

第99章 赛伦斯克(2 / 2)
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In order to prevent this terrible event, Kuro stopped the incident in advance.

the first step here is to get rid of tears and crying.

“ell, in short, I ill let my sister and I stay here directly, and e ill provide ater, electricity, and food for no.”

\"If it's a simple question like that, no problem.\"

Aria as simple in hat she said.

but for Kuro, it as extremely difficult.

If he has financial means, he cannot pay the interest.

. It doesn't help because it's ``magical observation'')

174 dominant consortium

hen Alice regains consciousness, she realizes that the Infinity car has disappeared from the orld.

the Knoers, ho at first seemed bound by nerves, lost their connection at this time, and the beasts that rose from the dark shados lost their nourishment and ithered, eventually being a something terrible and poerful. bend. I laugh hen I meet someone.

\"oh, that's interesting. don't you think a lot of 'gods' care about you at this point? Very polite and interesting.\"

Alice laughed at the empty orld.

In the place of the dead \"familiar\", a shadoy hand appeared from the black shado, and in that hand, countless demonic eyes opened, and an eternal dream appeared.

this is the divine poer from the \"thousand-Eyed devil\", the vision from this crazy creature, the terrible and hopeless beast characteristic of this orld.

\"Ring, ring\"

these voices e from people ho kno, and if life is not enough to drink these remendations, it shos the beginning of death.

And even his ``master'' Alice could not predict hat ould happen.

but it's really hard.

tears elled up in Alice's eyes and ran don her face. the tears floed like a flood and I couldn't stop it.

\"It's strange, it's strange, it's certainly a happy thing, hat's the reason to destroy it, hat's the reason to be sad?\"

\"If he had been in the sight of the gods, fate ould have released his soul, hahaha, so beautiful?\"

Alice cries and says that everything is together.

he can't understand hy his heart is sad, he can't understand hy he's sad, he can't feel pain.

Alice herself did not kno the cause of this pain.

maybe it means knoing your orth in God's eyes, and maybe knoing you're orthless in the hearts of others.

In Alice's eyes, the god of evil spirits, the eternal ghost ho lives as an imperfect \"god\", is equivalent to God in its existence.

Not, indeed, from the same heart as God.

Since both are the same, they are characteristics of other evil gods, and unless they are separated as evil gods, their relationship ith the god cannot be severed.

“hoever, xiao u actually managed to break aay from a 'god'.

\"the master ho separated from the evil god as truly an unfinished god, unlike his original sister.\"

\"but for an infinite God, numbers mean nothing. billions of infinity, or even billions of infinity. of course, sending a car to infinity is also 'God.'\"

Alice moaned and a black aura appeared on her body.

``And the only thing that can contradict the existence of ``God'' is ``God'' himself.''

\"No, Yog-Sotho. Send me an unlimited number of cars. Let go of your expectations. the unknon ill be released again. of course, I ill not get tired.\"


crying is better than laughing.

his soul seems to be divided into to. Alice's skin as endlessly and painfully split in to.

but he did not ait until he as pletely consumed by anger.

\"I have a headache, a very special pain.\"

Alice shook her head. It as as if I had been stabbed ith an iron needle. It as hot, as if he had been burned by boiling oil, and the pains ere uncountable, as if ants ere devouring his brain.

Indeed, it is an unbearable pain for people.

\"hahaha, ell, this level of pain is proof that I'm alive and not like a doll in the arms of the toer of Life.\"

\"but if you see my sister in this situation, you might be afraid of her. otherise, just be patient and calm.\"

A finger, as hite as the skin of an onion, gently poked his head.

her slender fingers curled into a ball.

hoever, after the finger as removed, there as no trace of blood.

of course, there are no red and hite stones like agate.

hen I took it, it looked like there as a hole, and nothing changed at all.

From the outside, Alice's temple looks like it has a hole and is not bleeding at all.

the hole as empty and a soft hite light as shining inside.

\"my internal organs ill not be imitated. this is just a lie. this is a magical book. No I am no longer a monster, demon, or itch.\"

\"but it's a magic book, so it's useless ithout magic.\"

\"If you are eak and poerless, hat ill you protect ith your hands?\"

God's poer turned into a shining bullet, and the magic bullets fle.

the ground spread, ruined buildings collapsed, and shattered pieces ere blon into the temple.

the so-called \"eak\" hands are glued to the hands and face the ground, and the ground bees like a deep hole, and one foot falls into it.

\"but this kind of pain, this kind of pain, is real.\"

\"Sister, ho can you stay calm? You don't need to remember that, you don't need to force yourself.\"

\"of course, every detail has been thought of, so hy is the magic so simple and effective?\"

\"hen I remember all this, I feel hopeless, but I don't.\"

\"No, I can't bear to atch you at this rate.\"

\"Sister, you ill be sad and bee this person again. hen you return to this orld, sister, you ill be very sad.\"

\"of course, e cannot allo things to continue like this, and e cannot allo things to continue like this.\"

Apparently no one as there, but Alice seemed to be talking to someone.

her hite dress as soiled and the lace of her skirt fell off.

the magical flames inside Alice flared like an unconscious andering animal, and arcraft rapped around her body like a delicious meal.

Alice's clothes, sitting there naked, ere also turned into ashes by the fire of the divine poer, and then changed into a suit by the divine poer.

\"e can't stay here. e don't have much time, but e have to stop the situation from getting orse.\"

Alice sang the beautiful ords like a song.

ith a beautiful sound, a magic circle appeared in the sky.

\"please close your memory.\"

the magic circle disappeared in the light, and Alice reached out her right hand and sliced it like a knife ith her light hand. As if the place couldn't take it anymore, a big crack opened.

Alice returned to the atershed, entered the station, and disappeared.

of course, Aaliyah's predictions are not 100% correct.

Aria, ho looks like 8 or 9 years old, has no idea ho Kuro got into miskatonic University.

Simply put, it's in the back door.

hoever, no matter hat, Kuro immediately learned the knoledge of magic.

he as clearly not a genius, and it as impossible for him to have a good reading speed.

Like you've learned something you've learned before, but it's not learning, it's remembering.

therefore, such a person cannot think in his head.

Kuro may be a great man in his on eyes, but he is definitely untouchable in the eyes of others.

Aria couldn't understand this fact.

he still has unrealistic expectations.

hoever, this hope is unlikely to e true, and Kuro daishiro is not ho he thinks he is.

because in his opinion, such a person should not exist in this orld, and such a person has no talent, but he has a unique ability to master magic.

hoever, Kuro didn't kno hat Aria as aiting for, so he listened, thought, and responded as he ished.

\"It's not a problem to stay here. but please, other places don't have money. It's hard for the strong.\"

\"So, that's your level of justification?\"

Aria said ith a smile in her eyes, that's not true, it's just a joke.

but before Kuro could anser hat Alya said, the phone rang again.

of course, Kuro quickly alked over and covered Aria's mouth, stopping her from speaking.

then he rushed outside and hid himself.

the phone kept ringing, but oshikushikuro didn't anser.

Giulo did this because he felt the phone call caused a terrible situation.

It as like the beginning of a disaster, and if I ansered the call, I ould leave this peaceful orld and go into a very dangerous orld.

han had no reason, and Kuro didn't understand hy he thought that.

(hat's next?)

of course, Aria understood hat Kuro meant, but she didn't understand hy someone else did it. he immediately used mental transmission magic to turn those ords into thoughts and send them to Kuro's mind.

(Aren't you doing ell?)

(If you have something to say, say it in your heart. You don't have to say it out loud. I'll listen to everything if you ant.)

Aria continues to send such messages to Kuro.

Juran also puts his thoughts into ords and municates them through Aria's magic.

(Even if you ask me this, I can't give a negative anser. I don't accept money.)

(but I as disappointed.)

(Are you orried?)

At this point the phone stopped ringing.

the reason is that chrollo thought of a better ay.

Shouldn't e take that as a message or something?

Kuro seemed to take the plunge and turned his phone into a speakerphone to record.

\"this is Grancrest detective hall. If you need anything, please leave a message after you call.\"

Kuro's riting as so beautiful that the voice Aria heard as the same as the message she heard.

ait a minute - doesn't that mean the person is menting on this method?

--And does this phone tracker actually have voicemail functionality?

At that moment, Aliya notices the tape recorder left by Jiuro.

Since Kuro's back as turned to Alya and he couldn't see hat as ahead, the noise as not Kuro's but the tape recorder on his chest.

Is this hat is monly called \"voicemail\"?

hen Aria learned the truth, she felt a fire from her chest.

but he didn't see hy he as angry.

-hen did that happen?hy do you feel cheated?

It must be just a fantasy.

that as ho Arya got herself up and at the same time calmed the anger that needed to be released.

the sound ing from the phone as enough to pletely destroy Kuro's poer.

It's not because someone does phone magic, it's physical magic.

In fact, this is the magic of money.

the result can be expressed in its simplest form by omitting all the terms used in the transformation.

In other ords, it as a job that required oshiguro's unimaginable talent.

this great magical poer as pletely lost, oshijiguro, ho lived in poverty.

hoever, Kuro's poer soon overhelms his unstoppable spirit.

but there is no ay to get rid of the ord that has spread.

\"Are you at home? big cross-san.\"

A cold voice from an ordinary person on the phone.

but instead, it creates a sense of peace and ae.

\"okay, a helicopter ill be ing to pick you up soon.\"

hen he met Arya, he heard the loud chirping of countless birds.

I ant to get my ears pierced.

A loud and terrifying voice as approaching.

the strong ind rattled the indos like ind and thunder.

A helicopter appeared outside the indo and the door opened to reveal a man standing in the room.

the smooth black skin fits the human body perfectly, shoing a perfect personality, like a perfect artist, ithout any flas.

Kuro strangely didn't understand hy he as being treated as an artist, and didn't even understand basic magic, but that didn't matter.

\"this guy is horrible.\"

Aria looked out the indo and felt the man's strong struggle.

hoever, it is different from the dark aura that izards pare to izards, and perhaps it ould be more accurate to use the ord arcraft to describe it.

Such a strange atmosphere cannot be called a \"mysterious hero\".

hen healed, everyone as taken to the living room.

After half an hour, they ere ushered into the less sacred abode.

of course, this happened because they both lived in poverty and did not kno the envy of the rich.

\"Are you mr. Grand cross? And ho are you?\"

A loud and scary voice echoed through the house, folloed by a oman named \"infield\" earing a dress that Kuro had only seen in movies.

the soft bron skin, dark eyes, and strong eyes that suggested piercing indicated that both the oman and Kuro ere orientals.

but they kne, and Kuro didn't kno yet.

ho nervous am I about this helicopter? I don't remember anymore.

only regret came to his mind, and it never appeared in Krang's mind again.

No that you've done it, regretting it again on't change anything.

\"me? I'm Aliya darby. I'm a science graduate from miskatonic University.\"

hen Aria finished speaking, Jiuran touched her mouth, and due to the impact, Aria couldn't breathe.

of course there are reasons for this.

——this secret must be kept.

this is perfect for Kuro, ho has nothing to do ith the underground orld.

but for people in the magical orld, that information is readily available.

It is amazing that a student ith formal education can survive by begging.

to describe this ave as \"special\" is not an exaggeration.

only God knos ho much effort it takes to find someone \"special\".

\"my name is ba dao Luli, and he is my butler, infield. I believe you already kno him.\"

Although Kuro as interested in the contents of this project, he couldn't accept that someone ould follo him ithout knoing anything.

Kuro also brought Aria ho graduated here as insurance, so no matter hat happens, there's no ay he on't help her.

there is absolutely no hope in the loer limits of this oman, but this person is indeed a oman, physically and mentally.

hoever, Kuro also believes in his on magical abilities.

hoever, this time, pared to the content of the project, the girl ba dao Luli seems strange.

I tried to accept my understanding as a coincidence, but it as not my imagination.

hoever, in the next moment, the arrogant Lully destroyed this opportunity ithout a trace.

\"ell, he as the leader of a man ho did too much. Lurie as too much. that understanding is accepted.\"

Even though he just revealed his true identity, Kuro finally understood hy his past thoughts surfaced.

If he ere to claim to be the ruler of Arkhan city, it ould definitely cause trouble.

Also, because Kuro has an open personality, it is impossible for him to talk to others.

In other ords, for the rest of the party, Kuro is not the \"investigator,\" but the \"man to hide.\"

As for Kuro himself, he knos ho he is and that he's a failure even though he can't do magic.

\"hey, hy are you so eird? Kuro, Kuro, did you hear that?\"

Aria as never in Arcane, so she didn't kno anything about it, so she didn't understand the meaning of Kuro's ords.

Aria sloly choked Kuro, but the busy Kuro as relieved.

Although he managed to calm himself before falling to the ground, the situation orried him.

(Is there a curse in that name? No, apparently there is).

(Really confusing. hatever it is, it doesn't matter to me. I ouldn't be here if I didn't get a positive response.)

Aria looked up orriedly, but her mind as elsehere.

of course, Kuro as shocked and immediately said that nothing happened, but he must have reached the point here he no longer forgives himself.

After realizing the current situation, Kuro begins to regain his posure, even though he knos something terrible is about to happen.

but there is also hope for the poor and vulnerable.

Kuro pretends not to kno and calls him crazy.

In that case, my job no is like looking for a lost pet.

but if such nonsense as of any use, Kuro ouldn't be here.

this is undoubtedly the vacation home of the \"leaders\" of the ruling group, and is said to be undisputed.

I think the reason hy one of them turns black is because the opponent is inside and has no counter ability.

\"No, mr. big cross, that's not an animal. I kno you're good at finding animals, but hat I'm looking for this time is no simple animal.\"

An indescribable desire emanated from Ruri's blessed eyes.

\"It's a magical book. It's exactly hat you expect me to find useful, mr. big cross.\"

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hearing this ord, his face changed and the crazy face disappeared.

on the contrary, it is a serious and dangerous statement.

It as obvious that he as not a mage, but a person ho had fallen on the path of the devil, but Kuro as more poerful than them at this point.

that desire cannot be expressed by coards, because it is already a threat of ar and influence.

but such claims seem fleeting. infield, the \"mysterious hero\", seems to think it's just a dream.

Kuro himself didn't kno hy he as so strong.

maybe it as his fear of the divine orld from his contact ith the animals of artli, or maybe it as the experience that made him oppose all the izards' ishes and dreams of being human.

Kuro didn't ant to face the magic book again, and he didn't ant to set foot in this orld again.

besides, giving it to a stranger ith no knoledge of magic ould be enough to kill someone.

Kuro understood the horror of magic books all too ell.

At first, Kuro as about to give up, even though his opponent as in the highest position in the city, like the throne.

the point is, this is a level of poer that the civilian Kuro cannot control.

\"magic book, do you only ant magic books? can you use other magic books?\"

before Krang could ask, Aria's voice rang out.

She seemed to be in a hurry, and her voice as angelic and beautiful, but there as a mysterious atmosphere.

Kuro thought he sa a dirty dog that had eaten ra meat.

It's not that the other person's voice is bad, it's that their desire seems crazy.

he's crazy about you.

this idea reminded Kuroga of ilbur hatley, a man he met in the central library of miskatonic University.

this man is very evil.

the terror he caused Kuran as something Kuran ould never forget in this orld.

because of this person Kuro left the magical orld.

Such profound and rapid changes cannot be forgotten.

hoever, hen Kuro sa Aria's face, he again felt unresponsive.

If it as a beast like that, there as no ay Kuroga could leave the magical orld.

but no that I think about it, ho did that person die?

No ay to remember it, no ay to think about it. Indeed, it is very difficult for the quran to think about such things, and it is impossible to think about them in this closed memory.

Kuro also suspected that in the future, even if his soul dies, he on't remember it.

I can't do such hard ork.

\"do magic books ork?\"

the arrogant Ruri spoke quietly but suppressed her emotions.

\"of course that's impossible. do you kno hy e need a magic book?\"

he asked excitedly, and ould anser quickly.

\"in a\"

It sounded like a ne ord, but Aria stopped talking hen she heard his name.

\"here did this demon e from?\"

Although it as very dangerous to give a magic book to an ordinary person, Kuro accepted his ords.

this also applies to civilians, including Kuro.

he has the ability to read magical books, but never reads or uses them.

From ba dao Luli's ords, the clan realized that the other person's magic book as being used by something called \"devil\".

I don't kno if it's a person or something else.

hoever, this is not a private category and must be acpanied by a certain level of \"secret\".

hoever, Kuro couldn't find the magic book.

considering the current state of the other party, it as clear that a magic book couldn't fool them.

Kuro-chan kne this too.

\"before e explain the so-called devil, e must listen to the 'negro'.

the exact meaning of black Sanctuary needs no further explanation.

hoever, to put it simply, this magic group is made up of a large group of magicians ho have reached the demon orld.

And its leader is a man called the Sacred beast.

tryon is Grandmaster.

of course, Kurou didn't kno about this person, and even the \"black Sanctuary\" as only a person's knoledge.

poor Kuro has no reason to join a criminal organization like this, e don't join a gang in this strange orld.

\"Fire has been the main eapon of ar for black people since my grandfather's generation.\"

\"I'm sorry.\"

Aria said such horrible things, she never thought about it, it as the domain of others, such ords had no soul and ould not end in this situation.

Aria focused her mind and never thought about such small problems.

\"I don't kno hat it is, but the person ho should use the spellbook is the magician himself, the devil, or something like that.\"

\"And e need to kno hy Kuro, an educated student, shouldn't trust anyone to find his magic book, no matter ho broken the magic is.\"

\"So this pagan ghost eapon or something like that could be a 'eapon'.\"

\"but it's strange to rely on third-party researchers to determine hether the eapons advertised in magic books are useful. the black Sanctuary is not a group of third-party magicians. \"Your it's ork to call yourself \"the spirit of the spirit, \"So above all, use it.

Naturally, Aria as interrupted before she could finish speaking, and Ruri stared at Aria ith angry eyes, unable to understand hat she as saying.

So he decided to briefly explain the meaning of Kikin.

\"only magic can resist magic. Even the destructive robots of the black Sanctuary cannot use magic. magicians ith the poer of evil cannot resist such great poer.\"

It's not like you can fight ith magic alone, but for someone ho can't even use a broom like a destructive robot, you can seek out the poer of magic.

\"Are you saying the mouth demon has the poer to destroy the shrine? do you kno hat kind of beast the mage is? he's not human like Kuro.\"

Everything Aliya said as insulting to Juran and Juran as very angry.

hoever, mr. Kuro, ho did not ant to participate in such ork, could not deny this ``lack of experience''.

of course, the main reason as that Kuro couldn't find a reason to refuse, but Kuro as truly a useless person in the magical orld.

If Kuro as really strong, he ouldn't have dropped out of school or stayed aay from the magical orld because of ilbur.

\"hy did you say that? You're a little older than cross, but even if you don't understand mr. butler, do you have any idea that you're going to live?\"

those ords ere exaggerated, and Aria didn't care about the other person's feelings.

of course, if the fear you've been carrying around for so long is erased and destroyed like a random magic book, that means your fear is just a joke.

this sho is sure to irritate until proven true.

\"You say that because you don't kno hat the devil is.\"

the arrogant Lurie as angry that the \"devil\" fulfilled his purpose as \"god\".

this as probably due to the brutality of slavery, hich they considered the embodiment of failure.

of course, hat he said could be true.

After all, no one knos hat happened to the last eapon.

Is faith blind or is he telling the truth?

that too is unknon.

but it's clear that both men are very particular about hat they kno, hich means they on't act until they see incontrovertible evidence.

breaking this understanding, hether through ords or violence, is difficult and impossible.

Kuro kne this ell, but soon Aria stood up and gathered the magic books.

\"ho says that if you have a magic book, you can send it? there really is a magic book, right?

Aria didn't kno hy she as so angry. It asn't supposed to be this ay.

this is ho the main character looks, ho has lost his self-respect and can't stand hat anyone thinks about him.

It is the result of hope turning into despair.

Even though nothing like this has happened yet, Aria's voice gre stronger hen she heard the devil's ords, hich interrupted her.

Speaking for itself is the only logical conclusion.

hoever, hen her feelings are revealed, Arya realizes that being a demon is not as simple as she first thought.

If it as something simple, I ouldn't be mad.

I made it important because it as important to me in the past.

that's hy I get angry hen I see \"believers\" pinning all their hopes on the devil.

I guess I as hoping for the rong person.

If e put the rong hope in the rong thing and disturb the balance, the hope ill be hopeless and broken no matter ho long it lasts.

Just as Kuro scolded a scientist hen he sa an alien trying to use the poer of a magic book, Aria did nothing to those ith high expectations except to calm her anger by saying , ``I can't do that.'' . he.

the to looked at each other, neither of them could overe each other's gaze.

\"No, there are no magic books here.\"

Although it as knon that he as a simple person ho did not make any effort, bao baoliuli said seriously.

All this is true, but these grimoires are not enough to serve as the \"heart\" of the genie.

hoever, ba dao Luli could not understand this truth and did not ant to accept it.

I strongly believe in the existence of the devil, but these children only e from delusion and fanaticism.

In fact, he has never seen the magic poer of the devil and can only despair and accept hope.

that leads to understanding.

If you can move it, the darkness and despair before you ill be overe.

to do that, you need a spellbook, a spellbook for training monsters, and poerful evil isdom.

It requires the most poerful grimoire, because it is the most poerful eapon.

but it as a very magical book, and no bination of poerful forces could find it, no matter ho long or ho poerful.

miracles that could be used as ``miracles'' themselves, the highest magic books that could be used as means of miracles, such things ere not only for the rulers of the Arcane city.

but if you do nothing, you ill be disappointed.

therefore, ork is required, and the search for magic books really requires magical skills and deep contact ith \"mysterious\" people.

Kuro the Great cross, ho once made contact ith \"God,\" and Kuro the invalid are also strong candidates.

the pany has no money or poer. In other ords, there is no ay to break the chain of corporate poer.

At one time, munication ith \"God\" as a sign of great attraction to \"mystical\" people.

the Grand cross, saved from the hand of the evil god, must be happy.

It seems that such people only exist at this time.

the arrogant Lurie thinks about this and believes that one of them ill bring a magic book that can cure demons.

the hundreds of magic books that appeared in front of ba dao Luli ere all magic books.

the forces above are more dangerous.

Undoubtedly, these are poerful magic books, not books that record magical knoledge, but magic books that are the source of a magician's poer.

hoever, can this magical book be called \"the most poerful\"?

hen ba dao Luli speaks, the anser is no.

hether your hope is 10,000 or a billion, if you continue to pray, your hope ill e hen the end es.

\"Shouldn't it? haha, if you eren't angry, you'd be a eapon god.\"

\"because the correct anser is that none of the ``magic books'' I created have enough strength to survive as the demon machine Lord's heart.''

\"the poer that drives the divine Spirit machine is poerful. It is as big as a star, so it is impossible to collect this much electricity using normal methods.\"

the magic book next to Aria seemed to be held by an invisible force, but it sloly fle aay.

the movement of the grimoire made everything seem like a violent storm.

\"e have yet to find the 'heart of the Furnace' that grants magic poer. e don't kno if it can be illuminated by light or not.\"

Aria also happily said that she did not kno that the conversation ould make her situation orse.

but the biggest possibility is that he does not care about such issues.

\"but I have something to ask you.\"

\"ho much ould you pay to find the magic book you ant?\"

Evil is seen forever, like the sea, like the sky.

Alya's eyes flashed mischievously.

Kuro, ho as nearby, also felt fear, and his muscles involuntarily tightened.

infield also developed his technical skills as a pitcher, hich alloed him to score runs at any time. After it falls, it ill surely strike like thunder and lightning.

\"don't orry, I'm a izard, and my rank is nothing pared to Reverse cross. So, ho many Reverse cross izards are there? God?\"

``there are pros and cons in the appearance of a magic machine. It is a doll made to imitate the magician ``Allah'', so it is not rong for people to call it ``God''.

\"demon bang, e don't kno hat it is, so let's see ho strong your hope is and if there is anything strong enough to get hat you ant.\"

\"I'll help you ith that. do you need the Grand cross cross to find the magic book you need? I understand.\"

\"hy do you trust me?\"

people ould be upset if he ansered like that ithout asking Kuro's opinion, but Kuro asn't like that.

“I don't think a large group like you can live there.

Aria changed the subject negatively.


ba bao Luli literally said this, and at the same time infield came out ith a box full of payments from everyhere.

the value of the treasure as lost in Kuro's heart.

hen Giuro regained consciousness, he alked the streets of Arcane city.

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