

第102章 再无悬念(1 / 2)
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5月18日上午,我按原计划展开第三次考察。ans cannot be called ne, because they are no different from the old ones.

\"that's really rude. I tried to leave, but you can't attack right aay? but you kno this level of magic can't destroy our bodies. I'm not like that.\" , it doesn't mean anything. .''

\"Your thoughts are really hard to understand. hy do you alays ant to do such stupid things, hether it's the Ancient Gods, or animals like you, or the people living in this orld? \"It's hard to understand. , even for those lucky enough to be there. hat a crazy thing to do.\"

Such a thing is said to be ridiculous, even from the mouth of the Red queen.

In fact, hat he does may be called \"inprehensible\" or \"pletely meaningless,\" but his actions appear meaningless in the eyes of others.

Should this idea be called God's foolishness?

ith no need or reason to continue the conversation, the three people in front of Lord trion disappeared.

Abandoning his plan to attack again, Lord tryon used all his magical poers.

by releasing her magical poer ithout any strategy, dream heart mother's system as pletely destroyed.

It as constantly falling apart, and the hole mother dream seemed about to collapse at any moment.


After softly chanting the name of the elven magic book and hearing the Great master's call, Etheldratha took the entire structure of the dreamheart mother, dispelled the evil magic and restored the strong magic.

As the \"dream heart mother\" of the magic Fortress, she has the characteristics of a \"hidden\" being.

by adjusting the Imaginary heart mother's order of operation, the flo of magical poer and the traces of the magic circle ere fixed.

this magic keeps the mother's heart alive in dreams and removes all faults.

It took about five hours for dream mother's state of mind to stabilize.

hoever, if you ant to restore past actions, time is not fast, but it is stable.

It ill take at least a full eek for it to pletely change.

After pleting the basic magic adjustments and the spell, a cold seat appeared on Etheldratha's face.

For him, this task cannot be called easy.

Even ithout Lord tryon's magical support, Etheldratha might have fallen.

Lord trion is the reincarnation of Nero, the most poerful magician of mankind and the first \"tyrant\" of Antiklos. 9 of the moonchild project and the expansion of Yog-Sotho's influence.

but Etheldratha as torn from the tyrant's grimoire and emerged from the great master's magical poer.

It asn't great to begin ith, and its qualification as original canon is due to Nero's residual poer.

As for the quality of the original text, it is not good. Also, the magical poer required by mythical creatures like the dreaming heart mother exceeds the magical poer required by ghosts and machines.

the poer required to adjust the spell is to support the flo of magic in the Ghost Engine and activate the magic seal.

dissatisfaction ith ``slander'' is not at a controllable level.

but it as too easy for Lord tryon to do it alone.

mr. Etedoretta as satisfied and approved.

because he is the most poerful magician, sinner, and beast that came out of the prayers and curses of the gods.


\"Esedret, you ant to kno hy est died at this time? or you ant to kno ho the 'god' came at that time? or you ant to kno hat ill happen to Yuu afterards?\"

Lord trion's eyes remained the same from the beginning to the end, and he had no feelings for anyone.

It as a shooting star miracle.

Although the shape of the sun as unlike anything she kne, its immense poer and structure told Elle the truth.

this is hat has fallen before you, the true sun.

there is no difference beteen the stars except their size.

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