

第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识(1 / 2)
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Y'grakh的部落知识和Ulthar的长期经验为我们提供了很好的帮助,为通过元素形状的隧道和自然画廊的路线提供了建议,收藏家的船必须不可避免地经过这些隧道和然画廊。ettable dream.

he believed these things ere connected, but he couldn't put them all together at the moment.

he is in danger - hat is happening to the orld and to himself is pletely beyond troyan's calculation.

As a result, I felt a sad feeling in my heart, but the urine stain on my butt as the biggest disfort.

So Ani quickly took the bed and undressed inappropriately, and quickly entered the bathroom. Fortunately, Ani slept naked so she didn't ear any clothes and as taken to be thron aay.

After shoering and changing, she ent out and knocked on the door again (this time, Angel's door as repaired, Nancy found the repairman, and she personally took Angel's door, and she took the allet). I paid).

oh, I feel good, and of course there is no door, hy does everyone use the bell?

It happened this morning, so Angie had no idea hat Nancy as doing.

book of madness 140 (33)

Although angelic spirits temporarily exist in the human orld, they are also magicians ho can perform magic, unlike magicians ho cannot perform basic magic. in darkness, and the angels ill kno him.

Usually, angels don't notice anything until these bad things happen.

hoever, hen An chi heard a bad prediction, under normal circumstances it ould e true.

this is true.

this is hy An qi is knon. Your Khan is not rong.

Again, this is not a good thing for me.

e didn't kno hat it as until An ii opened the door himself.

I don't kno hen the door as installed.

Vani stared at the door in front of her, confused, aiting for the door to never appear before her.

Again, Nancy vividly remembered that she had to break don the door.

It as decided before An ii ent to sleep, and there as no doubt about it.

the other person took a finger and touched the door, and sure enough, it asn't a superglued door.

but it doesn't have to be that ay, does it?

I didn't expect to finish repairing the car hile I as sleeping, but hen I sa the door, I realized it.

of course, at this point I couldn't understand ho this guy as so strong that he could smash through an entire door ith one kick, or hit me until I as paralyzed.

hen you think about it, hen random attacks have that much poer, you really should be able to defeat the corpses you encounter ith one kick.

In my mind, I heard another knock, maybe the previous knock on the door malfunctioned, it as just an illusion.

So hat as in front of him at the moment as a large door.

but if you look closely, this door is not hat it used to be.

memory error? Some people think that this door should not be repaired as they slept from the beginning to the end.

hoever, no matter hat, An chi knos from the previous film that Nancy's arm strength is useless hen dealing ith a mythical creature that looks like a alking corpse. boxing petitor.

If everything outside this door is a myth, nothing you do ill change their behavior.

So far there is no reduction, hich must be an incredible blessing.

hoever, errors should not be due to unknon sources.

No, you don't need to think about hat's outside the door at this point, but hy are you dead?

It sounds funny, but if this had happened, Angel ould probably have left the sho.

Even in this orld, the magic that can be used is limited, and I can only imagine hat this system ould be like if magic could be used ithout limits.

there is nothing rong ith this simple assumption.

based on this scenario, there are many mythical creatures that can be created using magic.

In other ords, magic must have some limits.

In a peaceful system here God exists, there is a possibility that there is a higher limit.

number of dead bodies.

there as no ay to find many bodies that ere not destroyed, only a fe strayed.

No, just knoing that doesn't help.

Yiyi stood in front of the door and kept thinking, but pared to hat he thought, it seemed that he didn't ant to open the door.

he couldn't believe it and he as afraid of the man outside the door.

Yi didn't kno ho it as, but Annie didn't ant to open the door because of a strange feeling, but she as also embarrassed to stay here, so Yi as found. ork for yourself.

For example, consider this method.

First of all, he can't be a guest, and even if he is, he's probably the one ho rang the bell.

the second point is that there is no cat's eye here.

he didn't see ho as at the door.

hy are there no doors on Earth? this is a broken door, did some idiot buy it and put it here? doesn't that offend people?

Something screamed inside him.

before Ani could think hard to avoid the problem, the doorbell rang again, getting louder, as if the people outside ere getting impatient.

In the next moment, a bad feeling began to form in his heart, and he realized that if he didn't open the door, something bad ould happen.

If qi returns to the room at this point, An qi must use the puter in the room and connect all the devices in the house so that he can see the real person. outside the door.

hoever, after a fe rings, Angel tells you that he doesn't have much time and spends his free time thinking of a strategy.

A lot of time is asted thinking about interesting things.

At this point, almost all my time is spent.

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