

第99章 赛伦斯克(1 / 2)
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虚构的编号、名称和地点:cK-381 赛伦斯克区域,位于克苏鲁世界的南方大陆。otten? this is one of the thirteen fears.\"

\"but it doesn't matter if I forget. or should I say I'm jealous? I can forget everything, I can't forget anything, I remember hat happened. that's very lucky. I can do something really beautiful. \"Eternal please sink into it. \"

\"I'd like to live like that if I could. there's nothing rong ith turning your life around.\"

\"did you rite this on a him?\"

For a 50-year-old, Alice's ords are pletely crazy and full of surprises.

there is no anser, of course, unless the other person is angry.

Elle didn't kno hat the other person as thinking, but ith a crazy beast, it ouldn't be surprising if the other party suddenly attacked.

therefore, Elle took a defensive stance and gradually released her divine poer, being a protective shield.

the shield has a jeel-like luster and appears to have been cut and polished.

hoever, it is not as dangerous as a gem.

It is poerful pared to gems, and a shield made ith divine poer can ithstand even the most severe blos.

Such a strong magical barrier as like a fragile rock in front of the beasts, hich as broken by the slightest push.

It is true, and thanks to the poer of gods and monsters, such a simple veil cannot be called a magician's trick.

If you ant to use this type of magic as a monster bat card, it ill be disappointing.

being hatley's monster, Alice laughed her heart out at Elle's silly act, but she didn't sho it to paige.

the divine poer as trapped in the hands, instantly turning into a ball of light, ith terrifying poer that could only be released by forcing and crushing 50 shields. may be empty.

It's like a \"god\" is judging, and Alice's fate is in his hands.

this act of controlling another person's life made Alice very happy, and a hearty smile appeared on her face.

but soon the smile pletely disappeared, and the ball of light in babayen's palm did not disappear, but disappeared because it trembled before being released. his magic increased.

It as like an electric shock, and the nerve shock caused Alice to lose consciousness immediately.


Alice let out a strange sound and tried to leave as if she as on fire, but instead of jumping aay from Elle, she ran toards Elle.

but his mind as never on Elle.

I don't have time to spend the night here but I still have many questions in my mind.

Elle doesn't ant to stay in this broken orld.

there is no time to stand here, there must be ne magic, that is the most important thing.

According to \"50 magical books\", ithout a magician, life has no meaning, and if you ant to understand the meaning of your existence, you must bee a magician.

Fighting a monster ith a grimoire body is not a logical or practical solution.

Instead of making unnecessary sacrifices here, it is better to find a magician first and create a ne \"teacher of the Secrets of the dead.\"

If there is no ay to do it, there is no point.

Elle didn't even think of fighting arli's monster and immediately disappeared from that space.

\"ho is this? Get out of there, you gay.\"

this feeling like an electric shock is not from your body, but from another dimension.

hen Alice organizes her mind, she realizes that the root of it all es from her on \"heart.\"

It as a \"black hand\" that as dran from his shado.

At that moment, someone grabbed one of the familiars, and the demon's hand broke the mechanic's tools into pieces, trying to play ith him like a cat.

hoever, some people are not alloed to touch the oner.

Even if someone you \"kno\" is playing it, you don't have to feel that ay.

\"It's been a hile. Are you still okay?\"

the sounds ing from there ere familiar to Alice, and at the same time, feelings of love and other people began to develop in her.

It's normal to feel this ay. As hatley's pet, it as normal for Alice to feel this ay.

because hat the other person shos is the main thing that I, as a believer, should orship.

—— Yog-Sothoth

but if he goes by his name, he ill be called.

\"Infinite errors?\"

\"You talk too much. can you call me 'xiao u'?\"

A blue smile appeared in Alice's eyes.

this fiery disciple has an unstoppable madness.

the other eye is covered ith hite.

She ears a normal uniform like high school girls from other schools.

but the great emotion and the stupidity of one of the party ignored these ords.

In addition, it is difficult for ordinary people to pass through this onderful orld.

this is the grave of the demon eapon \"Ivern\", and hat happened here as like a battle beteen the gods.

It can be said that these areas have bee marginal areas for ordinary people to live in.

Alice's alter ego is later revealed to be non-human.

In fact, a oman named Yog-Sothoth, ho is an alien god, cannot be an ordinary person.

\"hy are you here?\"

there as a tremor in Alice's voice, an emotion she couldn't explain.

\"Space and time mean nothing to me. the past, future, and present are in my mind.\"

Ji uxian said, but of course this kind of anser is not the anser Alice ants, let alone the anser the party should give.

but Alice's doubts lasted only a moment, and ere soon replaced by uncontrollable joy.

ith slo steps, the figure disappeared as if it as not connected to anything, and in the blink of an eye, Alice appeared in front of the sender of the endless machine ith her head resting on the chest of a man, and he inked at her. . many meat groups pressured him.

\"Soft and seet.\"

Alice did her best to express this feeling.

\"can you hear me?\"

Ji uxian asn't angry, but he didn't seem confused either.

If I can say anything, it's stupidity itself.

but if e use \"God\" as a standard, it should be a normal level.

If e are right, at least that is the level at hich munication is possible.

of course, in Alice's eyes it as an interesting life.

\"ho can this be? I have a lot to say, but I don't mind if you ask me.\"

\"but no that I think about it, xiaou, hy did you e to me?\"

\"If it ere you, I ouldn't have done anything stupid. From the day e met, there ould never have been an accident. From the beginning until no, everything has been intentional.\"


Jie ufeng sloly shook his head.

\"It's rong to think like that.\"


\"to me it's all meaningless and just a coincidence.\"

\"Never before has there been such an inevitability that the past, present and future may change.\"

Ji uxian stretched out his hand and placed it on Alice ith a gentle smile.

\"hat's the point? cause and effect by themselves don't exist, and time is not linear. that's hy I don't have your account. besides, I don't ant anything from you. \"No, please find it.\"

After saying this, Alice felt her hands and feet get cold.

\"So you didn't say anything?\"

\"ell, if you ant to kno it, that's fine.\"

Just thinking about it, Ji uxian uttered this terrifying reply.

\"there is nothing like the meaning that others do.\"

After thinking for a hile, Ji tetsu uxian didn't seem to understand hat the person in front of him as thinking, so he continued.

\"but to me, it doesn't mean anything.\"

Ji uxian hadn't finished speaking yet, so he asn't the one to anser her ords.

\"So, if I ere to make a ish e true, it ould have to be a doll from an evil god. An unfamiliar toy that transcends everything and reaches the universe. that's curiosity, isn't it?\"

Alice got the message and said,

\"Yes, it is, because the gods themselves are already in chaos, and the future defined by their future is chaotic, contradictory, and unpredictable. Until the goal is reached, for no , interesting.\"

car Unlimited delivery has its share of opinions.

\"So, you're supposed to be interesting this time. that's hy I shoed up.\"

\"but you need advice?\"

chiche smiled softly. his expression as very calm, but they ere very cold.


\"If you act ithout knoing anything, you ill fall into someone else's plan, and if you talk too much, it's boring.\"

Ji uxian didn't care about anything, but there as a negative energy in his eyes.

Is this the status quo or is it real?

but that's not the case, it doesn't exist.

\"hint? Is that the anser based on your knoledge?\"

hoever, for Alice's question, there is no need to send an infinite number of machines to anser the question.

this time it's not \"Kuro\" but \"Karga\".

\"Sno? Even a cro?\"

I purposely use the Japanese version because the pronunciation of Kuro and the sound of Kuro are similar to Japanese.

of course, Alice did not understand hy the other person suddenly sitched from English to Japanese.

Although I don't understand hy unlimited cars ould do this.

maybe hat he said as a coincidence.

maybe it's because of the secrets.

If the latter.

\"Is there a difference beteen a cro and a cro?\"

\"No, are his ords different no?\"

Alice learned for the first time the importance of learning a foreign language.

At that moment, the Infinity car is pletely gone, and only Alice is left in this virtual orld.

- hey, are you hungry?

\"If you scream in my ear, I'll be in a a. hen I ake up, I might say something terrible to the police.\"


``For example - I as knocked unconscious by a man named Kuro daishiro. hen I oke up, I didn't kno hy I as in that man's house, and there as something important that I couldn't do. I opened it again. '' ”

\"there is no truth in these ords.\"

\"oh? true, I heard no one sa ho I got into your house.\"

Aria said innocently.

there as no sign of anger in his eyes, but the other man as.

Jiuro's spirit understood this.

If a normal person ould do this, Kuro ouldn't go out of his ay to use violence to sho the truth.

hoever, if the person acts and looks normal and is still able to perform magic, the best method is fort rather than violence.

of course, there as a reason that Kuro as embarrassed to eat all his food.

Kuro couldn't do something so drastic as to take his bento and force him to do it at the same time, and no one orthy of Kuro ould do something like that.

his hands must have been spinning, and this realization shoed Kuro's ill.

Kuro ill never accept the opponent's magic because if it is used too soon, it ill put a great burden on the Kuros or be exhausted.

\"hat's your plan?\"

Kuro might lose his mind if he as scolded ith gentle eyes and voice, so I decided to be honest.

Kuro is a guy ho isn't interested in omen, but if things continue like this, he might end up ith a girl.

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