

第93章 可能性(2 / 2)
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So you thre me a cold plate? Are you from Satan? can people really do such terrible things?

Aria screamed and sore as a plate of cold ater as suddenly poured over her. this is pletely unacceptable and unthinkable for any reason.

the person I ant to ake up is a priest ho claims to be a super high school level detective, but hat does this have to do ith me?

because e slept together? so I can't do anything

hen Nancy turned around, Aria slammed her right hand on the table hich startled her.

Not at all? Not sure ho to gently ake someone up?

I tried hugging, licking, kissing, everything.

oh my god! ?hat did you say?

the other person said ith a surprised expression.

No, because there is no other choice.

Nancy spoke loudly, but her voice sounded like she as hiding something from the crod.

ell, don't orry about these little issues, aren't there more important things than these little issues? And this loss is not a small thing. In my opinion, it's better for you to see it yourself than to talk about it, but I don't think you need to see it. Look for the anser in your eyes.

First of all, e are not only talking about sin. e cannot ignore the current situation. Second, I'm a librarian, not a research assistant, so if something big happens to me. ill you avenge my terrible heart? Scarier than cthulhu's dream.

Alia as really angry so she got angry and said rude things.

therefore, actions and self-improvement are thron to the ind at once, and it is better to leave such interesting things to God.

hoever, he suddenly seemed to calm don, but then became very agitated.

Keep your cool, stay aay from me.

(I have never heard that God's icked family caught the flu)

this as malaika's first reaction to Alia's harsh ords because she as orried that she might catch a cold.

but if you use your head, you ill see that this is not possible. because every part of the body is suspect, and as a child of God it cannot be flesh and blood. the best are the mysterious ones that appear in human form.

but in any case, it is not human.

After being pletely satisfied, An Yi realized that hat the other party as doing as just hat he as doing, and that he as playing a role that didn't exist at all.

Aria is the animal that pretends to be a human. he confirmed it in his mind and cooperated.

ho does it ork? the cold ater covered them somehere, so hy as I the only one ho had an accident? No matter ho you look at it, it's not fair, and since you took my clothes, it's your fault.

hen he said this as if he believed something, Aria looked at me and said,

Your ability to be honest and responsible is admirable.

It's better to take other people's things and make them your on. hen do you sleep in the same bed?

So ho's like an octopus trying to hang me?

Aliya said quietly, Anki didn't kno hat Aliya said, so Anki said:

You did it yourself, so ho could an old lady ith good taste like me do that? No matter ho you look at it, it's all your fault.

Vani said shyly. his body looks like an elementary school kid.

So, that's the end of the story?

Nancy aited a long time hile Annie changed her clothes and folloed Nancy into the living room.

book of madness 148 (41)

Angel is no folloing in Nancy's footsteps.

Arriving at the hall, An Yi noticed that something ne had happened.

Suddenly, things get eird here.

he still couldn't see hat as happening, but sloly he realized that something as happening.

hoever, the feeling of disobedience in Annie's heart did not go aay.

he still felt it as pointless.

It doesn't match his knoledge.

Speaking of my impressions, I felt that some of the products ere suddenly replaced.

Again, he kne it as rong and couldn't be rong.

but he couldn't control his feelings.

No one can see hat you see.

Suddenly, a ar broke out beteen the heavens and the people. Aria began to speak.

you! hat you have is more difficult than before, hat as the original form of prohibition that became the text of torture and murder? hmm, that's really bad, isn't it? You don't ant to e here and do that horrible thing to me, do you?

Aria, ho had never seen An chi before, sa this scene.

In this terrible situation, Aria said nothing but this feeling.

It as unthinkable that a beast like him could do such a thing.

but he couldn't do anything about it.

So maybe this ill happen.

the career life is very difficult, but everyone has a monster living inside them.

(oh, if I say so, ill I get the same treatment?)

hen Arya realized this, she felt she had a chance.

do humans ho can attack even their on kind sho no mercy even to non-human animals?

he began to regret hy he as speaking here.

of course they couldn't have done that.*** Lea never thought of that.

because if someone does that, Aaliyah on't hear someone ing.

this house is surrounded by an aliya all.

only gods separated from the evil god or gods from the holy realm can freely enter the barrier.

Although the purpose of the barrier is not safe, there is no problem even if ordinary monsters enter the barrier.

hoever, if she does this, there is no doubt that Aria ill be able to sneak past opponents as a blocker.

So Aria kne that hoever did something terrible had to be here before the stone as thron.

It's not far.

If you think about it, everyone in the orld ho has done something like that must be one of them.

Aria does not kno ho to sympathize ith the deceased even though the deceased had nothing to do ith her.

After all, it's just a stranger.

hat Aria fears is that people ho think this ay have the same opinion about her.

ell, thinking about it makes me happy.

Aliyah is not a type of God that is separate from God's demons, let alone part of the evil God.

Aria's body as extremely eak, and the beasts that Annie and the others had fought so far ere beasts of this level.

So this time, Aria also investigated the matter.

Aliya's eyes sa a husband in the room that as supposed to be open ith ropes, but she didn't kno hy - all the ropes ere cut.

hoever, he as lifeless, and Aria sa bana's body lying there, heatless and lifeless.

but if e only study it ith the help of the mind, no one can think that it cannot be called alive.

the body had six severe ounds.

As far as I can see, I as very lucky because I managed to keep my hole body from collapsing.

Aria as a bit skeptical, ho much hate can there be?

In addition to fatal ounds, there are many ounds that serve no purpose other than to cause pain.

So many that Arya didn't even count them.

hat shocked me the most as the stomach ulcer.

the ound as bleeding into an ugly lump, but he didn't feel anything about it and it asn't as noticeable as other ounds.

hoever, the ound as filled ith candies that sparkled like jeels.

Yes, it's candy, but Aria doesn't kno ho she feels and doesn't ant to kno.

It's like candy mixed ith blood.

Aria put it in her mouth and felt angry.

he didn't ant to do that.

Just thinking about it makes me sick, think I'm going to rot, and feel like throing up.

thinking of this, Alya's expression changed slightly.

he as angry at the thought.

Aria looked at the body, trying not to look at the candy filled ound.

Aria turned around and realized that she as about to be tortured to death. the scars on his body tell the story.

hoever, bana's ords ere a little different from hat Aria thought.

Yes, but that doesn't mean he died in ignorance.

but he doesn't look like a victim either.

If there is a reason, it might be because it seems radical like the culture of bana.

Even though the pain as different, Aria couldn't see the ords.

this is a manifestation of physical eakness that he cannot control.

I felt that this dead man had no fear or terror, he died of fear.

Although it is a dead body that produces evil genitals, it also has a contradictory and perverse sense of relaxation.

(Is it relaxing?)

Aria thought to herself.

For the mon man, just seeing such garbage can prove that the environment is clean.

this body, bathed in the glory of the gospel and death, is something like a blasphemy, something like a dream.

At the same time, there is great holiness.

At first, Aria thought she felt the same ay.

but contrary to his thoughts, he felt nothing, it didn't pare to the idea of eating candy mixed ith the blood of the dead.

It's not just an inconvenience.

Aria also experienced happiness.

he suddenly felt as if he as being offered a living sacrifice.

(Strange, hy do I feel this ay? It shouldn't be that ay, but I can't help it. hy?)

Aria tries to react normally to her situation, and even though her acting skills are not good, Ani still knos the tists and turns of her heart, because that is mara's talent. you have it.

Undoubtedly, this is the enemy of mankind.

Although they look like humans, they are actually animals.

For a moment, Angel felt as if he sa the true form of a man under the illusion of a human form.

It as a terrible beast.

therefore, hen qi sa these ords, he couldn't help but look at the other party ith suspicion.

but hen you think about it, it's not a big deal if the opposite is done and people like you are killed.

Nancy may have been saved by her boxing skills.

As a situation beteen trojan researchers. It is impossible for Nancy to have this poer.

but chi definitely doesn't have that ability.

on the other hand, he didn't hide his needs, An chi could attest to that.

So, after thinking about it, An qi repeated the question.

hen taking care of Nancy, I hid my feelings because I didn't have the ability to face her head.

he believes that it is impossible, it is not difficult to kill someone ho does not kno, it is not difficult to kill a poor person like Nancy if there is no ar.

Nancy's strength as a fighting character goes beyond the skills that boxers need to kno.

It is said that it is a gift from God and by using it he ill have amazing poers in his body.

So Nancy must think that there are no such strange and onderful things.

Nancy doesn't have to get aay ith murder or anything like that.

Nancy also takes advantage of the limitations of being human.

he is not an animal ith human condition.

please consider. hen facing the alking corpse before, Nancy's punches eren't enough to get a person through.

there is no ay that a beast like Arya, ho can give herself a forbidden book, can be eaker than a zombie exterminator.

Even the animals that looked like alking corpses ere corpses manipulated by magic.

e are not limited to mythical creatures.

At least Angel didn't think Arya as eaker than the beast.

therefore, there is no need to fear the Evil Family of God. besides, An II certainly has convincing evidence, and that is the video.

the angel placed various tools in his house.

Although there is no audio reception function, the resolution can be said to be full, so in this case it is enough to see the video clearly.

these monitors are also some of the best Angel has.

For example, An qi has no interest in voice acting and believes that it is unnecessary.

In the current situation, Angel can use the puter to find exact ansers to these things hen he returns to his room.

but he is not in his room yet.

And it as clear that he couldn't use his head to the information that as in front of him.

It's not a aste of your talent and there's no need for effort, right?

Using the talent is also very tiring.

he never forgot about losing his spirit hen he used his skills, and thinking about it made Anii sad.

As a researcher, you cannot gro sloly.

In other ords, as times change, the fundamental development of conscious thought is lost.

If you go to San0, it also represents moral decay.

A man sealed by the poer of the trojan horse is transformed, aakened, and bees a seeker of magical truth.

If you bee a researcher, you first lose your future possibilities.

Even if you plete the entire process, you ill still receive a certain amount of reputation value as a reard.

hoever, you can reduce the loss of value in your system.

currently, the overall resistance of An qi is almost the same as the previous devices.

If you ask him to use his skills again, he ill be forced to do a difficult job.

At this time, Annie as in a bad mood and sloly oke up, feeling like she as droning.

he knos that by using this feeling of mind, his attitude can sho itself in the orst ay.

Annie ouldn't be surprised if she found out soon.

ho can I use my skills ith strangers? ho is this possible?

ho do you see hat e are doing in the orld, is there anything that orries you?

Yi Go expressed his anger at Arya, but Go An chi's eyes clearly shoed hat had happened in the past.

Although he clearly kne that he as going to take his tape recorder.

but Angel doesn't ant to move, he just ants to sleep.

Annie as too stressed to go back to her room.

this is not the most important factor. Annie felt that if she stayed here alone she ould die here.

Not even the poer of the forbidden books could save him.

Also, Annie suddenly feels unfortable ith Aria, hich is also a mental issue.

It's as exciting as atching someone mit suicide.

Even though he kne that the forbidden book he got as about someone else's isdom.

Even if Annie dies, I kno I on't be here.

but for Ani, it's hard to ignore the excitement caused by ignoring the difference beteen truths and enemies.

he ignored the idea.

As a result, Annie felt bad just by saying the ords.

If not, hat else ould you like to think about? You closed the door here, the deceased died in your house, the rope as cut, the result is clear.

Aria said it so forcefully that even the boy had to admit his on insanity.

In other ords, this man found a ay to escape from the seal, and hen you succeeded, you found him, and he as oppressed, and this is hat happened.

(oh, there are so many objections here that there is no ay to start even if there is a place to start).

Angel gets a little taste of hat high level insanity means.

As Aaliyah says apples and oranges in your ear, it's not true.

hoever, if you use negative ords, it looks like the children are fighting.

No one is perfect.

If that actually happens, hopefully e on't have time to talk about it here.

Nancy froned in disapproval, then put her fingers in Alya's ear.

Nancy seemed a bit upset, but the strange thing is, after seeing bani's body, she asn't surprised.

he itnessed the dead bodies of the poor.

You don't need to do a digital check.

Aria as a bit skeptical about it too, so e let them go.

ho could a normal person not be like that?

Aria knos that the trojan horse exists, and she also knos that the to failed to perform a sanitary inspection hen they found the body.

hurt, let me go, cruel oman, let me go.

Aria screamed. but he scolded the child even though he as not sick.

but Nancy spent a lot of time doing hat she anted.

but he seems to be in a bad mood.

Aria could feel her surroundings like a finger, even if she as far aay.

Still not sure about these things after atching the video?

Another person said something disgusting.

do you ant to record a video?

Yes there are cars everyhere, if you find a place ithout cars, I can't find any, neither does the super high school detective.

by the ay, hy bother? there is nothing.

hat do you mean it's not big? this is a dead man.

Nancy spoke loudly, as if she anted to change someone's mind ith her voice.

oh, aren't they dead? the only question is ho to die.

this time, to Nancy's surprise, it as not Angel ho ansered, but Aaliyah herself.

hy are the dead important?

Unknon people, many unknon people, die every day. maybe because their life ended, maybe because of an accident, maybe an accident, maybe a revenge or something like that.

but ho cares? this should not be nes.

So hat happens to the lives and deaths of people ho are not famous or important?

Someone died, but it doesn't matter to you.

At first, I thought that he came up ith this idea because he as afraid that the person ho killed him ould also kill him. but isn't it?

there as confusion in Aaliyah's eyes that as pletely out of place.

this oman looks like an animal in skin.

Nancy as happy about it. because if he is a good person, ho can he see death so close, but he can't do anything.

hat the poor call it, even a place of recreation called a park house, may frighten them.

ho can e see and feel the living corpse?

In other ords, he ill think that he is the murderer because he died next to him.

Suddenly, Aliyah said something that bothered her, and Nancy better understood the difference in their thinking.

No, that is not the reason.

hy orry about it? or, as a former super high school boxer, have you ever killed someone? It's so stupid.

Aria made the same silly joke, but Nancy's ords turned ugly again.


Your genius makes you ugly, you idiot.

According to another person ho entered the room at the same time and took the video.

of course, before I as afraid to go home alone, but no I have decided.

Furthermore, Anzai's ords made me unfortable.

Aria looked at him and seemed to sense something as rong.

It's a simple breath, but it's there.

the next time, I couldn't hear her breathing.

In the end Aaliyah ignored it ithout meaning to.

At this moment, An Yi realized that although he is a human being, he can no more understand the thoughts of other people than the old or the young.

Just because he killed someone ith his on hands does not mean that he initiated the killing.

huh? Are you asking me? I don't kno.

the other one looks the same.

I'm also the type of person ho doesn't get scared even hen I atch scary movies.

Are you on the same page?

Nancy is very critical.

book of fools 149 (42)

ell, not the same.

they both calmed don and started talking about things like that, as if they suddenly forgot hat as going on here.

then Annie raised her head a little as if agreeing to Nancy's protest.

of course, Angel meant something different to Nancy.

No to people are truly alike.

I can tell you that both of us feel that our positions are not the same.

Soon, An Yi began to reveal his side.

For example, hen atching television, the subject of representation is larger than the actual person.

You cannot expect quality music or filmmaking experience from classical music.

No matter ho scary a movie is, if the visuals are bad or the music doesn't match, it on't be interesting.

In a real experience or real environment, there are no sound effects, and it is difficult to have cinematic visual effects.

don't think I've done something like that, there's no ay he'd be scared of tV.

I do not deny that thoughts are more important than other influences, but it is not difficult to control your consciousness unless you ask yourself, ho can you be afraid of something that can kill someone?

he had alays knon that it as in the human mind, but it as not until he came to the trojan room that those limitations ere his, and that by developing his mind they ere pletely suppressed.

but is it really possible for such a person to attract the attention of a trojan horse, like any other person?

of course, this is an unanserable question.

And no matter ho many times e repeat this confusion and thought, the final anser remains the same.

As she spoke, Nancy's expression gre orse.

he as angry.

that's not hat I'm talking about

In other ords, the person in front of you is only reacting to illusions, and not reacting to hat is actually happening.

Seeing Nancy's silence and hard face, Aaliyah became her assistant and explained hat Angel said.

but Aria didn't ant to say that.

As I said that, Aria seemed to ant to join the conversation and speak her mind.

but I got no anser from any of them.

Is it not just the death of a stranger, but the past, the past?

those ho have not yet entered the life of a person, those ho do not leave a trace of life, those ho rely only on blood and have no one to love, these people must have no feelings in any case. .

hy is it difficult to understand hy e respond to the death of others?

I really don't understand, hy am I like this?

Arya said the look of disdain on her face as pletely innocent.

She didn't think she had anything to say, and since Arya as a monster, she actually asked.

he probably said those ords ithout thinking.

In fact, if he hadn't been hatley, he ould have been.

itches are unnatural creatures that are just animals that call themselves humans.

e may look normal on the outside, our actions may look normal or beautiful, but in reality, it does not reflect our humanity.

As for Aliya, she as fortable hiding her feelings, but this idiot didn't understand her problem.

After quietly listening to their opinions and thoughts, Nancy didn't kno hat better ay to do it than to remain silent.

there as no pain or thunder, so Nancy didn't kno ho to change her mind.

Although he looked beautiful on the outside, he felt that he as not human inside, and as actually a demon earing human skin.

Nancy didn't understand hy they ere like that.

of course, at this point, Nancy is sure that Aaliyah is not a stranger.

No matter ho you look at it, there is no other explanation than that people ho live ith such evil thoughts are terrible people.

Greatly relieved, Nancy became more cautious.

but this idea is really eak.

Aliya Kam is so eak that she is as eak as a child's hand. If Nancy uses that poer, it ill not be difficult to kill her opponent.

because of this confidence, Nancy alloed her partner to stay here and as very happy ith her appearance.

As a member of the small ton of Innsmouth, he is deeply concerned about evil and evil.

For example, hen the invaders of the depths of darkness begin to aaken, Nancy feels the tide of evil and ho people can change and bee animals.

Nancy can even easily feel the aura of dark magic.

hoever, Nancy did not feel such an aura in Aria, Nancy did not consider Aria as an enemy, she must be serious.

therefore, even though the other party pointed it out, Nancy still did not give orders to the killer because she understood that the other party as dangerous.

It ould have been easy for any normal type, but Nancy didn't ant to do it.

At this point, Nancy has no poer to persuade or change another person's mind.

Nancy's hands are so poerful that hile she can destroy ideas, she cannot change others' minds.

It is hard to put into ords that courage and the ability to change the minds of others.

Nancy is not a negotiator, nor is she just a mediator. this kind of thing is very difficult.

the la, even in its simplest sense, is not the same as maturity, hich the people of this orld consider maturity, but ithout a similar statement, it is a bad ord, a fraud, and a plete mistake.

Nancy realized this a long time ago and foolishly chose a ay to change it. this alloed Nancy to successfully let people kno that violence is only in the hands and stomach. For others to understand and understand Nancy's ords.

but apparently, Nancy thinks that this method is unreasonable, pletely unreasonable, and ineffective for to people ho do not care about such a death.

In addition, he can only be forced and obeyed and ill not change his mind, usually he can feel others.

Nancy felt unfortable knoing her opponent's position, but it asn't much better than attacking a handsome man ith her bare hands.

but that doesn't matter, hy don't you atch the video?

Nancy's patience seemed to be starting to ear thin, it made no sense, but Angel still kne it as time to change the subject.

Immediately he stopped talking, and at the same time returned to this strange event.

Suppose you have several monitors installed in your home.

ho do you do this safely? I don't think the average person ould think of putting something like that in their home unless they kne they could put it anyhere. And he decided to leave the other side, but he ould do it after the fact.

If not, you should take some precautions hen making your plans.

Looking at the current situation, there seems to be no indication that this system ill be activated.

Aria studied Angel's movements.

hy is there no such system?

the other asked, not understanding hy the other person thought that.

there is no evidence that the security system has been activated.

It makes no sense hen you think about it. hoever, security procedures are very risky, and if done carelessly, they are very dangerous.

hen you randomly die in the system, it's very funny, but at the same time it's not funny.

So you haven't enabled the agency yet?

No. I started it, but on the other hand they didn't start my car.

the angel gave him a reason.

the to argued about the tape before An i released it.

both are very good, but at the moment there is nothing but the so-called voice.

It is a form of torture not only for the to family members, but also for the abandoned person.

the longer Nancy aited, the more frustrated she became.

Endless even though I thought I had given up.

Nancy as not that patient.

the topics of their conversation began to change until they lost track of here they stood.

ell, this is natural, this is my house and I am not a strong person, so I prefer that these devices are installed in my house so that I kno hat is happening in my room, in my house.

If you are really looking for a ay, even if the real enemy es, you ill find it quickly and fight or run.

but no that the person is dead, you still don't kno.

Regardless of the institutions or methods you are talking about, no one tells me hat is going on here.

hen Aria pointed it out in a cold voice, Annie ansered in confusion.

hy should I kno? this is just an observation, my security system is my responsibility and I don't anser people's questions.

this time, Ani finally couldn't tell the real reason.

the security system he built as the only seminar he built to protect himself, and even if someone died here, the security ould not be removed.

In fact, this can only be a ay to kill an angel if the guest's soul is under the angel's poer.

In fact, Annie quietly said that it as clearly caused by the Infinite's ords. here others go to ask you.

No, I mean, if an enemy enters your house and kills people, hy can't your system react?

this seems a little counterintuitive, but hat I mean by this is that it's actually for security, and ho can strangers access your domain if they don't kno about it? ?

Is this a rong system you have created? ?

that's ho Aria likes to express herself.

he as surprised by this action. Even if it is self-defense, he cannot ignore the enemy and ork in the field ithout anyone knoing.

If so, is this security system that can protect itself more questionable.

(by the ay, hy?)

A question popped into Annie's mind.

then, for some reason, I seem to remember my dream in the dark.

the feeling of distrust that I had forgotten suddenly returned.

Angel's expression as blank at Alya, then looked at Nancy.

Everything seems unanserable.

doubts, doubts, like billions of gloing doubts, An ii could not concentrate and even anted to use his head to understand.

hoever, Angel's health value is 40. pared to an original mage like Aria, it is pletely orthless. If Angel's health value is 0, it does not mean that he is crazy, but it has something to do ith his personal guard, the Guardian. Keep secrets and do strange things. (Note 1)

It also indicates personal and moral destruction.

the end of being human and the beginning of life as a rocking horse.

Not you, your character ill be replaced by a trojan horse and your broken character ill bee meaningless.

At this point, An qi as not far from plete collapse.

Surely e are nearing the end, approaching a dark autumn ith no future.

For example, if you itness the appearance of a god, An chi ill definitely end.

the end of the trojan room is not physical death or the loss of all reards from the trojans.

this is the only reason hy numeric values are returned as 0.

based on his experience of using his skills for the first time, An Yi did not believe that he ould be subject to the special agent's unfair punishment if he used his skills again.

hen it happens at the time, it suddenly collapses, thinking about it makes people orry and I'm orried that I on't be able to plete this game.

(but hy?)

he thought about it and realized that he had done nothing to prevent his plans. of course, according to the traditional meaning of the text, An ii is in a supporting role, ith other masters taking over the research. project the story is true.

(but hy no I seem to be atching this terrible plot? It makes no sense anymore. maybe because the other detectives died and all the previous plots ere abandoned to me?)

hen she realized this important point, she looked at bana's body and felt an indescribable fear in her heart, as if the blood as floing through her veins.

his face became ugly and his hand movements became stiff.

Alia noticed An chi's deception and reached out her hand to touch his forehead.

I don't have a fever but I have the flu. did I say that scorpions are not the flu? No, that's not true, even idiots get colds.

hy can't I be happy that I alays feel that you care about me? If you are stupid hy do you call others stupid? Is it true that fools are not ise?

he already kne hat the other had said and then replied that Alya's ords ere orse because of the other's interference.

but on the other hand, Annie moved on before she could say anything seeter.

oK, here's the video. atch the video no.

Ani said lightly, then put all the videos she had on the device and the videos started playing on the tV screen mounted on the all.

Angel then played the video on the remote control, but at midnight the night before, there as no one except bana ho as tied to the rope.

Yi treated him as if he as healing an infected demon, he feels that this person alays brings drama, so he thinks it's good that there is no discussion or contact, but An chi doesn't ant that to happen. , he did it, even cheating on Nancy.

ho did God kno this sudden death? And suddenly he as in ae of her and orried.

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