

第98章 共同创造中的逃逸(2 / 2)
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It as said by mr. Nei (Note 1) ho as smiling, but his body movements ere very strong.

Kang Na finally realized hat kind of animal the man in front of her as.

\"You see, I am only a priest of the poor.\"

\"Just a priest?\"

\"Yes, it is and it can be. that's my personality and everything about me.\"

\"If you are a priest, hy are you standing here?\"

Kanna asked in a lo voice, refusing to run aay.

Nai's father seems to have no secret, he laughed.

\"because my church is here.\"

hearing Father Nye's ords, connor understood, understood the reason for the other's existence, and understood the purpose of the other being here.

Everything is connected like a red line.

this time, hen connor Nye looked at the priest, he as gone.

God cannot see the priest, and there is no sign of him.

Everything seems to be an illusion.

the magic system ignited, divine poer exploded, and a mass instantly fle out.

Kang Na controlled the divine poer and exploded in all directions, destroying the ground and destroying the surrounding buildings.

hoever, there is still no sign of baba Nei.

In the next moment, an indescribable fear gripped me.

Kanna gradually realized that those terrors came from Earth.

If you look don, you never kno hen the shado of the earth ill bee mysterious.

It moves like an animal's arm, moves unnaturally like a shado.

there seem to be invisible monsters around Kanna.

God's poer flashed and shot everyhere, but it didn't touch anything like God's spear.

It not only disappears from human sight, but also appears to hide its time.

So hy does light create such animal shados?

by the time Kanna thought, it as too late.

the shado changes from a ide flat to three dimensions. this black hand is not a shado, but a strange creature.

traces of carbonization sho the parts touched by this \"black hand.\"

Even the very poer of God can be carbonized by these \"black people.\"

Kanna used magic to fly her head from the ground to the sky.

but the scene as more frightening.

hen did the sky turn red? the sun in the sky became a crystal ball that gloed in the dark, and in the middle of the ball as the golden eye of the beast.

the sky opened and something black replaced the clouds.

the \"black hand\" is not only on earth, but its origin is in heaven.

Seeing the sight of this forbidden place, Kanna as convinced—

\"It turned out to be one of those tentacles.\"

hen Kanna found out about this, she felt fear.

hoever, God's poer continues to rise, seemingly crushing that despair. countless magical gates ere opened, and countless magics ere instantly released.

the magical light poured don like rain, and each magical light had enough poer to destroy the God of destruction.

A fe thousand people are not enough to unite this many people.

this time, Kanna used almost all of her magic poer.

the black hand's burst of light caused countless explosions, and the dust from the explosions covered everything.

the sun in the sky, this bright and painful life, is not a monster, but only an eye born from a beast.

the hole \"Go Zone\" is just a tentacle.

ho big is the dragon's body and ho many tentacles does it have? this is a big question.

Even if this \"black hand\" ins, it cannot defeat the monster.

the relationship beteen this \"black hand\" and animals is unique.

but connor doesn't have to orry about hat happens after he defeats the black hand.

his magic could not destroy the black hand, and the black hand that appeared in the smoke as not good.

the eyes of the \"black hands\" are transparent, many and many.

If you look closely, this eye is similar to the \"sun\" above, but smaller.


A loud and unintelligible voice from this \"black hand\".

It didn't take a second for the sacred Kang Na to see the \"black hand\" break through the all.

I never thought that a magical all that could resist a nuclear bomb ouldn't resist even for a moment.

the \"black hand\" is quite scary, but the displayed poer is not so much.

they have to, but the fact that they are illing to break the barrier is enough to sho ho poerful they are.

Kanna had no choice, her divine poer as pletely drained.

Kanna lost her divine poer and fell from the sky, crashing to earth like a meteorite.

In the next moment, countless \"black hands\" appeared.

A black hand gripped Kanna's body, and her body disappeared into the darkness.

At the door hidden beteen the ``black hands'', Kang Na's figure as seen turning into black light.

\"breakfast is ready.\"

there are countless \"black hands\" in Alice's shado, and they are the same black hands that connor itnessed.

\"black hand\" takes you to an unknon space, here a orld that does not differ from a desert is spread.

For Alice, it as a mealorm.

hen the \"black hand\" as removed from the orld, hat returned as the rare food.

\"this should be enough food for 362 people. this is very orrying. hen the cycle of the Fifth Limit starts again, e just need to gather these people. three. In a fe days, the fifth ill start again forbidden place. the energy of the life field is also closed.\"

\"Also, mr. thousand-Eyed devil, you are hungry. Let's go to the fifth forbidden place and have dinner together.\"

Alice held out her hand as if holding something.

At this time, Aria also entered the room from the bedroom.

- hat did Alice's daughter say?

\"then hy don't you go to the ton next to Acchan?\"

\"ell, this is enough to plete the task of the book of Azathoth.\"

Aria unleashes the book of Azathoth and her mission to the Arcane city is here.

Alice looked at Aria ith a gentle smile.

\"No matter hat the mission is, there's no need to orry about it. there's nothing my sister can do. No matter ho dangerous or ho strong the enemy is, there's no need to be afraid. \" At all. \"

\"If someone ants to hurt my sister, let me alone. I'm strong and I on't give up.\"

\"Yes, no matter hat happens, Alice, please stay in my arms. protecting my brother is a responsibility I cannot take.\"

She accepted Alice's ords as childish pride, and Aria did not understand the means and extremes Alice used to achieve her goals.

. , my sister must).

(You've done enough. You don't have to deal ith hat happens next, sis. I can handle all the sorros and nightmares on my on.)

(because I am ``God's evil document'' and ``Eris' mirror.'' I myself ill suffer all the misery and disappointment.)

After atching Arya's meal scene, Alice also plans to create an Arkham city-style illusion.

hoever, tavel naturally refuses and says that he needs Arya to go to the real Arkan city.

(hoever, this time is different from last time. the fifth forbidden place is the Eternal city of Arkan, here my sister died in many despairs. this time is different from last time).

(If you ant to talk about hy, \"God\" is behind us at this point).

(Yes, Father Ney, the thousand faces of Narlathotep, and Augustus ith the inverted cross.)

Note 1: Father Ney, this character is introduced at one point in the devil's high, here he and his spirit gain divine poer as a result of Augustus opening the cross of Nazia. the ``tyrant'' Nero sat in ``Klein's bottle'' and atched all events lead to the final point, a great cross that separated the ancient gods.

171 the Judgment of God

Silence, silence, this orld is silent.

there as no ind, no sound of breathing, no sign of life in this orld.

In hindsight, this is nothing but endless confusion.

there ere buildings surrounded by rubble and metal fences that looked like tombs.

this orld is an empty shell, but the sky is bright blue.

the black priest ho appeared in this orld looked like a normal person, but he lived freely in this orld ithout giving life.

hen the priest appeared here, the girl's voice echoed around the orld.

hile the orld as singing, a oman came out from ithin.

In this empty orld, in a foreign land, there is only one priest and one oman.

the girl has short red hair and bright eyes.


the oman covered the sun ith one hand and smiled.

that bright smile seems to be surprising even in this empty orld.

the oman looked very happy, sat on a metal frame, lifted her hite legs and sang an unknon song.

She looks like a girl aiting for a date.

the priest sa the oman and called her name.


hearing this voice, the oman expressed fear and anger.


the oman also read the real name of the priest, and hat appeared before her as a savage.

the priest himself is evil and no one can deny that fact.

For a oman named Nero, this is true and undeniable.

A priest should not do this.

contrary to the girl's expression, the priest's mouth idened in disdain.

\"Names mean nothing to me.\"

\"but as your appearance in this orld changes, so must your name.\"

\"Father Nye - hat's his name?\"

the priest seemed to be asking, but more importantly, he as just letting Nero kno.

the priest's eyes seemed to be burning, no, burning, even the sky as burning.

\"You're not sure if you really need to move on, but you haven't resisted yet?\"

the girl looked at the priest and laughed.

\"ell, isn't it enough to do everything? I don't kno hat the oute ill be this time, but it's still fun.\"

\"Age and time mean nothing to me. Everything in the universe is like a dream.\"

hen the priest finished speaking, there as applause.

Not a oman or a priest.

Nero stared at the voice.

She is a beautiful light blue girl ith short blue hair and bright eyes.

hoever, my eyes see only evil.

there is no hope, and evil is stronger and darker than an evil god like a priest.

the light blue girl can only see out of one eye because her other eye is hidden under her eyelid.

Not because of disease or blindness, but the hidden eyes of omen are the root of all evil.

Nero sa darkness as stronger than God.

\"are you ing?\"

the priest said to the blue haired oman. the girl also smiled happily, like a girl praising her lover.

\"Alright, I'll go. but it must be my first time. Isn't the leader alays here? Isn't it strange?\"

\"ho are you?\"

Nero looked at the girl suspiciously, but there as an indescribable darkness in his shining eyes.

\"Names mean nothing to God, but if you ant to call me Send Unlimited car, that's the name I'm using no.\"

\"hat about you? A oman ho has reached God, very fe people have reached the kingdom of God. I don't kno your name yet.\"

\"--Nero, I understand.\"

Yoshitetsu Gobu as furious.

\"Isn't that a name, just a codename?\"

the name \"Nero\" as just a name, but Jiche uxian seemed to kno hat that name as.

\"Sure, it could be a codename, but hat's rong ith using a codename as a name if I don't have one?\"

Nero didn't pay much attention to chi chu mu's ords.

\"So ho do I change the name? hat is this name? It sounds good.\"

\"Roman numeral 'tiger'?\"

``Yes, the correct anser is the number 9 of tsuki no Ko, hich is the number of the National Elder.'' 9 ``doesn't it represent your life? Shouldn't this title be used?' '


Although Nero Gieche did not directly respond to muen's ords, he spoke about the ``God'' that the oman had shon him.

\"did you see through him? ell you did, but hat 'god' do you represent? the old one ho represented 'all evil', or 'good'\" An ancient god?

Ji uxian as not surprised hen he learned his true identity.

\"ould you like to guess? but no matter ho great a God is or ho meaningless the orld is, there are things in this orld that ill never go aay. things that are poerful and beautiful. For example...\"

Nero seemed overjoyed and introduced himself to his lover.

For example, is it like Gran crest black?

Ji uxian looked surprised, but pared to surprise, it could be called a smile.

\"hahaha, I understand hen I see 'God' in this situation.\"

qi che suddenly laughed, his handsome face tisted in madness.

this time, Father Ney kept quiet about Steele's breakdon.

\"So hat are you here for? hat are your reasons for being here? You can see everything and travel through countless times and spaces?\"

\"that's it. Father Nye, are you really orried? or are you just not doing it because you are a human being?\"

\"It's all random, uncertain.\"

\"It's not orth it for anything in the orld to fly my car forever.\"

\"So hat is the beginning and the end?\"

Father Nye uttered this forbidden name.

\"the beginning of the year and the end of the year?\"

the smile as pletely gone, and Jiche uxian had an evil look on his face. Even though he as an evil god, Jiche uxiang stared at Father Nei and the man named Narlathotep ithout hiding his evil intentions.

\"I am sure he is the only hero in the orld. Everything in the orld is for him, and you may say he must be beteen different parties.\"

he spoke like a romantic oman and voice like Nero: \"Send the car to infinity.\"

\"I don't care hat happened beteen you to.\"

Nero as aiting for his arrival. aiting doesn't make him a bad person. because you can't find happiness in just aiting.

but that doesn't mean it looks the orst.

No matter ho confident he as in himself, Nero ould not allo the suffering of \"God\" to happen unplanned.

\"I ant to kno hat your purpose is.\"

\"purpose? there doesn't seem to be one.\"

Zhi uxian reached out and placed a finger on his chin.

\"but if you say so, I ill also participate in reincarnation.\"

can you be reincarnated as a \"god\"? \"

hen Nero said these ords, his eyes lit up.

Nero, ho came to the kingdom of God, has surpassed the demon Nero ho came from both, so maybe the demon Nero ill appear in a ne reincarnation, but Nero himself ill not appear.

All Nero could do as stand there and ait for the great cross Kuro to bee an ancient god and e here.

Nero as an ancient god, so he as not a poerful evil god, but it as difficult for him to participate in the eternal disaster caused by the evil gods.

padre Ney cannot be reincarnated either.

\"okay, hat's the problem?\"

\"So, can I e in?\"

Nero Jiche looked at uxian, hile the other reacted negatively, as if directly attacking the girl.

\"hy? Is there a reason to e in?\"

\"Even if you meet him again, you must kno that he ill not be the same person you kne. Just as you cannot imagine yourself in your next incarnation. , he ill not be the same in the next reincarnation. this is reincarnation. , there is no difference beteen the to.\"

moreover, hat is seen at this time is not ``body'' but ``evil.''


\"If e continue this, it ill be part of the destruction. e can clearly see the reincarnation situation here, and e can intervene in a small area. Isn't that enough? the next reincarnation is Vaughn's ork after at all. \"ouldn't it be better to keep it to yourself in your next incarnation? \"


(It is good to enjoy the abundance of the earth in this life, but do you ant more? that is very selfish.)

\"do you ant to participate in this reincarnation?\"

Father Nye looked at the car and smiled.

No one knos hat the priest as thinking.

hether chi che uxian or Nei, they all lived as ``gods'' even though they appeared in this orld as humans.

hat the evil god is thinking is a plete mystery.

because their characters are also leaders, and people cannot say that there is an evil god.

hat the evil god is thinking is a mystery that cannot be solved.

Even hen they reached the kingdom of the gods, Nero did not kno hat the to ere thinking.

they both talked quietly about their daily lives, but Nero couldn't anser hat as in their hearts.

the matter is very difficult.

\"of course I'm interested, but you only go once, and if you fail then, there's no point.\"

\"If that's the case, ho can I give him a chance?\"

Although Ji uxian seemed to be giving advice, his fierce demeanor shoed that he as serious and had made a decision.

It ill not be rejected by anyone and negative feedback ill not be accepted.

As an unfinished Yog-Sothoth, the Jiche-Uxian fear no ar, only chaos.

\"hat do you ant to do?\"

``I don't kno about you, but ouldn't it be interesting to repeat that and find the only anser?''

Isn't it a good option to stumble upon unknon variables?

As chi-chei looked at Nei's father ith a smile, a terrifying divine poer emanated from his body, and eternal poer emanated from heaven to earth.

of course, a year and a half is fine.

Nero stopped alking hen he heard this.


\"Not if you are.\"


\"because once you're there, I don't think you'll ever stop. You're a god, after all. If it orked once, it'll ork a second time.\" forever, they ill all appear, and no one can stop you, the most poerful demon in front of people.

Father Ney made his anger clear, but the light in Nero's eyes did not shine like the stars in the sky.

he looked at them, unsure of hat he as thinking.

\"then this reincarnated person can make a difference.\"

baba Nai requested to send an unlimited car.

\"If you don't mind, no problem.\"

the Fifth Restricted Area ith the Arcan city as not a central plan to send the Infinite machine, but as deliberately built by Nyarlathotep, and if there as a problem, baba Nee himself ould be responsible. , not the infinite man himself.

\"So, that's your 'little' change?\"

\"Father Nai,\" a gentle voice said, but hen Jie uxian heard it, his ords darkened.

\"hat you think\"

“You don't kno? No, Yog-Sothoth.” God said, “ell, you can see it.

\"I kno, of course I kno, inevitable fate, etc.\"

Ji-oo plains, but the person next to him seems like a different person.

\"Let's start, this is something that has never happened before. this is the desire of people to have something of themselves, to have their on choices, to choose others, to create a foundation for themselves .\"

\"I sear to God, that's stupid, stupid.\"

\"then please accept.\"

Father Nye said again.

\"Yes, I agree. they make the choice, so hatever happens to them, I don't interfere and I don't care, just let it go.\"

Ji uxian said such heartless ords.

baba Nai's smile never ent aay and nobody seemed to be able to take it aay from him.

So, let's see hat kind of songs ill be released this time.

\"Either ay, it's going to be very interesting. the oute is uncertain, the process is uncertain, the beginning is uncertain. this is a scenario here nothing is certain.\"

\"but if it's alays like that, it's useless.\"

\"So this game starts only once. me and you, isn't it a quick game?\"

\"Yes, that's just a joke.\"

(this is a joke, but it's more than fun.)

(At this time, Su xia's evil god ill also join in. the problem is ho to enter)

. Unfamiliar taste? )

the to evil gods laughed.

\"Alice, this is amazing. hat kind of food is it made of?\"

\"huh? I think it's better if you don't kno, sis.\"

Aria as a bit confused by Alice's ords.

\"hy did you say that?\"

\"besides, there are happier things in the orld you don't kno about. I sear I ould never lie to my brother.\"

Alice looked at Aliya and ansered ith a stern expression.

but Aria didn't understand hy breakfast had to be like this.

Isn't this a mon problem?

So, there is no such idea.

\"And even if I anted to tell you the truth, I ouldn't kno ho to tell it. besides, I just don't care.\"

(In other ords, I don't even kno hat kind of ingredients are used in cooking.)

Alice as more relieved hen she understood hat he meant.

\"don't orry, the food itself is not poisonous, it's better to say that eating it is only good for the human body. but e don't kno the exact time, and e don't kno hat the food is. phone .\"

(that's not a lie. In fact, I don't kno the names of any of the \"knon\" ingredients, let alone the ra materials.)

\"Are you sure there's no problem?\"

\"Sister, I really doubt it, but is there a problem?\"

Every time Alice sees Aaliyah, she orries.

Aria doesn't kno hy Alice looks at her like that, but she knos that nothing ill happen to her sister and she can't let anything happen to her.

(hen did your eyes look at you?)

(hy do I kno that my sister's cooking is poisonous? oh, hen did I start suspecting my sister?)

(this makes me very angry.)

Aria finally took her eyes off the food.

Alice helped Aria gently ipe her mouth.

\"okay, no problem no.\"

Alice smiled and looked at Alya's hair.

\"If I continue like this, I'm afraid I'll bee a useless person ho doesn't kno ho to take care of myself.\"

\"Sister, sister, even if you lose me, I ill protect you. You don't have to doubt or orry about that. Everything ill be fine, everything ill be fine. \" Just leave it to me. \"

(It doesn't have to be this ay, but something is rong.)

Alice's kind demeanor and eyes made Arya doubt everything.

I don't ant to doubt that, but I also don't ant to doubt my happiness right no.

Aria harbors an illusion in her heart that such happiness is not hers.

\"ake up, ake up\"

hen Alice called, Aria as lost in her thoughts.

hoever, this time I did not feel such disfort.

Yes, this is my life, forever, hy did my brother leave me? ho could he be so unlucky?

Such thoughts are strange to me.

Yes, my life should be perfect as long as my sister is ith me, everything ill be okay.

It is a sin to doubt that happiness.

\"I'm sorry, but I've been feeling tired lately. there's something different than usual.\"

\"Alright, let's rest this morning. I have to go to Akan city tomorro.\"

\"tomorro? Suddenly?\"

\"hat's the problem? Are you free tomorro? Sister, ho did you make an appointment ith?\"

before Alya could start to deny it, Alice's face darkened.

\"I'm not.\"

\"No problem.\"

After saying that, Alice smiled like an angel.

Aria as also confused.

At night Alice sat on the roof and looked up at the stars.

\"Let's begin, Father Nye.\"

\"You are impatient, little Alice. Are you looking forard to your dreams?\"

the man ho ansered Alice as a handsome black man in a robe.

\"Su xia's master, Umr taber, is helpless. No one can be trusted in this endless disaster, right? Everyday life?\"

\"one day, I as peaceful and happy. Just looking at my brother made me happy. I couldn't bring myself to bother my brother. ho could I have the courage to stop him from doing this? do you ant this?”

\"An encounter beteen the Great cross of Kuro, the evil hunter Raven, and a demon named tiberius ho is not the end of God's time.\"

\"It's amazing that you can stay in a place like this.\"

Father Nye looked at Alice ith kind eyes, but hat attracted him as Alice's malicious expression.

\"If you don't, you'll be causing trouble for him. If you ant to escape from the evil god Nyarlathotep, it's a little out of place to use that name again.\"

\"If I remember correctly, there must be some 'evil spirit of God' ready to replace you.\" \"

\"that's right, Alice. So, hat are your suggestions?\"

\"Isn't that already decided? dad!\"

\"haha, the anser is the same as before.\"

172 Great cross

In a small house in the city of Arkhan, da Shijiran faced a big problem in his life.

In other ords, ater sources are cut off as a means of survival rather than as a result of a serious attack.

Actually, the reason is simple: I haven't paid interest since Kuro arrived.

of course, Kuro still hasn't paid the electricity bill, and for a fe days there ill be no electricity or drinking ater in this room.

I am afraid that if I stay here, I ill die of hunger and thirst.

At this time, Jiuro as so hungry that his stomach hurt and he almost fell asleep because of his hunger.

perhaps the adjective \"a\" is more accurate than deep sleep.

hen Kuro oke up, maybe because of hunger, he smelled food.

It might remind him of something -

\"time to eat Aunt Lydia!\"

huilan didn't ant to do it, and the church couldn't do it unconditionally, but people ithout sesame oil or money came to beg.

this is not a rich man's church, it is truly a poor man's church.

Kuro felt embarrassed every time he ent to get food, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Not only food but also tap ater disappeared.

hen it es to poverty levels, Giulo believes he is the one ho needs help the most.

\"hen ill these days end?\"

Jirou screamed, and at the same time the smell that entered him gre stronger, and he realized that it as a devil that entered his desire and tried to him again.

the desire to eat is very obvious, and such a smell is exactly ho Satan destroys himself, loses control and even loses noble thoughts.

be patient, be patient, you can't eat like crazy.

Giulo still uses supernatural poers to control his urges, but such poers do not help him overe his confusion.

Yes, the smell of food is overhelming and overhelming.

Kuro couldn't stay calm for long, especially since his stomach started to sell.

he is also a little afraid of being an animal because of hunger, and even into a mindlessanimal.

ell, if you think about it, if you eat out, it's a first-rate option against food demons before you have to put up ith the smell.

Kuro then decided to jump on the couch that as being used as a bed.

he must have been asleep for so long that hen his feet touched the ground, it as as if electricity ran through his bones and muscles.

Kuro, ho as soft and eak, kne it as due to lack of nutrition and food.

\"Kuro? You're aake? big crest Kuro, did you hear me? oh, don't let me go.\"

I heard a beautiful angel's voice from behind me. the voice as clearly conscious, from memory to hearing, and soon I as orried that even vision might be a problem.

oh, and there's more to such nonsense than relying on tap ater to get you through the day.

Jiulang thought about this and decided to act quickly before the situation orsened. he left his broken home and ent to Sister Lydia's church to deliver food.

I ish Auntie ouldn't ask me for food. that ay, Kuro can borro the ork and pay for it.

I don't have money, but I still have life. It can be said that this is Kuro's current situation.

\"Great cross!\"

this time the voice seemed angry and I as orried that he ould leave soon.

but is this a real human voice?

No one kne that nothing ould be found in Kuro's house. So hy do e hear other voices?

hat came from the phone as not an electronic human voice, but a distorted female voice. this sound is indescribable. Stop aking up to your phone's speaker. Real human voice.

No anser except hallucinations.


this is a mon sense anser.

hoever, in the future, Kuro felt as if someone as holding him.

It goes through hearing and memory, and finally reaches the sense of touch.

If things continue like this, it ill be very strange, and our five senses ill not be able to tell the difference beteen true and false.

hat e need to do no is stop human hunger, but e can't do it any other ay.

oshiguro decided to strengthen Kurou's heart and at the same time examine his thoughts.

the girl ho caught Kuro's attention as different from hat he expected, and as a hot girl ho could be described as a ashboard.

She is less than meters tall and looks pretty and beautiful, but she doesn't look like she's 12 years old.

the girl's eyes ere shining, she as earing children's clothes, and her black hair around her aist as bloing in the ind - because Kuro didn't close the indo properly.

the girl's eyes ere on Kuro, and she as holding a steaming hot lunch box in her hand.

the smell of lunch.

this is a quick lunch that you can eat right aay in the microave.

Is the idea still affordable at this point? Kuro couldn't help but onder if this as the food he as thinking of. It just became a fast food box.

hoever, pared to food,

Kuro, her younger sister's guardian, looked at her ith eyes that made her onder if she as real.

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