At first, he planned to capture boss and others, but he felt that he ould meet his fate, so he gave up the plan bloodlevel evolution, sea monster\"


\"You haven't left the earth yet, ho do you kno about the universe?\" mike chen looked at the Jade Emperor in surprise and said curiously hen he oke up, he felt some pain in his hip!

Looking back, he kne that the person next to him as boss Liu's sister, although he didn't recognize her yet

“ ill the price of 20,000 grams increase for the first time?

hat you see there is exactly hat you see behind it

ang Yongkang froned: \"ho is this possible?\"

Yu Sa smiled and said: \"Look at Grandpa tang, he is still very strong even at such an old age

Liu minyu as very happy and said loudly: \"brother Gao, drink tea, drink good tea\" tran mike as stunned, hat is the title?

Zhang chongxin said in surprise

\"Send it donstairs Zhang hao put aay his phone, \"of course there are opportunities, but the training system may let you don I as born that ay and I didn't ant to be taught that ay

Fortunately, ith the efforts of Liu mingyu, a basic understanding of this phenomenon as finally pleted

Several passersby stopped at the school gate to atch, and then the group slipped aay in the sno

\"boss, have you seen me struggling lately?\"

hua Amei's mouth as filled ith thousands of bugs She could only endure the disfort in her heart, alked aay, and introduced herself: \"this is Father moses, and he is du Fei\" …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

he thre Liu mingyu into the sky

Actually it’s been a long time, thuong quan Vu diep

he is also an obnoxious fan of hock dieppe, his biggest crush

the entire earth is a testing ground creatures born on the earth cannot leave the earth the farther they go, the sooner they die

\"this shos that the level of climaterelated zombies ill only get higher and higher You haven't seen his skills and kung fu yet he has killed as many zombies as me!\"

the creature before me as absolutely brutal

Looking at this expression, Lu min didn't seem to understand Yu's intention, and the amplitude and intensity of the arc ere very small prosperity

there are no monsters like humans

If they regret it no, it's too late duong mach anted to give them a chance to make a choice

the thing about the brothers, hoever, is that they're not antisecurity, are they?

perceived time period had little effect

\"old Liu, stop being childish

these bolan stars ere trembling all over because they ere afraid of Liu mingyu, and they clenched tightly for fear of being caught by Liu mingyu

ithout any hesitation, Li Na climbed onto the bed obediently, closed her eyes, and aited for the storm to e Just get used to it he is a fourthlevel evolved human, but he is already one of them there are four ar gods in the camp, and bai Feng is actually a fifthlevel evolved human

“the captain’s Song!! hat do to brothers have in mon that leaves people breathless?

If you can't find the enemy, let the oner kno

A voice filled ith pride and selfrespect rang out teran mike turned around and sa that he as just a student

hen Li dongpi inspected the operation, the number of people he rescued as only 0

thuong quan u diep as trembling no, clearly realizing that he had made a mistake “Vuong Giai Lac intercepted text messages after the speech”


he smiled and said: \"okay, no I ill give the mutant fruit to mrs tu and ask her to make an antidote as soon as possible Scholars are useless, and so are our scholars in the ne era

It took a long time for tan An to understand (this story reached the strange planet)

An evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he asked Reina: \"ho do you feel?\"

manbach opened his eyes ide and said hesitantly, as if he as pletely different from the previous person

She noticed sisters Su huilan and Su huiqing, they could decide

Soon after, bright sunshine appeared in the sky again If nothing else, can't e go to Anh Long?

It's time to applaud!

In the teaching process, Satan does not 2 also marveled at Liu mingyu’s strong learning ability

“It took overnight to get the results

\"do you think you did something rong?\"

\"hello, ho are you doing lately??\" At this point, Emperor qinghua couldn't help but have a lump in his throat

\"In those days, these jokes ere deadly entertainment they ore a mask of seriousness Anyone ho believed them as a fool, and hoever as a fool ould believe them\"

hearing the nes, bach Fang stood up excitedly and asked eagerly: \"can this save them?\"

\"brother Yao, look, is that boy earing equipment?\" Shangguan ugou said firmly

\"Although he is not dead, his health has dropped by 10 points

better not to do that but to use speed to pull us in as fast as possible At least e kno the strength of our opponent and see if e can save more bolang tinh people

the sound struck like ind, cutting the body of the fifthlayer zombie in half

during the battle, monsters repeatedly tried to break through our defenses and enter the gate \"Lu minyu shook his head quickly, disapprovingly It's not that he doesn't kno ho he got this special ability, but even if he knos, he can't tell\"

Li Zongfei could not delay using herbal medicine to treat physical diseases

bai Feng turned around to let the to sisters in, but looking at xiaohang's sleepy face, it looked like he had just oken her up

It's like an extended version of a person because there can't really be stage shoes in dota

didn't you kno that millions of years later he as dead and artificially crucified as a anted criminal ith a gift on his head?

huo die pursed her lips I don't kno hy, but I suddenly didn't feel humble in my heart hen I first met someone else, I seemed determined to have a fight ith him oh, hat do e think, right? the people belo also took a fe steps forard

Li dongpi has never forgotten his mission In addition to killing these monsters, I also need to release one or to monsters to help open the door to space

the mall has been closed for to days the facilities inside are very plete Apart from employees and products, there is basically nothing missing

A bright light formed in the sky, and then gradually formed a round hole

he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip

the master is lonely not only because he has no opponents, but also because he spends all his time training and has no time to find a soul mate

Liu minyu shook her head and said: \"I also kno that it is useless outside I must take the initiative to deceive us\"

the lavalike sand around them as constantly floing across the ground they ere on I poured three cups of coffee, one for thu huy and one for bach Fong

Li Zongfei decided to change his strategy and asked bo xinkun to choose a smaller or larger pyramid to end the forced retreat

\"If you're dead, something's rong, get out of your body\"

hen you join a ne pany, you ant someone to congratulate you, right? hen the time es, I ill definitely send a large basket of floers

\"the potential at the beginning of the end is so precious that no one can aste it, and it's been to more great seasons\"

Liu xing sa some notes in the autobiography that Li Lu gave him before please give this book to Li Lu he is the only one ho knos hat ill happen next, so the timeline has changed a lot If Li Lu found out that something like this as still happening, the consequences ould be disastrous

bai Feng salloed a mouthful of saliva and said: Zhang Jing, can you go sloer next time?

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to tan Long and Yang mahe

the tombs of Linh Nam and the tombs of ma thanh no belong to the category of the Asian tomb group and are considered to be the same group, hich is obviously rong

tong En as stunned for a moment and said ith a smile

\"this time I really ant to pay tribute to Liang hongbo ithout this online chat room, I ould still be in the dark\"

“I ordered a private helicopter!

No that there are not many zombies left and the end of the orld has not really e yet, imagine if people found \"fire\" cut in half in the supermarket, a lot of police ould be called

And judging from the monster's current state, it seems that he has only appeared not long ago

\"things like this are not safe Steven spends most of his time in shops he ould be upset if he did get robbed

In less than half an hour, Liu mingyu mastered the basic magic ords

\"consider it a blessing!\" the chief's mind as limited to logic

Although there are many intelligent native creatures on bobo planet, not many can plete the task

At first, like the Jiang leaders, they ere nervous and scared into corners

If this is the case, based on the ne mall system, it may be very difficult to surpass this level

\"Just zombie corpses?\" he asked a little strangely Are they selling more than crystals?

Ji Ruoxue also opened the closet and immediately sa a pile of socks and smelly underear he quickly covered his neck and closed the closet door, \"You are so disgusting, don't you even ash your socks?\"

bach Fong, hoever, smiled

“Anyay, do e kno hen Long Anh arrived, or guess hat happened?

After mr qin left, mr ang seemed not to ant to talk, so Zhang hao brought up the matter:

\"Grandpa ang, if you have anything to say, just say it

Get back to your best shape as soon as possible

han Sang bit his lip and froze in place

ang Yongjian aved his hand again: \"don't disturb me I ill help you borro your private boat later and go back to your room to pack your luggage After confirming the connection, e ill set off immediately For\" them there as a girl's body there he had itnessed an atrocity

\"Ah~ died on the bed~\" hookdeep moaned suddenly hile lying on my soft mattress

there are about a hundred people sitting in a ro here

\"oh, I kno there's a problem Is hezhong Energy deliberately manipulating us?

\"the big mirror in the middle is the door to that peaceful orld, but I have something to say before you go in Use the effect to try to enter the time and space that extends the reverse phase for thirty seconds\" the cooling time is 1 \"No\" Ji Liushui asked in surprise……………………

“First of all, there is a hole street outside our century Supermarket camp!

According to Li Zongfei's analysis, if there ere no monsters guarding the pyramid, there ould be even more According to en Yulun's calculations, the number of pyramids may exceed tenty \"

It is a face mask designed for people ith special abilities it should be

\"You're right hat they really ant is the right to investigate in tasmania It's clear that instead of investigating, e rushed the matter\"

Li Zongfei immediately realized that the chance of the devil's visit as very slim, and immediately asked bo xinkun and us to take poerful drugs to get better moreover, Freemasonry and christianity also have some petitive relationships, and christianity has its roots in Judaism and has a very good relationship plicated

Li Zongfei quickly pulled the qiang leader up from the ground

Liu mingyu and Li Longming alked side by side, and Li Longming even took a step back to sho respect

Yu Zhe shook his head hile eating

She is eak on the outside but strong on the inside

the secretary nodded slightly and tapped the keyboard ith his fingers

No he has fifteen mutant grains in his hand For each person, there are only eight mutant grains

\"Yeah You haven't stopped yet, have you? e also have data on the smell of the mutant tree, and I hope to get the results soon\"

At this moment, the voice of information began to ring in his ears crazily

Such good investment opportunities are hard to find the most important thing is that there are less than 9 months until the end of the year

\"Excuse me, e ith me, I ill take you to the designated house\"

the idea no is to learn the monster's language as quickly as possible to make further tasks easier

Liu minyu as silent

devil No 1 looked at Liu mingyu ith a pair of big eyes full of confusion, as if he didn't understand, ho could the creatures in front of him understand their language?

hen you ake up and drink until you pass out, all you think about is your dream! these are softfooted shrimps If something happened to them, the pany ould be in trouble

he immediately ordered Liu mingyu and me to surround the door Everyone seemed to be having a great time and along the ay I sa about 20 to 30 families of 3 leaving the supermarket ith lots of shopping, as if they ere planning on having a refreshing dinner

this is no ordinary poer!

After that, he left tu An just stood there, as if he hadn't oken up hen he sa his sister leaving, he got up and left

\"You don't have the courage

\"hat special ability?\"

\"I told your mother not to e to your store\" So than hai gave a fe instructions and sa tan than going out to take a shoer

Ly Khac thu felt a little happy because he couldn't talk to other people

Someone came out to help Li Zongfei

Unfortunately, Lu minyu couldn't understand the language the other party spoke, but he could imagine that the other party anted to talk to him

hearing this, bakh phong looked at Kym curiously the car can't stop!

hoever, speaking of [Abyss]

he is not really a guest

\"Song of the ne mander!\"

\"do you think I'm that stupid?\"

Liu mingyu, let’s break the pyramid’s energy shield

Superputers can be used for language classification to analyze unfamiliar languages

the audience responded and the cleaners screamed so loudly that it as deafening

Emperor qinghua couldn't help but shouted: \"e are the emperor's poer, do you understand the authority of the emperor?

ang Yongkang felt that his brother had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to speak Eventually, his brother founded ansu Group and he served as general manager

most of the bolan stars protected by Li Zongfei did not leave the pyramid voluntarily

\"Sohat as that sound?\"

hearing this, Aoyang as confused, but he still took duo Fei's hand and said, \"I don't kno hat you are talking about, but you are very poerful\"

“chairman Zhang, ho is this?

before Lao Jiang finished speaking, he came behind Li dongpi, carefully touched the pen and started riting on the paper he ants you to stay here until he es back later for his shift

ith Liu Fugui's approval, he immediately increased the price by 3,000 grams, bringing the price to 20,000 grams tomorro, the procedures for the second child ill be pleted, and you, the second child, and the fifth child ill go to the island camp e together soon

the u clan leader looked at Li Songpi calmly before pleting the painting Even if he knos here the little people in the background are ing from, if he can lead us there, even if e are not tied to him big question

After absorbing so many crystals, Zhang Yang's current strength has far exceeded that of normal people he should have been kicked to death, but Zhang Yang didn't he deliberately saved other people's lives

the big man in black fell to the ground seating profusely, gnashing his teeth, looking at hong Yang, his hole body trembling

Zhang Yue quickly calmed don, entered the system, decisively opened the drug module, and began to revie each drug one by one

\"don't orry, I ill keep everything confidential\"

“Another $60 billion as sold, so e can only invest $70 billion

the opponent's speed is indeed very lo, but Fan Youliang is not tired of reaching the fourth level ith Li tongfei, ho is not that strong, or even better

\"I'm happy for my opponent and I ant to find an opponent as good as me

“boss,” monster No 2 snapped beside him, “you have to kno hat’s going on

henever so much money is invested in tens of thousands of families

huo he alays feels like my favorite boy!

\"there is a ay\" he hispered, ith hope and disdain on his face

Zhang Yang didn't speak, glanced at him, and then alked forard ith a bone cutting knife in his hand

At Li Zongfei's speed, the time can be shortened to more than an hour

hile everyone as eating, bach Fang suddenly noticed a black shado running around on the ground pay attention to your health! chen Fan as delighted hen he sa that the person holding the spear as not the first bald man, but a golden oman

despite knoing that ave tinh's enemy is the devil, Luu min Ngoc has not seen the devil's shado so far

the exact effectiveness of the app is unclear

In the memory of the past life, the memory of the red ind is still vivid in my mind the vast ocean and the terrifying poer of the Red Sea are indeed unforgettable doffy said, taking out the medicine box from his pocket

She used to only eat about 7% to save money, but no she's full, hich shos she on't stop as much as possible

Zhang hao quickly calmed don, \"Father, I didn't say that e should close the gold shop I suggested that e prepare more guards in the shop there are already a lot of guards\"

tong Yan turned sideays and looked at the ma hungry Knife in her hand in surprise After a closer look, she realized that it as a beheading energy ave!

And hen he fights the demon, there's still no proof

After saying that, Zhang Yue opened the door and got out of the car

No all he does is try to minimize his losses that person looks like a oman, I remember she as bald before, this oman has a great figure!

Everyone as amazed Everyone sa tan An's ability he as a genius and could alk on the roof as ell as on flat ground tan Anna is a dream, a dream full of spring!


mr quinn hesitated for a moment

Li dongpi didn't even believe that if he could definitely break the space door, he ould have to kill the people there forever

hoever, I didn't let go immediately, I as condensing energy ith a ball of energy \"Gan Lipeng asked hesitantly, hy are you here?\" then Ji Ruoxue interrupted: \"I heard that you are knon as the best sharpshooter in the biology department Last time e played in the economic division, you relied on the shooter\" Everyone is trying to change their position

there as never a problem, they ere very slo to e back even after sacrificing themselves

this damn language is so offensive

the monster's attack poer and speed suddenly increase Next time they are removed, or if you ould like something and I ould give it to you, please let me kno your interest

\"ell, I'm going to see my mother early tomorro morning together ith you I'm going to the hospital to see Li bancheng and dajiangji I have a 100yearold ginseng in my hand You can take it\" \"take it\" that Right by your side! \"

moreover, hat Liu minyu said is also true

\"don't orry, your father and I are not fools the gold e get from the bank every day ill be sold overnight Even if the gold price drops rapidly, e ill not lose too much xiqi shook his head\"

\"Is this the first murder?

After tan An left, xiaoru's eyes sloly opened, and her figure appeared in her eyes ~)

No, it's impossible for the other party to escape like this

Soon, a broken screen appeared in front of him out of thin air

As creatures, they value their lives

bai Feng nodded: \"Indeed, the researchers at the chongming base include geneticists

hen Liu minyu interrupted him, Lei Longming never blushed and said ith a smile: \"brother du, tell me, I, Lei Longmin, as long as I can do something, hether it is going up the mountain or don the mountain\" …… …………………………………………………… Sea of fire, no, is not a problem

the oman alked toards tan An, and seeing her toned figure, tan An didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed

duong trung arranged a place for u triat and tran thuy ai, and then left

\"due to the current transfer of onership\"

\"No, let's go find the landlord no, e have to hurry up!

hoever, looking at the smile on An Yu's face, it's not bad, right? alking on the street, I found someone laughing at others for having collected \"Rhapsody on a Rainy Night\" hat's going on?

during the flight, Li Zongfei kept reminding Liu mingyu and me to stay in top condition

duong mach kne exactly hat as going to happen tonight and he had been preparing for this moment all day

\"price negotiable\"

did his interaction ith qin xiaoyan make him angry?

In fact, the drugs produced by this system ere less than ideal on the ay back to tanzhou palace from the zoo, Jiang bang sat in the car and told Zhu tanyan hat happened hile he as aay

this is an oute he doesn't ant If he ants to stay, he must lead one stage after another, some to eliminate zombies and some to eliminate elites

Later, Luu min Ngoc asked all questions about devil No 1Ask first

Liu mingyu kne there as a ay to quickly learn an unfamiliar language

At 10:04 china time , the first incident of zombie destruction in a croded public place occurred in a popular shopping mall more than 1,000 people itnessed the entire operation and at least 30 people ere arrested Videos of zombies cutting flesh and biting people ere posted on social media

the devil happens to kno ho to plant stones Zhao Yuanhui smiled strangely, \"Go back\"

If it is really a door, no monster can escape


First, the kind remembrances of people in the supermarket made them realize this man needed to be rescued

Seeing Li tongfei's ords, the to young men unconsciously turned their heads to one side, and then raised their heads as if they noticed something, unmoved You really look like a bald country pervert!

tan An is obviously sad, and Li Na is angry (the story has been moved to Strange planet)

No, if you ask him anything, he should anser honestly

Lu minyu nodded vigorously: \"Yes, there ill be another place soon It's really just a pyramid outside\"

do it quickly After Liu mingyu as pletely subdued, she finally controlled the to lingering monsters and did not let them die

the door seemed to disappear from the sky because of the monster's death

besides, there ere other things he kne people here ould soon kno, so that as okay too

\"Run quickly, they are not good people\" After a period of silence, a oman's voice came from the supermarket

Yu chaomu turned around, smiled at the to teenagers, and then looked at the zombies ho ere about to stand up

After returning to the villa, Jiang bang summoned the vampire's body again

did you hear the devil's voice? 2 pointed at the orld happily and hispered in a language that Lu minyu could understand then he alked up to duffy and said, \"do you need my help?

After some explaining, I realized here I as and hat my future home ould look like

\"mr ang, I suggest that you ask mr ma to talk to you immediately You'd better sign the agreement first ang enjian made the appointment not only to meet me, but also\" that must have been folloed by someone else \"

hen they opened their eyes again, they ere already on a busy road Liu mingyu's actions caused an uproar in bolanxing, but they ere not angry

Liu mingyu and I played for less than ten minutes

Liu mingyu thought it as a humanoid creature at first

\"I haven't paid yet boss Liu, please lend me three kilograms of energy crystals the boss is aake, but the situation is not good\"

this happens everyhere

only Luk than, unbeknonst to them, paved the ay for future generations, but they left the Earth ith a large group of prehistoric humans, and then they all died

teran mike's face looked a little strange he looked at the person in front of him, but at this moment he really didn't kno hether he should be sad or proud

Li Longming nodded and said, \"I'm glad to kno that your star assistant is the property of mr Yu's pany next door to me

tran mac quickly gre accustomed to solitude, as any strong man ould

the to young men behind him and the group upstairs didn't look like the \"boling stars\" he as targeting

Not only did the brothers ant to kno hy Anlong called this meeting, but the brothers listed belo also mented on the matter

I feel like I'm finding my ay out of here and finding my ay home “the girl looked sad and looked like she anted to run a hundred meters to line up in front of the to people the person alking next to someone might break a leg or break an arm ………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… property'

Fang qiuyue said, patting the shoulder of the secretary next to her

\"pass the message that the utong Foundation is recruiting talents from all over the orld Anyone ith ability and energy can join the poer of this orld citizen is better than anything else\"


Liu minyu asked: \"does he understand hat you are saying?\" After being tortured to extract a confession, Ji tielan could not connect the faces of du Fei and Ji Ruoxue ith du Fei Facing zombies, du Fei as alays calm and ruthless, hether simming or simming , hiking the pacific, flying, sailing, fishing isn't it? Isn’t this all a bit exaggerated? he said to Siki: \"can I go back to the hospital? I'm aiting here I'm hungry too I can go to the hospital\"

position 005 and position 030 are not far apart on the first and third lines, the straightline distance is less than ten meters

\"okay, let's not talk about this anymore here is the coal pany you invested in?\" Zhang changhe invited huo die again and relaxed the conditions It’s no longer about the initial 50,000 points, it’s about being illing to do it Should pay more

the three people ho oke up all looked like Jiang bang

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