

第93章 可能性(1 / 2)
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条目 6

从徒劳的搜索中回来后,维莱米尔和穆尔克进行了交谈,权衡了缺席和最近事件的影响——似乎暗示了一些趋同,但仍然模糊不清。anization, and spoke to Nancy ith her eyes to sho her hy. this setting is unknon.

Nancy also rolled her eyes and said she had never heard of this system.

I tried to talk to the Golden trojan, but there as no anser.

the conversation seemed interrupted and no different than before.

this is not the time to ask questions.

No, Annie sa the half smile on Alya's face and she as sure of it.

this god interfered ith the trojan clock.

It's like a ne divine poer.

For a time after this orld as created, it as not possible to talk ith trojan horses, but such things must have been created by the people of this orld.

It as the most terrifying orld he had ever seen.

Even in the old magic school system, one cannot help but realize the existence of the trojan horse, the ruler of darkness and the savior, ho is close to God.

hat happened to this man!

Everything is ritten in books, but have you read them?

this page is easy to read, but ho can I read it in one ord?

Another person held a book and said, ``It looks like it's broken, but if you think about it, the content of this broken book ill arrive today. hy don't you ait no?''

hen as this book published?

A month ago.

Aria ansered An chi's confused question as follos.

that's not a lie. try searching online. God does not give rong ansers. try to use your mind.

After Alya finished speaking, she sang for a hile ithout anyone atching.

It is said that God does not approve of lies. but this time, the god of fiction is dead.

the god of the dead is not a god because he is not a god, and that has nothing to do ith hat Arya said.

Additionally, Arya's magic as used to connect to ornn's netork instead of the fake netork.

So at this point, Angel's puter is a netork that connects to orlds simultaneously.

Irrational magic that goes against the principles of this orld has been created.

Another came out ith a laptop, and his fingers fle like before, as he printed a list of books and authors on the screen.

As expected, this is a riting published by the <house of Azathoth> (Note 2).

his face as very ugly, but Nancy didn't seem to kno hat as happening, hich surprised her.

hat happened? Angels

doesn't that mean the enemy kne hat e ere doing a month ago? Fortunately, this is only about God and nothing to do ith me.

of course, hat An ii knos is hat he ants the other person to kno.

he didn't kno anything about someone using magic to get false information.

hoever, Ani's results should not be considered a mistake.

Arya as able to expose herself to such things, she as able to publish this book, she kne about it, she did it.

ho is the author? to Annie and the others, it didn't seem like a big deal.

hat matters is ho much the other person knos.

At this point, An qi could find some reason to feel fortable.

Although not successful in this regard, Arya also gave a bad story.

he brings out the story again and ithout aiting for An ii to correct, Alia gives An ii the last page.

hat happened?

Ii is confused and Aaliya points out another part hich aggravates Ii's ords.

this is hat Aaliyah shoed in the folloing ment.

In this case, predicting the future is like predicting a prophet.

this may be an ining message.

the information is neither true nor false because the angel receives the information through his intelligence.

therefore, he did not doubt the matter.

After Annie finished reading, she began to speak.

hurry up, pack your things and run, e're running out of time.

hen I finished speaking, I ran to my room ithout orrying about anything.

because the information above shos that a terrible shock is ing.

Fortunately, Angel has his on car, so he can travel freely.

Aria plained ithout thinking.

ell, it's too late, haha.

hen Aaliyah is stopped from playing monkey bystander, Nancy pulls her aay.

hey here are you taking me?

does it even need to be said? of course he's in the car, so you have to go ith him. Kay---<high School Librarian> You don't even kno that, or is there something else? besides, I still don't kno your name.

So hat's my name? It's useless to kno that.

No one is happy if they don't say their name.

Nancy likes beautiful things and likes to play ith them, but Nancy is not stupid and does not trust a person's appearance.

therefore, he does not approve of people like Aaliyah, ho is a direct informant.

Especially beteen us and the enemy, the other person is pletely unknon, and it is doubtful hether they are human or not.

he also didn't say that he as a member of the <Ne God> group, so he decided to block the monster, but he suddenly appeared near him, and something scary, Nancy thought that he as a member of the group. that's a strange question.

Even in the \"Golden trojan\" game, a partner is ready and suddenly not like him. this is not true.

Alya, an intelligence officer, suddenly appeared, but since he as not a soldier, he did not ant to listen and did not speak.

If the result is the opposite, An qi ill definitely be in great danger.

Nancy could not ait for some kind of provocation from her enemies.

No, Nancy, a gift from God, ill not be afraid of this oman and force her to ask.

but this time, everything Nancy anted to do stopped and she ent ith him, because suddenly her movements accelerated and she landed straight.

Note 1: the half-mer man grabbed his ankle and dipped it in the River Styx, hich hurt him, and he oed it to God to have the miraculous poer and isdom of ar like a isdom his eyes are not et by the River Styx and are eak.

Note 2: From \"the cthulhu mythos\" by Vartan bagdasarian. A collection of Edard darby's novels and poems has been reprinted by this publisher.

book of fools 147 (40)

It should be like that. otherise everyone ill be safe.

there ere no fatal accidents, but everything as calm for no.

does such fort really exist in the orld created by the trojan horse?

this bad idea quickly became reality.

After Annie and the others left the door alone,

I as dran to a certain tension.

there is no ay to understand hat it is, and you cannot see things change ith your on eyes.

Everything is blurry and you can't see clearly.

he suddenly turned inside and out.

Your body's internal organs, hich should function smoothly, bee rebellious, like unpaid orkers.

they all ant to ork because they ant to get out of their bodies.

hether it's bones, hearts, or anything else, they all cause the same reaction.

Rather, it ants hatever is outside the body to be absorbed into the body.

this backlash hurt An II badly.

It as loud and disgusting and unfortable and I didn't have the strength to stand up.

he as lying on the eak ground, and no matter ho he stood up, his body could not move again.

You can clearly feel a kind of dream ing out of your body.

but he as a part, like a stranger at this point, unable to control his body.

confused and confused.

he turned his head. he felt as if his soul had left his body.

She looked at Nancy and Annie sa that the other Nancy as very similar to her and no different.

It is affected by all kinds of disgusting miasma.

he didn't understand hy the orld had changed so much hen he left.

hy do I accept death for a hile?

my physical condition is getting orse.

It as true that he had a forbidden book that could change life and death, but at this time An qi as unable to pull out this magic book ithout using it.

It is not impossible.

the miracles of the gods are not revealed here.

the miasma-like barrier surrounds the entire city, and there is no exit.

If this is a dream, An ii really ants to ake up.

but there is no ay to make this dream e true. there is no ay to dream hen this physical life is reversed and the hole body dissolves and the pain spreads elsehere.

Someho his eyes began to darken as the miasma began to eat aay at his eyebros.

there is a decrease in vision, hich is being more noticeable.

malaika initially had good eyesight, but her vision seems to have deteriorated to about 40%.

he finally sa a smile on Arya's face, as if laughing at her on eakness.

Arya herself as unaffected by the despair this miasma caused.

hoever, Annie stopped thinking and felt like her brain as melting, and the pain caused by her brain melting caused her to stop thinking and lose her ability to think.

Everything seems to have returned to chaos, and everything is controlled by the original chaos, dark Night, an outer God named Narlathotep.

Suddenly, a dish of cold ice ater appeared and the people shivered.

Alya and Ani, lying in bed, ake up from a bad situation.

Although such a condition ould not be pletely lethal, enough heat to kill a human instantly as nothing to an animal like Aria.

No feeling of pain.

hoever, the pain did not fully manifest itself, and even the sensations caused by the ice ater did not please Alya.

So, their dreams ere shattered by ice ater.

but for An chi, this might be enough to free him from the nightmare.

At this point, they ere both et, as if they had just stepped out of the bathroom.

(hat on earth is happening? hy is this happening so suddenly?)

(You on't die? I've even lost hope. I'm alive because I can still think.)

(then it's just a dream. Yes, it's just a dream. that can't be in my future).

(hat!? hy can't I remember anything? I should have remembered, but it as only 5 seconds, hy, hy can't I remember?)

Another man hit him ith his hand five times, but he felt nothing but pain in his head.

he can't remember hat he doesn't remember.

At this point, Annie doesn't kno anything except that she's having a dream.

he never forgot anything about that dream.

At that moment, Annie closed her eyes unfortably.

he didn't change until he heard someone's voice.

So hy are you pouring cold ater on me? No doubt I am a guest here, but hat kind of guest in the orld is so hospitable?

Aaliyah asn't content to just pour cold ater on Ani hile she slept, as if she asn't dreaming.

Even if you feel strong and don't have the flu, it doesn't mean you're sick.

It is impossible to kno hether it is acceptable or unacceptable for humans or animals.

monsters are stronger than humans.

Even though she looks like a girl, Aria looks like a monster and is helpless.

hoever, at this time, Aria seemed to understand that something strange as happening here.

I mean, Arya's character just cried.

Suddenly, a conflicting thought appeared in An Yi's mind, as if something as telling him.

(that's not true. Is there something rong? No, hy can't I think of it?)

A dream dream.

he can't seem to agree ith himself about everything at the moment.

It's like seeing the dead suddenly e back to life and be ith the one ho killed them.

It's like seeing love's silly smile and self-deprecating ords that make you beautiful.

hat he felt as defiance.

this is something that cannot be explained logically.

one is surprised that he is alive and can still lead a normal life.

he couldn't believe hat he heard at that moment.

the other man held his hand.

Even though it as not lifted, the light came out from the sensation beteen my fingers, and it as as cold as a corpse.

(Am I dead?)

At this point he thought about this interesting question.

of course, half a second later, An Yi realized that a plate of cold ater had been poured on him.

that's hy my body is cold.

Angel didn't understand hy he could think such a stupid thing.

he didn't kno hy either.

the conflict beteen him and Annie seems distant.

Angels cannot hear his feelings. he as also afraid that if he acted ithout delay, a orld full of disobedience ould suddenly disappear.

this ild idea that can only be described as arrogance pletely disappeared from the next era.

Angel~ You haven't oken up yet?

I as called immediately.

thinking of that, Annie recovered a little.

he looked at the man speaking and sa a look of disapproval on his face.

thinking about it, Annie stood here for a long time ithout saying anything.

he felt cold.

he looked into the face of the speaker, Nancy.

then Annie turned her attention to the clock.

It as only 5 in the morning, the sun hadn't set yet.

And 2-3 hours before dinner.

Anyay, it must be time for bed.

Is this crazy annoying and cool?

Yes, really stupid.

Angel and Aaliyah ere together, and Nancy felt that she ould be surprised to hear that.

At this point, he managed to escape from the shado of the dream, but soon he did not kno hy he as orried and looked like a fool.

hen are you no?

It's time to relax.

Aria ansered Nancy ithout thinking, as if her ords ere the isest things in the orld.

but a season like this isn't necessarily bedtime in the first place, and that's a good thing for Annie.

to this day, Aaliyah doesn't understand hy she had such a rough upbringing.

If you're going to do it, you should do it because it's important.

but hy are e here? After doing something bad, the next thing to do is cruelty.

hy does it seem like nothing happened?

Aria struggles to understand the mysterious turn of events.

but in his heart, he seems to understand the reason.

hoever, there is still a long ay to go in translating this understanding into language.

So I don't kno if he understands or not.

but no matter ho you look at it, earing such et clothes at this time of the year is not the right thing to do.

Aria felt safe and took off her clothes.

then, as if she recognized this as her house, Aria ent to the arehouse and took off the children's clothes ithout thinking of the oner of the house or asking for his permission. I changed my environment.

A black and red children's dress.

I'm lucky because there are clothes that fit me.

because this is my room and the clothes you are earing are mine.

As a teacher, it is not good to respect Aliya's dress ithout asking her opinion.

hoever, Aria replied that there as no crime.

but earing a bra makes you sick, so if you're a bad-hearted person ho ants to hurt others because of your illness, isn't that right?

It as impossible for the animal's body to hurt, but Aria could speak such nonsense.

e don't kno if he is really crazy or if the orking man still has a soul.

hearing Aliya's ords, Ani onders ho knos here her heart is.

this is because he feels strongly violated.

he himself did not understand hy he did not listen.

Apparently everything as as normal as I thought.

No offense, it's all ell intentioned.

but I don't kno hy I suddenly got up ith cold ater, everything is normal.

there is no evidence to support anything.

there is no evidence of this stranger in Angel's memory.

No imagine the angel thinking as he remembers hat he did.

No matter hat methods he tried, An qi couldn't figure out here the problem as.

No matter ho you look at it or ho you think about it, it doesn't matter.

So here's the problem? Angels can't think of anything.

hoever, Angel is a man ho believes in reason more than memory.

Even though your thoughts and actions can deceive you.

but your mind is alays protected from memories. hen there is a conflict beteen memory and understanding, the angels believe in the latter.

there are many things in this orld that can change the mind of others, and it seems that a person can be sent to death if the memory is for himself.

he felt different, and he told himself that no matter ho much he thought about it, it asn't normal.

Ultimately, he believes that Nancy is the key to unlocking this tradition.

because all the crazy things happened hen Nancy alked into this room and used the cold ater to ake him up.

that said, you can't do it yourself ithout asking me.

there is absolutely no difference in terms of results.

hoever, there are fundamental differences in the process.

If you don't have proof, go find it. this <super high school level detective> is good.

Vani thought about it. he as about to use his skills, but Nancy's ords stopped him from thinking.

Let's stop arguing, I think hat happened in the bedroom is better than the little things.

Guest room?

Angie looked confused by Nancy's ords, but Nancy nodded.

So if you don't ake me up, I have to fill a bol ith cold ater to ake you up.

hen Nancy said this ith a happy face, Aria's anger quickly changed.

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