

第90章 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件(1 / 2)
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骰过境格洛丽亚蒙迪。ets that time has passed. only they became poerful animals, and those magicians ho lost humanity ere eternal gods and goddesses. beteen the to natures of God and man is the nature of God.

It as difficult for An qi to experience such a revival, and he didn't think it ould last that long.

that is hy e must pray for God's help.

but this time, this magical book told me that the things I orry about and can't do are not easy to do.

Yi doesn't believe such nonsense, but An qi has no doubts at this point.

As Angel read, he as more moved by the isdom of the author of this book.

Angel is not the person ho created this book. Even magicians ho lived before humans and understood the mysteries of time believed that they could not make this book.

this cannot in any ay be achieved by destroying the poer of magic.

this deep and inparable mystery made the angel understand that this magic book could not fall into the hands of a mere magician in the field of knoledge.

Entering the kingdom of God is strictly forbidden.

For the first time, Angel really believed in Aria's ords.

Angel is interested in the miracles caused by the magic book, but at the same time he cannot leave the magic book.

this shos ho difficult it is to find the magic that aakens people in this orld. Anne does not believe that the forbidden book she holds has the poer to aaken others. this is contrary to his knoledge.

he knos that progress rejects itself, that scientific progress rejects the las from geocentric to heliocentric, but this progress requires that the second must destroy the first. .

qi, the silver-clad mage, must have digested the past events in an instant and changed his thinking, instead of accepting the past events like foolish people. the eternal truth of the hole orld.

If the contents of the book ere true as Alya said, there ould be no reason for Angel to participate in the Silver trojan Game, so the book as very heavy in his hand. Angel's mission is to raise the dead to receive a call from the Silver trojans.

\"the secret that ill change your life\"

he read the title of the book again, and this time read most of the contents of the book.

Just reading a magic book ill bring out your angel energy.

therefore, he did not fully understand this call, and it could not be pleted in a short time.

this means that Angel ill spend a year studying before mastering the knoledge contained in this magical book.

In the previous copies, An chi as pletely dependent on the dark Lord's horcruxes to learn the dark arts, but no his magic lacked the poer he thought.

At this time, An qi kne nothing about this magic book.

Such a good is never a merciful God.

but sometimes you only kno after reading the contents of the magical book.

So An Yi also calmed don.

It as because this ritual as supposed to have the effect of aakening others, but it as different from Annie's idea.

of course, e kno that there is no such thing as cheap and convenient magic.

he kne that there as no lie in Alya's ords, that the \"method of changing lives\" as really a magic that ould aaken others, and that the method as as simple as Alya said... because it had to be he ill sacrifice his on death. for that magic. the book is good, but this resurrection lasts for one day, and if you die after one day, you have to find another living victim.

In other ords, this resurrection has just begun, and it requires sacrifices in daily life to keep it alive.

Angel thinks at this point that this action has no meaning for magic, it's just that the magic book ants to do it.

this is a magic book, because real magicians are not magicians.

If a suitable sacrifice is not offered, there is no such resurrection, and the dead person bees a mere creature.

Angel cannot deny that the price is unrealistic.

Even a mage or person ith a certain level of ability can meet the conditions if they can do it.

In addition, there are no restrictions on magic, and there is no problem ith using it to raise animals that are almost forbidden.

hoever, the poer controlled by this magic book does not have the poer to manipulate the dead, and those ho are resurrected are not controlled by the ``secret soul replacement technique'' and do not obey the ords of the dead.

For An, these plans, hich had nothing to do ith resurrection, ere of course meaningless and only hindered An chi's plan to pass this magical book on the stage.

Angel remembers that he received so much information at once that he still needed time to remember before reading the next thing.

About care after recovery.

this pletely validates the original idea.

the angel's first idea as to use the resurrected one to resurrect the slain and then use the victim to resurrect another before the one-day period of resurrection as over.

the ``mystery of Life Exchange'' is a type of resurrection that is pleted through the exchange of souls, and hen to people e back to life for a long period of time, their souls gradually sloly ing together.

After all, the person ho ill be resurrected is not your loved one, but a monster, an animal ithout intelligence or reason.

Even if you have a ne mission at that time, unless you find a unique ay to survive it and change the space-time to expand and balance it, the things you gro ill bee monsters and disappear. . It ent through time and space. otherise, the person you ant to revive ill be an animal hile alive, and ill alays be a monster after resurrection.

this is the message Aaliyah leaves behind in \"the Secret of changing hearts\", hich destroys Angel's good idea of leaving only one person to make her happy.

of course, it's a forbidden book, but reading it doesn't make me ant to keep killing people?

he didn't mind doing that, but forcing something like that as too much.

Resurrection must be used until the dead dies, and it can be resurrected hether it is destroyed or not, but regardless, it cannot be used ithout this orship. Yesterday is alive.

So no matter hat happens, you have to atch someone die before you can use your magic to ake them up.

So An ii felt too much.

In this copy, the rest of the configuration remains the same as the original, except for the information related to the trojan horse.

therefore, hen faced ith such things, he does not have to act, but express his feelings in a safe and secure ay.

So, no matter hat he says, as long as there is no lie here, the rules ill not be broken.

A ii's biggest regret is that the most important person in the orld is not alive, but dead. otherise, An ii ill not be able to meet that person in this orld.

the changes made to this trojan horse system are related to the \"super high school level\" problem; other than that, there are no major changes.

there is no limit to the magical reards you can receive in this system. therefore, if there ere no further restrictions on the magic book, An qi could directly consider using this copy of the \"Secret Art of hiding Life.\"

hoever, at this point, Ani decides to go back and use this magical book ith magical poers.

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