

第95章 无光深渊(2 / 2)
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Is that really possible?

If you can't do that, hy prove it?

Aria couldn't understand hy xiao Ai as so trustorthy, and felt that her on memories and understanding ere at odds ith her on.

ho trustorthy is this person or ho can you prove it?

then, xiao Ai shoed a disgusting and tisted expression.

he seemed to remember something he had never remembered before.

because I kno hy I learned magic, hy I had to enter this orld of constant fear and learn forbidden and heretical knoledge.

one simple reason: he anted to escape dagon's curse, and he didn't ant to bee another izard.

I ant to be myself and I have someone to love, but ho can I find someone else? Every day at miskatonic University, I sat in the forbidden library, guided by the magic books I entered one by one, forcing me to read these fantasy magic books... It as a nightmare and hopeless. . .

to escape from the mysteries of the future, to escape from being a vessel of God's poer, I put all my hope in it.

So hy can't I remember anything? I rote don exactly everything that happened in minutes and seconds.

xiao Ai is in a frenzy.

but the next time, xiao Ai calmed don.

by the ay, I don't remember hen I first learned about the ortley family, or hether or not that knoledge as accurate.

It must be a tribe of spirits ho use Yog-Sothoth's poer to create gods for divine beings.

this knoledge is the basis of my personal thinking.

because if I kne, I ould be helpless to find Gu ei'er and run aay everyhere.

After all, the best solution is to face the poer of evil gods rather than magic, right? I still have the urge, but I can stop it because I kno it's over, and no in my mind, it started the moment I sa you.

If you think about it, this memory may have been created only hen you sa it.

Although Ai Lia obviously didn't say anything, xiao Ai guessed the situation almost correctly.

this idea is stronger than an Aria ho doesn't kno the reason even though the anser is right in front of her.

both look similar, but this head is different.

At this point, I don't kno hich direction the boy is facing.

So, atley, ould you please take me somehere unknon?

here you ere born, here you live in dunich, here the gods create illusions.

A place here the magical poer of Yog-Sothoth shines. this is sex. Seeing my confusion, I thought the anser resided in the dark.

xiao Ai took a deep breath and looked at the motionless man.

Repentant, indifferent to people's opinions, and pletely ithout a moral shield, ms. xiao Ai learned that it is better not to talk to ordinary people than to talk to bad people.

hoever, xiao Ai himself as almost alays born this ay.

Upon hearing the good nes from the god, as a magician of dagon, he should not be kind, but let him influence the affairs of others.

As for dunich's animals, such emotions and behavior are unique to him.

but everything here is yours, and if I can control it, it's all yours. hat is that? In that case, can you take me there? the paradise orld of Yog-Sothoth is the homeland of animals created by the poer of evil gods.

hy do e do this? It's hard to understand.

It asn't a lie, Aria as shocked.

he didn't understand the idea of others running aay from the poer of the gods, hy he didn't ant to be a magician of the gods, hy he didn't ant to be a magician of dagon.

Aria couldn't understand that idea. I can't seem to understand a person ho ants to die in poverty even though he can live a happier life than others.

All are part of Yog-Sothoth, one ith all.

Everything is belo standard.

can it be knon?

All the so-called goals are found in Yog Sothot.

You are already ith God, so hy do you ant to run aay from him?

Aria can't believe that xiao Ai, ho loves evil gods, doesn't kno this.

Even if you escape from dagon, here ill you go?

Life or death, evolution or destruction, this is only the cycle of Ubo Satra.

but if there is life, all opposition must be eak.

And you ant to use the poer of the entire coalition to eliminate the Gospel of dagon?

Aria had long knon that such behavior as nothing but desperation.

but Aria said nothing about it.

those ho really kno kno, but those ho don't kno can't even ask.

After hearing the conditions xiao Ai proposed, Aria didn't ant to talk about it.

he does not ant to influence the decisions of others.

because he knos that if there is no accident, xiao Ai's decision must be in line ith Aria's mind.

but there is a problem.

the other side ants to go - here is dunich?

but Aaliyah's body as born from the pages of love, and she as born from magical light and connection to the orld.

It as a little different from hat xiao Ai expected.

In other ords, Aria has no poer to bring another person to that place.

Such a place has never existed.

At least from Aaliyah's perspective, that's natural evidence.

but Aria didn't seem to understand.

Isn't it the right thing to continue this misunderstanding because xiao Ai thinks he has a chance?

As Aria thought about this, her greed and greed exploded.

then, Aria held xiao Ai's hand tightly and ansered his ords seriously.

It's over, don't orry, you'll really help me, if you don't believe me, promise.

(Are you kidding? No one ill believe you even if you sear to them, right? that's hy you need to control your enemies ith magic?)

xiao Ai thought about the possibility of this method based on Aria's actions.

but after half an hour, he remembered that he never understood this kind of magic.

After all, xiao Ai as at full strength.

xiao Ai, the mage ho obtained the Idol Gospel, as extremely poerful, and the moment he raised his hand to take it, the energy released as parable to the effect of a ghost god. .

No, it should have enough poer to destroy even a demon in one blo.

A ghost car is a vehicle created by magic to impersonate the gods.

Although it as not parable to a true <God>, it as by no means eak hen it came to battle poer.

Even the black Sanctuary's robot destruction poer cannot harm the divine machine tank.

d As a priest, xiao Ai has the same poer.

In this seemingly eak body, you should not orry about such betrayal, and you should not orry about the loyalty of your opponent, because no matter ho strong you are, you ill be crushed by your on strength. .

Regarding the above, no matter hat you think about it, there is no natural ay to bat it.

therefore, xiao Ai has a need for this part, hich is not mon.

therefore, he himself is not ready to master this skill.

pure force cannot solve such problems.

At best, it can only be used to solve all the problems, but xiao Ai's violence is not very high, so there is no need to solve the problems.

hat he needs is no different from hat he says.

things like this cannot be solved at once.

xiao Ai as so orried about this that he anted to raise his hands in a breath.

hoever, he soon abandoned this attempt, as these impressions ere useless in current events.

If he as strong enough to fight the old man, he ouldn't have to fight the evil, imperfect god. Even failure is a real enemy under God.

It is possible to kill the dead, but there is no point in confronting them.

xiao Ai once read a book about Eastern immortality called the Secret book of Seven chapters of xuanzhong. Information about the old ones is damaging.

I never thought there as such a horrible religion in this orld, so it became a polygamous religious group, a magical group called taoism.

xiao Ai thought, but an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

hat does unbelief mean?

Aliya looked closely at these ords.

Aria doesn't care hat others think, she is true to her on opinion, but she is like an animal full of bad thoughts, all she needs is attention, and all that evil ill explode.

No, I missed something. Are you interested in antiques?

xiao Ai also realized that meeting him as part of his actions, and quickly changed the subject.

Apparently, he intended to take this diversion as an explanation.

As expected, Aria as pletely confused by hat the other person said and quickly forgot hat xiao Ai said.

Evil god? Is there anyone there?

No, there is no God or truth here, but there is a pletely secret ay to descend from the gods, it is not difficult to kno more if you ant, hehe, as a god you also have to think. hmm, I have to think about it. See the thoughts of your true parents, not as vessels of this orld, but as your true creators.

xiao Ai's ords reached Aria's ears like a devil's hisper, and she had to admit that she as a bit moved, but before acting, she began to doubt.

hat do you mean

the goal? No, this is all a gift from me to you, it means nothing to me, I don't ant to meet the evil god, I don't ant to be part of the old government, all I ant is to be you I just ant to be live like that. culture of the ruler

. (hether you ant to believe it or not, you and I are in Yog-Sothoth, and eventually e ill return to our Ubo Satra bodies, because that is the beginning and the end.)

of course, Aaliyah couldn't understand other people's thoughts, and even though she had thoughts before she as born into this orld, she had no memory of being Aaliyah devi after that, so it as difficult for her to understand. Love took him, that's the ugly truth no.

A life closer to Elder than Elder trion. of course, the closest thing here is just a thought. Even tryon and other crosses from the past still have humanity, but only an element of evil. At this point, Aaliyah has pletely lost these qualities, for better or orse, and all she's left ith is divine decay.

but aren't you interested? It as a great magic that this ancient group had perfected for many years, and its magic as as profound as any other magic in the orld. haha, just kidding, this should be simple knoledge for you to understand.

. hoever, the evil god's poer is already there, and the remaining aura is a corresponding magical sign. Religion has e, under the poer of God, the light of freedom has arisen, and that is a onderful thing.)

book of madness 160 (53)

A very dark cave.

the cave is supposed to be stone, but it has a big door, and it's a fe meters aay from the outside, and you can't see other places, and it's dark ithout light.

It looked like a portal to another orld, but pared to Aria's appearance, it looked like the mouth of some kind of animal, hich seemed to be motionless and aiting for food to e.

I felt unfortable standing in the dooray.

the main reason for this instability is, of course, the great aura of darkness.

this cave as filled ith chaotic, unexplained energy, as if they ere trapped or aiting for aliens to arrive.

Arya as about to enter, but as the evil eye had told her, her steps ere heavy, like a stone statue, and she could not move.

Seeing this situation, xiao Ai ould definitely not agree ith him, he ould not allo the other side to be pletely isolated from the outside orld.

In the next moment, xiao Ai immediately grabbed Aria's hand and led her into the cave.

hen I entered the cave, my heart almost stopped.

hoever, only Aria felt the effect.

At the same time, a strange thought came to Alya's mind.

. . ).

Aria thought that mysteries ere emerging one after another, but like a fog, she couldn't solve any of them.

I can't see in front of me or behind me.

It doesn't matter if you go forard or backard.

but at least Aria felt xiao Ai's feelings and doubted her on thoughts.

but ith this feeling of self-doubt, he as used to fear and used to fear.

the feeling of resistance and repetition seemed endless for a moment, cold seat running don Aaliyah's back and tearing at her clothes.

At this time, xiao Ai led Aria and continued to alk ithout stopping.

the environment is as dark as the light, and you can only see about half a meter.

but this is no different from the previous situation.

Aria as so angry she couldn't speak.

Is this the altar of the tantric cult of dagon?


hearing Alya's ords, xiao Ai looked at the others at the party in shock.

he did not understand hy Aaliya asked such a question.

did the other person think they ere going somehere else?

don't you think it doesn't look like an altar?

but the latter must be negative.

this is because xiao Ai believes that Aria cannot feel the ``aura'' of this place.

hen Aria met xiao Ai's eyes, she felt uneasy for some reason.

I don't understand hy I'm thinking about something, but I can't help it.

Aria, ignoring the others, suddenly noticed xiao Ai's gaze.

xiao Ai's thoughts ere the same as hers.

this is a pletely crazy idea. that's hat Aria as thinking no.

Apparently, the to ere meant to be one, proving this bad idea.

Aliya anted to leave sloly, but did not think that the idea ould e true.

but Aria knos in her heart that she is not and must escape this event.

the thoughts intensified, the agitation increased, and a dream-like stream began to take over Aria's thoughts.

xiao Ai didn't notice that Aria as gone and started talking again.

of course, this is the main altar of esoteric buddhism, and even if the evil god falls, there is a secret method from here to summon the body of the evil god, and it is also possible to destroy the barrier. because it is covered by the polyhedron of the old divine light, there is no problem to release the evil god, but the stars in the sky ill move to their correct positions, and the evil god's magic poer is still \"measured. \" the old gods rebelled. otherise, even a poerful magician ill do it. there is no ay to release the evil god.

hoever, only God knos hen the stars ill align.

So, to bee a izard you need a chest.

After saying these ords, xiao Ai did not ant to talk and as in a bad mood.

ithout a magician, such an altar is just a magic to attract the attention of the god of the universe, haha, a magic to make the evil god fall from the throne outside and cover it inside a person. . the body, in the end, bees the usual magic that reaps reards.

but I don't ant to be a vessel, I don't ant to give my opinion because of the villagers here, that ill never happen.

e to think of it, xiao Ai's tone could be called negative, he didn't have a good opinion of this place, and he didn't like being a dagon itch.

he ants to destroy everything here and his bad behavior is controlling his mind.

hoever, he did not act on this idea.

Even ith an evil body transformed by divine energy, it as no match for xiao Ai. Even if God is evil, he is still God. >.

man or beast cannot resist, nor deny God.

black, black, anger turned from the heart to the eyes, and an evil look appeared from the eyes.

Right no, xiao Ai still remembers hy he became a dagon magician and hy he became an immortal monster.

hen pregnant.

before xiao Ai as born, her father brought her birth mother to the altar of this evil god, used magic to attract the god's poer, and implanted xiao Ai in her mother's body.

the eak humans could not resist the attack of the divine poer and immediately changed from humans to animals.

of course, the ord monster as xiao Ai's opinion, and in religious terms it should be called a god.

And then little Ai, born from a surrogate mother, turned into a monster, a monster indeed.

hoever, he is at least half human, a love child in a fetal state, ithout a soul, but this state ill not last forever.

Although the divine energy floing into xiao Ai as extremely eak, this bination as unbearable and he gradually transformed into a beast, a magical beast born from divine energy.

God probably exists as a vessel for God's calling.

this state is like ilbur hatley, they are all monsters that exist to make a box to cover God.

hen she as young, xiao Ai's father brought her biological mother here and used this magic to attract the attention of God and place it inside the human body, to plete the distance.

hoever, unlike ilbur, Little moon, born from Shenky, as not a monster from the beginning.

It had been groing since his birth, and even though it hadn't, it had bee stronger than the immortals possessed by the poer of a god.

they are also equipped ith magical eapons that express the teachings of the gods, and their creations ill be called the remnants of the evil gods in the future.

his duty as a servant of God ill be pleted hen the evil device he created ill be exhausted.

blocked mr. xiaoai as slo to progress, but from the day he finished it, he never stopped and pleted it little by little.

If nothing changes, xiao Ai has to options. Either die or bee dagon's body.

ithout these to people, xiao Ai had no choice.

the moon, the little moon, can't escape or find a ay to escape from dagon's curse, everything is definitely not good here, there is no ay to escape from it, it is an immortal evil.

hoever, no one here in Innsmouth kne about xiao Ai's evil deeds.

It is impossible for them to understand that they are priestesses, because they hate God.

It as a great honor for these divers to appear to dagon and be the vessel for his arrival.

hy do I hate it? For scuba divers, it's like understanding a triangle in a square.

Although they understand, they treat it like child's play.

but it is not simple.

Even if he anted to destroy this place, all xiao Ai could do as to use external forces.

If there is a reason, it is because the spirits are here, and if xiao Ai uses his poer here, he can enjoy the spirits.

the soul that as not there continued to flo into his body as if it had found its oner. this as the end of the magical eapon taught by the gods, and the evil god descended here.

It is possible that the mystic order of dagon brought him here, but as a mage born of the spirit of God, he as cursed and hated by everyone to stop the corruption of the evil gods. he as also a respected person in Innsmouth because of his job. it is. Even the gods speak ill of him.

hoever, Aria begins to doubt herself because, in her opinion, this seems like a misguided rebellion. Saya Arya as a bit relaxed, thinking that she as also part of the girls, but she had other ideas.

(this ouldn't be the first time xiao Ai dagon's mage ould do something like this, because it ouldn't affect him if he failed.)

(hoever, if I fail, I ill not be forgiven as Yog-Sothoth's monster.)

(If his ords, deeds, and eyes think in his heart, his intention is to destroy this place; if this place is pletely destroyed, the act of giving ill be destroyed. (he thinks, he does not say it, but out loud, his eyes told me that.)


(No matter ho eak my poer is, if I trust other gods, it ill be enough.

(have you sacrificed others to achieve your goals? If so, this is the right thing to do.)

Although xiao Ai didn't say a ord, Aria guessed hy xiao Ai anted to bring her here.

on the other hand, if you ant to escape, there is no reason to e here.

that's hat Arya thought, but since she ent to dagon's altar, there as nothing she could do about it.

his heart seemed to calm don.

So, is this the gift you ant to give me?

Aria deliberately asked the question as if she hadn't thought about it, and xiao Ai ansered ithout hesitation.

Yes, is there anything you are not satisfied ith?

Great magic that summoned evil gods and a large amount of divine energy, such a large amount of resources ould be a great treasure even in the Age of Gods.

You can use this poer to create ne demons, activate magic, or strengthen eapons.

I kno that the evil god ill not e, so at least I have a strong folloer, but the strongest is the ater rabbit, hich can directly counter the ghost engine, so I don't orry too much.

this property as originally used to guide the stars to their correct positions in the sky and has been accumulating for over 50,000 years. Eventually, stored energy can be used as a unit of account in more ays than e can imagine in countries today.

(If you have such a poerful divine energy, even if you are not a itch, it is enough to use astrology. If you are called an evil god, it ill not disappear).

(A secular person can be deceived, but this statement, hich hides a lot of information, seems deliberate.)

(didn't you intend to summon an evil god, or as it in preparation?)

(Is anyone else lying? No, I don't ant to, but I'm not hiding anything either.)

(does the other party have the authority to hide from him? or is the other party a citizen and he doesn't kno?).


(In this case, the secret society has another reason. honestly, hy is it so difficult all of a sudden? oh, I don't ant to orry, I ant to breathe, but that's not possible.)

Aria grunted as she moved.

is it far An hour has passed since I alked, but nothing has changed.

I anted to back out of here, but Aria couldn't find a ay out.

therefore, at this time, he could only think sloly and did not ant to talk to xiao Ai.

. position? )


. ill evil gods earing human bodies control the idols and gain divine poer? )

(hen the seals of the old gods are restored, the nature of men and gods ill also be restored. they ill be three divine sons in human form. they are 100% human and 100% divine. both gods) And humans and I are both sex monsters. )

. God's human body cannot be eternal).


(Such a ild idea is never possible; if you try hard enough, you ill think of it. And no one has said that.

he thought, the cold seat on his back, his hole body as cold, his face as as pale as gold paper, and he as about to run as fast as he could.

hoever, he did not realize that the knoledge he thought he had as not at all the knoledge found in the cthulhu mythos. because there are no ancient gods in his creation.

hat happened? hy does something suddenly seem bad? It is not easy to disturb the atmosphere.

xiao Ai sa the person's appearance as if he had bee dead, and felt that he understood hy the other person as like that.

(I'm not bragging at all)

Are you looking for an escape, are you at the door of ealth and ant to escape?

xiao Ai's eyes ere very cold, very cold. Aria oke up quickly, and although she as very scared, the girl in front of her as unharmed. A magician among the gods, he is an animal that can be confused ith the god of evil, or in Eastern mysticism he is sometimes called the animal of the sky.

Arya is actually the god of Yog-Sothoth, but no incarnate. At this point, even though he ants to be stronger, he lacks confidence and regrets hy he used his avatar to travel. If you really enter this temple, hat ill happen in the future?

but on the other hand, if you ant to escape, death is the time. xiao Ai, there as no ay the devil ould let him go, but no he shoed it? this is really bad luck.

thinking this, Aria ran as if accepting her fate. Seeing this scene, xiao Ai also smiled happily.

hoever, I felt a little trouble in my heart.

. , regardless of the oute this time, it is not surprising that it ill lead to the future that I have decided. )

(but hy do I feel cheated? No, it's just an illusion. It's supposed to be an illusion that represents a moment of freedom through the magic of the body armor. Yes, I can escape from all poer. It's a beautiful that realization. ho can you fear yourself, evil gods?)

After xiao Ai calmed don, he quickly left.

hoever, the future is not a bright future, but despair and hopelessness. trusting in an evil God is a great mistake to think that you kno everything, and the biggest mistake of all is to think that God is in your poer. So ho can e change it for the better? Is there any other end of the ise devil than despair and talk of pride?

book of madness 161 (54)

Is it an altar? Is this dagon's temple?

After several hours of travel, Alia reached her destination.

but there are no priests or people praying here.

the hole temple is like any other, lifeless.

In fact, there is not enough oxygen to sustain life.

Aaliyah's breathing as abnormal, in fact, she asn't even breathing.

If you say it's broken, Aria ill definitely agree, because no matter ho you look at it, this place is hers.

hoever, you ill find it hard to believe that this is still a functioning temple.

he still felt that if anyone believed hat he said, Alya must be doing something rong.

here do you see his brand in action?

If it eren't for the supernatural forces that existed here, Arya ould never have believed that this place as connected to the gods.

Aria then turned to here xiao Ai as, staring at him as if she anted to kno his condition.

hoever, xiao Ai's reaction as no different from her on, as if she didn't understand the reason.

It asn't just Aria's imagination, xiao Ai as actually very suspicious.

the reason is that this place is far from the altar knon to xiao Ai.

the changes ere so great that xiao Ai could hardly understand here the place came from.

the moon is pletely unrecognizable, as it has been abandoned and abandoned for thousands of years.

Looking at the beautiful building, xiao Ai couldn't believe that this as the temple he kne.

(If the altar is like this from the beginning, ho many years ill I have been trying?)

but in the next moment, joy sloly appeared in xiao Ai's heart.

because this pillar of our future has started to collapse.

For the first time, xiao Ai kne that hope as near.

the hope of escaping the evil fate ruled by God, no matter ho simple, as like a light that xiao Ai could not see directly.

xiao Ai started alking here ith joy in his heart.

Not long ago, xiao Ai as standing in front of the all, and at first he looked at the all carefully, but soon xiao Ai as too busy looking and I couldn't understand.

Is this a previous post? Is it eird that I don't understand? It sounds like an old Laurie script, but it's not, and it's so interesting you'll never kno hat it is. hy do you have strange text here? of course I didn't rite this on purpose, but I just don't understand it.

xiao Ai plained that this as the first time she sa a ord she didn't kno.

xiao Ai, a vessel of the evil god and a magician of dagon, knos many books, including the ancient language of Raleigh, the sacred tomes of underground demons, and even the language of Lu of Asa people. Ai knos everything ``I'' says, at least to the extent that it can hear, speak, and understand.

hoever, this as the first time xiao Ai had seen this type of riting mixed ith the language of the First civilization.

he had no idea hat as ritten on the all.

xiao Ai uttered his ords exactly and attracted the attention of others.

Aria stared at xiao Ai in shock, someho realizing hat she as doing and seemingly fascinated by the mystery.

Finally, Aria's heart appeared.

xiao Ai, you must not have logged in yet.

moreover, Alia immediately expressed this position, ithout ever trying to hide this disdain.

hat do you think? I really came here, this is the right anser, it's not a lie, hy don't you believe it? You can't get anything by lying, and you can't say you did it because you thought it as fun.

At first, xiao Ai seemed to be joking, but soon he hid this strange expression, and hen he turned around, his expression changed into a question.

he seems angry and doesn't believe Aaliyah.

Until then, he hadn't realized the situation he as in or ho suspicious he as.

If you are unsure at this point, you are in for a surprise.

(of course, this is not a lie. I as born here and bathed in the spirit of dagon. ho can I say that I don't have it? this is the absolute truth.)

Little Love said this quietly, because hen some people found out that his selfish ideas ere rong, they anted to kill him.

If Aria kne, she ouldn't let xiao Ai do this.

hoever, seeing xiao Ai's confused expression, Aria didn't kno that xiao Ai lacked confidence.

yes? but your job no is different from the jobs you came here before.

hoever, even though her doubts ere dispelled by the others' deceitful ords, Aria's doubts about xiao Ai's current actions did not go aay.

Shift your suspicions to hy the other person made such a statement, rather than hether they are here or not.

In fact, hat xiao Ai did in the past as very troubling, and the ords that caught his attention and drove him crazy ere the cause of his disfort.

hoever, Aria has no doubt that xiao Ai is lying.

After all, hen I came here, nothing like that happened, but I felt that there as a big change, so I as curious and andered around. do you kno hat is ritten here?

After saying that, xiao Ai pointed to the riting on the all, hich as strange and boring.

the structure of the sentence is enough to be described as anti-Adam, and the person ho made this sentence must be a genius ith a mind different from that of ordinary people.

hoever, the author of this text is not human.

Aria looked in the direction xiao Ai pointed, and in the next moment, Aria confidently ansered xiao Ai's question.

because unlike little Ai, the ise Arya understood the riting on the all.

xiao Ai is normally ignorant. this is because at this time, people do not speak the same language, as before.

this is from the future.

hmm, I get the point, it's a tradition I don't understand, because the riting on the all is not like Raleigh's riting, but eastern runes that go back to space. this as done only because those runes ere the language used by the ne great races of the post-human era.

A big ne race? hat kind of content is it? At least I've never heard of him or any other mythical creature.

xiao Ai didn't really think about the cthulhu legend, so he couldn't understand hat Aria as saying, and said in a suspicious voice: hoever, it is limited to a small area, and even no there is no ritten record of this type of arcraft, so ignorance is mon.

Aria asn't ashamed of it, but if xiao Ai said she kne, Aria ould think it as a big deal.

If you haven't heard of it, of course it's a mon phenomenon, but as I said at the beginning, this is the existence of future time and space.

A long time ago, before people ere born on the earth, a group of children of Israel escaped from a ruined city and came to the earth, and ith great force they turned the corpses into the earth -

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