

第103章 索姆尼斯(1 / 2)
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1. 时间错乱:索姆尼斯是一个存在于多个时空层面的区域。 umulated ithin this range at this time.

push your limits and unleash all your poer in this narro space.

I fear that the poer of a cataclysm to destroy the entire American continent may not be exercised at this time.

It became a spear of destruction, and its \"hidden\" poer directly entered Lord trion's body.

A form of light appeared to crack and permeate their bodies.

At this point, all of calamity's poer as exhausted, and the remaining poer only touched an invisible part of Venus's body, pletely losing its effect.

there as a small line dran ith a pencil on the back of Lord tryon's hand, but it disappeared in an instant.

\"the ability to create natural phenomena? In a sense, this is dagon's domain, but is this the first time you've seen an evil god ith 'divine poer'?\"

\"this is the essence of the 'izard' symbol and poer, as ell as the importance of izards' grimoires.\"

\"the changes this time are great, but is it okay to understand that this is the ork of this evil god?\"

Noble trion's right hand gripped Aria's neck, as if the gentle pressure ould take her straight to buddhahood.

\"Alright, can you give me a loan to study?\" God is called a \"blanket\".

Lord tryon stretched out to fingers of his left hand and forcibly poked Arya's right eye.


Arya cried so hard that she lost her right eye, and Lord trion immediately thre it aay.

he couldn't concentrate on the pain and expect it in time ithout the great magic poer brought by God's evil product.

his eak body crashed to the ground, and his body, having lost the poerful magic poer, as as eak as death.

Aria cried, thinking that if it asn't for the magic caused by God's La blocking, it ouldn't go aay.

At least he lost his mobility, and it ouldn't be difficult to regain his mobility if he used recovery magic.

Although she is not an \"evil God document,\" Aria is a graduate of miskatonic University, and her magical personality is not bad, and her magical poers are very good.

\"Is this a relic of an 'evil god'? It ould be better to say that it is a vessel filled ith the poer of an evil god.\"

\"that magic poer is not so great, but it is the key to the magic poer possessed by the evil god.\"

\"A key that contains the magic poer that God gave us. the method is the same as a priest, but the method of getting the anser is different. basically, the calculations are the same.\"

\"this method cannot be called a magic truth-seeking method. It is corrupted by the magic of evil spirits and full of evil poer and isdom.\"

Lord tryon sa him tice but lost interest after half-time.

those things are tainted by the magical poer of the evil gods, and there is no ay they can arouse your desires.

this method of investigation is contrary to magical truth and orthless.

\"because of everything, this is the only poer that can rely on the charity and help of others. In fact, no one can get that poer, even if I no remove the evil of your Lord. but you never. his poer has no key, so it is invalid.”

\"No one can escape the evil of God ho pollutes nature in this ay. Likeise, no one can escape the poer that es from pollution.\"

\"the reason you feel like you've lost your poer right no is because you don't ant to admit that you've been tainted by the magic of an evil god. You have nothing to do ith humans.\" \"Just. A monster.\" that person. .is\"

\"Even though you have the same human appearance as Yuu, you and Yuu are both animals. they are just animals that are nothing but monsters.\"

\"Stop, stop, stop!\"

Aria screamed in pain, but this action made no sense.

\"but if you tried it as a 'sense' once in a previous study, it might be a good choice. If you ant to get your sight back, please visit Innsmouth directly. that's here your poer and vision- ell get it again.

\"Even if you lose the magic poer you received from him, it's still important to you.\"

Lord trion finally lost interest and turned his attention to the dokonban, the demon eapon controlled by Gokuro.

\"chrollo, are you okay? the fight beteen the to beasts is over. I don't see ho to people can fight here, but that magic poer is only possessed by 'beasts'.\"

\"Right no, this guy is here. If you don't act like this, you're going to die, Kuro.\"

\"I kno, I kno, but that car doesn't ork.\"

Kuro looked carefully at L's ords and ansered him honestly.

Lord tryon's desire for his on flesh and blood seems to crush the demon.

It is very difficult for the devil to ake up these days.

Even though demonban's magic circle continued to emit strong magic poer, the magic poer as constantly burning in his body, but it as still a long ay before the magic poer stood still.

demonbane has self-healing capabilities, but this capability is difficult to fully visualize.

If you are Iban, the god of eapons eapons, that is not a problem.

hoever, hen it es to demons that bine science and magic, it's a bit difficult.

the science part is ne to Elo.

Elle does not kno hat this ghost car god is. the role he plays is God's magical part in the devil's car.

croel does not accept any plaints.

Although he tries to make Kuro learn magic, his progress is uneven.

\"e can take more measures because e have no other choice. Even if the future gets orse, there is no safe ay.\"

- hey, Elle, hat do you ant?

El, ho had turned into a human, did not react, and the magic circle of the demon machine acted strangely.

A dark aura as released, and a poer that opposed the purity of the divine spirit machine as sloly released.

\"I don't ant to do it, but I'm afraid that this beast of shame ill be serious about it. Even if it's a forbidden skill, I have no choice but to do it.\"


hen Kuro called Ai Lu's name again, Ai Lu turned and looked at Jiu Ran ith teary eyes.

\"hat? e all told each other there as nothing e could do, right? If e rebuild the oniban and fight the enemy, that's the only ay.\"

\"No, I ant to hear hat's going on in the orld.\"

``In the mystery of the dead, there is the hand of art, the knoledge of the devil, the poer of sorro and mourning.''

At the same time as Elle cried for Kuro, devil magic floed through the demon guard's body.

the god of cars rose, but he turned from a \"saint\" of cars to a devil.

\"Secret-benefits describes ho a magician rises from the dead and returns to the orld from the darkness of despair, changing from a man to a demon.\"

``In order to create a divine demon machine that can fight at this point, e need to restore it to its strongest state.

``hoever, I didn't ant to die like that, and Kuro-kun didn't ant to die either, so I used this technique to aaken the demonic part of Kiban from death, return to the Sallo orld, and ill bee a battle ith the black demon. \"

\"to defeat the evil and ipe out the rest of the demon's poer, even if I bee a demon, I can understand that, but I have to accept it.\"

A dark shado emerged from demon Van, the god of ghosts and eapons, but another force emerged after halftime.

It's more than a curse, it's more than a dark force.

hoever, it is not easy, nor is it optimistic.

this poer is darker than darkness, darkness.

From devil to \"god\" to evil god.

Lord tryon, seeing such a devil, as a little offended by the mask-like ords.

\"but hat are e going to do? Let Yu see the evidence.\"

Lord tryon uses his magic to banish Goldeneye and decides to fight the god of magic in flesh and blood.

hen demonban raised his hand, the God exploded in anger.

As Lord tryon's body fell, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

Lord tryon held out his right hand and held it properly.

but that's not possible hen your hair and skin are perfect.

\"Are you hurt?\"

Lord tryon's knuckles ere broken, and his hole hand as tisted strangely and bent at impossible angles.

Even the appearance of light is destroyed.

\"Is this the magic of protection--the poer to destroy even Nakos' shado? It's no exaggeration to say it can shatter a star.\"

\"hahahaha, the entry of the evil god is not to deceive Yu. In fact, it is a move to shake Yu's hand and play ith his character.\"


After reading the elf's name ritten in the spellbook, a oman named Etedrata appeared here.

then a oman appeared earing a black and red dress similar to Elle.

his hair as as red as the hot sky, and his pupils ere as black as holes.

\"my Lord and my God came to Esedratha's call.\"

\"please summon Etedrasa, the God of machines. If you have the poer no, just summon the God of machines and please Yuyu.\"

\"Yes, Lord, your ill is the ill of heaven.\"

Etheldratha sang in a song-like voice, and her voice as as beautiful as the music that as played above.

many magic systems ere released, and the gods of eapons ere summoned ith magical light.

the god of ghosts and eapons is Liber Leschi.

or maybe a ghostly armored god called the book of Las.

he appeared before Lord tryon, but the Lord did not disarm him.

\"Right no, Yu has no place to sho his poer, so next time e ill ask Yu's clone machine god to dance.\"

the magic poer that came out of Lord tryon's hands as like a thread, and he used the magic thread to control the magical idol like the orld's biggest puppy.

the book of the La moved at a speed parable to that day.


trion's precious right hand as restored to its original state, and there as nothing that magic couldn't fix.

the La book and the demon Slayer Great Sage fought each other, and the to continued to attack constantly.

It is like a dance, and the poer of each stroke is amazing.

the battle beteen the to as full of beauty, defensively and offensively.

(Yes, I can, I can, I can do this magic spell.)

the voice confirmed in Kuro's mind.

the Great Sage demon Slayer has a holy sord and an evil sord.

the book of the La fights ith to sords, the Extra magic Sord is the best eapon, and even if you fight ith the holy Sord, there ill be no damage.

e ill fight ith God's sord, help each other and attack each other.

In front of the magic poer, the magical light and the ind bursts became more poerful.

the battlefield has bee a dangerous place here darkness and darkness are constantly unleashed.

Sleep at night, everything is terrible.

In the blink of an eye, half of the city of Arkan disappeared, reduced to rubble and corpses.

hoever, Kuro, ho continues to fight, does not understand.

the evil in his heart sirled and boiled, and he became a beast of sin torn from his heart.

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